Trump told South Carolinians that they should vote for him twice

Democrats allowed illegals to vote.
That is a lie.
They hand illegal aliens voter registration cards at the department of motor vehicle office.

Illegal aliens can only qualify for an AB-60 driver's license...

Section 12801.9 of the California Vehicle code is an AB60 license.​

And folks who obtain an AB-60 driver's license are not registered to vote...

Election Code, Division II, Chapter 4.5 § 2263 (d) The department shall not electronically provide records of a person who applies for or is issued a driver’s license pursuant to Section 12801.9 of the Vehicle Code because he or she is unable to submit satisfactory proof that his or her presence in the United States is authorized under federal law.

... in accordance with state legislation...

Bill Text - AB-60 Driver’s licenses: eligibility: required documentation. The license shall bear the following notice: “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes. This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle. It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.”
Dont confuse them with facts

They only mess up their conspiracy theories of millions of illegals voting


Chris Cuomo blasted Attorney General Bill Barr on Wednesday, accusing him of acting as a pawn for President Donald Trump and “playing dumb” about the legality of voting twice.

It’s illegal to vote more than once in an election, but that didn’t stop Trump from suggesting on Wednesday that voters in North Carolina test their state’s election system by voting once by mail and a second time in person.

When asked about this comment in an interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, Barr tried to explain away Trump’s suggestion and declined to say it was illegal, claiming not to know the specific law in North Carolina.
tramp knows its illegal to vote twice, but Barr is unsure!!!

Love that liberal spin, dont' you?

How is it spin when you quote Trump’s own words?

His own words?

" "So let them send it in and let them go vote, and if their system's as good as they say it is, then obviously they won't be able to vote. If it isn't tabulated, they'll be able to vote," Trump said when asked whether he has confidence in the mail-in system in North Carolina, a battleground state. "

Seems like you’re the one engaging in spin. “So let them send it in and let them go vote”. Sounds like vote twice to me.

But then I am only quoting Trump’s own words.

and still spinning.

No just quoting.

No just selectively quoting.

Seriously who encourages someone to send in a mail in ballot then go again on Election Day. is plain as day what the idiot was saying. We already know that Election Day will be swamped so not only is Trump encouraging voter fraud but is also encouraging chaos at the polls by having millions who sent in ballots to go to the polls in an attempt to throw a monkey wrench in the system by delaying voters from casting votes.

Wonder if he's gonna follow though with his threat to position sheriff's at polling places for intimidation purposes? The RNC is ALREADY recruiting 50,000 "poll watchers" for the same purpose. What could possibly go wrong? :rolleyes:

Hey voters, if ANYONE (including a sheriff) questions your right to vote, tell them to get bent ... they are entitled to NOTHING - your ID or otherwise.

Young men exercising their second amendment rights
Yet, it is the Democrats that block any sort of rule or regulation that would prevent voting twice.
Give us an example
Not requiring ID. I just go and say I'm tim Jones and they give me a ballot. Democrats are literally so racist they believe black people are to dumb to have IDs or find a DMV.

OK try that
Say you are Tim Jones and sign that ballot. Then try to explain why your signature doesn’t match or explain why you are voting when Tim Jones has already voted
So, you don't think someone could walk into a voting location, just give a name of someone else, and be allowed to vote?

Show where that is happening.

The Poll Worker says......sign your name here and the guy runs away

Because signing someone else’s name is a Federal Crime

:auiqs.jpg: And Democrats believe that never happens.

I’d be happy to read whatever you provide that shows people voting intentionally under someone else’s name.

The fact Democrats are here claiming our elections are clean and pure and that fraud doesn't happen and illegals don't vote shows the average person reading this forum that Democrats are lying scum.

I’d be happy to acknowledge that our country suffers from significant voter fraud if you could only provide some evidence.

Conspiracy Theories just don‘t have the weight with Democrats that they do with Republicans

RW: "I’d be happy to acknowledge that our country suffers from significant voter fraud if you could only provide some evidence"

Corrected: " I’d be happy to acknowledge that our country suffers from significant voter fraud if you could only provide some evidence that I won't ignore"

You're welcome

I notice you still have FAILED to provide any actual evidence. In 2017, Trump created a commission to investigate voter fraud. They came up with NOTHING......but Trump keeps telling the lie

His followers repeat it

I've seen you in way many of these threads being bombed with fraud examples and you ignored them all. Why would I waste my time?

Trump just pwned you. He said cheat and immediately you proved you know how easy it would be to do that and you're making it easier. Funny stuff. Trump is just way smarter than you are

If it is widely prevalent as you say, you wouldn’t struggle to identify the thousands of cases of voter fraud or mail fraud that you claim.

I said you're ignoring them. How stupid are you?

Aaahhh, another government school graduate, huh? Maybe you can read slower and spend more time sounding out the words

Ignoring that you have no evidence to support your wild claims?
Another Biden worshiper who's standard is you have to love and adore them and agree with everything they say to vote for them.

Your dream is going all carnal on the old fart, huh?

Or better, he goes all carnal on you! That's the dream ...

Biden wasn't my choice. Hell, I'd even vote for Islamaphobe White Nationalist Boris Johnson over your idiot at this point. At least he condemned Putin for poisoning his political rival and provided leadership on the pandemic. Once again, we got CRICKETS from Putin's Puppet.


Even the German leader ,the lady,has more balls than trump
As usual you scream woulda, coulda, shoulda but can’t point to any illegals actually voting.
In a sense you are right. It is illegal to ask voters their citizenship hence it is illegal to prove there is voter fraud.

And, you simply dismiss everything you disagree with as a lie, a fail. So, I have shown how illegal aliens register to vote now here is an article showing how illegal aliens admit to voting.

The Los Angeles Times reported that 19 Orange County residents admitted to the newspaper that they registered and cast ballots even though they had not yet become naturalized citizens.
Democrats allowed illegals to vote.
That is a lie.
They hand illegal aliens voter registration cards at the department of motor vehicle office.

This has been debunked so many times it now resides in Debunktion Junction. In RARE cases states like California allow LEGAL migrant workers to obtain temporary driver permits. These do not enable them to vote.

When I moved to Oregon recently, I had to show them my birth certificate and then registration to vote is automatic and all voting is mail-in. Oregon did an exhaustive study after the 2016 elections and found TWO cases of voter fraud in the entire state.

An illegal resident would never risk it. Getting caught would mean permanent deportation.


Yeah, illegal aliens are so afraid of deportation. More of your stupid propaganda
Hey you dumb stupid moron. This is the DIRECT quote from Trump:

"So let them send it in and let them go vote, and if their system's as good as they say it is, then obviously they won't be able to vote. If it isn't tabulated, they'll be able to vote," Trump said when asked whether he has confidence in the mail-in system in North Carolina, a battleground state.“
Hey you dumb stupid moron... Nobody does that. That has NEVER been the case EVER. Voter fraud CAN'T happen... Remember?

I fuck'n hate hypocrites.
Hey double dumb stupid moron. No one ever said voting fraud never happened. It’s just extremely RARE therefore it doesn’t matter.

But now you're admitting that people can vote twice, which you said can't happen. So which is it?

Remember how you said they pull every voter registration card and a trained signature and have a trained handwriting expert validate them all?

It's hilarious how you've been so fraud, NFW then as soon as there's a comment from Trump you melt down proving you were lying all this time and even you know how easy it is with the stupid rules you're putting in place.

You realize this was Trump's point, to make you react the way you did, right? LOL. He's WAY smarter than you are
When did anyone say it couldn’t happen? It’s just very rare for someone to try it.

But you're making it way easier to do. And you know that. You are admitting it now
Yet, it is the Democrats that block any sort of rule or regulation that would prevent voting twice.
Give us an example
Not requiring ID. I just go and say I'm tim Jones and they give me a ballot. Democrats are literally so racist they believe black people are to dumb to have IDs or find a DMV.

OK try that
Say you are Tim Jones and sign that ballot. Then try to explain why your signature doesn’t match or explain why you are voting when Tim Jones has already voted
So, you don't think someone could walk into a voting location, just give a name of someone else, and be allowed to vote?

Show where that is happening.

The Poll Worker says......sign your name here and the guy runs away

Because signing someone else’s name is a Federal Crime

There was nothing preventing him from signing the name and voting in Holder's name.

Then why didn’t he?

He never actually voted in Holders name, did he?
He never actually tried to fake Holders signature and get away with it, did he?

He ran away when asked to sign
The process worked as designed and stopped an illegal vote

He was there to prove a point, Halfwit.

Do you think he couldn't have signed the Wing Man's name and gotten away with it? There was no sig to compare to, and that guy didn't strike me as a handwriting expert anyway. You got owned by that video, Dummy.

What point?

That he was unable to vote in Holders name and that he ran away when asked to provide a signature?

If it was so easy, why didn’t he follow through and PROVE he could vote in someone elses name?
Hey you dumb stupid moron. This is the DIRECT quote from Trump:

"So let them send it in and let them go vote, and if their system's as good as they say it is, then obviously they won't be able to vote. If it isn't tabulated, they'll be able to vote," Trump said when asked whether he has confidence in the mail-in system in North Carolina, a battleground state.“
Hey you dumb stupid moron... Nobody does that. That has NEVER been the case EVER. Voter fraud CAN'T happen... Remember?

I fuck'n hate hypocrites.
Hey double dumb stupid moron. No one ever said voting fraud never happened. It’s just extremely RARE therefore it doesn’t matter.

But now you're admitting that people can vote twice, which you said can't happen. So which is it?

Remember how you said they pull every voter registration card and a trained signature and have a trained handwriting expert validate them all?

It's hilarious how you've been so fraud, NFW then as soon as there's a comment from Trump you melt down proving you were lying all this time and even you know how easy it is with the stupid rules you're putting in place.

You realize this was Trump's point, to make you react the way you did, right? LOL. He's WAY smarter than you are
When did anyone say it couldn’t happen? It’s just very rare for someone to try it.

But you're making it way easier to do. And you know that. You are admitting it now
Um no this has been the same message since the beginning lol
Yet, it is the Democrats that block any sort of rule or regulation that would prevent voting twice.
Give us an example
Not requiring ID. I just go and say I'm tim Jones and they give me a ballot. Democrats are literally so racist they believe black people are to dumb to have IDs or find a DMV.

OK try that
Say you are Tim Jones and sign that ballot. Then try to explain why your signature doesn’t match or explain why you are voting when Tim Jones has already voted
So, you don't think someone could walk into a voting location, just give a name of someone else, and be allowed to vote?

Show where that is happening.

The Poll Worker says......sign your name here and the guy runs away

Because signing someone else’s name is a Federal Crime

:auiqs.jpg: And Democrats believe that never happens.

I’d be happy to read whatever you provide that shows people voting intentionally under someone else’s name.

The fact Democrats are here claiming our elections are clean and pure and that fraud doesn't happen and illegals don't vote shows the average person reading this forum that Democrats are lying scum.

I’d be happy to acknowledge that our country suffers from significant voter fraud if you could only provide some evidence.

Conspiracy Theories just don‘t have the weight with Democrats that they do with Republicans

RW: "I’d be happy to acknowledge that our country suffers from significant voter fraud if you could only provide some evidence"

Corrected: " I’d be happy to acknowledge that our country suffers from significant voter fraud if you could only provide some evidence that I won't ignore"

You're welcome

I notice you still have FAILED to provide any actual evidence. In 2017, Trump created a commission to investigate voter fraud. They came up with NOTHING......but Trump keeps telling the lie

His followers repeat it

I've seen you in way many of these threads being bombed with fraud examples and you ignored them all. Why would I waste my time?

Trump just pwned you. He said cheat and immediately you proved you know how easy it would be to do that and you're making it easier. Funny stuff. Trump is just way smarter than you are

If it is widely prevalent as you say, you wouldn’t struggle to identify the thousands of cases of voter fraud or mail fraud that you claim.

I said you're ignoring them. How stupid are you?

Aaahhh, another government school graduate, huh? Maybe you can read slower and spend more time sounding out the words

Ignoring that you have no evidence to support your wild claims?

You're a level of stupid that I can't help you, sorry

To test the system of course! Oh gee how convenient. Voting fraud is now okay. Why? Because it means those votes will supposedly slip through the cracks and it will help him win fraudulently. He is a such a fucking moron.

You INSULT fucking morons

You INSULT fucking morons

Why are you taking it personally?
Another Biden worshiper who's standard is you have to love and adore them and agree with everything they say to vote for them.

Your dream is going all carnal on the old fart, huh?

Or better, he goes all carnal on you! That's the dream ...

Biden wasn't my choice. Hell, I'd even vote for Islamaphobe White Nationalist Boris Johnson over your idiot at this point. At least he condemned Putin for poisoning his political rival and provided leadership on the pandemic. Once again, we got CRICKETS from Putin's Puppet.


Even the German leader ,the lady,has more balls than trump

Merkel and every other ally leader but our Donald has condemned Das Poot. It's just sad.
Yet, it is the Democrats that block any sort of rule or regulation that would prevent voting twice.
Give us an example
Not requiring ID. I just go and say I'm tim Jones and they give me a ballot. Democrats are literally so racist they believe black people are to dumb to have IDs or find a DMV.

OK try that
Say you are Tim Jones and sign that ballot. Then try to explain why your signature doesn’t match or explain why you are voting when Tim Jones has already voted
So, you don't think someone could walk into a voting location, just give a name of someone else, and be allowed to vote?

Show where that is happening.

The Poll Worker says......sign your name here and the guy runs away

Because signing someone else’s name is a Federal Crime

:auiqs.jpg: And Democrats believe that never happens.

I’d be happy to read whatever you provide that shows people voting intentionally under someone else’s name.

The fact Democrats are here claiming our elections are clean and pure and that fraud doesn't happen and illegals don't vote shows the average person reading this forum that Democrats are lying scum.

I’d be happy to acknowledge that our country suffers from significant voter fraud if you could only provide some evidence.

Conspiracy Theories just don‘t have the weight with Democrats that they do with Republicans

RW: "I’d be happy to acknowledge that our country suffers from significant voter fraud if you could only provide some evidence"

Corrected: " I’d be happy to acknowledge that our country suffers from significant voter fraud if you could only provide some evidence that I won't ignore"

You're welcome

I notice you still have FAILED to provide any actual evidence. In 2017, Trump created a commission to investigate voter fraud. They came up with NOTHING......but Trump keeps telling the lie

His followers repeat it

I've seen you in way many of these threads being bombed with fraud examples and you ignored them all. Why would I waste my time?

Trump just pwned you. He said cheat and immediately you proved you know how easy it would be to do that and you're making it easier. Funny stuff. Trump is just way smarter than you are

If it is widely prevalent as you say, you wouldn’t struggle to identify the thousands of cases of voter fraud or mail fraud that you claim.

I said you're ignoring them. How stupid are you?

Aaahhh, another government school graduate, huh? Maybe you can read slower and spend more time sounding out the words

Ignoring that you have no evidence to support your wild claims?

You're a level of stupid that I can't help you, sorry


You Stupid!

That is the best you can come up with when someone challenges your wild claims?
To test the system of course! Oh gee how convenient. Voting fraud is now okay. Why? Because it means those votes will supposedly slip through the cracks and it will help him win fraudulently. He is a such a fucking moron.

I live in South Carolina when Obama ran the 1st time------I ran into 3 different women (I was a recruiter for the government at the time) who showed me their voting cards from multiple counties and told me flat out that they had voted in several counties including LEXINGTON and RICHLAND....on top of this when my husband and I went to vote at our precinct--------we had lots and lots of people we know that didn't live in our area voting. They need to crack down on the multi-county voters. Oh and as added bonus, I signed up with the Obama website as an Obama supporter---they were putting out calls for south carolinians to be bused to North Carolina to HELP the VOTE there as well. Think JOe Messina and the dems were having their minions like acorn arrange multivoting.

There are hundreds of thousands of republicans that works at those polls and so for democrats all over the country.
NOT a single poll workers at the polls claimed any irregularities.

These 3 women that you bogusly posted knew they are violating a law and they can get themselves in trouble will probably face jail and penalties...... Will just blatantly tells you that they violated a law? What kind of lies is that? Dude get real.
As usual you scream woulda, coulda, shoulda but can’t point to any illegals actually voting.
In a sense you are right. It is illegal to ask voters their citizenship hence it is illegal to prove there is voter fraud.

And, you simply dismiss everything you disagree with as a lie, a fail. So, I have shown how illegal aliens register to vote now here is an article showing how illegal aliens admit to voting.

The Los Angeles Times reported that 19 Orange County residents admitted to the newspaper that they registered and cast ballots even though they had not yet become naturalized citizens.
That was a quarter of a century ago and long before motor voter laws.


Chris Cuomo blasted Attorney General Bill Barr on Wednesday, accusing him of acting as a pawn for President Donald Trump and “playing dumb” about the legality of voting twice.

It’s illegal to vote more than once in an election, but that didn’t stop Trump from suggesting on Wednesday that voters in North Carolina test their state’s election system by voting once by mail and a second time in person.

When asked about this comment in an interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, Barr tried to explain away Trump’s suggestion and declined to say it was illegal, claiming not to know the specific law in North Carolina.
tramp knows its illegal to vote twice, but Barr is unsure!!!

Love that liberal spin, dont' you?

How is it spin when you quote Trump’s own words?

His own words?

" "So let them send it in and let them go vote, and if their system's as good as they say it is, then obviously they won't be able to vote. If it isn't tabulated, they'll be able to vote," Trump said when asked whether he has confidence in the mail-in system in North Carolina, a battleground state. " this about NC or SC?

The title says SC.


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