Trump to declare national emergency

I hope his idea dies just like ancient Roman criminals.
Of course you do. For the good of the Democratic Party and in revenge of Hillary losing you snowflakes have obstructed, undermined, plotted, and prayed for the failure of this President. It's not like anything is going to change that...ever.
what if that planet with the giant insects decided to fly here and take out the USA? would the Dems block the decision to fight them?

Trump has won the men on his side

That is the real power as Andrew Jackson proved

Congress and the courts said no to Andrew Jackson and he simply ignored them and did his will.

The deep state threw everything at trump to try to get the men away from trump. The men being more logical saw that crooked stuff and went to trump even more strong

The deep state now has been caught by the men as corrupt to the core and now the boomerang begins to lock up the deep state crooks

Justice Roberts may be one of the crooks that may need to run like a rat
And the same people who claimed executive orders were bad applaud this. Politics sure makes people stupid.
trump has proven he is incapable of working within our Constitutional system. His attempt at an unpresedented power grab will lose a large percentage of independent voters.

More importantly for the GOP....McConnell's cave on supporting a National Emergency will haunt the Repubs for years to come. This is an unparalleled effort by the Executive Branch that.....left unchallenged...will set a precedent for future Presidents....

The Courts will rule against trump and he probably knows it. He is counting on a short term win that will assure him of a long term loss....
It will be challenged, and Trump knows he will lose. He should be paying his private lawyers for this out of his own pocket.

No, he should propose an enemy alien tax and a stupid tax to make those like you have some skin in the game.
I liked the part where Trump advocated the death penalty for drug dealers

What a douche
What, like Obama ignoring and re-writing immigration law because he can't get immigration reform passed in congress? Illegals from foreign countries are killing and raping thousands of Americans. The POTUS has a responsibility to put a stop to that. You traitors side with the illegals, thank Christ we have president Trump on our side.
Anyone who thinks that is the definition of DACA is dumb. Sorry, but dumb.

You just don't like me rubbing your nose in the facts. Tip of the iceberg, that prick Obama encouraged illegals to flood into our country particularly underage illegals. And we haven't even discussed the horrors of Obama's detention facilities, how underage illegals were recruited/forced into prostitution and drug trafficking before they even got out of Obama's holding areas.
Oh my loving God, "the horrors of Obama's detention facilities?" You think Obama had something to do with that? We still detain underage illegals that enter the country alone. Do you think none of that is going on now? Some folks come here with a business plan. But according to border patrol, it is a very small number.
You people are ridiculous.
Let me see if I have the level of crazy that you are displaying right. 44 was so clueless that under his administration things happened like illegals being detained, the CIA spying on congress, the NSA spying on citizens, his Secretary of State and others knew Bengazi was not started by a video but did not tell him and numerous other things BUT all other presidents MUST be on game and held responsible for everything that goes on in their administration.

Its the old Dem double standard, do as they say not as they do.

Have you been on Mars? The scum in this criminal regime is incredible! Guilt pleas, Indictments, Plea Deals....Lying, lying, lying....The trump sewer is something we have never seen before.
Congress signed off on the bill knowing that Trump planned on declaring a national emergency at the same time. Do you wonder why Democrats and Republicans still seem equally pleased over it if it's a real win for Trump? His "national emergency" will be held up in the courts long after 2020 has come and gone.
It's also a big win for the swampers, because all this folderol over the wall is running interference so that they can continue their idiotic deficit spending spree.
I hope his idea dies just like ancient Roman criminals.
Of course you do. For the good of the Democratic Party and in revenge of Hillary losing you snowflakes have obstructed, undermined, plotted, and prayed for the failure of this President. It's not like anything is going to change that...ever.
I can't speak for the Democrats, and I've said numerous times that I have nothing against a physical barrier in places where there is a lot of travel. BUT this is truly alarming and if the President gets away with it, it has pretty much made an Emperor of Caesar. You watch.
If he does declare one, Congress should override him and pass an amendment to the bill that more clearly define what constitutes a National Emergency. Do it at the same time to prevent such bullshit from the next Democrat president.

Things like a catastrophic event, unforeseen event, an event that incapacitates the country?
what if that planet with the giant insects decided to fly here and take out the USA? would the Dems block the decision to fight them?

No, they would openly welcome their new insect overlords, give them food stamps, and register them to vote.
Congress signed off on the bill knowing that Trump planned on declaring a national emergency at the same time. Do you wonder why Democrats and Republicans still seem equally pleased over it if it's a real win for Trump? His "national emergency" will be held up in the courts long after 2020 has come and gone.
It's also a big win for the swampers, because their idiotic spending spree is getting all this folderol over the wall to run interference for them.

Good time to invest in pork, or what? :eek:
trump has proven he is incapable of working within our Constitutional system. His attempt at an unpresedented power grab will lose a large percentage of independent voters.

More importantly for the GOP....McConnell's cave on supporting a National Emergency will haunt the Repubs for years to come. This is an unparalleled effort by the Executive Branch that.....left unchallenged...will set a precedent for future Presidents....

The Courts will rule against trump and he probably knows it. He is counting on a short term win that will assure him of a long term loss....

He's shoving it right up the Rs and Ds nose. Similar to rubbing a dog's nose in it's own feces.

And he will lose in the courts....he knows it, his advisers know it, even Hannity knows it. But he needs to save face from his "Mexico will pay for the Wall!" lie.

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