Trump to declare national emergency

Libs are going to be beside themselves !

Trump will sign border bill and declare national emergency: McConnell

Trump will sign border bill and declare national emergency: McConnell

Published: Feb 14, 2019 3:10 p.m. ET
A friend of mine predicted the President would sign such a bill and then declare a national emergency last week, but I argued it would be better for him to agree to short term funding of the government and then declare a national emergency. I still think that would have been a better idea, but I'm guessing this was a compromise to help some Republican members of Congress from purple states avoid the stress of continuing short term funding.
Trump needed McConnell's support to block the House in an effort to overturn Trump's National Emergency. Trump signs the deal and McConnell announces his support for the National Emergency.

McConnell bitterly opposed a declaration of National Emergency but McConnell realized how devastating another shutdown would be in 2020 so he made a deal with Trump. This is real political deal making something Trump will never understand.

When Trump said he was ready to make a deal on border security and refused to compromise on wall funding which was the only real issue, he wasn't making a deal he was issuing an ultimatum. If you look back at Trump's great deals, you will find they are mostly ultimatums, despite all the bull shit in his books.
The situation was never that serious. The last poll I saw showed 86% of Republican voters strongly wanted the border fence, so regardless of how they felt about a national emergency, Republicans in Congress were not going to piss off Republican voters by trying to stop the President from building the fence. On the other hand, Republicans in Congress were anxious about another shutdown, so this compromise relieves everyone's stress and the fence gets built to satisfy Republican voters. It was necessary to go through the negotiations with the Democrats to demonstrate to both Republican voters and Republicans in Congress that the fence simply could not be built with a declaration of national emergency, and the Democrats played their role nicely in the President's little show and tell.
The whole shutdown mess, and the negotiations could have been avoided if Trump had just accepted the 1.6 billion republicans offered him in December. And if he needed more money, all he had to do is call a national emergency because anything qualifies from a dog peeing on his favorite rose bush to a terrorist attack. I suspect we're going to see more national emergencies to by pass congress by the president in future.
Every president since Jimmy Carter has used declarations of national emergency to bypass Congress when they thought it was necessary, so it would not be surprising if President Trump did also..

Which one of these doesn't have bipartisan support?

Here's a list of the 31 national emergencies that have been in effect for years
Libs are going to be beside themselves !

President Donald Trump will sign the border-security agreement that heads off a government shutdown but declare a national emergency at the same time to build his proposed wall, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Thursday. The agreement contains less money than Trump wanted but heads off another government shutdown after midnight Friday. McConnell did not give any more details of the emergency declaration while speaking on the Senate floor.

Trump will sign border bill and declare national emergency: McConnell

Trump will sign border bill and declare national emergency: McConnell

Published: Feb 14, 2019 3:10 p.m. ET

Let's hope Trump doesn't read the bill before he signs it...


BAN CONSTRUCTION ON RIO GRANDE FEDERAL LAND -- Nancy is bitch slappin' the orange clown left and right...
Just like 0bamasnare we have to pass the bill to find out what’s in it. Dumbass
So let me get this right.....trumptards are cheering that Trump declared a national emergency for a wall that he claimed Mexico would pay for to get 17 billion LESS than what Congress offered him less than a few months ago?

Wow, that's a real deal maker!!
/----/ Yeah - we are. What are you going to do about it?
Laugh at how pathetic you are like I normally do...Hardy ha ha...........
A friend of mine predicted the President would sign such a bill and then declare a national emergency last week, but I argued it would be better for him to agree to short term funding of the government and then declare a national emergency. I still think that would have been a better idea, but I'm guessing this was a compromise to help some Republican members of Congress from purple states avoid the stress of continuing short term funding.
Trump needed McConnell's support to block the House in an effort to overturn Trump's National Emergency. Trump signs the deal and McConnell announces his support for the National Emergency.

McConnell bitterly opposed a declaration of National Emergency but McConnell realized how devastating another shutdown would be in 2020 so he made a deal with Trump. This is real political deal making something Trump will never understand.

When Trump said he was ready to make a deal on border security and refused to compromise on wall funding which was the only real issue, he wasn't making a deal he was issuing an ultimatum. If you look back at Trump's great deals, you will find they are mostly ultimatums, despite all the bull shit in his books.
The situation was never that serious. The last poll I saw showed 86% of Republican voters strongly wanted the border fence, so regardless of how they felt about a national emergency, Republicans in Congress were not going to piss off Republican voters by trying to stop the President from building the fence. On the other hand, Republicans in Congress were anxious about another shutdown, so this compromise relieves everyone's stress and the fence gets built to satisfy Republican voters. It was necessary to go through the negotiations with the Democrats to demonstrate to both Republican voters and Republicans in Congress that the fence simply could not be built with a declaration of national emergency, and the Democrats played their role nicely in the President's little show and tell.
The whole shutdown mess, and the negotiations could have been avoided if Trump had just accepted the 1.6 billion republicans offered him in December. And if he needed more money, all he had to do is call a national emergency because anything qualifies from a dog peeing on his favorite rose bush to a terrorist attack. I suspect we're going to see more national emergencies to by pass congress by the president in future.
Every president since Jimmy Carter has used declarations of national emergency to bypass Congress when they thought it was necessary, so it would not be surprising if President Trump did also..

Which one of these doesn't have bipartisan support?

Here's a list of the 31 national emergencies that have been in effect for years
Irrelevant, but truth be told, building the border fence does have bipartisan support since Chuck Schumer introduced S. 744 in 2013 that would have built the fence and every Democrat in the Senate voted for it, and the Democrats only backed away from it to seek a partisan political advantage after President Trump embraced their plan for a border fence. If the Democrats were to vote their consciences, they would vote for the border fence, but since they appear to have no interest in anything but partisan squabbles they are selling out what they believe is best for the country in favor of what they believe is best for the Party. Fortunately, the President is still able to serve the best interests of America.
I joined this forum to specifically warn people that trump has all the characteristics of a wannabe dictator ....I live under a dictator and i know one when i see one.
He is fucking this country up.
Fear mongering is fucking this country up. So gfy
Fear mongering like the orange does daily ? STFU hillbilly.
So you and trump have a lot in common. Good you can admit that.
Never did...u are like what you like...move on.
You are both fear mongers.
Grow up.
Libs are going to be beside themselves !

President Donald Trump will sign the border-security agreement that heads off a government shutdown but declare a national emergency at the same time to build his proposed wall, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Thursday. The agreement contains less money than Trump wanted but heads off another government shutdown after midnight Friday. McConnell did not give any more details of the emergency declaration while speaking on the Senate floor.

Trump will sign border bill and declare national emergency: McConnell

Trump will sign border bill and declare national emergency: McConnell

Published: Feb 14, 2019 3:10 p.m. ET
A friend of mine predicted the President would sign such a bill and then declare a national emergency last week, but I argued it would be better for him to agree to short term funding of the government and then declare a national emergency. I still think that would have been a better idea, but I'm guessing this was a compromise to help some Republican members of Congress from purple states avoid the stress of continuing short term funding.
Trump needed McConnell's support to block the House in an effort to overturn Trump's National Emergency. Trump signs the deal and McConnell announces his support for the National Emergency.

McConnell bitterly opposed a declaration of National Emergency but McConnell realized how devastating another shutdown would be in 2020 so he made a deal with Trump. This is real political deal making something Trump will never understand.

When Trump said he was ready to make a deal on border security and refused to compromise on wall funding which was the only real issue, he wasn't making a deal he was issuing an ultimatum. If you look back at Trump's great deals, you will find they are mostly ultimatums, despite all the bull shit in his books.
The situation was never that serious. The last poll I saw showed 86% of Republican voters strongly wanted the border fence, so regardless of how they felt about a national emergency, Republicans in Congress were not going to piss off Republican voters by trying to stop the President from building the fence. On the other hand, Republicans in Congress were anxious about another shutdown, so this compromise relieves everyone's stress and the fence gets built to satisfy Republican voters. It was necessary to go through the negotiations with the Democrats to demonstrate to both Republican voters and Republicans in Congress that the fence simply could not be built with a declaration of national emergency, and the Democrats played their role nicely in the President's little show and tell.
The whole shutdown mess, and all the negotiations could have been avoided if Trump had just accepted the 1.6 billion republicans offered him in December. And if he needed more money, all he had to do is call a national emergency because anything qualifies from a dog peeing on his favorite rose bush to a terrorist attack. I suspect we're going to see more national emergencies when presidents don't get what they want out of congress.
That is why even s conservative court will overrule.

While Trump doesn’t care about long term impacts, the courts do
A Dem president can pull the same shit with climate change,,gun control or anything else that upsets the Republicans
PLEASE try it with guns I want a civil war so bad!
We agree,, I do too and I have no bag limits
Awesome! You bring your dildo I will bring all of our rifles and uncle can supply the 50 cal sniper rifle and literal cannon he has. :D
Another bad sss gun nut who will pee his pants if he confronts armed troops
A Dem president can pull the same shit with climate change,,gun control or anything else that upsets the Republicans
PLEASE try it with guns I want a civil war so bad!
We agree,, I do too and I have no bag limits
Awesome! You bring your dildo I will bring all of our rifles and uncle can supply the 50 cal sniper rifle and literal cannon he has. :D
Another bad sss gun nut who will pee his pants if he confronts armed troops
LMAO try me. Death doesn't scare me. What's their left worth living for if the government controls EVERYTHING? Nothing. On top of that I find it HILARIOUS you think American Soldiers will fire on or try and confiscate American's guns. More than likely they would turn on the government.
A Dem president can pull the same shit with climate change,,gun control or anything else that upsets the Republicans
PLEASE try it with guns I want a civil war so bad!
We agree,, I do too and I have no bag limits
Awesome! You bring your dildo I will bring all of our rifles and uncle can supply the 50 cal sniper rifle and literal cannon he has. :D
I wasn't an expert but only a sharpshooter many years back and I'll have no bag limit when it comes to traitorous scum like republicans are So bring it on
LOL traitorous scum are the ones trying to do away with the 2nd amendment dumb ass. Man talk about IRONY.
Trump is obeying the wishes of the people...fuck congress they left the people as soon as the elections were usual....
That’s why repubs lost so many seats...
No the reason the GOP lost the house is so many of them 40 of them leaving unknowns to run in their place....the dems will lose it back in the next borders and killing babies will guarantee it....
Repubs had two years to fix killing babies. They don’t seem to want to.

Thats because
Isaiah 54:17 New King James Version (NKJV)

17 No weapon formed against you shall prosper,

And every tongue which rises against you in judgment

You shall condemn.

This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord,

And their righteousness is from Me,”

Says the Lord.

Was that from Pulp Fiction?

Well I think they borrowed it from some Ancient Guy called Isaiah

Pretty much how I see President Trump.

The man is simply blessed by God.

The number of schemes and attacks by The Democrats against him that have failed is actually astounding.
That doesn't surprise me, and it sort is sad for you. LOL
A Dem president can pull the same shit with climate change,,gun control or anything else that upsets the Republicans
PLEASE try it with guns I want a civil war so bad!
We agree,, I do too and I have no bag limits
Awesome! You bring your dildo I will bring all of our rifles and uncle can supply the 50 cal sniper rifle and literal cannon he has. :D
Another bad sss gun nut who will pee his pants if he confronts armed troops
LMAO try me. Death doesn't scare me. What's their left worth living for if the government controls EVERYTHING? Nothing. On top of that I find it HILARIOUS you think American Soldiers will fire on or try and confiscate American's guns. More than likely they would turn on the government.
You sure have a sad existence.
PLEASE try it with guns I want a civil war so bad!
We agree,, I do too and I have no bag limits
Awesome! You bring your dildo I will bring all of our rifles and uncle can supply the 50 cal sniper rifle and literal cannon he has. :D
Another bad sss gun nut who will pee his pants if he confronts armed troops
LMAO try me. Death doesn't scare me. What's their left worth living for if the government controls EVERYTHING? Nothing. On top of that I find it HILARIOUS you think American Soldiers will fire on or try and confiscate American's guns. More than likely they would turn on the government.
You sure have a sad existence.
Nope. I have a purpose in life,make lots of white babies,fight for my people's future and damn I hope that includes destroying the cultural marxist government of the United States at some point in time. Men in pajamas with ak 47's defeated the mighty US military 300 million Americans with all kinds of weapons can EASILY do the same thing.
We agree,, I do too and I have no bag limits
Awesome! You bring your dildo I will bring all of our rifles and uncle can supply the 50 cal sniper rifle and literal cannon he has. :D
Another bad sss gun nut who will pee his pants if he confronts armed troops
LMAO try me. Death doesn't scare me. What's their left worth living for if the government controls EVERYTHING? Nothing. On top of that I find it HILARIOUS you think American Soldiers will fire on or try and confiscate American's guns. More than likely they would turn on the government.
You sure have a sad existence.
Nope. I have a purpose in life,make lots of white babies,fight for my people's future and damn I hope that includes destroying the cultural marxist government of the United States at some point in time. Men in pajamas with ak 47's defeated the mighty US military 300 million Americans with all kinds of weapons can EASILY do the same thing.
You need to grow up...
Awesome! You bring your dildo I will bring all of our rifles and uncle can supply the 50 cal sniper rifle and literal cannon he has. :D
Another bad sss gun nut who will pee his pants if he confronts armed troops
LMAO try me. Death doesn't scare me. What's their left worth living for if the government controls EVERYTHING? Nothing. On top of that I find it HILARIOUS you think American Soldiers will fire on or try and confiscate American's guns. More than likely they would turn on the government.
You sure have a sad existence.
Nope. I have a purpose in life,make lots of white babies,fight for my people's future and damn I hope that includes destroying the cultural marxist government of the United States at some point in time. Men in pajamas with ak 47's defeated the mighty US military 300 million Americans with all kinds of weapons can EASILY do the same thing.
You need to grow up...
Oh I am completely grown. Bring it on please. I am tired of waiting..damn I kind of wish we had a leftist president soon so they can try and ban guns with a national emergency....
Another bad sss gun nut who will pee his pants if he confronts armed troops
LMAO try me. Death doesn't scare me. What's their left worth living for if the government controls EVERYTHING? Nothing. On top of that I find it HILARIOUS you think American Soldiers will fire on or try and confiscate American's guns. More than likely they would turn on the government.
You sure have a sad existence.
Nope. I have a purpose in life,make lots of white babies,fight for my people's future and damn I hope that includes destroying the cultural marxist government of the United States at some point in time. Men in pajamas with ak 47's defeated the mighty US military 300 million Americans with all kinds of weapons can EASILY do the same thing.
You need to grow up...
Oh I am completely grown. Bring it on please. I am tired of waiting..damn I kind of wish we had a leftist president soon so they can try and ban guns with a national emergency....
You obviously are not. Are you one of those Russians? I hate to think any American would be so stupid.
Looks like the lawsuits are already coming in.

I have to admit, the nihilist in me is enjoying the circus.

The rest of me is embarrassed.
So is there a bidding process for the billions that were looted from the treasury or will there just be a no bid contract?

When does construction begin?

Just as soon as they get done with that high-speed train in California.

Be patient.

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