Trump to declare national emergency

I hope his idea dies just like ancient Roman criminals.
Of course you do. For the good of the Democratic Party and in revenge of Hillary losing you snowflakes have obstructed, undermined, plotted, and prayed for the failure of this President. It's not like anything is going to change that...ever.
I can't speak for the Democrats, and I've said numerous times that I have nothing against a physical barrier in places where there is a lot of travel. BUT this is truly alarming and if the President gets away with it, it has pretty much made an Emperor of Caesar. You watch.
Funny how the right applauds tyranny...
Anyone who thinks that is the definition of DACA is dumb. Sorry, but dumb.

You just don't like me rubbing your nose in the facts. Tip of the iceberg, that prick Obama encouraged illegals to flood into our country particularly underage illegals. And we haven't even discussed the horrors of Obama's detention facilities, how underage illegals were recruited/forced into prostitution and drug trafficking before they even got out of Obama's holding areas.
Oh my loving God, "the horrors of Obama's detention facilities?" You think Obama had something to do with that? We still detain underage illegals that enter the country alone. Do you think none of that is going on now? Some folks come here with a business plan. But according to border patrol, it is a very small number.
You people are ridiculous.
Let me see if I have the level of crazy that you are displaying right. 44 was so clueless that under his administration things happened like illegals being detained, the CIA spying on congress, the NSA spying on citizens, his Secretary of State and others knew Bengazi was not started by a video but did not tell him and numerous other things BUT all other presidents MUST be on game and held responsible for everything that goes on in their administration.

Its the old Dem double standard, do as they say not as they do.

Have you been on Mars? The scum in this criminal regime is incredible! Guilt pleas, Indictments, Plea Deals....Lying, lying, lying....The trump sewer is something we have never seen before.

Good time to move to Canada.

I'm just sayin'.
I am hoping that the Constitution of the United States prevails.
The same one Obama violated TWICE?

How about the Rule of Law...which Democrats are trampling by running Federal Law-Violating Sanctuary Cities that harbor and protect human traffickers, rapists, cop killers...or the Democrats repeatedly getting caught, like in Broward country, letting Illegals vote?
Here comes that wall! Hah!
Not. This. Way.


While Democrats are trying to pass a bill that expands illegal immigration and human trafficking the President is actually trying to do something to secure and help this nation...

And you snowflakes are on your knees praying for the President to fail.

I am hoping that the Constitution of the United States prevails.

Declaring a national emergency is perfectly legal and constitutional, is it not?
trump has proven he is incapable of working within our Constitutional system. His attempt at an unpresedented power grab will lose a large percentage of independent voters.

More importantly for the GOP....McConnell's cave on supporting a National Emergency will haunt the Repubs for years to come. This is an unparalleled effort by the Executive Branch that.....left unchallenged...will set a precedent for future Presidents....

The Courts will rule against trump and he probably knows it. He is counting on a short term win that will assure him of a long term loss....
Miniscule in relation to the power grab the "democratic socialists" are preparing to attempt. Goodbye freedoms, hello police state.
Anyone else find it funny liberals claim to be the party of "the moral high ground" yet their biggest argument against Trump declaring a national emergency is to threaten to do the same thing when a liberal is president?

If its so bad that Trump does it, why threaten to do it yourself?

I'm a liberal and I don't want a Democrat to do the same thing. Congress has the power to stop Trump, and change the law so they can't.
Funny how the right applauds tyranny...
Bwuhahahahaha.......STFU, you idiot!

AGAIN, the President is using Constitutional / Legal Authority given to him by Congress, using a power that has been used 59 times in the past by Presidents from both parties. 32 of those remain in effect.

I don't mind snowflake WHINING...its when they lie their assess off while whining I can't stand.
Here comes that wall! Hah!
Not. This. Way.


While Democrats are trying to pass a bill that expands illegal immigration and human trafficking the President is actually trying to do something to secure and help this nation...

And you snowflakes are on your knees praying for the President to fail.

I am hoping that the Constitution of the United States prevails.

Declaring a national emergency is perfectly legal and constitutional, is it not?
Side stepping one of the most fundamental checks and balances built into our system is NOT. Our Constitution was built for a man like Trump who, whether to consolidate power or just out of sheer frustration that he cannot get his way, is trying to defeat the primary power of our elected officials--the power of the purse.
I don't like the way this is happenning either. It's so unfortunate that the Dims have forced Trump's hand.
Feckless? Having an unchecked border and allowing millions to enter illegally sounds pretty feckless...dumbass.

"an unchecked border", that statement goes well beyond reality. I suppose you believe everything Trump states and tweets, and you wear the MAGA hat proudly. Keep on going on building sand castles in the sky.

Sure, and you know all about reality. Get back in your fricken tent, and watch where you step.

A couple of pictures prove you are a damn liar and/or out of touch with reality!

photo of long line of cars at the tijuana border - Google Search

View attachment 246001



Seriously!? You can't really be that stupid.
View attachment 246004



"F" Your final grade in Eng. 101. Writing an expository rebuttal to this title:

"Having an unchecked border and allowing millions to enter illegally sounds pretty feckless."

Grow up, put on big boy pants and admit the borders are not unchecked.

Yikes!! You get an "A++" in stupidity.
Yet the constitution allows the president to call for a national emergency, go figure
Right, when there is an emergency. Why was there no emergency over the last two years but there is now?

It's all in the "timing." Declaring it now shows the Democrats that even though they control the House, they're still powerless.

He's rubbing their noses in it. :laugh:
Is post #35 from Canada? Butt neked and upside-down was the scenario, including drug pimps. Which came first, smuggling or borders? Duh.
Yet the constitution allows the president to call for a national emergency, go figure
Right, when there is an emergency. Why was there no emergency over the last two years but there is now?

Trump attempted to work with Dems in congress to address this emergency. Now he's going it alone because they have clearly sided with the illegals.
So, the way the national emergency funding breaks down will give Trump about 4.5 billion unquestioned, and about 3.5 from military assets that will be challenged.

4.5 ain't bad right off the bat. :113:

Trump wins.

Has Pelosi stopped screaming yet?
And how much of the fat in the other $4 trillion has been trimmed?...Like, none.

You've been played for a chump, chump.
Here comes that wall! Hah!
Not. This. Way.


While Democrats are trying to pass a bill that expands illegal immigration and human trafficking the President is actually trying to do something to secure and help this nation...

And you snowflakes are on your knees praying for the President to fail.

I am hoping that the Constitution of the United States prevails.

Declaring a national emergency is perfectly legal and constitutional, is it not?
Side stepping one of the most fundamental checks and balances built into our system is NOT. Our Constitution was built for a man like Trump who, whether to consolidate power or just out of sheer frustration that he cannot get his way, is trying to defeat the primary power of our elected officials--the power of the purse.

Nothing he is doing is unconstitutional or illegal. Deal with it.

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