Trump Trolls Kim Jong Un, Says His Nuke Button is Bigger

Looks like PredFan has run away. Guess he couldn't find aircraft mounted missiles that could shoot down an ICBM.
Let the snowflake meltdowns begins

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

you mean smart people?

Exactly what would you have wanted him to say in response?
No one says any another what Kim aim said!
If JFK had said the exact same thing, his Quote would have gone down in History

Show me in history where another president tuants a crazy man who could bring on a possible catastrophic event like Trump is doing to N. Korea?

Roosevelt held back almost too long , Wilson , Lincoln all kept their cool.

Trump is trying to keep the word Russia off the headlines..he is manipulating you righties as usual..

Bull shit. NK is not a threat to the US. I don't know why Trump is doing that but he's much smarter than you or I so I trust him, and it's funny as hell.

Can you back u your statement of N. Korea not being a threat? I have heard differently.

Short video
Chilling pictures of North Korea's missile show Kim IS close to firing nuclear warhead
Well Trump being Trump is not cooling things down, instead he is pissing off a mentally ill man who starves his own people..Kim Jong doesn't care about human life for obvious reasons..

Every president including Bush has ignored him

and where has ignoring him gotten us? you cry out human conditions there and then say we should ignore them.

we either deal with the problem or it gets bigger. if you don't see that then trumps tweets are getting in the way of common sense.
Do you really believe playing king of the hill with nuclear weapons is partisan? I'm willing to think of all kinds of crazy things Trump does as galvanizing your base. The potential too kill the world ,something a nuclear attack with N Korea could easily escalate into. Is one of. You do NOT play games with nukes. That isn't partisan just common sense.
/——/Or as JFK taunted Khrushchev “Then we shall have War.”



/----/ Just saw your response. Please get your Google fixed so we don't have to spoon feed you everything. BTW I was 10 at the time Kennedy said this and I remember it because it was reported on the evening news:
JFK and Khrushchev meet in Vienna: June 3, 1961
“I never met a man like this,” Kennedy told Hugh Sidey, Time magazine’s White House correspondent. “ talked about how a nuclear exchange would kill 70 million people in 10 minutes, and he just looked at me as if to say, ‘So what?’”

At their final meeting, Kennedy sought to improve the chilled atmosphere over Berlin. “It is up to the U.S. to decide whether there will be war or peace,” Khrushchev said. “Then, Mr. Chairman,” Kennedy responded, “there will be war. It will be a cold winter.”

You made the claim, and in most claims we put in links to back ourselves thanks

You have to be pretty pretty stupid to not know you don't troll a nuclear power especially one that claims they can hit ANY part of the USA.
LOL..... N Korea can barely hit the Pacific ocean with one of their missiles. (the ones that don't blow up on the launching pad).

Looney libs are a laugh riot. ... :lol: :lol:
Yet our military experts tell us exactly what I said.
You think you know more than they do?
Exactly what would you have wanted him to say in response?
No one says any another what Kim aim said!
If JFK had said the exact same thing, his Quote would have gone down in History

Show me in history where another president tuants a crazy man who could bring on a possible catastrophic event like Trump is doing to N. Korea?

Roosevelt held back almost too long , Wilson , Lincoln all kept their cool.

Trump is trying to keep the word Russia off the headlines..he is manipulating you righties as usual..

Bull shit. NK is not a threat to the US. I don't know why Trump is doing that but he's much smarter than you or I so I trust him, and it's funny as hell.

Can you back u your statement of N. Korea not being a threat? I have heard differently.

Short video
Chilling pictures of North Korea's missile show Kim IS close to firing nuclear warhead
and where has ignoring him gotten us? you cry out human conditions there and then say we should ignore them.

we either deal with the problem or it gets bigger. if you don't see that then trumps tweets are getting in the way of common sense.
Do you really believe playing king of the hill with nuclear weapons is partisan? I'm willing to think of all kinds of crazy things Trump does as galvanizing your base. The potential too kill the world ,something a nuclear attack with N Korea could easily escalate into. Is one of. You do NOT play games with nukes. That isn't partisan just common sense.
/——/Or as JFK taunted Khrushchev “Then we shall have War.”



/----/ Just saw your response. Please get your Google fixed so we don't have to spoon feed you everything. BTW I was 10 at the time Kennedy said this and I remember it because it was reported on the evening news:
JFK and Khrushchev meet in Vienna: June 3, 1961
“I never met a man like this,” Kennedy told Hugh Sidey, Time magazine’s White House correspondent. “ talked about how a nuclear exchange would kill 70 million people in 10 minutes, and he just looked at me as if to say, ‘So what?’”

At their final meeting, Kennedy sought to improve the chilled atmosphere over Berlin. “It is up to the U.S. to decide whether there will be war or peace,” Khrushchev said. “Then, Mr. Chairman,” Kennedy responded, “there will be war. It will be a cold winter.”

You made the claim, and in most claims we put in links to back ourselves thanks

/----/ Adding the link is a pain on my iPhone but easy on a PC. Besides, it's a famous JFK quote. It's like me quoting Patrick Henry "Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death!" and you replying with LINK PLEASE.
Show me in history where another president tuants a crazy man who could bring on a possible catastrophic event like Trump is doing to N. Korea?

Roosevelt held back almost too long , Wilson , Lincoln all kept their cool.

Trump is trying to keep the word Russia off the headlines..he is manipulating you righties as usual..

Bull shit. NK is not a threat to the US. I don't know why Trump is doing that but he's much smarter than you or I so I trust him, and it's funny as hell.

Can you back u your statement of N. Korea not being a threat? I have heard differently.

Short video
Chilling pictures of North Korea's missile show Kim IS close to firing nuclear warhead
Do you really believe playing king of the hill with nuclear weapons is partisan? I'm willing to think of all kinds of crazy things Trump does as galvanizing your base. The potential too kill the world ,something a nuclear attack with N Korea could easily escalate into. Is one of. You do NOT play games with nukes. That isn't partisan just common sense.
/——/Or as JFK taunted Khrushchev “Then we shall have War.”



/----/ Just saw your response. Please get your Google fixed so we don't have to spoon feed you everything. BTW I was 10 at the time Kennedy said this and I remember it because it was reported on the evening news:
JFK and Khrushchev meet in Vienna: June 3, 1961
“I never met a man like this,” Kennedy told Hugh Sidey, Time magazine’s White House correspondent. “ talked about how a nuclear exchange would kill 70 million people in 10 minutes, and he just looked at me as if to say, ‘So what?’”

At their final meeting, Kennedy sought to improve the chilled atmosphere over Berlin. “It is up to the U.S. to decide whether there will be war or peace,” Khrushchev said. “Then, Mr. Chairman,” Kennedy responded, “there will be war. It will be a cold winter.”

You made the claim, and in most claims we put in links to back ourselves thanks

/----/ Adding the link is a pain on my iPhone but easy on a PC. Besides, it's a famous JFK quote. It's like me quoting Patrick Henry "Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death!" and you replying with LINK PLEASE.

i can also google a direct quote myself - i think in part it's a defense mechanism we all have.
Let the snowflake meltdowns begins

Donald J. Trump on Twitter
You have to be pretty pretty stupid to not know you don't troll a nuclear power especially one that claims they can hit ANY part of the USA.
Have you totally forgotten how a normal sane president acts?

kim trolls us all the time.....whats the difference?

So then you are excusing Trumps out of control behavior calling his bluff..?


Yes...because I don't think it's out of control......

Whats wrong with calling a bluff...
We've tiptoed around that idiot for so long.....they just buy time to get's time to call it.
Yes, I can back it up. I was alive and cognizant when we were under threat from the USSR's Nuclear ICBMs. Back in the 60s-70s the Soviets had 100 times more missiles capable of hitting the US than NK does now. This is not our first nuclear rodeo.

You do realize that when NK launces a missile that that missile doesn't hit the US in an instant right? Not only can we detect every launch that they conduct, but we can detect almost immediately where that missile is headed. Id it is headed toward us, there is plenty of time for us to defend ourselves in any number of ways, including scrambling fighters to intercept and destroy them, or firing our own missiles to take them out. We have the satellites, they do not.

NK isn't a threat.
You don't intercept an ICBM using fighters. It's claiming an slug is capable of stopping a cheetah. The relative velocities are not comparable. The current intercept system is called GMD and it isn't completely out of its testing phase. Knowing this, trying to make the treat of an ICBM attack on the US as no big deal seriously premature. And Trump's constant trolling of Kim ( a word I would never thought I'd use describing the President of the United States), insane. He's playing Russian roulette with the lives of millions of his citizens.

Yes you do. Using fighters armed with missiles. Fact. It's been a strategy since the cold war. Your hatred of the President and your insufficient education has you saying shit you know nothing about.
List of active missiles of the United States military - Wikipedia
You will find exactly zero missiles fired by jets capable of intercepting an ICBM. I dare you to find any info to the contrary.

That's the problem with a lot of civilians Forkup, they tend to think that the crap they see in movies like Top Gun and Rambo is real.
I made this point before. It isn't partisan to call someone insane, who wants to compare "button" sizes with an unstable, narcissistic, egomaniac. When you do, you don't just dare him to prove you wrong, but you also don't give him a way to back down without losing face. This description fits both personalities but only one is POTUS. It's simple logic and people like Predfan in a way understand that, so they try to justify it by downplaying the risks. In so doing proving themselves as incapable of looking at facts and judging them rationally. I don't believe the worst will happen, what I do believe is that Trump is making the chance considerably larger. A larger chance of nuclear war is not desirable if you think rationally.

No letting them get the weapons is the problem........nothing will happen and we need to stop NKorea and Iran....because they might be crazy, but they aren't stupid......but they may sell the tech to people who ARE STUPID.
Yes you do. Using fighters armed with missiles. Fact. It's been a strategy since the cold war. Your hatred of the President and your insufficient education has you saying shit you know nothing about.
List of active missiles of the United States military - Wikipedia
You will find exactly zero missiles fired by jets capable of intercepting an ICBM. I dare you to find any info to the contrary.

That's the problem with a lot of civilians Forkup, they tend to think that the crap they see in movies like Top Gun and Rambo is real.
I made this point before. It isn't partisan to call someone insane, who wants to compare "button" sizes with an unstable, narcissistic, egomaniac. When you do, you don't just dare him to prove you wrong, but you also don't give him a way to back down without losing face. This description fits both personalities but only one is POTUS. It's simple logic and people like Predfan in a way understand that, so they try to justify it by downplaying the risks. In so doing proving themselves as incapable of looking at facts and judging them rationally. I don't believe the worst will happen, what I do believe is that Trump is making the chance considerably larger. A larger chance of nuclear war is not desirable if you think rationally.

You know, I said this earlier in the thread..................if Trump actually had a brain in his head, when Un said that he had a button on his desk, Trump's response should have been "so what? You have one on your desk? I have one that follows me around and is hooked up to a much larger stockpile than yours".

Would have gotten the point across much better, and it would have not sounded as childish as Trump's comment was.
The best response is simply to keep your mouth shut. Un knows what kind of control systems the president has, it's general knowledge. And Trump knows that he knows. When you meet a bully, you don't dare him to hit you in front of his friends, unless you are willing to get a bloody nose. If you don't want to fight you just turn away.

So we've done that and nothing has have to change the trajectory....not just be a pussy and do something. We're the USA, we need to stop letting these douchebags intimidate us.
You don't intercept an ICBM using fighters. It's claiming an slug is capable of stopping a cheetah. The relative velocities are not comparable. The current intercept system is called GMD and it isn't completely out of its testing phase. Knowing this, trying to make the treat of an ICBM attack on the US as no big deal seriously premature. And Trump's constant trolling of Kim ( a word I would never thought I'd use describing the President of the United States), insane. He's playing Russian roulette with the lives of millions of his citizens.

Yes you do. Using fighters armed with missiles. Fact. It's been a strategy since the cold war. Your hatred of the President and your insufficient education has you saying shit you know nothing about.
List of active missiles of the United States military - Wikipedia
You will find exactly zero missiles fired by jets capable of intercepting an ICBM. I dare you to find any info to the contrary.

That's the problem with a lot of civilians Forkup, they tend to think that the crap they see in movies like Top Gun and Rambo is real.
I made this point before. It isn't partisan to call someone insane, who wants to compare "button" sizes with an unstable, narcissistic, egomaniac. When you do, you don't just dare him to prove you wrong, but you also don't give him a way to back down without losing face. This description fits both personalities but only one is POTUS. It's simple logic and people like Predfan in a way understand that, so they try to justify it by downplaying the risks. In so doing proving themselves as incapable of looking at facts and judging them rationally. I don't believe the worst will happen, what I do believe is that Trump is making the chance considerably larger. A larger chance of nuclear war is not desirable if you think rationally.

No letting them get the weapons is the problem........nothing will happen and we need to stop NKorea and Iran....because they might be crazy, but they aren't stupid......but they may sell the tech to people who ARE STUPID.
How do you suggest to prevent a country from developing nuclear weapons? The technology is 70 years old and it's just a question of getting the material. You're going to war over intentions? Are you willing and able to get the country and the world rallied behind intentions? Your willing to pay the cost in money, international standing, time and lives, over intentions?
Bull shit. NK is not a threat to the US. I don't know why Trump is doing that but he's much smarter than you or I so I trust him, and it's funny as hell.

Can you back u your statement of N. Korea not being a threat? I have heard differently.

Short video
Chilling pictures of North Korea's missile show Kim IS close to firing nuclear warhead
/——/Or as JFK taunted Khrushchev “Then we shall have War.”



Yes, I can back it up. I was alive and cognizant when we were under threat from the USSR's Nuclear ICBMs. Back in the 60s-70s the Soviets had 100 times more missiles capable of hitting the US than NK does now. This is not our first nuclear rodeo.

You do realize that when NK launces a missile that that missile doesn't hit the US in an instant right? Not only can we detect every launch that they conduct, but we can detect almost immediately where that missile is headed. Id it is headed toward us, there is plenty of time for us to defend ourselves in any number of ways, including scrambling fighters to intercept and destroy them, or firing our own missiles to take them out. We have the satellites, they do not.

NK isn't a threat.

"We have the satellites, they do not."

Thanks for responding, this info is calming to know.

You have taken it completely out of it's context. Hey pal, if you absolutely MUST panic, fine. Enjoy yourself. Your desires don't change reality.

I am a mom and mom's panic about shit like this.. This comes set in our brains at birth to protect our children. You are a man and don't get it..Ask your wife..


Your panic doesn’t change reality. The reality is that NK is not a threat to us. You have a right to panic if you want to. Go right ahead.
Bull shit. NK is not a threat to the US. I don't know why Trump is doing that but he's much smarter than you or I so I trust him, and it's funny as hell.

Can you back u your statement of N. Korea not being a threat? I have heard differently.

Short video
Chilling pictures of North Korea's missile show Kim IS close to firing nuclear warhead
/——/Or as JFK taunted Khrushchev “Then we shall have War.”



Yes, I can back it up. I was alive and cognizant when we were under threat from the USSR's Nuclear ICBMs. Back in the 60s-70s the Soviets had 100 times more missiles capable of hitting the US than NK does now. This is not our first nuclear rodeo.

You do realize that when NK launces a missile that that missile doesn't hit the US in an instant right? Not only can we detect every launch that they conduct, but we can detect almost immediately where that missile is headed. Id it is headed toward us, there is plenty of time for us to defend ourselves in any number of ways, including scrambling fighters to intercept and destroy them, or firing our own missiles to take them out. We have the satellites, they do not.

NK isn't a threat.
You don't intercept an ICBM using fighters. It's claiming an slug is capable of stopping a cheetah. The relative velocities are not comparable. The current intercept system is called GMD and it isn't completely out of its testing phase. Knowing this, trying to make the treat of an ICBM attack on the US as no big deal seriously premature. And Trump's constant trolling of Kim ( a word I would never thought I'd use describing the President of the United States), insane. He's playing Russian roulette with the lives of millions of his citizens.

Yes you do. Using fighters armed with missiles. Fact. It's been a strategy since the cold war. Your hatred of the President and your insufficient education has you saying shit you know nothing about.

There is no way in hell that a fighter jet can catch an ICBM, nor will the missile they fire from it.

The Federation of American Scientists states that the LGM 30 Minuteman III has a Speed of 15,000 mph at burnout

And, the speed of our fighter jets usually tops out at around Mach 1.5 or Mach 2, which is less than 1/10th the speed of an ICBM.

If you say we can shoot it down with a missile, what missile do you suggest? A Phoenix is one of the best missiles we have mounted on jets, and they only go around 3,000 mph, which is only 1/5th of the speed of an ICBM.

The US Navy -- Fact File: AIM-54 Phoenix Missile

General Characteristics
Primary Function:
Long-range air-launched air intercept missile.
Contractor: Hughes Aircraft Co. and Raytheon Co.
Date Deployed: 1974.
Unit Cost: $477,131.
Propulsion: Solid propellant rocket motor built by Hercules.
Length: 13 feet (3.9 meters).
Diameter: 15 inches (38.1 cm).
Wingspan: 3 feet (.9 meters).
Weight: 1,024 pounds (460.8 kg).
Speed: In excess of 3,000 mph (4,800 kmph).
Range: In excess of 100 nautical miles (115 statute miles, 184 km).
Guidance System: Semi-active and active radar homing.
Warhead: Proximity fuse, high explosive. Warhead Weight: 135 pounds (60.75 kg).

Last Update: 10 March 2017

So............................what aircraft platform, and which missile do you think we can fire from said aircraft would be able to catch an ICBM?

The fighter doesn’t have to catch it. The missile it fires does. You don’t know anything about the military or our defense capabilities and quite frankly, you lack the ability to use logic. You want to panic for nothing, it’s your right to do so. Your self delusion has no effect on reality. But have fun with it.
Bull shit. NK is not a threat to the US. I don't know why Trump is doing that but he's much smarter than you or I so I trust him, and it's funny as hell.

Can you back u your statement of N. Korea not being a threat? I have heard differently.

Short video
Chilling pictures of North Korea's missile show Kim IS close to firing nuclear warhead
/——/Or as JFK taunted Khrushchev “Then we shall have War.”



Yes, I can back it up. I was alive and cognizant when we were under threat from the USSR's Nuclear ICBMs. Back in the 60s-70s the Soviets had 100 times more missiles capable of hitting the US than NK does now. This is not our first nuclear rodeo.

You do realize that when NK launces a missile that that missile doesn't hit the US in an instant right? Not only can we detect every launch that they conduct, but we can detect almost immediately where that missile is headed. Id it is headed toward us, there is plenty of time for us to defend ourselves in any number of ways, including scrambling fighters to intercept and destroy them, or firing our own missiles to take them out. We have the satellites, they do not.

NK isn't a threat.
You don't intercept an ICBM using fighters. It's claiming an slug is capable of stopping a cheetah. The relative velocities are not comparable. The current intercept system is called GMD and it isn't completely out of its testing phase. Knowing this, trying to make the treat of an ICBM attack on the US as no big deal seriously premature. And Trump's constant trolling of Kim ( a word I would never thought I'd use describing the President of the United States), insane. He's playing Russian roulette with the lives of millions of his citizens.

Yes you do. Using fighters armed with missiles. Fact. It's been a strategy since the cold war. Your hatred of the President and your insufficient education has you saying shit you know nothing about.
List of active missiles of the United States military - Wikipedia
You will find exactly zero missiles fired by jets capable of intercepting an ICBM. I dare you to find any info to the contrary.

You know so little, it’s a wonder you can put one foot in front of the other.

To “intercept” an ICBM, a missile doesn’t have to catch up to the ICBM. Try looking up the definition of “intercept”. Then try thinking.
Yes, I can back it up. I was alive and cognizant when we were under threat from the USSR's Nuclear ICBMs. Back in the 60s-70s the Soviets had 100 times more missiles capable of hitting the US than NK does now. This is not our first nuclear rodeo.

You do realize that when NK launces a missile that that missile doesn't hit the US in an instant right? Not only can we detect every launch that they conduct, but we can detect almost immediately where that missile is headed. Id it is headed toward us, there is plenty of time for us to defend ourselves in any number of ways, including scrambling fighters to intercept and destroy them, or firing our own missiles to take them out. We have the satellites, they do not.

NK isn't a threat.
You don't intercept an ICBM using fighters. It's claiming an slug is capable of stopping a cheetah. The relative velocities are not comparable. The current intercept system is called GMD and it isn't completely out of its testing phase. Knowing this, trying to make the treat of an ICBM attack on the US as no big deal seriously premature. And Trump's constant trolling of Kim ( a word I would never thought I'd use describing the President of the United States), insane. He's playing Russian roulette with the lives of millions of his citizens.

Yes you do. Using fighters armed with missiles. Fact. It's been a strategy since the cold war. Your hatred of the President and your insufficient education has you saying shit you know nothing about.
List of active missiles of the United States military - Wikipedia
You will find exactly zero missiles fired by jets capable of intercepting an ICBM. I dare you to find any info to the contrary.

That's the problem with a lot of civilians Forkup, they tend to think that the crap they see in movies like Top Gun and Rambo is real.
I made this point before. It isn't partisan to call someone insane, who wants to compare "button" sizes with an unstable, narcissistic, egomaniac. When you do, you don't just dare him to prove you wrong, but you also don't give him a way to back down without losing face. This description fits both personalities but only one is POTUS. It's simple logic and people like Predfan in a way understand that, so they try to justify it by downplaying the risks. In so doing proving themselves as incapable of looking at facts and judging them rationally. I don't believe the worst will happen, what I do believe is that Trump is making the chance considerably larger. A larger chance of nuclear war is not desirable if you think rationally.

The little fat kid in NK isn’t going to lose face. His people only know what he tells them and he can tell them anything he wants to.
Can you back u your statement of N. Korea not being a threat? I have heard differently.

Short video
Chilling pictures of North Korea's missile show Kim IS close to firing nuclear warhead


Yes, I can back it up. I was alive and cognizant when we were under threat from the USSR's Nuclear ICBMs. Back in the 60s-70s the Soviets had 100 times more missiles capable of hitting the US than NK does now. This is not our first nuclear rodeo.

You do realize that when NK launces a missile that that missile doesn't hit the US in an instant right? Not only can we detect every launch that they conduct, but we can detect almost immediately where that missile is headed. Id it is headed toward us, there is plenty of time for us to defend ourselves in any number of ways, including scrambling fighters to intercept and destroy them, or firing our own missiles to take them out. We have the satellites, they do not.

NK isn't a threat.
You don't intercept an ICBM using fighters. It's claiming an slug is capable of stopping a cheetah. The relative velocities are not comparable. The current intercept system is called GMD and it isn't completely out of its testing phase. Knowing this, trying to make the treat of an ICBM attack on the US as no big deal seriously premature. And Trump's constant trolling of Kim ( a word I would never thought I'd use describing the President of the United States), insane. He's playing Russian roulette with the lives of millions of his citizens.

Yes you do. Using fighters armed with missiles. Fact. It's been a strategy since the cold war. Your hatred of the President and your insufficient education has you saying shit you know nothing about.

There is no way in hell that a fighter jet can catch an ICBM, nor will the missile they fire from it.

The Federation of American Scientists states that the LGM 30 Minuteman III has a Speed of 15,000 mph at burnout

And, the speed of our fighter jets usually tops out at around Mach 1.5 or Mach 2, which is less than 1/10th the speed of an ICBM.

If you say we can shoot it down with a missile, what missile do you suggest? A Phoenix is one of the best missiles we have mounted on jets, and they only go around 3,000 mph, which is only 1/5th of the speed of an ICBM.

The US Navy -- Fact File: AIM-54 Phoenix Missile

General Characteristics
Primary Function:
Long-range air-launched air intercept missile.
Contractor: Hughes Aircraft Co. and Raytheon Co.
Date Deployed: 1974.
Unit Cost: $477,131.
Propulsion: Solid propellant rocket motor built by Hercules.
Length: 13 feet (3.9 meters).
Diameter: 15 inches (38.1 cm).
Wingspan: 3 feet (.9 meters).
Weight: 1,024 pounds (460.8 kg).
Speed: In excess of 3,000 mph (4,800 kmph).
Range: In excess of 100 nautical miles (115 statute miles, 184 km).
Guidance System: Semi-active and active radar homing.
Warhead: Proximity fuse, high explosive. Warhead Weight: 135 pounds (60.75 kg).

Last Update: 10 March 2017

So............................what aircraft platform, and which missile do you think we can fire from said aircraft would be able to catch an ICBM?

The fighter doesn’t have to catch it. The missile it fires does. You don’t know anything about the military or our defense capabilities and quite frankly, you lack the ability to use logic. You want to panic for nothing, it’s your right to do so. Your self delusion has no effect on reality. But have fun with it.
I gave you all missiles in the US arsenal. What missiles fired by a jet has the capability of taking down an ICBM? You have the entire internet at your disposal.
Yes, I can back it up. I was alive and cognizant when we were under threat from the USSR's Nuclear ICBMs. Back in the 60s-70s the Soviets had 100 times more missiles capable of hitting the US than NK does now. This is not our first nuclear rodeo.

You do realize that when NK launces a missile that that missile doesn't hit the US in an instant right? Not only can we detect every launch that they conduct, but we can detect almost immediately where that missile is headed. Id it is headed toward us, there is plenty of time for us to defend ourselves in any number of ways, including scrambling fighters to intercept and destroy them, or firing our own missiles to take them out. We have the satellites, they do not.

NK isn't a threat.
You don't intercept an ICBM using fighters. It's claiming an slug is capable of stopping a cheetah. The relative velocities are not comparable. The current intercept system is called GMD and it isn't completely out of its testing phase. Knowing this, trying to make the treat of an ICBM attack on the US as no big deal seriously premature. And Trump's constant trolling of Kim ( a word I would never thought I'd use describing the President of the United States), insane. He's playing Russian roulette with the lives of millions of his citizens.

Yes you do. Using fighters armed with missiles. Fact. It's been a strategy since the cold war. Your hatred of the President and your insufficient education has you saying shit you know nothing about.

There is no way in hell that a fighter jet can catch an ICBM, nor will the missile they fire from it.

The Federation of American Scientists states that the LGM 30 Minuteman III has a Speed of 15,000 mph at burnout

And, the speed of our fighter jets usually tops out at around Mach 1.5 or Mach 2, which is less than 1/10th the speed of an ICBM.

If you say we can shoot it down with a missile, what missile do you suggest? A Phoenix is one of the best missiles we have mounted on jets, and they only go around 3,000 mph, which is only 1/5th of the speed of an ICBM.

The US Navy -- Fact File: AIM-54 Phoenix Missile

General Characteristics
Primary Function:
Long-range air-launched air intercept missile.
Contractor: Hughes Aircraft Co. and Raytheon Co.
Date Deployed: 1974.
Unit Cost: $477,131.
Propulsion: Solid propellant rocket motor built by Hercules.
Length: 13 feet (3.9 meters).
Diameter: 15 inches (38.1 cm).
Wingspan: 3 feet (.9 meters).
Weight: 1,024 pounds (460.8 kg).
Speed: In excess of 3,000 mph (4,800 kmph).
Range: In excess of 100 nautical miles (115 statute miles, 184 km).
Guidance System: Semi-active and active radar homing.
Warhead: Proximity fuse, high explosive. Warhead Weight: 135 pounds (60.75 kg).

Last Update: 10 March 2017

So............................what aircraft platform, and which missile do you think we can fire from said aircraft would be able to catch an ICBM?

The fighter doesn’t have to catch it. The missile it fires does. You don’t know anything about the military or our defense capabilities and quite frankly, you lack the ability to use logic. You want to panic for nothing, it’s your right to do so. Your self delusion has no effect on reality. But have fun with it.
I gave you all missiles in the US arsenal. What missiles fired by a jet has the capability of taking down an ICBM? You have the entire internet at your disposal.
/----/ If fired to intercept the missile in flight from the proper altitude and angel almost anyone can do the job.
You don't intercept an ICBM using fighters. It's claiming an slug is capable of stopping a cheetah. The relative velocities are not comparable. The current intercept system is called GMD and it isn't completely out of its testing phase. Knowing this, trying to make the treat of an ICBM attack on the US as no big deal seriously premature. And Trump's constant trolling of Kim ( a word I would never thought I'd use describing the President of the United States), insane. He's playing Russian roulette with the lives of millions of his citizens.

Yes you do. Using fighters armed with missiles. Fact. It's been a strategy since the cold war. Your hatred of the President and your insufficient education has you saying shit you know nothing about.

There is no way in hell that a fighter jet can catch an ICBM, nor will the missile they fire from it.

The Federation of American Scientists states that the LGM 30 Minuteman III has a Speed of 15,000 mph at burnout

And, the speed of our fighter jets usually tops out at around Mach 1.5 or Mach 2, which is less than 1/10th the speed of an ICBM.

If you say we can shoot it down with a missile, what missile do you suggest? A Phoenix is one of the best missiles we have mounted on jets, and they only go around 3,000 mph, which is only 1/5th of the speed of an ICBM.

The US Navy -- Fact File: AIM-54 Phoenix Missile

General Characteristics
Primary Function:
Long-range air-launched air intercept missile.
Contractor: Hughes Aircraft Co. and Raytheon Co.
Date Deployed: 1974.
Unit Cost: $477,131.
Propulsion: Solid propellant rocket motor built by Hercules.
Length: 13 feet (3.9 meters).
Diameter: 15 inches (38.1 cm).
Wingspan: 3 feet (.9 meters).
Weight: 1,024 pounds (460.8 kg).
Speed: In excess of 3,000 mph (4,800 kmph).
Range: In excess of 100 nautical miles (115 statute miles, 184 km).
Guidance System: Semi-active and active radar homing.
Warhead: Proximity fuse, high explosive. Warhead Weight: 135 pounds (60.75 kg).

Last Update: 10 March 2017

So............................what aircraft platform, and which missile do you think we can fire from said aircraft would be able to catch an ICBM?

The fighter doesn’t have to catch it. The missile it fires does. You don’t know anything about the military or our defense capabilities and quite frankly, you lack the ability to use logic. You want to panic for nothing, it’s your right to do so. Your self delusion has no effect on reality. But have fun with it.
I gave you all missiles in the US arsenal. What missiles fired by a jet has the capability of taking down an ICBM? You have the entire internet at your disposal.
/----/ If fired to intercept the missile in flight from the proper altitude and angel almost anyone can do the job.
Not with a missile fired by a jet. ATM you have the patriot system which can be used as point defense with a measure of success and the standard at midcourse, both are ground or sea based.
Can you back u your statement of N. Korea not being a threat? I have heard differently.

Short video
Chilling pictures of North Korea's missile show Kim IS close to firing nuclear warhead


Yes, I can back it up. I was alive and cognizant when we were under threat from the USSR's Nuclear ICBMs. Back in the 60s-70s the Soviets had 100 times more missiles capable of hitting the US than NK does now. This is not our first nuclear rodeo.

You do realize that when NK launces a missile that that missile doesn't hit the US in an instant right? Not only can we detect every launch that they conduct, but we can detect almost immediately where that missile is headed. Id it is headed toward us, there is plenty of time for us to defend ourselves in any number of ways, including scrambling fighters to intercept and destroy them, or firing our own missiles to take them out. We have the satellites, they do not.

NK isn't a threat.
You don't intercept an ICBM using fighters. It's claiming an slug is capable of stopping a cheetah. The relative velocities are not comparable. The current intercept system is called GMD and it isn't completely out of its testing phase. Knowing this, trying to make the treat of an ICBM attack on the US as no big deal seriously premature. And Trump's constant trolling of Kim ( a word I would never thought I'd use describing the President of the United States), insane. He's playing Russian roulette with the lives of millions of his citizens.

Yes you do. Using fighters armed with missiles. Fact. It's been a strategy since the cold war. Your hatred of the President and your insufficient education has you saying shit you know nothing about.

There is no way in hell that a fighter jet can catch an ICBM, nor will the missile they fire from it.

The Federation of American Scientists states that the LGM 30 Minuteman III has a Speed of 15,000 mph at burnout

And, the speed of our fighter jets usually tops out at around Mach 1.5 or Mach 2, which is less than 1/10th the speed of an ICBM.

If you say we can shoot it down with a missile, what missile do you suggest? A Phoenix is one of the best missiles we have mounted on jets, and they only go around 3,000 mph, which is only 1/5th of the speed of an ICBM.

The US Navy -- Fact File: AIM-54 Phoenix Missile

General Characteristics
Primary Function:
Long-range air-launched air intercept missile.
Contractor: Hughes Aircraft Co. and Raytheon Co.
Date Deployed: 1974.
Unit Cost: $477,131.
Propulsion: Solid propellant rocket motor built by Hercules.
Length: 13 feet (3.9 meters).
Diameter: 15 inches (38.1 cm).
Wingspan: 3 feet (.9 meters).
Weight: 1,024 pounds (460.8 kg).
Speed: In excess of 3,000 mph (4,800 kmph).
Range: In excess of 100 nautical miles (115 statute miles, 184 km).
Guidance System: Semi-active and active radar homing.
Warhead: Proximity fuse, high explosive. Warhead Weight: 135 pounds (60.75 kg).

Last Update: 10 March 2017

So............................what aircraft platform, and which missile do you think we can fire from said aircraft would be able to catch an ICBM?

The fighter doesn’t have to catch it. The missile it fires does. You don’t know anything about the military or our defense capabilities and quite frankly, you lack the ability to use logic. You want to panic for nothing, it’s your right to do so. Your self delusion has no effect on reality. But have fun with it.

Again, I posted a link where it shows that an ICBM travels at around 15,000 mph, while a Phoenix missile (posted stats for that as well), only travels around 3,000 mph. How is a Phoenix (or any other missile that is mounted on aircraft for that matter) going to catch an ICBM?

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