Trump to restart rallies next month as he plays coy about 2024 run

Trump to restart rallies next month as he plays coy about 2024 run

Former President Donald Trump will resume holding his signature rallies next month, The Post has confirmed.

Dates and locations have not yet been announced, but a source said the president’s team is in the process of selecting venues for a pair of events in June. A third rally is expected to take place around the July 4 holiday.

Trump has sat for occasional interviews since leaving office in January, but has not addressed a campaign-style rally since Jan. 6. Hours after he spoke, some of his supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol, attacking police officers and disrupting the congressional count of electoral votes from the previous year’s election.

This is great news. I personally think DeSantis is the better choice for 2024 but I would love for Trump to come back as well.

Will Donald Trump actually pay the communities for venue rentals, security, and staff for these rallies, or will be continue to stiff communities where he holds the rallies? If I was in charge of ANY venue Trump wants to use, I'd demand 100% payment up front, plus a hefty damage deposit. Trump's history of stiffing cities is long and disgusting.

Communities couldn't say "No" to Trump when he was President. They don't have to let the fat, old, deadbeat back into their civic centres unless he pays in cash, up front, this time.

If Trump starts charging people to go to his rallies, will anyone show up?

You dumbass. Everywhere he holds a rally the local businesses make out like bandits. Thousand of attendee's spend thousands of dollars in those towns and cities.

Grow a brain you Canadian idiot.
And don't forget, hospitals and funeral homes made out like bandits too with the increase of coronavirus cases due to those superspreaders.
LOL Lots of folks have been given the vaccine. I doubt a rally will increase the Chinese virus deaths. You can always hope though.
Moron, there was no vaccine available when Trump was stumping for the election and holding his superspeader events. Exactly how fucked in the head are you??

We are talking about the run for 2024 not the past you moron.

How fucked in the head are you??

Dumbfuck, you said his rallies are good for business. He hasn't held a single rally since leaving office; so unless you're brain-dead, which you are, you were talking about the past.

Doesn't negate the fact that thousands attend those rallies and spend money wherever they are held.

Dumbfuck, I had already agreed with that. I merely pointed out that hospitals and funeral homes were among the businesses which benefitted from his superspreader rallies.
You sure are funny and it sounds like you are hoping what you say comes true.

You sure are a whiny little bastard.

Once again, you offer no rebuttal to the facts posted, except insults. You're the one who's whining here. You keep claiming that Trump's rallies are good for the economies of the regions where they're held and using that as to excuse Trump's failure to compensate cities for the costs of his rallies.

If Trump's rallies generate so much income that he shouldn't have to pay for the venues, or the security needed, shouldn't every arena, stadium or convention center be free to anyone who wants to hold a big-scale event? I mean the bigger the event, the more money the local community stands to make, according to you.

It never ceases to amaze me how gracefully you fools twist yourselves into pretzels to rationalize every dishonest, corrupt and wrongheaded thing that Donald Trump has ever done.

The person you're replying to either doesn't know the difference between public and private or believes that the United States is a communist nation.

Private business isn't the police and all that's needed to hold those rallies. The police and security is public and doesn't sell anything to the trump people at those rallies so no money is generated to pay for the police and security services. That money is coming out of the pockets of the taxpayers. Not any private business.

It doesn't matter what a business does when trump holds a rally. They don't pay the fees incurred by trump when he holds one of his hatefest rallies.

I am so glad that trump doesn't and will never come to my state. I'm glad I don't have to pay for his rallies because he's such a deadbeat.
These Moon Bats were absolute idiots letting Joe Dufus steal the election from the best President this country has ever had.

The "absolute idiots" are those who voted for 4 more years of incompetence, chaos, debt, death and destruction. If Trump were still Presidents, there would be food riots in the streets by this point. You were nearly there before the Inauguration.

On what basis do you believe that Trump was the "best President this country has ever had"?
Trump to restart rallies next month as he plays coy about 2024 run

Former President Donald Trump will resume holding his signature rallies next month, The Post has confirmed.

Dates and locations have not yet been announced, but a source said the president’s team is in the process of selecting venues for a pair of events in June. A third rally is expected to take place around the July 4 holiday.

Trump has sat for occasional interviews since leaving office in January, but has not addressed a campaign-style rally since Jan. 6. Hours after he spoke, some of his supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol, attacking police officers and disrupting the congressional count of electoral votes from the previous year’s election.

This is great news. I personally think DeSantis is the better choice for 2024 but I would love for Trump to come back as well.

Will Donald Trump actually pay the communities for venue rentals, security, and staff for these rallies, or will be continue to stiff communities where he holds the rallies? If I was in charge of ANY venue Trump wants to use, I'd demand 100% payment up front, plus a hefty damage deposit. Trump's history of stiffing cities is long and disgusting.

Communities couldn't say "No" to Trump when he was President. They don't have to let the fat, old, deadbeat back into their civic centres unless he pays in cash, up front, this time.

If Trump starts charging people to go to his rallies, will anyone show up?

You dumbass. Everywhere he holds a rally the local businesses make out like bandits. Thousand of attendee's spend thousands of dollars in those towns and cities.

Grow a brain you Canadian idiot.

You really are too stupid to be one person. It's this kind of stupidity that leads municipalities to give billions of dollars to corporations to locate their businesses in the state/city, while forcing local taxpayers, who get little to no benefit from this business, to pay higher taxes to pay for the infrastructure the corporation needs.

According to YOUR logic, NOBODY should have to pay venue rental or police costs for concerts, big sporting events other big attractions in these venues, because they ALL generate massive amounts of revenue for local businesses. You should be welcoming all big rallies, concerts and sports events to your city for FREE!!!

Biden changes none of that.
Biden was inept as a Senator, inept as a VP, and is proving now to be inept as a president. He has only one redeeming quality...

He's not Trump.
Yeah he’s not dumb Don. That doesn’t say much.
That's true, it doesn't say much. But it does say enough.
Time will tell, but I doubt it. We’ve got old Joe’s 50 year track record of failure as our guide.
Last edited:
Trump to restart rallies next month as he plays coy about 2024 run

Former President Donald Trump will resume holding his signature rallies next month, The Post has confirmed.

Dates and locations have not yet been announced, but a source said the president’s team is in the process of selecting venues for a pair of events in June. A third rally is expected to take place around the July 4 holiday.

Trump has sat for occasional interviews since leaving office in January, but has not addressed a campaign-style rally since Jan. 6. Hours after he spoke, some of his supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol, attacking police officers and disrupting the congressional count of electoral votes from the previous year’s election.

This is great news. I personally think DeSantis is the better choice for 2024 but I would love for Trump to come back as well.

Will Donald Trump actually pay the communities for venue rentals, security, and staff for these rallies, or will be continue to stiff communities where he holds the rallies? If I was in charge of ANY venue Trump wants to use, I'd demand 100% payment up front, plus a hefty damage deposit. Trump's history of stiffing cities is long and disgusting.

Communities couldn't say "No" to Trump when he was President. They don't have to let the fat, old, deadbeat back into their civic centres unless he pays in cash, up front, this time.

If Trump starts charging people to go to his rallies, will anyone show up?

You dumbass. Everywhere he holds a rally the local businesses make out like bandits. Thousand of attendee's spend thousands of dollars in those towns and cities.

Grow a brain you Canadian idiot.
And don't forget, hospitals and funeral homes made out like bandits too with the increase of coronavirus cases due to those superspreaders.
LOL Lots of folks have been given the vaccine. I doubt a rally will increase the Chinese virus deaths. You can always hope though.
Thanks to President Biden.
No. Thanks to Trump fast tracking the vaccine. Biden had nothing to do with it.

Keep lying to yourself. You sure are good at it. LMAO.
"trump fast tracking the vaccine" that why all your trump fluffers are afraid to get it?
I already got mine. How bout you??
Yep...we are all vaccinated at our house.
Trump to restart rallies next month as he plays coy about 2024 run

Former President Donald Trump will resume holding his signature rallies next month, The Post has confirmed.

Dates and locations have not yet been announced, but a source said the president’s team is in the process of selecting venues for a pair of events in June. A third rally is expected to take place around the July 4 holiday.

Trump has sat for occasional interviews since leaving office in January, but has not addressed a campaign-style rally since Jan. 6. Hours after he spoke, some of his supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol, attacking police officers and disrupting the congressional count of electoral votes from the previous year’s election.

This is great news. I personally think DeSantis is the better choice for 2024 but I would love for Trump to come back as well.

Will Donald Trump actually pay the communities for venue rentals, security, and staff for these rallies, or will be continue to stiff communities where he holds the rallies? If I was in charge of ANY venue Trump wants to use, I'd demand 100% payment up front, plus a hefty damage deposit. Trump's history of stiffing cities is long and disgusting.

Communities couldn't say "No" to Trump when he was President. They don't have to let the fat, old, deadbeat back into their civic centres unless he pays in cash, up front, this time.

If Trump starts charging people to go to his rallies, will anyone show up?

You dumbass. Everywhere he holds a rally the local businesses make out like bandits. Thousand of attendee's spend thousands of dollars in those towns and cities.

Grow a brain you Canadian idiot.
And don't forget, hospitals and funeral homes made out like bandits too with the increase of coronavirus cases due to those superspreaders.
LOL Lots of folks have been given the vaccine. I doubt a rally will increase the Chinese virus deaths. You can always hope though.
Moron, there was no vaccine available when Trump was stumping for the election and holding his superspeader events. Exactly how fucked in the head are you??

We are talking about the run for 2024 not the past you moron.

How fucked in the head are you??

Dumbfuck, you said his rallies are good for business. He hasn't held a single rally since leaving office; so unless you're brain-dead, which you are, you were talking about the past.

Doesn't negate the fact that thousands attend those rallies and spend money wherever they are held.

In the height of the Hermann Cain would like to point out for you.
If you say so. Dumb ass. LOL
Yes....because Hermann Cain can no longer speak for himself.
No he can't because he died of the Chinese virus like thousands of others. You want to assign blame for that then blame the Chinese. If they had locked their country down when this first hit the rest of the world would have been safer.

Since they didn't thousands have died. Blame the Chinese. That's who I blame.
People like you are the reason we have anti-Asian violence in this country now.
Trump to restart rallies next month as he plays coy about 2024 run

Former President Donald Trump will resume holding his signature rallies next month, The Post has confirmed.

Dates and locations have not yet been announced, but a source said the president’s team is in the process of selecting venues for a pair of events in June. A third rally is expected to take place around the July 4 holiday.

Trump has sat for occasional interviews since leaving office in January, but has not addressed a campaign-style rally since Jan. 6. Hours after he spoke, some of his supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol, attacking police officers and disrupting the congressional count of electoral votes from the previous year’s election.

This is great news. I personally think DeSantis is the better choice for 2024 but I would love for Trump to come back as well.

Will Donald Trump actually pay the communities for venue rentals, security, and staff for these rallies, or will be continue to stiff communities where he holds the rallies? If I was in charge of ANY venue Trump wants to use, I'd demand 100% payment up front, plus a hefty damage deposit. Trump's history of stiffing cities is long and disgusting.

Communities couldn't say "No" to Trump when he was President. They don't have to let the fat, old, deadbeat back into their civic centres unless he pays in cash, up front, this time.

If Trump starts charging people to go to his rallies, will anyone show up?
View attachment 489763View attachment 489764
What rules have changed?
Your not going to cheat again.

Who needs to cheat with Trump running. He's down a total of 10 million votes between his 2 elections. He'll only add to that if he runs again.

Lol the only way you beat him is with illegal mail in voting that wasn't verified. That shit won't happen again.

Every state certified it as legal.

Sucks to be you.
Attorney generals illegally changing voters laws, yeah that ain't gonna happen again. Trump will be elected president in 2024, ill give you a pussy hat and you can amuse me again.

I bet ewe have 1000's of them.
Never have loved Putin. Never.
Then you must be outraged that biden just gave the russians $5 million random money

Stop lying.

Biden didn't give russians 5 million ransom money.

Colonial Pipeline did. That's not Biden.

Yes I know you're a communist and believes that the government owns all private business but here in the United States we aren't communist and our government doesn't own businesses.

Seriously here, your russian masters need to educate you much better about the economic system in the United States.

If you russian trump trolls couldn't lie you wouldn't have anything to say.

View attachment 490469
See post #227 and 228
Great news? Have you lost your mind?
Are you scared? You should be happy , because trump can't win . Right?
I don’t think he can.

The bigger point is he was a terrible failure as potus, so we don’t need a repeat. However nothing would make the D Party happier than another Trump run. They then don’t have to offer their supporters anything. The MSM will love it because Trump makes them rich. The billionaires will love it because no one is more divisive and they love dividing Americans.
Trump to restart rallies next month as he plays coy about 2024 run

Former President Donald Trump will resume holding his signature rallies next month, The Post has confirmed.

Dates and locations have not yet been announced, but a source said the president’s team is in the process of selecting venues for a pair of events in June. A third rally is expected to take place around the July 4 holiday.

Trump has sat for occasional interviews since leaving office in January, but has not addressed a campaign-style rally since Jan. 6. Hours after he spoke, some of his supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol, attacking police officers and disrupting the congressional count of electoral votes from the previous year’s election.

This is great news. I personally think DeSantis is the better choice for 2024 but I would love for Trump to come back as well.

Will Donald Trump actually pay the communities for venue rentals, security, and staff for these rallies, or will be continue to stiff communities where he holds the rallies? If I was in charge of ANY venue Trump wants to use, I'd demand 100% payment up front, plus a hefty damage deposit. Trump's history of stiffing cities is long and disgusting.

Communities couldn't say "No" to Trump when he was President. They don't have to let the fat, old, deadbeat back into their civic centres unless he pays in cash, up front, this time.

If Trump starts charging people to go to his rallies, will anyone show up?

You dumbass. Everywhere he holds a rally the local businesses make out like bandits. Thousand of attendee's spend thousands of dollars in those towns and cities.

Grow a brain you Canadian idiot.
And don't forget, hospitals and funeral homes made out like bandits too with the increase of coronavirus cases due to those superspreaders.
LOL Lots of folks have been given the vaccine. I doubt a rally will increase the Chinese virus deaths. You can always hope though.
Thanks to President Biden.
No. Thanks to Trump fast tracking the vaccine. Biden had nothing to do with it.

Keep lying to yourself. You sure are good at it. LMAO.
"trump fast tracking the vaccine" that why all your trump fluffers are afraid to get it?
I already got mine. How bout you??
Yep...we are all vaccinated at our house.
Put another way, we’re all sheep in my house.
Trump to restart rallies next month as he plays coy about 2024 run

Former President Donald Trump will resume holding his signature rallies next month, The Post has confirmed.

Dates and locations have not yet been announced, but a source said the president’s team is in the process of selecting venues for a pair of events in June. A third rally is expected to take place around the July 4 holiday.

Trump has sat for occasional interviews since leaving office in January, but has not addressed a campaign-style rally since Jan. 6. Hours after he spoke, some of his supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol, attacking police officers and disrupting the congressional count of electoral votes from the previous year’s election.

This is great news. I personally think DeSantis is the better choice for 2024 but I would love for Trump to come back as well.

Will Donald Trump actually pay the communities for venue rentals, security, and staff for these rallies, or will be continue to stiff communities where he holds the rallies? If I was in charge of ANY venue Trump wants to use, I'd demand 100% payment up front, plus a hefty damage deposit. Trump's history of stiffing cities is long and disgusting.

Communities couldn't say "No" to Trump when he was President. They don't have to let the fat, old, deadbeat back into their civic centres unless he pays in cash, up front, this time.

If Trump starts charging people to go to his rallies, will anyone show up?

You dumbass. Everywhere he holds a rally the local businesses make out like bandits. Thousand of attendee's spend thousands of dollars in those towns and cities.

Grow a brain you Canadian idiot.
And don't forget, hospitals and funeral homes made out like bandits too with the increase of coronavirus cases due to those superspreaders.
LOL Lots of folks have been given the vaccine. I doubt a rally will increase the Chinese virus deaths. You can always hope though.
Thanks to President Biden.
No. Thanks to Trump fast tracking the vaccine. Biden had nothing to do with it.

Keep lying to yourself. You sure are good at it. LMAO.
"trump fast tracking the vaccine" that why all your trump fluffers are afraid to get it?
I already got mine. How bout you??
Yep...we are all vaccinated at our house.
Good. Most of my family and friends were vaccinated as well.
Many people really, really, really "dislike" him, so I think that the chances of an honest election would be diminished.

Many people really, really, really disliked Obumma too, yet despite that and a first term full of scandal, corruption and possibly the worst first term ever in history, he ran again and WON, beating out the fresh-faced Mitt Romney.

If Biden keeps going the way he is now for another four years, folks might be BEGGING Don to run again!
Trump to restart rallies next month as he plays coy about 2024 run

Former President Donald Trump will resume holding his signature rallies next month, The Post has confirmed.

Dates and locations have not yet been announced, but a source said the president’s team is in the process of selecting venues for a pair of events in June. A third rally is expected to take place around the July 4 holiday.

Trump has sat for occasional interviews since leaving office in January, but has not addressed a campaign-style rally since Jan. 6. Hours after he spoke, some of his supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol, attacking police officers and disrupting the congressional count of electoral votes from the previous year’s election.

This is great news. I personally think DeSantis is the better choice for 2024 but I would love for Trump to come back as well.

Will Donald Trump actually pay the communities for venue rentals, security, and staff for these rallies, or will be continue to stiff communities where he holds the rallies? If I was in charge of ANY venue Trump wants to use, I'd demand 100% payment up front, plus a hefty damage deposit. Trump's history of stiffing cities is long and disgusting.

Communities couldn't say "No" to Trump when he was President. They don't have to let the fat, old, deadbeat back into their civic centres unless he pays in cash, up front, this time.

If Trump starts charging people to go to his rallies, will anyone show up?

You dumbass. Everywhere he holds a rally the local businesses make out like bandits. Thousand of attendee's spend thousands of dollars in those towns and cities.

Grow a brain you Canadian idiot.
And don't forget, hospitals and funeral homes made out like bandits too with the increase of coronavirus cases due to those superspreaders.
LOL Lots of folks have been given the vaccine. I doubt a rally will increase the Chinese virus deaths. You can always hope though.
Moron, there was no vaccine available when Trump was stumping for the election and holding his superspeader events. Exactly how fucked in the head are you??

We are talking about the run for 2024 not the past you moron.

How fucked in the head are you??

Dumbfuck, you said his rallies are good for business. He hasn't held a single rally since leaving office; so unless you're brain-dead, which you are, you were talking about the past.

Doesn't negate the fact that thousands attend those rallies and spend money wherever they are held.

Dumbfuck, I had already agreed with that. I merely pointed out that hospitals and funeral homes were among the businesses which benefitted from his superspreader rallies.
You sure are funny and it sounds like you are hoping what you say comes true.

You sure are a whiny little bastard.
Aww, poor baby, I know how much reality frightens you.

I love reality. You like to make up your own reality. Carry on numb nuts.
Nope, you shy away from it. Like you just did. You tried to pretend like you were talking about the future you were actually talking about the past to escape the reality of the effects of coronavirus on Trump's superspeader rallies.
Oh I was talking about the future. You think Trumps rallies were responsible for the dead?? I find that hard to believe. Reality?? You bet.

Keep Trump in your head. You're good at it. LOL
You lose.

Trump to restart rallies next month as he plays coy about 2024 run

Former President Donald Trump will resume holding his signature rallies next month, The Post has confirmed.

Dates and locations have not yet been announced, but a source said the president’s team is in the process of selecting venues for a pair of events in June. A third rally is expected to take place around the July 4 holiday.

Trump has sat for occasional interviews since leaving office in January, but has not addressed a campaign-style rally since Jan. 6. Hours after he spoke, some of his supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol, attacking police officers and disrupting the congressional count of electoral votes from the previous year’s election.

This is great news. I personally think DeSantis is the better choice for 2024 but I would love for Trump to come back as well.

If I was a mayor of a city or governor or a state, I wouldn't let him hold a rally in my city or state.

The man is a deadbeat and doesn't pay his bills so he leaves the city with debts unpaid.

The man doesn't deserve a platform to spew his hate if he doesn't pay for it.
Gotta laugh at your stupid ass. You voted in an incompetent asshole who's making a mess of this country.

Trump pays his bills and anywhere his rallies are thousands attend. Those thousands spend money and the economies of the cities those rallies are held are given one good boost.

For a "deadbeat" Trump did a great job as POTUS and will do it again in 2024. Buckle up buttercup. 2024 will be here before you know it. I just hope we have a country left after four years of the Biden/Harris shit show.
These Moon Bats were absolute idiots letting Joe Dufus steal the election from the best President this country has ever had.

The "absolute idiots" are those who voted for 4 more years of incompetence, chaos, debt, death and destruction. If Trump were still Presidents, there would be food riots in the streets by this point. You were nearly there before the Inauguration.

On what basis do you believe that Trump was the "best President this country has ever had"?
Trump to restart rallies next month as he plays coy about 2024 run

Former President Donald Trump will resume holding his signature rallies next month, The Post has confirmed.

Dates and locations have not yet been announced, but a source said the president’s team is in the process of selecting venues for a pair of events in June. A third rally is expected to take place around the July 4 holiday.

Trump has sat for occasional interviews since leaving office in January, but has not addressed a campaign-style rally since Jan. 6. Hours after he spoke, some of his supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol, attacking police officers and disrupting the congressional count of electoral votes from the previous year’s election.

This is great news. I personally think DeSantis is the better choice for 2024 but I would love for Trump to come back as well.

Will Donald Trump actually pay the communities for venue rentals, security, and staff for these rallies, or will be continue to stiff communities where he holds the rallies? If I was in charge of ANY venue Trump wants to use, I'd demand 100% payment up front, plus a hefty damage deposit. Trump's history of stiffing cities is long and disgusting.

Communities couldn't say "No" to Trump when he was President. They don't have to let the fat, old, deadbeat back into their civic centres unless he pays in cash, up front, this time.

If Trump starts charging people to go to his rallies, will anyone show up?

You dumbass. Everywhere he holds a rally the local businesses make out like bandits. Thousand of attendee's spend thousands of dollars in those towns and cities.

Grow a brain you Canadian idiot.

You really are too stupid to be one person. It's this kind of stupidity that leads municipalities to give billions of dollars to corporations to locate their businesses in the state/city, while forcing local taxpayers, who get little to no benefit from this business, to pay higher taxes to pay for the infrastructure the corporation needs.

According to YOUR logic, NOBODY should have to pay venue rental or police costs for concerts, big sporting events other big attractions in these venues, because they ALL generate massive amounts of revenue for local businesses. You should be welcoming all big rallies, concerts and sports events to your city for FREE!!!

Biden changes none of that.
Biden was inept as a Senator, inept as a VP, and is proving now to be inept as a president. He has only one redeeming quality...

He's not Trump.
Yeah he’s not dumb Don. That doesn’t say much.
That's true, it doesn't say much. But it does say enough.
Time will tell, but I doubt it. We’ve got old Joe’s 50 year track record of failure as our guide.
A 50 year track record of failure?

In 1972, Biden defeated an incumbent Senator when no one else even bothered to challenge Sen Boggs. Biden went on to victory despite the fact that he once trailed Boggs by 30 points.

Biden served in the US Senate for 36 years, and went on to serve two terms as VP. After four years, Biden came back to defeat an incumbent president.

Please point out the failure!
These Moon Bats were absolute idiots letting Joe Dufus steal the election from the best President this country has ever had.

The "absolute idiots" are those who voted for 4 more years of incompetence, chaos, debt, death and destruction. If Trump were still Presidents, there would be food riots in the streets by this point. You were nearly there before the Inauguration.

On what basis do you believe that Trump was the "best President this country has ever had"?
Trump to restart rallies next month as he plays coy about 2024 run

Former President Donald Trump will resume holding his signature rallies next month, The Post has confirmed.

Dates and locations have not yet been announced, but a source said the president’s team is in the process of selecting venues for a pair of events in June. A third rally is expected to take place around the July 4 holiday.

Trump has sat for occasional interviews since leaving office in January, but has not addressed a campaign-style rally since Jan. 6. Hours after he spoke, some of his supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol, attacking police officers and disrupting the congressional count of electoral votes from the previous year’s election.

This is great news. I personally think DeSantis is the better choice for 2024 but I would love for Trump to come back as well.

Will Donald Trump actually pay the communities for venue rentals, security, and staff for these rallies, or will be continue to stiff communities where he holds the rallies? If I was in charge of ANY venue Trump wants to use, I'd demand 100% payment up front, plus a hefty damage deposit. Trump's history of stiffing cities is long and disgusting.

Communities couldn't say "No" to Trump when he was President. They don't have to let the fat, old, deadbeat back into their civic centres unless he pays in cash, up front, this time.

If Trump starts charging people to go to his rallies, will anyone show up?

You dumbass. Everywhere he holds a rally the local businesses make out like bandits. Thousand of attendee's spend thousands of dollars in those towns and cities.

Grow a brain you Canadian idiot.

You really are too stupid to be one person. It's this kind of stupidity that leads municipalities to give billions of dollars to corporations to locate their businesses in the state/city, while forcing local taxpayers, who get little to no benefit from this business, to pay higher taxes to pay for the infrastructure the corporation needs.

According to YOUR logic, NOBODY should have to pay venue rental or police costs for concerts, big sporting events other big attractions in these venues, because they ALL generate massive amounts of revenue for local businesses. You should be welcoming all big rallies, concerts and sports events to your city for FREE!!!

Biden changes none of that.
Biden was inept as a Senator, inept as a VP, and is proving now to be inept as a president. He has only one redeeming quality...

He's not Trump.
For once you made a true group of statements. Biden is incompetent as hell and people are beginning to figure that out.

I'd bet he wish's he were Trump. Trump was on very competent POTUS. Something Biden will never be.

Why would anyone want to be Donald Trump? Even his own wife and children can't stand him. You don't see the Trump family getting together for the holidays.
Trump to restart rallies next month as he plays coy about 2024 run

Former President Donald Trump will resume holding his signature rallies next month, The Post has confirmed.

Dates and locations have not yet been announced, but a source said the president’s team is in the process of selecting venues for a pair of events in June. A third rally is expected to take place around the July 4 holiday.

Trump has sat for occasional interviews since leaving office in January, but has not addressed a campaign-style rally since Jan. 6. Hours after he spoke, some of his supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol, attacking police officers and disrupting the congressional count of electoral votes from the previous year’s election.

This is great news. I personally think DeSantis is the better choice for 2024 but I would love for Trump to come back as well.

If I was a mayor of a city or governor or a state, I wouldn't let him hold a rally in my city or state.

The man is a deadbeat and doesn't pay his bills so he leaves the city with debts unpaid.

The man doesn't deserve a platform to spew his hate if he doesn't pay for it.
Gotta laugh at your stupid ass. You voted in an incompetent asshole who's making a mess of this country.

Trump pays his bills and anywhere his rallies are thousands attend. Those thousands spend money and the economies of the cities those rallies are held are given one good boost.

For a "deadbeat" Trump did a great job as POTUS and will do it again in 2024. Buckle up buttercup. 2024 will be here before you know it. I just hope we have a country left after four years of the Biden/Harris shit show.

The statistics on the Trump Presidency say otherwise. Your problem is that you listen to and believe Donald Trump, and everything he told you about the "great success" of his Administration is a lie.

ALL of Trump numbers in claiming "the greatest economy in history" are based on the achievements of the last 6 years of the Obama Administration. All of the Obama's economic numbers - reductions in the numbers of employed workers, stock market growth and GDP, were much, much better under Obama.

Obama DOUBLED the stock market in his first term. Trump raised it's value 50% in his first term and a large percentage of that gain was attributable to stock buybacks, which reduces the number of issued and outstanding shares in a corporation, which increases the value of the existing shares, without tax ramifications for the corporations.
Trump to restart rallies next month as he plays coy about 2024 run

Former President Donald Trump will resume holding his signature rallies next month, The Post has confirmed.

Dates and locations have not yet been announced, but a source said the president’s team is in the process of selecting venues for a pair of events in June. A third rally is expected to take place around the July 4 holiday.

Trump has sat for occasional interviews since leaving office in January, but has not addressed a campaign-style rally since Jan. 6. Hours after he spoke, some of his supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol, attacking police officers and disrupting the congressional count of electoral votes from the previous year’s election.

This is great news. I personally think DeSantis is the better choice for 2024 but I would love for Trump to come back as well.

Will Donald Trump actually pay the communities for venue rentals, security, and staff for these rallies, or will be continue to stiff communities where he holds the rallies? If I was in charge of ANY venue Trump wants to use, I'd demand 100% payment up front, plus a hefty damage deposit. Trump's history of stiffing cities is long and disgusting.

Communities couldn't say "No" to Trump when he was President. They don't have to let the fat, old, deadbeat back into their civic centres unless he pays in cash, up front, this time.

If Trump starts charging people to go to his rallies, will anyone show up?

You dumbass. Everywhere he holds a rally the local businesses make out like bandits. Thousand of attendee's spend thousands of dollars in those towns and cities.

Grow a brain you Canadian idiot.
And don't forget, hospitals and funeral homes made out like bandits too with the increase of coronavirus cases due to those superspreaders.
LOL Lots of folks have been given the vaccine. I doubt a rally will increase the Chinese virus deaths. You can always hope though.
Moron, there was no vaccine available when Trump was stumping for the election and holding his superspeader events. Exactly how fucked in the head are you??

We are talking about the run for 2024 not the past you moron.

How fucked in the head are you??

Dumbfuck, you said his rallies are good for business. He hasn't held a single rally since leaving office; so unless you're brain-dead, which you are, you were talking about the past.

Doesn't negate the fact that thousands attend those rallies and spend money wherever they are held.

In the height of the Hermann Cain would like to point out for you.
If you say so. Dumb ass. LOL
Yes....because Hermann Cain can no longer speak for himself.
No he can't because he died of the Chinese virus like thousands of others. You want to assign blame for that then blame the Chinese. If they had locked their country down when this first hit the rest of the world would have been safer.

Since they didn't thousands have died. Blame the Chinese. That's who I blame.

Oh course you blame the Chinese, because in Trumplandia, NOTHING is ever Dumb Donald's fault.

It's not Trump's fault that people like you are stupid enough to believe all of the shit that comes out of his mouth. That's on YOU.

Hermann Cain in dead because he trusted Donald Trump wouldn't hold a rally that wasn't safe. 550,000 Americans are dead because they trusted Donald Trump when he said it would "all disappear" soon.

Trump was the worst President in American history, and you're still believing his lies.
These Moon Bats were absolute idiots letting Joe Dufus steal the election from the best President this country has ever had.

The "absolute idiots" are those who voted for 4 more years of incompetence, chaos, debt, death and destruction. If Trump were still Presidents, there would be food riots in the streets by this point. You were nearly there before the Inauguration.

On what basis do you believe that Trump was the "best President this country has ever had"?
Trump to restart rallies next month as he plays coy about 2024 run

Former President Donald Trump will resume holding his signature rallies next month, The Post has confirmed.

Dates and locations have not yet been announced, but a source said the president’s team is in the process of selecting venues for a pair of events in June. A third rally is expected to take place around the July 4 holiday.

Trump has sat for occasional interviews since leaving office in January, but has not addressed a campaign-style rally since Jan. 6. Hours after he spoke, some of his supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol, attacking police officers and disrupting the congressional count of electoral votes from the previous year’s election.

This is great news. I personally think DeSantis is the better choice for 2024 but I would love for Trump to come back as well.

Will Donald Trump actually pay the communities for venue rentals, security, and staff for these rallies, or will be continue to stiff communities where he holds the rallies? If I was in charge of ANY venue Trump wants to use, I'd demand 100% payment up front, plus a hefty damage deposit. Trump's history of stiffing cities is long and disgusting.

Communities couldn't say "No" to Trump when he was President. They don't have to let the fat, old, deadbeat back into their civic centres unless he pays in cash, up front, this time.

If Trump starts charging people to go to his rallies, will anyone show up?

You dumbass. Everywhere he holds a rally the local businesses make out like bandits. Thousand of attendee's spend thousands of dollars in those towns and cities.

Grow a brain you Canadian idiot.

You really are too stupid to be one person. It's this kind of stupidity that leads municipalities to give billions of dollars to corporations to locate their businesses in the state/city, while forcing local taxpayers, who get little to no benefit from this business, to pay higher taxes to pay for the infrastructure the corporation needs.

According to YOUR logic, NOBODY should have to pay venue rental or police costs for concerts, big sporting events other big attractions in these venues, because they ALL generate massive amounts of revenue for local businesses. You should be welcoming all big rallies, concerts and sports events to your city for FREE!!!

Biden changes none of that.
Biden was inept as a Senator, inept as a VP, and is proving now to be inept as a president. He has only one redeeming quality...

He's not Trump.
Yeah he’s not dumb Don. That doesn’t say much.
That's true, it doesn't say much. But it does say enough.
Time will tell, but I doubt it. We’ve got old Joe’s 50 year track record of failure as our guide.
He's never failed as bigly as Trump.
These Moon Bats were absolute idiots letting Joe Dufus steal the election from the best President this country has ever had.

The "absolute idiots" are those who voted for 4 more years of incompetence, chaos, debt, death and destruction. If Trump were still Presidents, there would be food riots in the streets by this point. You were nearly there before the Inauguration.

On what basis do you believe that Trump was the "best President this country has ever had"?
Trump to restart rallies next month as he plays coy about 2024 run

Former President Donald Trump will resume holding his signature rallies next month, The Post has confirmed.

Dates and locations have not yet been announced, but a source said the president’s team is in the process of selecting venues for a pair of events in June. A third rally is expected to take place around the July 4 holiday.

Trump has sat for occasional interviews since leaving office in January, but has not addressed a campaign-style rally since Jan. 6. Hours after he spoke, some of his supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol, attacking police officers and disrupting the congressional count of electoral votes from the previous year’s election.

This is great news. I personally think DeSantis is the better choice for 2024 but I would love for Trump to come back as well.

Will Donald Trump actually pay the communities for venue rentals, security, and staff for these rallies, or will be continue to stiff communities where he holds the rallies? If I was in charge of ANY venue Trump wants to use, I'd demand 100% payment up front, plus a hefty damage deposit. Trump's history of stiffing cities is long and disgusting.

Communities couldn't say "No" to Trump when he was President. They don't have to let the fat, old, deadbeat back into their civic centres unless he pays in cash, up front, this time.

If Trump starts charging people to go to his rallies, will anyone show up?

You dumbass. Everywhere he holds a rally the local businesses make out like bandits. Thousand of attendee's spend thousands of dollars in those towns and cities.

Grow a brain you Canadian idiot.

You really are too stupid to be one person. It's this kind of stupidity that leads municipalities to give billions of dollars to corporations to locate their businesses in the state/city, while forcing local taxpayers, who get little to no benefit from this business, to pay higher taxes to pay for the infrastructure the corporation needs.

According to YOUR logic, NOBODY should have to pay venue rental or police costs for concerts, big sporting events other big attractions in these venues, because they ALL generate massive amounts of revenue for local businesses. You should be welcoming all big rallies, concerts and sports events to your city for FREE!!!

Biden changes none of that.
Biden was inept as a Senator, inept as a VP, and is proving now to be inept as a president. He has only one redeeming quality...

He's not Trump.
For once you made a true group of statements. Biden is incompetent as hell and people are beginning to figure that out.

I'd bet he wish's he were Trump. Trump was on very competent POTUS. Something Biden will never be.

Why would anyone want to be Donald Trump? Even his own wife and children can't stand him. You don't see the Trump family getting together for the holidays.
Trump to restart rallies next month as he plays coy about 2024 run

Former President Donald Trump will resume holding his signature rallies next month, The Post has confirmed.

Dates and locations have not yet been announced, but a source said the president’s team is in the process of selecting venues for a pair of events in June. A third rally is expected to take place around the July 4 holiday.

Trump has sat for occasional interviews since leaving office in January, but has not addressed a campaign-style rally since Jan. 6. Hours after he spoke, some of his supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol, attacking police officers and disrupting the congressional count of electoral votes from the previous year’s election.

This is great news. I personally think DeSantis is the better choice for 2024 but I would love for Trump to come back as well.

If I was a mayor of a city or governor or a state, I wouldn't let him hold a rally in my city or state.

The man is a deadbeat and doesn't pay his bills so he leaves the city with debts unpaid.

The man doesn't deserve a platform to spew his hate if he doesn't pay for it.
Gotta laugh at your stupid ass. You voted in an incompetent asshole who's making a mess of this country.

Trump pays his bills and anywhere his rallies are thousands attend. Those thousands spend money and the economies of the cities those rallies are held are given one good boost.

For a "deadbeat" Trump did a great job as POTUS and will do it again in 2024. Buckle up buttercup. 2024 will be here before you know it. I just hope we have a country left after four years of the Biden/Harris shit show.

The statistics on the Trump Presidency say otherwise. Your problem is that you listen to and believe Donald Trump, and everything he told you about the "great success" of his Administration is a lie.

ALL of Trump numbers in claiming "the greatest economy in history" are based on the achievements of the last 6 years of the Obama Administration. All of the Obama's economic numbers - reductions in the numbers of employed workers, stock market growth and GDP, were much, much better under Obama.

Obama DOUBLED the stock market in his first term. Trump raised it's value 50% in his first term and a large percentage of that gain was attributable to stock buybacks, which reduces the number of issued and outstanding shares in a corporation, which increases the value of the existing shares, without tax ramifications for the corporations.
Trump to restart rallies next month as he plays coy about 2024 run

Former President Donald Trump will resume holding his signature rallies next month, The Post has confirmed.

Dates and locations have not yet been announced, but a source said the president’s team is in the process of selecting venues for a pair of events in June. A third rally is expected to take place around the July 4 holiday.

Trump has sat for occasional interviews since leaving office in January, but has not addressed a campaign-style rally since Jan. 6. Hours after he spoke, some of his supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol, attacking police officers and disrupting the congressional count of electoral votes from the previous year’s election.

This is great news. I personally think DeSantis is the better choice for 2024 but I would love for Trump to come back as well.

Will Donald Trump actually pay the communities for venue rentals, security, and staff for these rallies, or will be continue to stiff communities where he holds the rallies? If I was in charge of ANY venue Trump wants to use, I'd demand 100% payment up front, plus a hefty damage deposit. Trump's history of stiffing cities is long and disgusting.

Communities couldn't say "No" to Trump when he was President. They don't have to let the fat, old, deadbeat back into their civic centres unless he pays in cash, up front, this time.

If Trump starts charging people to go to his rallies, will anyone show up?

You dumbass. Everywhere he holds a rally the local businesses make out like bandits. Thousand of attendee's spend thousands of dollars in those towns and cities.

Grow a brain you Canadian idiot.
And don't forget, hospitals and funeral homes made out like bandits too with the increase of coronavirus cases due to those superspreaders.
LOL Lots of folks have been given the vaccine. I doubt a rally will increase the Chinese virus deaths. You can always hope though.
Moron, there was no vaccine available when Trump was stumping for the election and holding his superspeader events. Exactly how fucked in the head are you??

We are talking about the run for 2024 not the past you moron.

How fucked in the head are you??

Dumbfuck, you said his rallies are good for business. He hasn't held a single rally since leaving office; so unless you're brain-dead, which you are, you were talking about the past.

Doesn't negate the fact that thousands attend those rallies and spend money wherever they are held.

In the height of the Hermann Cain would like to point out for you.
If you say so. Dumb ass. LOL
Yes....because Hermann Cain can no longer speak for himself.
No he can't because he died of the Chinese virus like thousands of others. You want to assign blame for that then blame the Chinese. If they had locked their country down when this first hit the rest of the world would have been safer.

Since they didn't thousands have died. Blame the Chinese. That's who I blame.

Oh course you blame the Chinese, because in Trumplandia, NOTHING is ever Dumb Donald's fault.

It's not Trump's fault that people like you are stupid enough to believe all of the shit that comes out of his mouth. That's on YOU.

Hermann Cain in dead because he trusted Donald Trump wouldn't hold a rally that wasn't safe. 550,000 Americans are dead because they trusted Donald Trump when he said it would "all disappear" soon.

Trump was the worst President in American history, and you're still believing his lies.
You really are a Canadian idiot.

I'd say Trump's family loves the man. And yes China is to blame for every death from the Chinese Virus.

Trump was a damned good POTUS. Before the oh so convenient Chinese Virus this country was in great shape. UE the lowest it had been in 50 years. Jobs all across this country and a great economy.

You won't get that with the stuttering fuck you would have voted for.

Why don't you kick yourself back to Canada and inflict your self on your own citizens. You are one dumb fuck.

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