Trump to push national concealed carry legislation

Every animal I kill Was put there for me to harvest...

While I would never do it it's not my place to condemn anyone for doing it. The only things I hunt are birds. Pheasant and Quail.

I know Rustic lives out in the country, and that is what they do there I can understand it, but I actually save bugs / spiders in my house and release them, .I couldn't do it..
But I did have plenty of hamburgers in my day so I hate to judge, although I don't get the thrill of hunting and killing for sport..Especially endangered animals.
Hunting an endangered animal would be illegal.

I don't get the big game hunting either, especially killing animals from a long ways out with a rifle. I'd have much more respect for the hunters if they only used the bow and arrow. Either way though, killing by hunting isn't any less moral than killing animals in a slaughterhouse. Humans kill animals for food and leather and many other uses, it's just a fact of life. It's a messy business, but necessary. But I do agree it's pretty lame to post selfies of yourself with big animals you've killed with a rifle.
Every animal I kill Was put there for me to harvest...

While I would never do it it's not my place to condemn anyone for doing it. The only things I hunt are birds. Pheasant and Quail.

I know Rustic lives out in the country, and that is what they do there I can understand it, but I actually save bugs / spiders in my house and release them, .I couldn't do it..
But I did have plenty of hamburgers in my day so I hate to judge, although I don't get the thrill of hunting and killing for sport..Especially endangered animals.
Hunting an endangered animal would be illegal.

I don't get the big game hunting either, especially killing animals from a long ways out with a rifle. I'd have much more respect for the hunters if they only used the bow and arrow. Either way though, killing by hunting isn't any less moral than killing animals in a slaughterhouse. Humans kill animals for food and leather and many other uses, it's just a fact of life. It's a messy business, but necessary. But I do agree it's pretty lame to post selfies of yourself with big animals you've killed with a rifle.
What business is it of yours?
This is waaaay to important.

'We can't wait'

Sound familiar?

Every animal I kill Was put there for me to harvest...

While I would never do it it's not my place to condemn anyone for doing it. The only things I hunt are birds. Pheasant and Quail.

I know Rustic lives out in the country, and that is what they do there I can understand it, but I actually save bugs / spiders in my house and release them, .I couldn't do it..
But I did have plenty of hamburgers in my day so I hate to judge, although I don't get the thrill of hunting and killing for sport..Especially endangered animals.
Hunting an endangered animal would be illegal.

I don't get the big game hunting either, especially killing animals from a long ways out with a rifle. I'd have much more respect for the hunters if they only used the bow and arrow. Either way though, killing by hunting isn't any less moral than killing animals in a slaughterhouse. Humans kill animals for food and leather and many other uses, it's just a fact of life. It's a messy business, but necessary. But I do agree it's pretty lame to post selfies of yourself with big animals you've killed with a rifle.
Some questions here...

1. Are requirements for concealed carry the same for each state?
2. If requirements are different, would a person obtaining a permit from a "lax" state be able to carry in a state with stringent controls?
3. Is requiring a permit constitutional?
1. No
2. Haven't seen anything in the law. But like a drivers test, I assume there would be a minimum standard.
3. No...(baby steps like liberals do)

I would have to do some research, but I understand in some states you just apply for the license and get one; no training, no testing, just a background check.

I don't know if I want somebody who never fired a gun before having the right to carry and use a firearm in my state--especially anywhere near me.

This law will not help very much. Even though my permit is acceptable in other states, a license to carry is only as good as the laws that back you up if you need to use deadly force.

Here we are very liberal when it comes to self-defense. If somebody is trying to break in my car and I shoot them dead, it's permissible in my state under the Castle Doctrine. The cops and detectives come out, investigate, give me my gun back and tell me to have a nice day. I would be scared to death to do the same thing in California or New York. States like that don't like citizens being armed legal or not. You could very well find yourself in prison.
Some questions here...

1. Are requirements for concealed carry the same for each state?
2. If requirements are different, would a person obtaining a permit from a "lax" state be able to carry in a state with stringent controls?
3. Is requiring a permit constitutional?
1. No
2. Haven't seen anything in the law. But like a drivers test, I assume there would be a minimum standard.
3. No...(baby steps like liberals do)

I would have to do some research, but I understand in some states you just apply for the license and get one; no training, no testing, just a background check.

I don't know if I want somebody who never fired a gun before having the right to carry and use a firearm in my state--especially anywhere near me.

This law will not help very much. Even though my permit is acceptable in other states, a license to carry is only as good as the laws that back you up if you need to use deadly force.

Here we are very liberal when it comes to self-defense. If somebody is trying to break in my car and I shoot them dead, it's permissible in my state under the Castle Doctrine. The cops and detectives come out, investigate, give me my gun back and tell me to have a nice day. I would be scared to death to do the same thing in California or New York. States like that don't like citizens being armed legal or not. You could very well find yourself in prison.
This is a shall issue state. I've been here for 35 years and not heard of a problem. Cops train a lot and can screw up a shot. Not to minimize training but it's not a guarantee in real life situations. I think you'd have to drill extensively for it to become reflex.
Spend an hour watching imbeciles mishandle firearms on youtube and you will agree gun safety training should be a requirement for carrying concealed. I would love to see a Federal law that overrides the gun control crap in states like NY and NJ.

This is LONG overdue

When the whole gay marriage issue was being debated, one argument made by their supporters was that states that made it illegal HAD to recognize the the validity of the status legally endorsed by other states - right?

So this SHOULD carry over to the rights granted by other states; especially since gun rights are actually written into the Constitution (as opposed to being made Constitutional by judicial decree & interpretation)
Some questions here...

1. Are requirements for concealed carry the same for each state?
2. If requirements are different, would a person obtaining a permit from a "lax" state be able to carry in a state with stringent controls?
3. Is requiring a permit constitutional?
1. No
2. Haven't seen anything in the law. But like a drivers test, I assume there would be a minimum standard.
3. No...(baby steps like liberals do)

I would have to do some research, but I understand in some states you just apply for the license and get one; no training, no testing, just a background check.

I don't know if I want somebody who never fired a gun before having the right to carry and use a firearm in my state--especially anywhere near me.

This law will not help very much. Even though my permit is acceptable in other states, a license to carry is only as good as the laws that back you up if you need to use deadly force.

Here we are very liberal when it comes to self-defense. If somebody is trying to break in my car and I shoot them dead, it's permissible in my state under the Castle Doctrine. The cops and detectives come out, investigate, give me my gun back and tell me to have a nice day. I would be scared to death to do the same thing in California or New York. States like that don't like citizens being armed legal or not. You could very well find yourself in prison.
This is a shall issue state. I've been here for 35 years and not heard of a problem. Cops train a lot and can screw up a shot. Not to minimize training but it's not a guarantee in real life situations. I think you'd have to drill extensively for it to become reflex.

True, but I don't want to see somebody that didn't even pass a range test carrying a gun around me, at the very least, some safety training.

Giving somebody a gun license that never shot one before is like giving a kid a drivers license that never drove a car. If you live in a state that allows that, fine with me. I just don't want that in my state. I've been to the range on a couple of occasions where idiots (kids) were screwing around with guns. They thought it was a big joke. One time they but a bullet right into the ceiling and it wasn't on purpose either. My friend and I grabbed our gear and went to the farthest stall away from them.
Some questions here...

1. Are requirements for concealed carry the same for each state?
2. If requirements are different, would a person obtaining a permit from a "lax" state be able to carry in a state with stringent controls?
3. Is requiring a permit constitutional?
1. No
2. Haven't seen anything in the law. But like a drivers test, I assume there would be a minimum standard.
3. No...(baby steps like liberals do)

I would have to do some research, but I understand in some states you just apply for the license and get one; no training, no testing, just a background check.

I don't know if I want somebody who never fired a gun before having the right to carry and use a firearm in my state--especially anywhere near me.

This law will not help very much. Even though my permit is acceptable in other states, a license to carry is only as good as the laws that back you up if you need to use deadly force.

Here we are very liberal when it comes to self-defense. If somebody is trying to break in my car and I shoot them dead, it's permissible in my state under the Castle Doctrine. The cops and detectives come out, investigate, give me my gun back and tell me to have a nice day. I would be scared to death to do the same thing in California or New York. States like that don't like citizens being armed legal or not. You could very well find yourself in prison.
This is a shall issue state. I've been here for 35 years and not heard of a problem. Cops train a lot and can screw up a shot. Not to minimize training but it's not a guarantee in real life situations. I think you'd have to drill extensively for it to become reflex.

True, but I don't want to see somebody that didn't even pass a range test carrying a gun around me, at the very least, some safety training.

Giving somebody a gun license that never shot one before is like giving a kid a drivers license that never drove a car. If you live in a state that allows that, fine with me. I just don't want that in my state. I've been to the range on a couple of occasions where idiots (kids) were screwing around with guns. They thought it was a big joke. One time they but a bullet right into the ceiling and it wasn't on purpose either. My friend and I grabbed our gear and went to the farthest stall away from them.
Stupid stuff happens but a carry permit doesn't eliminate it and training is only good if you stick with it.

But the bigger issue is it isn't like driving. There's no right to drive. Making ccw a may issue permit removes it from being a right. I do not live in fear, I'm not seeing or hearing about any casual gun play on the streets. Plus the toughest area can have some dingbat carrying illegally. You never know.
I would be scared to death to do the same thing in California or New York. States like that don't like citizens being armed legal or not. You could very well find yourself in prison.
If you are not in a "Scared to death" situation you should not be using deadly force.

If you are seriously balancing the threat against you vrs the likelihood of being sued or imprisoned, then the situation probably does not merit lethal use of force.

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