Trump to push national concealed carry legislation

has trump ever owned a gun? I know he's more than willing to pander to you rubes and tell you he loves guns alot "bigly", but has he ever owned one, has he ever even fired one?

I believe he has a carry permit.
Trump also said he supports concealed carry in all 50 states
Isn't that what national concealed carry means?
Considering Alaska, Arizona, Idaho,Kansas, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wyoming do not have concealed carry permits and president orange hitler said they should, I would say no.

but he changes his mind alot like when he said he totally supports assault weapons ban after newtown then changed his mind after orlando and said people in the night club should be armed with assault rifles.... then the NRA publicly had to say what a stupid thing that is to say, so he changed his mind again
You don't need a permit in those

We are mostly concerned about CCW in your liberal hellhole states.....
okay but why is it you can't see the logic in a concealed carry permits but at the same dont want iran (and others) to have nuclear weapons? Doesn't an entire country have the right to self defense that you demand for yourself?
Link to Iran in our constitution? Thanks....
Trump also said he supports concealed carry in all 50 states
Isn't that what national concealed carry means?
Considering Alaska, Arizona, Idaho,Kansas, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wyoming do not have concealed carry permits and president orange hitler said they should, I would say no.

but he changes his mind alot like when he said he totally supports assault weapons ban after newtown then changed his mind after orlando and said people in the night club should be armed with assault rifles.... then the NRA publicly had to say what a stupid thing that is to say, so he changed his mind again

Wyoming does it right....

No state permit is required to possess a rifle, shotgun or handgun. Wyomingrespects the right of law abiding citizens to openly carry a handgun. Any person 21 years of age or older, who is not prohibited possessor, may carry a weapon openly or concealed without the need for a license.Nov 12, 2014
Trump also said he supports concealed carry in all 50 states
Isn't that what national concealed carry means?
Considering Alaska, Arizona, Idaho,Kansas, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wyoming do not have concealed carry permits and president orange hitler said they should, I would say no.

but he changes his mind alot like when he said he totally supports assault weapons ban after newtown then changed his mind after orlando and said people in the night club should be armed with assault rifles.... then the NRA publicly had to say what a stupid thing that is to say, so he changed his mind again
You don't need a permit in those

We are mostly concerned about CCW in your liberal hellhole states.....
okay but why is it you can't see the logic in a concealed carry permits but at the same dont want iran (and others) to have nuclear weapons? Doesn't an entire country have the right to self defense that you demand for yourself?
Link to Iran in our constitution? Thanks....
lol what???
Isn't that what national concealed carry means?
Considering Alaska, Arizona, Idaho,Kansas, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wyoming do not have concealed carry permits and president orange hitler said they should, I would say no.

but he changes his mind alot like when he said he totally supports assault weapons ban after newtown then changed his mind after orlando and said people in the night club should be armed with assault rifles.... then the NRA publicly had to say what a stupid thing that is to say, so he changed his mind again
You don't need a permit in those

We are mostly concerned about CCW in your liberal hellhole states.....
okay but why is it you can't see the logic in a concealed carry permits but at the same dont want iran (and others) to have nuclear weapons? Doesn't an entire country have the right to self defense that you demand for yourself?
Link to Iran in our constitution? Thanks....
lol what???
Lol....I thought so....
They are nothing but Mr small hand wimps who grew up with a silver spoon.

High fence hunting in Africa..

Marc Warnke on High Fence Hunting

My opinion on high fence is that as long as you are on a large enough acreage and the animals aren’t “pen raised” and released the week before then all you will experience is more and better animals to try for. I think, a property becomes “big enough” at 3,000 acres in dense, hilly terrain or 5,000+ in more open terrain. The fence is a NON ISSUE accept for allowing for higher animal desity and more controlled management. If you ask me, baiting allows for a less sporting advantage, by far, than a high fence. But for some game, baiting is the only way to be successful. In the brush country of South Texas it’s the only way you’re going to shoot a good whitetail. The same is true of a black bear in Idaho. It’s pretty tough otherwise.

I'm pretty sure the hunt in question was at Ozondjahe in Nambia...75,000 acre private hunting preserve. I don't believe they have a fence.

Personally, not a fan of trophy hunting or hunting over bait...but, it's legal in some places even here in the U.S.

If you must reduce a predator population, that's a whole different thing.

I don't understand the appeal of canned African hunts. Hunting to me is tracking game, learning their habits, scouting their locations. Having a guide set bait then say "shoot there now" holds no appeal to me whatsoever.

BUT...this thread is about National Reciprocity. Let's get back on topic.

I'm seriously on the fence about National Reciprocity. I want it, no doubt about it...but forcing states to accept it doesn't sit too comfortably with my position on States Rights and Powers.
Obama has opened the flood gates and let people who are trying to kill us into our country, and wants to leave us defenseless against them.

On the other hand, Iran is committed to wiping a nation of people off the face of the earth. And Obama has bent over backwards to help them. See the difference?

Yep you are proud of 2 rich boys Rustic, very sad to see.

Do you buy meat at the grocery? If you do I'd hush if I were you
I seldom buy leopard. Or antelope.

So only SOME animals
Traveling to another continent to kill its wild critters because their heads will look cool on your wall? A bit over the top.
I went to the George Eastman House once. (He was the Eastman in Eastman-Kodak). You walk into his study and there's an ashtray at the top of a stuffed elephant's foot. First thing I said was, "This guy wasn't married."
I was right.
I suppose different states have different issues, so local ordinances might make sense in one place where they wouldn't somewhere else, but if we are going to view gun ownership as a Constitutional right, which so many do, then the laws should also be federal, shouldn't they?
Shouldn't he be pushing for expanded background checks, since 90% of Americans want them?
Yes. Maybe it would be a good compromise. Expanded background checks in exchange for concealed carry?
Concealed carry hasn't created any additional mayhem here. I think it's probably harmless, since criminals are going to carry any way they want to, anyway.
Trump also said he supports concealed carry in all 50 states
Isn't that what national concealed carry means?
Considering Alaska, Arizona, Idaho,Kansas, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wyoming do not have concealed carry permits and president orange hitler said they should, I would say no.

but he changes his mind alot like when he said he totally supports assault weapons ban after newtown then changed his mind after orlando and said people in the night club should be armed with assault rifles.... then the NRA publicly had to say what a stupid thing that is to say, so he changed his mind again
The nation is all 50 states. You need to go back to grade school. The rest of your tripe can't mask it.
Shouldn't he be pushing for expanded background checks, since 90% of Americans want them?
Depends. Most get brainwashed news from the msm and think guns are the problem. Give people an honest education and they won't see background checks as the problem. They're in place now. Mental health issues are a larger problem. The left wants to protect the rights of lunatics over our safety.
Shouldn't he be pushing for expanded background checks, since 90% of Americans want them?
Yes. Maybe it would be a good compromise. Expanded background checks in exchange for concealed carry?
Concealed carry hasn't created any additional mayhem here. I think it's probably harmless, since criminals are going to carry any way they want to, anyway.

It doesn't need a compromise. Support for expanded background checks is so overwhelming that it is disgraceful for the Republicans to obstruct.
Shouldn't he be pushing for expanded background checks, since 90% of Americans want them?
Depends. Most get brainwashed news from the msm and think guns are the problem. Give people an honest education and they won't see background checks as the problem. They're in place now. Mental health issues are a larger problem. The left wants to protect the rights of lunatics over our safety.

No, background checks are not in place now.
Trump also said he supports concealed carry in all 50 states
Isn't that what national concealed carry means?
Considering Alaska, Arizona, Idaho,Kansas, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wyoming do not have concealed carry permits and president orange hitler said they should, I would say no.

but he changes his mind alot like when he said he totally supports assault weapons ban after newtown then changed his mind after orlando and said people in the night club should be armed with assault rifles.... then the NRA publicly had to say what a stupid thing that is to say, so he changed his mind again
It's bad enough that you are an idiot, but you are a lying idiot.

"Alaska's laws do not prohibit anyone 21 or older who may legally possess a firearm from carrying it concealed. A special permit is not required.

Possession of a firearm, whether concealed or open, is restricted in some circumstances and locations. Click the "In Alaska" link for expanded information.

Alaska's laws do not apply to other states. Alaska residents may obtain a concealed carry permit if they want to travel to other states with which Alaska has reciprocity agreements. Click the "Outside of Alaska" link for expanded information."

Alaska Concealed Handgun Permits - Permits and Licensing Unit

They don't have a law that says ANYONE who can legally OWN a gun NEEDS a permit.
Dumbass, I detest liars.

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