Trump to win in Iowa

Yeah, no matter who gets the position, they're gonna cntinue the spending spree. That's a given.

1 year ago, I never gave BRICS a 2nd thought. Now a days, it's pretty regular to see some new country joining them. I think Mexico has joined. Our own neighbor.

And why wouldn't they? We got fewer and fewer good relations with them now a days. If they become an ally of Russia and China, we're fucked. Who do we have? Canada? California's population is as much as Canada.

Our government can spend hundreds of billions in foreign aid to the middle east, But we can't spend a couple billion helping the Mexican government weed out the cartels? Obviously, they don't want us to help, because when we do help some country, our government suddenly thinks we own them.
Mexico is about as libertarian as you can get. They don't want some government like our take them over.
westwall , you can disagree with me all you want. But the fact remains. Trump didn't secure the border. He didn't reduce the size and scope of government. He didn't reduce spending, the debt or the deficit. He didn't reverse the trade deficit we have with China. He didn't even try to "lock her up." Even after she initiated the whole Russian hoax. He didn't go after Pelosi for the 1st impeachment.

He either got his ass kicked by the democrats or he went along with them.

By 2018, we were all supposed to be tired of winning. Well, Trump hasn't won anything since 2016. Because he's a loser with a good sales pitch. And you bought it all.

It’s time for DeSanctimonious or Haley to drop out. They’re just going to block each other the longer they both stay in. And it still probably won’t be enough to pry the Republican nomination from Trump.
Now if only Iowa reflected the beliefs and diversity of the whole country, Trump would have an easy stroll to power. Fortunately that is not at all the case.
Yep, you've got it!

As of today...

"Per the latest polling from far-left ABC News and the Incredible Shrinking Washington Post, His Fraudulency Joe Biden’s job approval rating has crashed to 33 percent. In comparison, his disapproval rating has climbed to 58 percent."

"In this poll of adults, ABC/WaPo adds that Biden’s 33 percent job approval is “worse than Trump’s low as president (36 percent) and the lowest since George W. Bush from 2006-2008.”"
I have. But what does that have to do with anything? Are you trying to make the case that this is all Biden's fault? Biden entered the White House with an inflation hurricane already on our shores. There was nothing that could stop that. A hurricane created by most Trump. But Covid did help Trump spend a few trillion more than was needed.

And for the record, it's not Biden that's making things better, prices slowly coming down. It's "we the people" that are doing that.

Keep dreaming!


will trump leave Nato?
No. What President Trump says in public is for public consumption. He has dealt with the most powerful leaders in the world. Face, to most, is critically important. By complimenting leaders in public, they are far more likely to negotiate seriously in private.

By having threatened to pull out of NATO, he put them on notice, and the other members, who had been delinquent in paying their agreed-upon amounts, stepped up. A good thing for everyone.
westwall , you can disagree with me all you want. But the fact remains. Trump didn't secure the border. He didn't reduce the size and scope of government. He didn't reduce spending, the debt or the deficit. He didn't reverse the trade deficit we have with China. He didn't even try to "lock her up." Even after she initiated the whole Russian hoax. He didn't go after Pelosi for the 1st impeachment.

He either got his ass kicked by the democrats or he went along with them.

By 2018, we were all supposed to be tired of winning. Well, Trump hasn't won anything since 2016. Because he's a loser with a good sales pitch. And you bought it all.

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Actually, he did. The remain in Mexico policy reduced the cross border infiltration to a minimal amount.

Added to that Mexico preventing illegals from crossing THEIR southern border and yes, the US had our most secure southern border in years. It took Trump a while to figure out how to do it thanks to RINO's and the demofascists working together to prevent him from doing it, but your entire premise is a lie.

Like I said, you are a typical progressive.
Yeah, you are a liar too. But we already knew that.

you willing to wager on it?

Do you have the balls to back up your words?

If I can show the number of illegals crossings did not drop till 2020 you leave the board for a month, if you can show me they dropped before that I will leave for good.

You up for it? Or will you be your normal pussy self?
you willing to wager on it?

Do you have the balls to back up your words?

If I can show the number of illegals crossings did not drop till 2020 you leave the board for a month, if you can show me they dropped before that I will leave for good.

You up for it? Or will you be your normal pussy self?

Ah, go piss up a rope, soy boy. You are a liar and would never adhere to the bet.

Now quit your pissing and moaning and head for Panama.

They need ball washers down there. The jefe's like gringos like you to clean out their stables too.

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