Trump Tries to Gin Up a New Tea Party


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
“…the endgame and the shared interests are very much the same. Distraction, and a diversion of anger in the Heartland — an anger with legitimate and understandable roots — away from them, and hopefully onto the political enemies who threaten their power. If it all sounds painfully familiar, it should. This is the Tea Party Redux, except this time with the added thrill of a seeming death wish among the participants. Maybe we should call this one the Ventilator Party, or maybe the Branch COVID-ians.”

The “Branch COVID-ians.”

The world according to someone named Taegan Goodard? Don't make me laugh
Made me laugh and there is some truth to it. You got to admit "Ventilator Pary and Branch COVID-ians was a good line. Hope they are all alive to vote in November.
Has the new COS been whispering little nothings in Fat Donnie's ear?

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