Trump to Obama: Thanks! Your failed policies helped us usher in the Trump era

(sigh). The clowns not even n office yet and already I'm sick to death of this bitch.
he got him good, didn't he?

I predict that the Trump presidency is going to be one long ongoing unmitigated confusing disaster starting from day one.

Remember all the times when an administration spokesman comes forward to 'clarify' an off-the-cuff remark made by a previous president which just so happened to create a certain level of confusion about whether or not there is now a change in a previous policy position of the administration? It happens to every president, by the way, but it generally isn't a frequent occurrence.

Well, I personally predict it's going to happen ALL THE TIME with Trump, and it's going to drive everyone crazy because it will be utter confusion as people scramble to try to figure out what the hell is going on and who it is they can go to in order to find out what the administration position is on any given topic. Trump is going to end up undermining his staff on a daily basis. It might be understandable at first because they're just getting their sea legs. At other times it will be amusing. But ultimately it will be utter chaos, and foreign gov'ts are not going to be amused in the least as everyone starts to get the impression that there is nobody within our gov't who they can get assurances from without later hearing a 180 degree change of position.

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