trump tries to lower expectation for the debate.

Why are we even having debates? Is either candidate going to say anything useful? Anything new? Is even a single voters mind going to be changed? I think not.

Therefore I shall skip these things, as I always have.
It’s a good opportunity for people to see their performance with their own eyes and own judgement rather than someone else’s opinion.
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Trump could remain completely silent for the projected 90 minutes and STILL will the debate. He is debating against a senile potato. A lame brain. Biden the idiot. :p
Then why is he trying to get out in front of a loss a couple of weeks before it even happens?
He never said that. Do lefties still rely on tabloid orientated "Raw Story" for their political information? Everyone can see the desperate attempt by "raw story" lefties to cover up the obvious mental disability of the current president so why do they worry about Trump?
You are very ass-hat-ish
That’s what I see. In the few instances I’ve watched these ridiculous activities it’s looked more like a teacher less kindergarten class than an actual exchange of meaningful ideas between two intelligent individuals. They’re screaming at each other, talking over each other. The moderator isn’t making any attempt to maintain sort of order or decorum. It’s a meaningless shit-show
Do you have friends or family or an inner circle who could send you a life line to reality?
That’s called projection.
You’re the one becoming increasingly dependent on delusional narratives to protect yourself from reality.
Reality is working for me. Not for you.
Two morons standing on a stage giving canned answers by yelling at each other and talking over each other doesn’t tell me anything other than that they’re both morons.
It should serve to disabuse many of the worst narratives of the degenerate MAGA right.
No wonder you don’t like the idea.
It should serve to disabuse many of the worst narratives of the degenerate MAGA right.
No wonder you don’t like the idea
Except that I’m not MAGA. NAGA are moderates compared to me. I’m an Isolationist, Nationalist, Misogynist, Traditionalist, Conservative Authoritarian.

There is nothing that will ever disabuse me of any of those notions, so pretty much all political advertising and marketing is wasted on me.
I think you got it backwards. Stop listening to MSNBC. CNN gave Trump a large amount of "rules" and they expected him to back out. He did not. He said, Lets do it! You understand now? :)
The rules are very simple and apply to both candidates.

tRump is suggesting he may "lose on purpose" and various of his talking head surrogates are suggesting he not show up.

None of this is happening in the Biden Campaign.

Why is that I wonder?

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