Trump to send 120 thousand Troops to Iran, while we are getting invaded by Latinos!??

ENOUGH! Get rid of theses invaders first! Get these cockroaches and there kids out of my country!
We have no country if we can’t control who is in our country!

NYT: Pentagon presented plan to deploy 120,000 troops in case of Iran escalation
These are human beings fleeing danger. It’s your kind that gives this country a bad name. You’re just awful.
Why are Brown nations so dangerous?
How many world wars, genocides, and invasions of white nations have they been responsible for?
Lets see Civil war, started by the South and democrats. WW1 Democrat, Central America in the 30's Democrat, WW2 democrat, Korea Democrat, Vietnam Democrat.
Which party would you have belonged to in the year 1860?
our ancestors came to this country legally, adopted its culture, didn't spit on america's tradition, didnt cost a dime to the government

Nothing worth having comes easy
We have no country

Nothing you have ever posted has been more true.
It's too late.

The Globalists plan for the last 150 years was to dilute America into a diverse society, which of course meant disharmony and domestic chaos....making power grabs so much easier. Exactly as the Dem elites are doing today.
If we can sweep in 2020 we can deport all Latinos and fix immigration. We can put laws in place that will protect our culture.

Nothing was holding back immigration reform and the building of a Great Immigration Wall to honor your Orange Mad Dog in the WH his first two years in office. LOL!.
When I see this it freaks me out. When Republicans see it they insist it proves our border policy is working.
And the very same Republicans that support this will cry that abortion is murder and they are followers of Jesus. What would Jesus think of this?

when you see AMERICAN children in need you couldn't care less.
You have never supported Shriners Childrens hospital nor ANY real charity I would bet on it.
And you do not leave tips to waiters and waitresses.
Some might not see through your garbage. But most probably do.
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ENOUGH! Get rid of theses invaders first! Get these cockroaches and there kids out of my country!
We have no country if we can’t control who is in our country!

NYT: Pentagon presented plan to deploy 120,000 troops in case of Iran escalation
These are human beings fleeing danger. It’s your kind that gives this country a bad name. You’re just awful.
Why are Brown nations so dangerous?

Is the cartel paying you..?

Statistics have demonstrated that well over half of these people are frauds....that up to half of the children are kidnapped and some of the women are posing as wives at gun point....

Yes there is a human tragedy there but how do you propose to fix it numskull? You goddamned well better move to the border, get two full time jobs and take in ten of them yourself you two faced asshole. You're no better than Hamas using children as human shields. Or MS 13 trafficking and raping effect you become one of the rapists.
The colonists fought.
Let these people fight.
Only Whites fight rather than run away?
If Denard actually believes the nonsense he says.....

Why doesn't he/she share his home with illegals? (lives with parents?)
Why doesn't he give half HIS pay (or more likely welfare check) to illegals to help them?

as always, people like Denard only want to give away everyone else's ...NEVER his own.
Do you have visual evidence of these cheering lefties? You would rather have seen those sailors killed than given their OWN money. Nice.

aren't there verified photos of Iranians and Muslims cheering after the 911 attacks?

That said, I think the US made a huge mistake attacking Iraq and removing Saddam even though by modern standards he was a terrorist. He kept Iran in check. Amiwrong?
ENOUGH! Get rid of theses invaders first! Get these cockroaches and there kids out of my country!
We have no country if we can’t control who is in our country!

NYT: Pentagon presented plan to deploy 120,000 troops in case of Iran escalation
These are human beings fleeing danger. It’s your kind that gives this country a bad name. You’re just awful.
Why are Brown nations so dangerous?
How many world wars, genocides, and invasions of white nations have they been responsible for?
Lets see Civil war, started by the South and democrats. WW1 Democrat, Central America in the 30's Democrat, WW2 democrat, Korea Democrat, Vietnam Democrat.
Which party would you have belonged to in the year 1860?
Republican, you see I hate slavery, of course we never got rid of it, we did destroy it in the US but it still thrives in Africa and the Middle East.
We have no country

Nothing you have ever posted has been more true.
It's too late.

The Globalists plan for the last 150 years was to dilute America into a diverse society, which of course meant disharmony and domestic chaos....making power grabs so much easier. Exactly as the Dem elites are doing today.
If we can sweep in 2020 we can deport all Latinos and fix immigration. We can put laws in place that will protect our culture.

Nothing was holding back immigration reform and the building of a Great Immigration Wall to honor your Orange Mad Dog in the WH his first two years in office. LOL!.
We needed 60 votes and not anti American democrats in Congress
These are human beings fleeing danger. It’s your kind that gives this country a bad name. You’re just awful.
Then why are they fleeing here?

From one side of their mouths they say how violent America is know...most dangerous place on the planet due to {omg} guns !!
Then from the other side of the mouth say people are fleeing danger, coming here seeking "safety".....:rolleyes:

Once you realize they're basically mentally bankrupt, you understand.
ENOUGH! Get rid of theses invaders first! Get these cockroaches and there kids out of my country!
We have no country if we can’t control who is in our country!

NYT: Pentagon presented plan to deploy 120,000 troops in case of Iran escalation
These are human beings fleeing danger. It’s your kind that gives this country a bad name. You’re just awful.
Why are Brown nations so dangerous?
How many world wars, genocides, and invasions of white nations have they been responsible for?
Lets see Civil war, started by the South and democrats. WW1 Democrat, Central America in the 30's Democrat, WW2 democrat, Korea Democrat, Vietnam Democrat.
You sad about it, snowflake? :crybaby:
ENOUGH! Get rid of theses invaders first! Get these cockroaches and there kids out of my country!
We have no country if we can’t control who is in our country!

NYT: Pentagon presented plan to deploy 120,000 troops in case of Iran escalation
Our Founding Fathers knew better than You. There is no express immigration clause.

And, we have a Second Amendment that clearly informs us, what is Necessary for the security of our free States.
Wrong the founding fathers stopped the Germans from coming here. They hated them
ENOUGH! Get rid of theses invaders first! Get these cockroaches and there kids out of my country!
We have no country if we can’t control who is in our country!

NYT: Pentagon presented plan to deploy 120,000 troops in case of Iran escalation
Have you people thought about the insanity of this? Trump wants to send 120,000 of our own to die for Trump's oil, that he said we should just go get. Never mind the fact that Iran was complying with Obama's Iran deal the whole time, that he went and canceled on Iran for no good reason. If one person out of the 120,000 dies it's blood on Trump's hands, he's a murderer, and his idiot base voted to send their own children to die for a cayuse that only benefits Trump. And what did your dead son or daughter get? They got shitted on by Trump and paid the ultimate price for absolutely nothing. This is ten times worse than the lying war of Bush and Iraq.
ENOUGH! Get rid of theses invaders first! Get these cockroaches and there kids out of my country!
We have no country if we can’t control who is in our country!

NYT: Pentagon presented plan to deploy 120,000 troops in case of Iran escalation
Have you people thought about the insanity of this? Trump wants to send 120,000 of our own to die for Trump's oil, that he said we should just go get. Never mind the fact that Iran was complying with Obama's Iran deal the whole time, that he went and canceled on Iran for no good reason. If one person out of the 120,000 dies it's blood on Trump's hands, he's a murderer, and his idiot base voted to send their own children to die for a cayuse that only benefits Trump. And what did your dead son or daughter get? They got shitted on by Trump and paid the ultimate price for absolutely nothing. This is ten times worse than the lying war of Bush and Iraq.
You are a beta male.. sit down and shut up
We have no country

Nothing you have ever posted has been more true.
It's too late.

The Globalists plan for the last 150 years was to dilute America into a diverse society, which of course meant disharmony and domestic chaos....making power grabs so much easier. Exactly as the Dem elites are doing today.
If we can sweep in 2020 we can deport all Latinos and fix immigration. We can put laws in place that will protect our culture.
What culture is that?
Who thinks adventures in Iran will be even more fun than adventures in Iraq?
Right-wingers will cheer Trump on for starting a war with Iran to get Iran's oil, and when their sons or daughters are killed, they will have a pity party that they died for this country. Lol! No, they would not have died for this country. They would have died for an imperialistic takeover of the regions oil, while Iran was complying with the Iran deal that Trump abruptly canceled, allowing the murder of thousands, if not millions. Ha, you dumb asses voted for this authoritarian dictator who will use you for every means available, and the Trump nuts drank the cultist kool-aid. Enjoy!
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We have no country

Nothing you have ever posted has been more true.
It's too late.

The Globalists plan for the last 150 years was to dilute America into a diverse society, which of course meant disharmony and domestic chaos....making power grabs so much easier. Exactly as the Dem elites are doing today.
If we can sweep in 2020 we can deport all Latinos and fix immigration. We can put laws in place that will protect our culture.
What culture is that?
Get a history book, go meet some Americans

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