Trump To Snub WHCD . . . Again

Trump will never speak at an event where the audience does not consist of people who support him or work for him.

That should concern his loyal fans.
I would think very little of him if he appeared at events that were only hostile. I would not tolerate that for a second. The media gets to stand up there and insult him and he has to take it! Walk the fuck out.

He's an insecure pussy.

You're a flaming butthole.
Trump will never speak at an event where the audience does not consist of people who support him or work for him.

That should concern his loyal fans.
I would think very little of him if he appeared at events that were only hostile. I would not tolerate that for a second. The media gets to stand up there and insult him and he has to take it! Walk the fuck out.

He's an insecure pussy.

You’re describing yourself.
He should go and rub their faces in the Mueller report....21/2 years of lies by the media...
Trump will never speak at an event where the audience does not consist of people who support him or work for him.

That should concern his loyal fans.

President Trump actually did attend this dinner in 2011 as a Private Citizen.

The correspondents ignored their job to roast and embarrass B. Hussein O.,and they all jumped on him instead.

They really do hate Trump's guts.

BTW, President Trump has an important rally scheduled for the date of the event in 2019, so its out of the question.
That's really not true. Donald Trump was on the bad side of the WWE Universe when he was enshrined in the Hall of Fame and he was booed. Took it pretty well.
But then , why not, his induction into the WWE Hall of Fame was the highlight of his tremendous life.
What a stupid comment.

I can only assume you were trying to make a joke.
Trump will never speak at an event where the audience does not consist of people who support him or work for him.
That should concern his loyal fans.

I've been to two of his events. I didn't work for him. He had no way of knowing if I supported him. No one asked me going in. There were plenty of people there who obviously didn't support him and protested.

  • Hillary Clinton will not speak at a debate unless she already has the questions in advance.
  • Hillary Clinton will not come on Fox News because she can't control the interview.
  • Hillary Clinton will only go to interviews with "friendly" journalists when she has a copy of the interview first and it must not deviate from the script.
  • Hillary Clinton insists on a teleprompter at any public event she's at.

Apparently that and much more concerned about a 150 million deplorables.

Sorry, pal. The world knows that this fucker only shows up for friendly crowds.
Everyone knows that the WHCD is nothing but a "roast" where mild good natured barbs are aimed at democrats and vicious insults are directed at republicans so what's the point? If a 68 year old man wearing a MAGA hat can't even get a cup of coffee at Starbucks these days without being verbally assaulted by maniacs what chance does the President have against all that hatred in the media?

You need your safe spaces.
I got to tell you. If Obama had some gay jokes thrown at him with his wife Michael included that would be a start. Viciousness and having some fun are two different things
Trump will never speak at an event where the audience does not consist of people who support him or work for him.

That should concern his loyal fans.
It doesn't concern anyone with an adult's intelligence.

Why would be go into took of lying Democrat Party sycophants when he could go to a rally of normal Americans instead?

The left is just pissy because Trump's Rally's make their little Tuxedo Elitists event look as worthless as it is.
Poor Donnie. The star pitcher who can't throw out the first pitch at a big league game because he'd get boo'd off the mound by REAL AMERICANS.

Sad, believe me.
I see you have no point, just a gut full hate and envy.

Trump's rally of Real Americans will be several 1000, who will stand in line for hours hoping there are seats left when they finally get to the front of the line.

Poor Donnie. The star pitcher who can't throw out the first pitch at a big league game because he'd get boo'd off the mound by REAL AMERICANS.

Sad, believe me.
I see you have no point, just a gut full hate and envy.

Trump's rally of Real Americans will be several 1000, who will stand in line for hours hoping there are seats left when they finally get to the front of the line.

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Yes. He will have several thousand supporters attend his next rally. And he will lie to you about how many thousand.

Why doesn't he just head over to the National's next home game and greet a crowd that isn't made up of MAGA morons?

Thin skin?

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