Trump to send 120 thousand Troops to Iran, while we are getting invaded by Latinos!??

When I see this it freaks me out. When Republicans see it they insist it proves our border policy is working.


And the very same Republicans that support this will cry that abortion is murder and they are followers of Jesus. What would Jesus think of this?
These are human beings fleeing danger. It’s your kind that gives this country a bad name. You’re just awful.
And you're the sort of dope that probably still believes in the Tooth Fairy.
Only your creepy kind feel that shoeless children being teargassed at the border is a good thing because you’re protecting America. Only your kind.


Only your kind feels happy with children suffering. Oh but protect the fetus. But when it comes to children, teargas them.


You’re not deplorable. You’re despicable.
Kids are crying because they were probably just raped and kidnapped

Look at that fat Mexican biatch dragging kids.. she is well fed
You evidently have never had a wife and kids...
If we can sweep in 2020 we can deport all Latinos and fix immigration. We can put laws in place that will protect our culture.

Ask yourself why so MANY on the Left are jumping on the 2020 bandwagon?
Maybe the Establishment has already told them it will be handed to Dems in 2020 regardless? (tin foil hat theory of course)

Even IF Republicans "sweep" the elections, when was the last time the USA did any kind of significant deportations?
It AIN'T gonna happen.

if it "could" be done, why hasn't it?

The sooner the Right ACCEPTS reality and stops dreaming.....the better.
Consider me dead,, I wont live like this.. I’ll join the first militia and call it a day.
Consider you dead...from the neck up? Done.
These are human beings fleeing danger. It’s your kind that gives this country a bad name. You’re just awful.
And you're the sort of dope that probably still believes in the Tooth Fairy.
Only your creepy kind feel that shoeless children being teargassed at the border is a good thing because you’re protecting America. Only your kind.


Only your kind feels happy with children suffering. Oh but protect the fetus. But when it comes to children, teargas them.


You’re not deplorable. You’re despicable.
Kids are crying because they were probably just raped and kidnapped

Look at that fat Mexican biatch dragging kids.. she is well fed
So says a despicable hater. I bet you’re anti-women’s rights.. Am I right?
These are human beings fleeing danger. It’s your kind that gives this country a bad name. You’re just awful.
And you're the sort of dope that probably still believes in the Tooth Fairy.
Only your creepy kind feel that shoeless children being teargassed at the border is a good thing because you’re protecting America. Only your kind.


Only your kind feels happy with children suffering. Oh but protect the fetus. But when it comes to children, teargas them.


You’re not deplorable. You’re despicable.
Kids are crying because they were probably just raped and kidnapped

Look at that fat Mexican biatch dragging kids.. she is well fed
So are you saying children that have been raped and kidnapped should be teargassed? Because that’s not just despicable, that is truly evil. Monstrous.
Why does Trump want a war with Iran? He put us on this path....

Is this For Israel's protection?
Only your kind feels happy with children suffering. Oh but protect the fetus. But when it comes to children, teargas them.
Hey, moron! If you don't want your children teargassed don't drag them down to the middle of a border clash where US agents are forced to fire tear gas at violent rock and bottle throwing parasites demanding entry to the U.S.
That seems so eminently sensible and elementary that even a brain damaged shitbag like yourself can figure it out.

Who is making the lady with the chubby body take a couple of children in diapers into the middle of a rock throwing melee?
ENOUGH! Get rid of theses invaders first! Get these cockroaches and there kids out of my country!
We have no country if we can’t control who is in our country!

NYT: Pentagon presented plan to deploy 120,000 troops in case of Iran escalation
These are human beings fleeing danger. It’s your kind that gives this country a bad name. You’re just awful.
Why are Brown nations so dangerous?
America’s worst enemy is Russia. They just attacked our country. I suspect many Republicans sympathize with traitors. It’s a white thing.
What was the nature of this attack?
ENOUGH! Get rid of theses invaders first! Get these cockroaches and there kids out of my country!
We have no country if we can’t control who is in our country!

NYT: Pentagon presented plan to deploy 120,000 troops in case of Iran escalation
These are human beings fleeing danger. It’s your kind that gives this country a bad name. You’re just awful.
Why are Brown nations so dangerous?

Is the cartel paying you..?

Statistics have demonstrated that well over half of these people are frauds....that up to half of the children are kidnapped and some of the women are posing as wives at gun point....

Yes there is a human tragedy there but how do you propose to fix it numskull? You goddamned well better move to the border, get two full time jobs and take in ten of them yourself you two faced asshole. You're no better than Hamas using children as human shields. Or MS 13 trafficking and raping effect you become one of the rapists.
We should have blown Iran off the map in the 70's when they took our embassy hostage....maybe we will get that chance to recon with them after all....
ENOUGH! Get rid of theses invaders first! Get these cockroaches and there kids out of my country!
We have no country if we can’t control who is in our country!

NYT: Pentagon presented plan to deploy 120,000 troops in case of Iran escalation
Troops will not be deployed "to" Iran. There is no invasion planned as it will require many more than 120,000. At the sight of the first MOAB's falling, the people of Iran themselves will start taking over and going after the Islamic nutjobs in power. The troops are to secure US interests and allies in surrounding areas, including the vital Straits of Hormuz.
ENOUGH! Get rid of theses invaders first! Get these cockroaches and there kids out of my country!
We have no country if we can’t control who is in our country!

NYT: Pentagon presented plan to deploy 120,000 troops in case of Iran escalation
These are human beings fleeing danger. It’s your kind that gives this country a bad name. You’re just awful.
Why are Brown nations so dangerous?

Is the cartel paying you..?

Statistics have demonstrated that well over half of these people are frauds....that up to half of the children are kidnapped and some of the women are posing as wives at gun point....

Yes there is a human tragedy there but how do you propose to fix it numskull? You goddamned well better move to the border, get two full time jobs and take in ten of them yourself you two faced asshole. You're no better than Hamas using children as human shields. Or MS 13 trafficking and raping effect you become one of the rapists.
Are you high?
I’m sick and tired of the Liberal bullshit that these people are running away from bad people (who the Liberals won’t admit are Brown) and then these Liberals have the balls to complain that White people are oppressing Brown people.
When I see this it freaks me out. When Republicans see it they insist it proves our border policy is working.


And the very same Republicans that support this will cry that abortion is murder and they are followers of Jesus. What would Jesus think of this?
Stop slapping your kid.
You almost gotta laugh. Lefties cheered when Iran kidnapped U.S. Sailors and Barry Hussein apologized and paid two billion in ransom
ENOUGH! Get rid of theses invaders first! Get these cockroaches and there kids out of my country!
We have no country if we can’t control who is in our country!

NYT: Pentagon presented plan to deploy 120,000 troops in case of Iran escalation
Send the immigrants over to Iran and put a rifle in their hands and let them earn citizenship..
I like that idea haha 6 month basic training, send them to the Middle East for two years haha, or North Korea
Did it to my Dad's side of the family the Irish during the Civil War.
Sure sure
These are human beings fleeing danger. It’s your kind that gives this country a bad name. You’re just awful.
And you're the sort of dope that probably still believes in the Tooth Fairy.
Only your creepy kind feel that shoeless children being teargassed at the border is a good thing because you’re protecting America. Only your kind.


Only your kind feels happy with children suffering. Oh but protect the fetus. But when it comes to children, teargas them.


You’re not deplorable. You’re despicable.
Kids are crying because they were probably just raped and kidnapped

Look at that fat Mexican biatch dragging kids.. she is well fed
You evidently have never had a wife and kids...
That was an invader stealing kids? No
ENOUGH! Get rid of theses invaders first! Get these cockroaches and there kids out of my country!
We have no country if we can’t control who is in our country!

NYT: Pentagon presented plan to deploy 120,000 troops in case of Iran escalation

Don't fall for the misinformation. It is political psychological warfare engineered to do just what it seems to have done to you, which is cause you to question your faith in our POTUS. The whole Iran/Venezuela impending troop deployments/invasions are crocks of shit cooked up by the radical American Left to get undecided voters, namely those who just barely support President Trump, to walk away from Him and impulse vote for a Democrat Candidate. The entire country knows full well how the Left leaning MSM lied about the Mueller Report and so many other issues, right? Well, they're lying their asses off about this as well . . . so effective are their lies in fact that it seems our President's own administration is unsure of what to believe or who to trust. Fuck the American Left. Their lies could damn well get us into another conflict if their powers that be thought it'd win them 2020. Remember the core battle cry of the Left: anyone but Trump at any cost.
You almost gotta laugh. Lefties cheered when Iran kidnapped U.S. Sailors and Barry Hussein apologized and paid two billion in ransom
Do you have visual evidence of these cheering lefties? You would rather have seen those sailors killed than given their OWN money. Nice.
ENOUGH! Get rid of theses invaders first! Get these cockroaches and there kids out of my country!
We have no country if we can’t control who is in our country!

NYT: Pentagon presented plan to deploy 120,000 troops in case of Iran escalation
These are human beings fleeing danger. It’s your kind that gives this country a bad name. You’re just awful.
Why are Brown nations so dangerous?
How many world wars, genocides, and invasions of white nations have they been responsible for?
Lets see Civil war, started by the South and democrats. WW1 Democrat, Central America in the 30's Democrat, WW2 democrat, Korea Democrat, Vietnam Democrat.

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