Trump to declare national emergency

trump has proven he is incapable of working within our Constitutional system. His attempt at an unpresedented power grab will lose a large percentage of independent voters.

What, like Obama ignoring and re-writing immigration law because he can't get immigration reform passed in congress? Illegals from foreign countries are killing and raping thousands of Americans. The POTUS has a responsibility to put a stop to that. You traitors side with the illegals, thank Christ we have president Trump on our side.
Anyone who thinks that is the definition of DACA is dumb. Sorry, but dumb.

You just don't like me rubbing your nose in the facts. Tip of the iceberg, that prick Obama encouraged illegals to flood into our country particularly underage illegals. And we haven't even discussed the horrors of Obama's detention facilities, how underage illegals were recruited/forced into prostitution and drug trafficking before they even got out of Obama's holding areas.
Oh my loving God, "the horrors of Obama's detention facilities?" You think Obama had something to do with that? We still detain underage illegals that enter the country alone. Do you think none of that is going on now? Some folks come here with a business plan. But according to border patrol, it is a very small number.
You people are ridiculous.
Let me see if I have the level of crazy that you are displaying right. 44 was so clueless that under his administration things happened like illegals being detained, the CIA spying on congress, the NSA spying on citizens, his Secretary of State and others knew Bengazi was not started by a video but did not tell him and numerous other things BUT all other presidents MUST be on game and held responsible for everything that goes on in their administration.

Its the old Dem double standard, do as they say not as they do.
trump has proven he is incapable of working within our Constitutional system. His attempt at an unpresedented power grab will lose a large percentage of independent voters.

More importantly for the GOP....McConnell's cave on supporting a National Emergency will haunt the Repubs for years to come. This is an unparalleled effort by the Executive Branch that.....left unchallenged...will set a precedent for future Presidents....

The Courts will rule against trump and he probably knows it. He is counting on a short term win that will assure him of a long term loss....

He's shoving it right up the Rs and Ds nose. Similar to rubbing a dog's nose in it's own feces.
trump has proven he is incapable of working within our Constitutional system. His attempt at an unpresedented power grab will lose a large percentage of independent voters.

More importantly for the GOP....McConnell's cave on supporting a National Emergency will haunt the Repubs for years to come. This is an unparalleled effort by the Executive Branch that.....left unchallenged...will set a precedent for future Presidents....

The Courts will rule against trump and he probably knows it. He is counting on a short term win that will assure him of a long term loss....

Yet the constitution allows the president to call for a national emergency, go figure. Guess that happens when you have a congress incapable of all.
Congress is working. It doesn't agree with the President, and that IS considered "working."

If Congress worked, the border would have been secure in 1990. Congress doesn't work, what they do is lie, take bribes, and vote for the people that bribe them instead of their constituents.
Those who support Trump and his unique presidency are feckless, and will never admit they are supporting a megalomaniac.

For the edification, if not an awakening to those MAGA hat wearers:

Feckless: lacking initiative or strength of character; irresponsible.

Megalomania: obsession with the exercise of power, especially in the domination of others.

McConnell and the Senate Majority are Feckless; Trump is a megalomaniac.

Feckless? Having an unchecked border and allowing millions to enter illegally sounds pretty feckless...dumbass.

"an unchecked border", that statement goes well beyond reality. I suppose you believe everything Trump states and tweets, and you wear the MAGA hat proudly. Keep on going on building sand castles in the sky.

Sure, and you know all about reality. Get back in your fricken tent, and watch where you step.

A couple of pictures prove you are a damn liar and/or out of touch with reality!

photo of long line of cars at the tijuana border - Google Search

View attachment 246001



Seriously!? You can't really be that stupid.
View attachment 246004



He is.
Those who support Trump and his unique presidency are feckless, and will never admit they are supporting a megalomaniac.

For the edification, if not an awakening to those MAGA hat wearers:

Feckless: lacking initiative or strength of character; irresponsible.

Megalomania: obsession with the exercise of power, especially in the domination of others.

McConnell and the Senate Majority are Feckless; Trump is a megalomaniac.

Feckless? Having an unchecked border and allowing millions to enter illegally sounds pretty feckless...dumbass.

"an unchecked border", that statement goes well beyond reality. I suppose you believe everything Trump states and tweets, and you wear the MAGA hat proudly. Keep on going on building sand castles in the sky.

Sure, and you know all about reality. Get back in your fricken tent, and watch where you step.

A couple of pictures prove you are a damn liar and/or out of touch with reality!

photo of long line of cars at the tijuana border - Google Search

View attachment 246001



Seriously!? You can't really be that stupid.
View attachment 246004



"F" Your final grade in Eng. 101. Writing an expository rebuttal to this title:

"Having an unchecked border and allowing millions to enter illegally sounds pretty feckless."

Grow up, put on big boy pants and admit the borders are not unchecked.

what if that planet with the giant insects decided to fly here and take out the USA? would the Dems block the decision to fight them?
trump has proven he is incapable of working within our Constitutional system. His attempt at an unpresedented power grab will lose a large percentage of independent voters.

More importantly for the GOP....McConnell's cave on supporting a National Emergency will haunt the Repubs for years to come. This is an unparalleled effort by the Executive Branch that.....left unchallenged...will set a precedent for future Presidents....

The Courts will rule against trump and he probably knows it. He is counting on a short term win that will assure him of a long term loss....
I doubt anyone who was predisposed to vote for Trump in 16 will change their mind about the Power Grab Emergency. There may be people who chose to not vote, but I think that was a "Hillary effect" rather than a "pro Trump" effect.

Trump's not stupid. He knows he won because his minority pool of voters was much more motivated than those voting for others, or not voting.
trump has proven he is incapable of working within our Constitutional system. His attempt at an unpresedented power grab will lose a large percentage of independent voters.

More importantly for the GOP....McConnell's cave on supporting a National Emergency will haunt the Repubs for years to come. This is an unparalleled effort by the Executive Branch that.....left unchallenged...will set a precedent for future Presidents....

The Courts will rule against trump and he probably knows it. He is counting on a short term win that will assure him of a long term loss....
I doubt anyone who was predisposed to vote for Trump in 16 will change their mind about the Power Grab Emergency. There may be people who chose to not vote, but I think that was a "Hillary effect" rather than a "pro Trump" effect.

Trump's not stupid. He knows he won because his minority pool of voters was much more motivated than those voting for others, or not voting.

Trump's not stupid? True, he's not very bright and seems unable to learn from experience.
Feckless? Having an unchecked border and allowing millions to enter illegally sounds pretty feckless...dumbass.

"an unchecked border", that statement goes well beyond reality. I suppose you believe everything Trump states and tweets, and you wear the MAGA hat proudly. Keep on going on building sand castles in the sky.

Sure, and you know all about reality. Get back in your fricken tent, and watch where you step.

A couple of pictures prove you are a damn liar and/or out of touch with reality!

photo of long line of cars at the tijuana border - Google Search

View attachment 246001



Seriously!? You can't really be that stupid.
View attachment 246004



"F" Your final grade in Eng. 101. Writing an expository rebuttal to this title:

"Having an unchecked border and allowing millions to enter illegally sounds pretty feckless."

Grow up, put on big boy pants and admit the borders are not unchecked.

Drones are like their daddy - they have no idea what they say, and cant remember 15 minutes later ..
If the wall gets built the difference I expect to see here is that it'll be the liberals starting threads when Americans are killed by illegals.
The Repubs controlled all of congress for the 2017 and 2018 spending.

What you speak of is not spending cuts, it is spending moving. We are not spending less, that is a fact backed up by actual figures.

Those things you mention are good things, but they do not equate to spending cuts.

Do you think it's Trump inserting pork for his donors into the bills, dude? That's not even in his job description and you know it. Stop being a disingenuous asshat. You know damn well what's going on.

Look, like it or not the POTUS gets blamed for the spending, since he signs the bills. I am pretty sure I will not find a single post from you claiming the spending during his years was not Obama's fault

Quit being a partisan sheep defending you man to the death, is is not a god, he is just a dude.

I'm fully aware of that. He's a dude that doing/trying to do good for the country. Fucking Obama came up with Solyndra, Cash 4 Clunkers, and big bank bailout. I gave Obama a chance for one year and then realized he was fucked up.

If nothing else, Trump's doing the best out of any president in my lifetime.

My 80-ish year old relative says the same thing, so go fuck yourself, you leftist shill.

He is doing better than the last two, I will give him that much.

and you are far more left than me, so you should keep your stupid name calling to yourself.

remember, Trump is a man, not a god.

Remember: Everybody sees through your bullshit. If they happen to not? I will surely gaslight it. I'm here to help.

[Warning: Fake yet true quote ahead}

Golfing Gator: "Oh, I'm more right than you, but parrot every leftist talking point of the day every day."

Get fucking real, you putz.

I do nto parrrot any fucking thing you lying piece of shit.

you parrot talking points about spending cuts and do not offer a single dollar figure.

I say spending is going up and give the actual amount spent and the budget for this year and you call that talking points.

Why do you hate facts? Why are you opposed to speaking the truth instead of partisan dribble that comes out of your head all the time?

Have you ever given even one single fact or figure to back up your talking points?

fuck off and die you piece of shit.
But no talk about the bad spending bill loaded with illegal immigration expansion and wall prevention? I'm confrused?
Do you think it's Trump inserting pork for his donors into the bills, dude? That's not even in his job description and you know it. Stop being a disingenuous asshat. You know damn well what's going on.

Look, like it or not the POTUS gets blamed for the spending, since he signs the bills. I am pretty sure I will not find a single post from you claiming the spending during his years was not Obama's fault

Quit being a partisan sheep defending you man to the death, is is not a god, he is just a dude.

I'm fully aware of that. He's a dude that doing/trying to do good for the country. Fucking Obama came up with Solyndra, Cash 4 Clunkers, and big bank bailout. I gave Obama a chance for one year and then realized he was fucked up.

If nothing else, Trump's doing the best out of any president in my lifetime.

My 80-ish year old relative says the same thing, so go fuck yourself, you leftist shill.

He is doing better than the last two, I will give him that much.

and you are far more left than me, so you should keep your stupid name calling to yourself.

remember, Trump is a man, not a god.

Remember: Everybody sees through your bullshit. If they happen to not? I will surely gaslight it. I'm here to help.

[Warning: Fake yet true quote ahead}

Golfing Gator: "Oh, I'm more right than you, but parrot every leftist talking point of the day every day."

Get fucking real, you putz.

I do nto parrrot any fucking thing you lying piece of shit.

you parrot talking points about spending cuts and do not offer a single dollar figure.

I say spending is going up and give the actual amount spent and the budget for this year and you call that talking points.

Why do you hate facts? Why are you opposed to speaking the truth instead of partisan dribble that comes out of your head all the time?

Have you ever given even one single fact or figure to back up your talking points?

fuck off and die you piece of shit.


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