Trump tosses protection for whales/turtles


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
Trump administration throws out new protection for endangered whales

SAN FRANCISCO -- The Trump administration on Monday threw out a new rule intended to limit the numbers of endangered whales and sea turtles getting caught in fishing nets off the West Coast, even though the fishing industry had proposed the measure.

The National Marine Fisheries Service said it decided the new protection was not warranted.

The action is one of the first by the Trump administration targeting protections for threatened species off the Pacific coast, said Catherine Kilduff, an attorney for the Center for Biological Diversity conservation group.

This is what I was afraid of if Trump won as POTUS. His boys like to sport hunt...for sport. Like, killing animals in africa, whacking off elephant tales, posing with lions, etc. He is so focused on his concrete jungle, he has no empathy for things NOT human, but still are alive and that we need to stay alive ourselves. No animals, no farms, no protection of sea animals, no environment concerns=no humans. Can't eat gold or concrete or paved roads or railroad tracks, Pres Trump. Wake up.
Yep, lets wipe out all the creatures on this planet and have a dead planet. Everything that matters on this planet needs to die, be polluted and destroyed in the mindset of Trump and friends.
I support Trump in building a wall...vetting people from countries that want us dead and limiting who can enter. That, I support. With him all the way. Destroying our natural habitats for creatures not human...I'm not so good with.
There was a whole lot of evil involved in the platform that Trump ran on. His supporters are slowly starting to realize.
I support Trump in building a wall...vetting people from countries that want us dead and limiting who can enter. That, I support. With him all the way. Destroying our natural habitats for creatures not human...I'm not so good with.

Do you still believe he's going to do that other crap? Has Mexico sent the check yet?
Trump administration throws out new protection for endangered whales

SAN FRANCISCO -- The Trump administration on Monday threw out a new rule intended to limit the numbers of endangered whales and sea turtles getting caught in fishing nets off the West Coast, even though the fishing industry had proposed the measure.

The National Marine Fisheries Service said it decided the new protection was not warranted.

The action is one of the first by the Trump administration targeting protections for threatened species off the Pacific coast, said Catherine Kilduff, an attorney for the Center for Biological Diversity conservation group.

This is what I was afraid of if Trump won as POTUS. His boys like to sport hunt...for sport. Like, killing animals in africa, whacking off elephant tales, posing with lions, etc. He is so focused on his concrete jungle, he has no empathy for things NOT human, but still are alive and that we need to stay alive ourselves. No animals, no farms, no protection of sea animals, no environment concerns=no humans. Can't eat gold or concrete or paved roads or railroad tracks, Pres Trump. Wake up.

I completely disagree with poaching animals and the horrific practice of Safari Hunts killing wonderful creatures like elephants, rhinos, lions and tigers etc.

People who hunt animals for sport are twisted, to get enjoyment from killing wonderful creatures means you're twisted.
I am conservative 100% and will forever be

But I wish conservatives were kinder to animals ....much kinder

These kind of rules against animals bother me immensely :(
Trump administration throws out new protection for endangered whales

SAN FRANCISCO -- The Trump administration on Monday threw out a new rule intended to limit the numbers of endangered whales and sea turtles getting caught in fishing nets off the West Coast, even though the fishing industry had proposed the measure.

The National Marine Fisheries Service said it decided the new protection was not warranted.

The action is one of the first by the Trump administration targeting protections for threatened species off the Pacific coast, said Catherine Kilduff, an attorney for the Center for Biological Diversity conservation group.

This is what I was afraid of if Trump won as POTUS. His boys like to sport hunt...for sport. Like, killing animals in africa, whacking off elephant tales, posing with lions, etc. He is so focused on his concrete jungle, he has no empathy for things NOT human, but still are alive and that we need to stay alive ourselves. No animals, no farms, no protection of sea animals, no environment concerns=no humans. Can't eat gold or concrete or paved roads or railroad tracks, Pres Trump. Wake up.

Gracie I checked 3 stories out and no links why in those story's why did

The National Marine Fisheries Service said it decided the new protection was not warranted.

So who is in charge of the National fisheries service?

Is it the same ones who ran it under Obama or new ones under Trump?

Trump administration throws out new protection for endangered whales

SAN FRANCISCO -- The Trump administration on Monday threw out a new rule intended to limit the numbers of endangered whales and sea turtles getting caught in fishing nets off the West Coast, even though the fishing industry had proposed the measure.

The National Marine Fisheries Service said it decided the new protection was not warranted.

The action is one of the first by the Trump administration targeting protections for threatened species off the Pacific coast, said Catherine Kilduff, an attorney for the Center for Biological Diversity conservation group.

This is what I was afraid of if Trump won as POTUS. His boys like to sport hunt...for sport. Like, killing animals in africa, whacking off elephant tales, posing with lions, etc. He is so focused on his concrete jungle, he has no empathy for things NOT human, but still are alive and that we need to stay alive ourselves. No animals, no farms, no protection of sea animals, no environment concerns=no humans. Can't eat gold or concrete or paved roads or railroad tracks, Pres Trump. Wake up.

Gracie I checked 3 stories out and no links why in those story's why did

The National Marine Fisheries Service said it decided the new protection was not warranted.

So who is in charge of the National fisheries service?

Is it the same ones who ran it under Obama or new ones under Trump?



Thank you bear513,
Trump administration throws out new protection for endangered whales

SAN FRANCISCO -- The Trump administration on Monday threw out a new rule intended to limit the numbers of endangered whales and sea turtles getting caught in fishing nets off the West Coast, even though the fishing industry had proposed the measure.

The National Marine Fisheries Service said it decided the new protection was not warranted.

The action is one of the first by the Trump administration targeting protections for threatened species off the Pacific coast, said Catherine Kilduff, an attorney for the Center for Biological Diversity conservation group.

This is what I was afraid of if Trump won as POTUS. His boys like to sport hunt...for sport. Like, killing animals in africa, whacking off elephant tales, posing with lions, etc. He is so focused on his concrete jungle, he has no empathy for things NOT human, but still are alive and that we need to stay alive ourselves. No animals, no farms, no protection of sea animals, no environment concerns=no humans. Can't eat gold or concrete or paved roads or railroad tracks, Pres Trump. Wake up.

Gracie I checked 3 stories out and no links why in those story's why did

The National Marine Fisheries Service said it decided the new protection was not warranted.

So who is in charge of the National fisheries service?

Is it the same ones who ran it under Obama or new ones under Trump?

No clue. Just saw it pop up on my cell phone, then found it again on the pc, posted it along with link. My fear of Trump has always been about the environment and his lack of concern over it. The "drill baby drill" mentality, his boys and their "safari hunts" and that he probably runs from a line of ants near Trump Tower.
It concerns me. What is next? More oil drilling? More mountains and habitats destroyed with barren landscapes and animals dying from lack of food they used to have?
Trump administration throws out new protection for endangered whales

SAN FRANCISCO -- The Trump administration on Monday threw out a new rule intended to limit the numbers of endangered whales and sea turtles getting caught in fishing nets off the West Coast, even though the fishing industry had proposed the measure.

The National Marine Fisheries Service said it decided the new protection was not warranted.

The action is one of the first by the Trump administration targeting protections for threatened species off the Pacific coast, said Catherine Kilduff, an attorney for the Center for Biological Diversity conservation group.

This is what I was afraid of if Trump won as POTUS. His boys like to sport hunt...for sport. Like, killing animals in africa, whacking off elephant tales, posing with lions, etc. He is so focused on his concrete jungle, he has no empathy for things NOT human, but still are alive and that we need to stay alive ourselves. No animals, no farms, no protection of sea animals, no environment concerns=no humans. Can't eat gold or concrete or paved roads or railroad tracks, Pres Trump. Wake up.
If it's new......that's usually why it got tossed.
According to your article it seems the NMFS decided that the new protection was not warranted....not Trump.
This is one of time-bombs that Obama set for Trump.
Bill Clinton did the same thing putting strict standards on drinking water that would have raised the cost of bottled water to $100 per bottle. It was a ridiculous regulation that Clinton knew no president would allow to stand. So Bush got rid of it.
This is pretty much the same ole shit.
"Queensland researchers say the current population of humpback whales is the highest ever recorded and they are concerned at the rapid rate at which the species is populating.

Dr Michael Noad, from the University of Queensland's Cetacean Ecology and Acoustics Laboratory, said the most recent figures in 2015 showed 24,500 whales were in the east coast humpback migratory population...

"Maybe we were wrong about the original number of whales in which case maybe the whales are happily going to keep increasing up to some higher level, maybe 40,000 or 50,000," Dr Noad said.

"And maybe we were right, and the whales are going to shoot past their mark.

"Now that could be a really scary thing because that means that the whales might be zooming past their 'carrying capacity', but it means they're going to be overstretched in the next few years.

"That might result in mass mortalities … we might find the whales becoming very thin and we might find a lot of strandings along the coast as a lot of whales die. The population might in fact drop a little bit and then come back up … over the next 10 or 20 years."

Dr Noad said an expanding whale population back to figures not seen since the 1950s would pose problems.
Humpback whale population increasing 'like crazy'
Trump administration throws out new protection for endangered whales

SAN FRANCISCO -- The Trump administration on Monday threw out a new rule intended to limit the numbers of endangered whales and sea turtles getting caught in fishing nets off the West Coast, even though the fishing industry had proposed the measure.

The National Marine Fisheries Service said it decided the new protection was not warranted.

The action is one of the first by the Trump administration targeting protections for threatened species off the Pacific coast, said Catherine Kilduff, an attorney for the Center for Biological Diversity conservation group.

This is what I was afraid of if Trump won as POTUS. His boys like to sport hunt...for sport. Like, killing animals in africa, whacking off elephant tales, posing with lions, etc. He is so focused on his concrete jungle, he has no empathy for things NOT human, but still are alive and that we need to stay alive ourselves. No animals, no farms, no protection of sea animals, no environment concerns=no humans. Can't eat gold or concrete or paved roads or railroad tracks, Pres Trump. Wake up.

Gracie I checked 3 stories out and no links why in those story's why did

The National Marine Fisheries Service said it decided the new protection was not warranted.

So who is in charge of the National fisheries service?

Is it the same ones who ran it under Obama or new ones under Trump?



Thank you bear513,

I found out David Ashe term expired in January and his deputy took over Jim kurth who was hired under Obama

Trump never replaced the director yet

So blame Obama..


Jim Kurth

Jim Kurth became Acting Director for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service January 20, 2017, upon the completion of the term of former director, Dan Ashe. Previously, Kurth served as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Deputy Director for Operations, having been appointed on January 7, 2015.

As Deputy Director for Operations, Kurth promotes and implements the agency’s mission and priorities throughout the United States and abroad by developing and strengthening partnerships with other federal agencies and foreign governments, states, tribes, non-governmental organizations and the private sector. He also assists Director Ashe in ensuring agency performance and accountability, customer service, and consistent application of all Service resource management policies.
Trump administration throws out new protection for endangered whales

SAN FRANCISCO -- The Trump administration on Monday threw out a new rule intended to limit the numbers of endangered whales and sea turtles getting caught in fishing nets off the West Coast, even though the fishing industry had proposed the measure.

The National Marine Fisheries Service said it decided the new protection was not warranted.

The action is one of the first by the Trump administration targeting protections for threatened species off the Pacific coast, said Catherine Kilduff, an attorney for the Center for Biological Diversity conservation group.

This is what I was afraid of if Trump won as POTUS. His boys like to sport hunt...for sport. Like, killing animals in africa, whacking off elephant tales, posing with lions, etc. He is so focused on his concrete jungle, he has no empathy for things NOT human, but still are alive and that we need to stay alive ourselves. No animals, no farms, no protection of sea animals, no environment concerns=no humans. Can't eat gold or concrete or paved roads or railroad tracks, Pres Trump. Wake up.
The National Marine Fisheries Service said it decided the new protection was not warranted.

so not actually trump.

the people that push laws and rules on us said no. In other words, not needed.
I'm wondering what the whales would say if they could speak.
It's probably not necessary, because according to the article -- it only applies to Swordfish boats. There is ample swordfish take from sport fishing to just shut down the drift netting practice. Might make Swordfish more expensive, but I dont need Swordfish on my plate anymore than I NEED buffalo on there.

If the reg was "drift-netting" in general -- I'd be all for it.. But it isn't. For some obscure reason, it singled out Swordfish netting.

I also agree there is no major whale species "dwindling into the 100s of individuals". That's a curious made up fact. After we actually "saved the whales" by shutting down most whaling, all the populations have slightly rebounded.
It's really confused thinking on the part of the regulators. Either BAN it or not. Because you know for certain, that given the slowness and incompetency of govt -- it would take YEARS of study to determine impacts and then years in court to actually SHUT DOWN drift net Swordfishing for "a two year period" --- IF they actually monitored and enforced. It's nuts as written. Replace it with a REAL and enforceable decision....
By catch in all the long net fisheries is closely monitored and has been for years
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