Trump to sue Facebook, Twitter, Google over alleged censorship

Thank God that Donald Trump is standing up for all of our first amendment rights. These companies are confiscating peoples right to free speech and if we let that happen, it's goodbye America.

Neither you, nor Donald Trump, have a coherent understanding of our First Amendment rights.

I would agree that a private company cant really violate a person's 1st Amendment rights (wasnt that the arguement about the NFL and the kneeling? Funny how everyone has switched stances on basically the same issue). That said these social media platforms have set themselves up as the defacto "public square" so there are, and rightfully so, concerns about their ability to squash speech they dont like. And make no mistake that's what's happening. They can say it's about lying or misinformation or violations of their terms of service but it's that they dont like what's being said.

They also enjoy protections against liable and other forms of litigation based on their status as a platform and not a publisher. Once you start picking and choosing which things end up on your platform I think you should probably lose that protection.

The other issue is why would we want them to stifle speech? Regardless of what's being said. I want people like David Duke to run off at the mouth about their dip shit ideas. It lets me know who they. You arent changing his or people like him mind by kicking them off twitter. Dumb ideas only go away when they are drug out into the sunlight and argued in the open so that everyone can see exactly how stupid they are. Pushing them into the dark only lets them ferment and I would argue gives the purveyors of the ideas credibility by making it seem like they are truths society is afraid to admit or deal with.
So would you say that violent killing, terrorist recruitment and pornography be permitted to freely flow through these sites? No regulation permitted at all?
Porn and terrorist recruitment already happens on Facebook and Twitter and all the other social media platforms already so, Yeah. I dont personally like it but.... Killing people is illegal why would it be any more legal to post a killing on a social media platform?

I would be ok with the platforms enabling a filter so you can get that type of shit off your feed, and bouncing producers of this type of content if they dont tag it appropriately. Again at least we know where it is and its out in the open.
Haha, no… I’m talking about uncensored porn (penis in vagina) and out right violence (beheadings). And blantant terrors recruitment and planning. You really want all that stuff to flow freely through social media?!
Thank God that Donald Trump is standing up for all of our first amendment rights. These companies are confiscating peoples right to free speech and if we let that happen, it's goodbye America.

Neither you, nor Donald Trump, have a coherent understanding of our First Amendment rights.

I would agree that a private company cant really violate a person's 1st Amendment rights (wasnt that the arguement about the NFL and the kneeling? Funny how everyone has switched stances on basically the same issue). That said these social media platforms have set themselves up as the defacto "public square" so there are, and rightfully so, concerns about their ability to squash speech they dont like. And make no mistake that's what's happening. They can say it's about lying or misinformation or violations of their terms of service but it's that they dont like what's being said.

They also enjoy protections against liable and other forms of litigation based on their status as a platform and not a publisher. Once you start picking and choosing which things end up on your platform I think you should probably lose that protection.

The other issue is why would we want them to stifle speech? Regardless of what's being said. I want people like David Duke to run off at the mouth about their dip shit ideas. It lets me know who they. You arent changing his or people like him mind by kicking them off twitter. Dumb ideas only go away when they are drug out into the sunlight and argued in the open so that everyone can see exactly how stupid they are. Pushing them into the dark only lets them ferment and I would argue gives the purveyors of the ideas credibility by making it seem like they are truths society is afraid to admit or deal with.
Companies should, and do, have the right to block speech, like Trump's, which incites violence.
Thank God that Donald Trump is standing up for all of our first amendment rights. These companies are confiscating peoples right to free speech and if we let that happen, it's goodbye America.
Thank God that Donald Trump is standing up for all of our first amendment rights. These companies are confiscating peoples right to free speech and if we let that happen, it's goodbye America.
As a renowned counter-puncher, Trump's motivation has nothing to do with anyone else's 1st Amendment rights. This lawsuit is all about his attempt to draw attention away from the indictment of the Trump organization's CFO. It won't work.

Furthermore, because Trump was and is a famous control freak of monumental proportions who would never share credit and who would never accept blame, everyone knows that nothing of any consequence happened within the Trump organization without Trump's involvement and approval. Frankly, I find it hard to believe that anyone within the organization is going to voluntarily face financial ruination and possible prison time in an effort to shield Trump when he's never been loyal to anyone in his life. You see, I believe that Trump is fully prepared to say that he had no knowledge of what his CFO was doing as if he was kept in the dark by his CFO. How many people would willingly face prison and financial ruination after being thrown under the bus by the man who approved of the tax scheme and probably even planned it in the first place? Would anyone on this board do that? Only if they're fools!
Thank God that Donald Trump is standing up for all of our first amendment rights. These companies are confiscating peoples right to free speech and if we let that happen, it's goodbye America.
Thank God that Donald Trump is standing up for all of our first amendment rights. These companies are confiscating peoples right to free speech and if we let that happen, it's goodbye America.
As a renowned counter-puncher, Trump's motivation has nothing to do with anyone else's 1st Amendment rights. This lawsuit is all about his attempt to draw attention away from the indictment of the Trump organization's CFO. It won't work.

Furthermore, because Trump was and is a famous control freak of monumental proportions who would never share credit and who would never accept blame, everyone knows that nothing of any consequence happened within the Trump organization without Trump's involvement and approval. Frankly, I find it hard to believe that anyone within the organization is going to voluntarily face financial ruination and possible prison time in an effort to shield Trump when he's never been loyal to anyone in his life. You see, I believe that Trump is fully prepared to say that he had no knowledge of what his CFO was doing as if he was kept in the dark by his CFO. How many people would willingly face prison and financial ruination after being thrown under the bus by the man who approved of the tax scheme and probably even planned it in the first place? Would anyone on this board do that? Only if they're fools!
I could see doing time for money. But unlike Manafort, Trump can't pardon him.

But I'm not sure he'd be looking at time for just illegally claiming a fringe benefit for what should have been considered income.
Have to love that Fox News inserts the word "alleged" in their title. Hah. He is banned from some sites, how else is one defining censorship?

Former President Donald Trump on Tuesday is announcing that he will lead a lawsuit over alleged censorship against Twitter, Facebook and Google -- three tech companies that removed him from their platforms after the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol by a mob of his supporters.

The lawsuit will be a class-action, with Trump as the lead plaintiff, claiming that he's been censored by the companies, the Associated Press reported. He will speak about the legal action from his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey.

Twitter, YouTube and Facebook each barred Trump over his false claims that the presidential election was stolen, alleging that he contributed to the violence at the Capitol on Jan. 6. YouTube is owned by Google.
Yeah, where do companies get the right to refuse service? Somehow, FB/Twitter/Google seems to think that free enterprise applies to them. The nerve.
Like being forced to bake Homo cake?
So, Trump is a homo? Now it all makes sense the way he was around Putin.
Have to love that Fox News inserts the word "alleged" in their title. Hah. He is banned from some sites, how else is one defining censorship?

Former President Donald Trump on Tuesday is announcing that he will lead a lawsuit over alleged censorship against Twitter, Facebook and Google -- three tech companies that removed him from their platforms after the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol by a mob of his supporters.

The lawsuit will be a class-action, with Trump as the lead plaintiff, claiming that he's been censored by the companies, the Associated Press reported. He will speak about the legal action from his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey.

Twitter, YouTube and Facebook each barred Trump over his false claims that the presidential election was stolen, alleging that he contributed to the violence at the Capitol on Jan. 6. YouTube is owned by Google.
This lawsuit is similar to all other trumptard clowns' lawsuits. In that, it is all to solicit funds. "I am suing the big bad FB. Send Cash!!"
Thank God that Donald Trump is standing up for all of our first amendment rights. These companies are confiscating peoples right to free speech and if we let that happen, it's goodbye America.
Thank God that Donald Trump is standing up for all of our first amendment rights. These companies are confiscating peoples right to free speech and if we let that happen, it's goodbye America.
As a renowned counter-puncher, Trump's motivation has nothing to do with anyone else's 1st Amendment rights. This lawsuit is all about his attempt to draw attention away from the indictment of the Trump organization's CFO. It won't work.

Furthermore, because Trump was and is a famous control freak of monumental proportions who would never share credit and who would never accept blame, everyone knows that nothing of any consequence happened within the Trump organization without Trump's involvement and approval. Frankly, I find it hard to believe that anyone within the organization is going to voluntarily face financial ruination and possible prison time in an effort to shield Trump when he's never been loyal to anyone in his life. You see, I believe that Trump is fully prepared to say that he had no knowledge of what his CFO was doing as if he was kept in the dark by his CFO. How many people would willingly face prison and financial ruination after being thrown under the bus by the man who approved of the tax scheme and probably even planned it in the first place? Would anyone on this board do that? Only if they're fools!
I could see doing time for money. But unlike Manafort, Trump can't pardon him.

But I'm not sure he'd be looking at time for just illegally claiming a fringe benefit for what should have been considered income.
Well, this was tax fraud, pure and simple. Wesley Snipes went to prison for failing to pay his taxes, but he didn't create an elaborate fraud and keep two sets of books. He merely didn't declare his income. Creating a fraudulent scheme is worse because it shows a preplanned and intentional fraud spanning several years as opposed to simple carelessness.
Have to love that Fox News inserts the word "alleged" in their title. Hah. He is banned from some sites, how else is one defining censorship?

Former President Donald Trump on Tuesday is announcing that he will lead a lawsuit over alleged censorship against Twitter, Facebook and Google -- three tech companies that removed him from their platforms after the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol by a mob of his supporters.

The lawsuit will be a class-action, with Trump as the lead plaintiff, claiming that he's been censored by the companies, the Associated Press reported. He will speak about the legal action from his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey.

Twitter, YouTube and Facebook each barred Trump over his false claims that the presidential election was stolen, alleging that he contributed to the violence at the Capitol on Jan. 6. YouTube is owned by Google.
Thought that the orange disaster didn’t need them as he could buy a platform.....Bsh Ha Ha Ha
Thank God that Donald Trump is standing up for all of our first amendment rights. These companies are confiscating peoples right to free speech and if we let that happen, it's goodbye America.

The doctrine of free speech concerns solely the relationship between government and those governed, not between or among private persons or private entities, such as social media.

Trump’s ‘lawsuits’ are a childish temper-tantrum, completely devoid of merit.
Companies are able to set their own rules of service as long as they are not enforce arbitrarily and capriciously. In this case these media outlets have been selective about who they censor. That is discrimination and it is illegal.

Private social media have the First Amendment right to freedom of association – they’re at liberty to determine who will or will not participate, who will or will not be a member, and may exclude anyone they so desire for whatever reason, whereby doing so is neither discrimination nor illegal.
Companies are able to set their own rules of service as long as they are not enforce arbitrarily and capriciously. In this case these media outlets have been selective about who they censor. That is discrimination and it is illegal.

Private social media have the First Amendment right to freedom of association – they’re at liberty to determine who will or will not participate, who will or will not be a member, and may exclude anyone they so desire for whatever reason, whereby doing so is neither discrimination nor illegal.
HaHaHa, I guess those rules only apply to florists and bakers and pizza outlets. SMH.
Companies are able to set their own rules of service as long as they are not enforce arbitrarily and capriciously. In this case these media outlets have been selective about who they censor. That is discrimination and it is illegal.

Private social media have the First Amendment right to freedom of association – they’re at liberty to determine who will or will not participate, who will or will not be a member, and may exclude anyone they so desire for whatever reason, whereby doing so is neither discrimination nor illegal.
HaHaHa, I guess those rules only apply to florists and bakers and pizza outlets. SMH.

Those rules only apply when you want to punish political enemies. And you have no consistent values.
Thank God for President Trump...doing the right thing that the courts WON"T do. IF the left has their way, they'll destroy this country with Glee. It doesn't matter to them that they're destroying themselves.
Companies are able to set their own rules of service as long as they are not enforce arbitrarily and capriciously. In this case these media outlets have been selective about who they censor. That is discrimination and it is illegal.

Private social media have the First Amendment right to freedom of association – they’re at liberty to determine who will or will not participate, who will or will not be a member, and may exclude anyone they so desire for whatever reason, whereby doing so is neither discrimination nor illegal.
HaHaHa, I guess those rules only apply to florists and bakers and pizza outlets. SMH.

Those rules only apply when you want to punish political enemies. And you have no consistent values.
Exactly my point. FB, Instagram, and YouTube-Google are all guilty of precisely that.

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