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Trump trolls Lebron James...this should get good.

I have *ALL* the cashews. You try 'n' take 'em away and you'll see.

Look, the poster got busted using a fake quote. DEAL WITH IT.

Take it easy ... I have no interest in taking your seeds.
The poster did whatever the poster did ... The meme had a quote from Bernie's website and didn't say anything otherwise ... Deal with it.

NO, the poster put up a bogus --- fake --- counterfeit --- bullshit --- disingenuous --- prevaricating --- mendacious --- quote attribution, and you're sitting here trying to white-knight to get him off the hook for it. And your desperation to do that is blatantly obvious, and it's beneath you. Not beneath him, mind you, but beneath you. Or so I thought.

What is it with people who just can not take responsibility This emperor HAS NO CLOTHES. There's no way to put lipstick on this pig. And several more mixed metaphors I'll churn through the blender as soon as I think of them.
I'm not a blind partisan like you. We agree on the subject of this thread, thus we agree with what each other are saying. If it were a different subject in a different thread, we may not agree. Why is this so complicated for you to understand? :dunno:

This thread is about Lebron James and Trump attacking him on Twitter. This isn't about being a Democrat or a Republican.

I argue against Trump's taxes, middle east policy, lack of spending control and lame tax cuts all the time. Just more of your stupid crap

Awesome! So why do you not practice what you preach?

Oooh! OOoh! :desk:

Because he's a flaming hypocrite?

I argue for Trump where I agree with him, such as illegal immigration and cutting taxes.

I argue against Trump where I disagree with him, such as tariffs, the middle east and that he isn't cutting taxes or spending enough ...

This word you are using, hypocrite, I do not think it means what you think it means ...

A hypocrite is someone who claims not to be a member of the Democrat party, then runs home and blindly defends them when they put up the bat signal calling you home. You know, you ...

Thanks for confirming "I'm not a Republican and yet I get to hang labels on everybody else" person.

Flaming hypocrite.


I also like how the professional writer doesn't know how to use quote marks.

Hint, they are called quote marks ...

Quotations and Paraphrases
I argue against Trump's taxes, middle east policy, lack of spending control and lame tax cuts all the time. Just more of your stupid crap

Awesome! So why do you not practice what you preach?

You whiffed on the English language there, Holmes. If you are in your broken English way trying to say that I don't argue what I said I argue, then you're just a moron because I do in those threads on this board all the time. I never see you arguing with leftists. I always notice the rare occasion a leftist actually argues with another leftist. It's not hard since it's so incredibly rare

(play-by-play voiceover)
Interesting complexity here --- he's not only dug himself into the common false dichotomy of all matter being comprised of "Democrats" and "Republicans" --- no, he's added another layer to his own FD onion ... he's actually suggesting all motivations are political.

Better call the squad that got the soccer team out of the cave in Thailand. This one's in deep.


Strawman. Never said there are only Republicans and Democrats

Lewdog/Pogo: { parrot the Democrat party }

Kaz: Lewdog and Pogo are Democrats

Pogo: OMG, you think there are only Republicans and Democrats!


Howdy Moron, I'm Pogo. Too bad about the name. Anyway once AGAIN I've posted nothing at any time about any " Democrat party". EVER.

YOU on the other hand can't free yourself of the False Dichotomy that anyone who opposes Rump, or you, must be a "Democrat". Even though no such classification is needed for either ---- yet you can't even figure that out. So I can understand the name.

Hence: False Dichotomy. You're soaking in it.

I already answered that.

Winston Churchill: I can explain it to you. I cannot comprehend it for you
Winston Churchill: I can explain it to you, I cannot comprehend it for you.

Either my argument is sailing over your head or you're lying. If you don't like the answer, argue it. Don't ignore it and keep asking the same question. My wife does that. At least she's a chick

Nothing is sailing over my head, I have fast reflexes and I would catch it.

Still looking for a quote of me saying it. :)

How many posts have you gone now without talking about Trump's tweet or Lebron now? Do you even remember what this thread is about now?

So what did Trump tweet about Lebron before this week?

I gave you a different argument. You can ask me to support my argument. You cannot assign to me how I am allowed to support it. I said you're a duck in a pond of ducks

No you made a very specific statement that I said if someone wasn't a socialist then they are dumb. As I already pointed out, you were the first person to use the word socialist in this thread, and it is totally off-topic. Heck I said that at the time you posted it an hour or so ago.

What kind of pillow talk do you think Melania and Donald are having after she put out the pro-Lebron statement?

Yes, just like all the other ducks on the pond, you used the argument that anyone you disagree with is dumb. You were on the pond with the other ducks quacking and I called you a duck. Well excuse the shit out of me.

Look guy, you come on the board and always argue on the side of the Democrats. Why would anyone not think you're a Democrat? If you're not one, do you bear any responsibility at all to delineate where you disagree with them rather than constantly only going into threads where you agree with Democrats and arguing the positions they do with the same talking points?

And don't start the stupid shit that I don't argue with Republicans because I do all the time. If you actually thought I was a Republican, you'd wonder when you saw that. I would definitely notice you arguing with Democrats. I just don't see it ... ever ...

You didn't see it when I linked to it either, flaming hypocrite. You just went " :lalala: I don't see it"

This board is way over your head, Peewee Herman.

By the way how's that research coming on finding where I claimed to be associated with "fake news", flaming prevaricator? Or were you just trying to drown that out with all this other bullshit?

Still don't know how to use quote marks, huh?

Quotations and Paraphrases
I gave you a different argument. You can ask me to support my argument. You cannot assign to me how I am allowed to support it. I said you're a duck in a pond of ducks

No you made a very specific statement that I said if someone wasn't a socialist then they are dumb. As I already pointed out, you were the first person to use the word socialist in this thread, and it is totally off-topic. Heck I said that at the time you posted it an hour or so ago.

What kind of pillow talk do you think Melania and Donald are having after she put out the pro-Lebron statement?

Yes, just like all the other ducks on the pond, you used the argument that anyone you disagree with is dumb. You were on the pond with the other ducks quacking and I called you a duck. Well excuse the shit out of me.

Look guy, you come on the board and always argue on the side of the Democrats. Why would anyone not think you're a Democrat? If you're not one, do you bear any responsibility at all to delineate where you disagree with them rather than constantly only going into threads where you agree with Democrats and arguing the positions they do with the same talking points?

And don't start the stupid shit that I don't argue with Republicans because I do all the time. If you actually thought I was a Republican, you'd wonder when you saw that. I would definitely notice you arguing with Democrats. I just don't see it ... ever ...

Where did I say that? Where did I say that everyone that disagrees with me is dumb? First it was unless you are a socialist you are dumb, now this? Really?

When I first got here the Democrats HATED me because I don't like Hillary and believed she was negligent on Benghazi and that she was also negligent with her server. You're wrong, and doing to me exactly what you are accusing me of. So far in this thread you'e committed a Red Herring, you've made several Strawman arguments, and now you are projecting.

Maybe you should log off for awhile and get your shit together?

And stay away from Twitter, that won't help either, because it is full of people defending Lebron from this ridiculous tweet.

I didn't vote for Trump primarily because of his support for tariffs and secondarily because he's a dog to women.

But to say he isn't intelligent is the sort of complete mind numbing overt stupidity that can only come from partisan hackery

Think so? He just said England and the UK are the same thing. A week before he said Ireland was in it. And to qualify that statement he made sure to include the quip that he owns property there.

You following this? He owns property in a place where he doesn't know what country it's in.

If that's intelligence the rest of us must all be frickin' Einstein.


My knowing about that doesn't make me "cognizant of basic geography" or " "Irish" or "English" or "basically schooled" ------ it makes me a "Democrat". :eek: Because obviously only Democrats know those things.


How many sheets to the wind were you when you wrote this gem?
I have *ALL* the cashews. You try 'n' take 'em away and you'll see.

Look, the poster got busted using a fake quote. DEAL WITH IT.

Take it easy ... I have no interest in taking your seeds.
The poster did whatever the poster did ... The meme had a quote from Bernie's website and didn't say anything otherwise ... Deal with it.

NO, the poster put up a bogus --- fake --- counterfeit --- bullshit --- disingenuous --- prevaricating --- mendacious --- quote attribution, and you're sitting here trying to white-knight to get him off the hook for it. And your desperation to do that is blatantly obvious, and it's beneath you. Not beneath him, mind you, but beneath you. Or so I thought.

What is it with people who just can not take responsibility This emperor HAS NO CLOTHES. There's no way to put lipstick on this pig. And several more mixed metaphors I'll churn through the blender as soon
as I think of them.

OK here we go.
  • This emperor don't hunt.
  • All pig, no cattle
  • There's no "pig" there.
  • You can put lipstick on a dog but it still has no hunting clothes.
Left Tard has his panties in a bunch after 8 years of the biggest pussy in the world running this country, and then someone with some grit and balls takes over.

Lefty trying to "man up"

NO, the poster put up a bogus --- fake --- counterfeit --- bullshit --- disingenuous --- prevaricating --- mendacious --- quote attribution, and you're sitting here trying to white-knight to get him off the hook for it. And your desperation to do that is blatantly obvious, and it's beneath you. Not beneath him, mind you, but beneath you. Or so I thought.

What is it with people who just can not take responsibility This emperor HAS NO CLOTHES. There's no way to put lipstick on this pig. And several more mixed metaphors I'll churn through the blender as soon
as I think of them.

OK here we go.
  • This emperor don't hunt.
  • All pig, no cattle
  • There's no "pig" there.
  • You can put lipstick on a dog but it still has no hunting clothes.

Sorry Skippy ... You're the one still trying to put lipstick on the pig.
I hope your new job as Lead Agent with the Bureau of Implied Meme Messages provides you with better results in the future.

Come back when you have more substantial evidence ... This ain't no FISA Court ... Case dismissed ... :21:

Last edited:
Cause anyone can....and does (preceding the Trump era).

Since when does the president troll the citizen? Should he?

Maybe you should watch one of his rallies instead of hearing the lies CNN/MSLSD spreads about them. He always says anybody can act "presidential" but nobody can DO what he does....mess with him and he'll mess with you....it's a game everybody but you seems to understand. Lebron is a clown....a racist punk, and a coward. Watch him play sometime....he's all THUG with a smaller white guy but somebody his size steps to him, he begs a ref for help.
He's very presidential.

That's correct...he makes Bammy look the file clerk he always was by comparison. But then you'd rather have a guy with knock-off Armani suits, capped teeth, and married to another guy in the WH....who cares about taxes, trade, and Kim Jung Dung when you got a guy who dances like a stiff with Ellen Degenerate or a rapist who plays the Sax for Arsenio?
Just the very title to this thread shows how the right has devolved into neanderthals..
Proud that their POTUS spends his time watching watching CNN and trolling online!
The very same thing you fucking idiots used to accuse the liberals of!
He's very presidential.

That's correct...he makes Bammy look the file clerk he always was by comparison. But then you'd rather have a guy with knock-off Armani suits, capped teeth, and married to another guy in the WH....who cares about taxes, trade, and Kim Jung Dung when you got a guy who dances like a stiff with Ellen Degenerate or a rapist who plays the Sax for Arsenio?

That file clerk had the major publishing houses in a bidding war to get his book deal.
And he got one...for $65,000,000
And another thing....Obama doesn't need a ghost writer, like your giant Cheeto who can't even fucking spell.
Harvard Law Review editors never need ghost writers.
Just the very title to this thread shows how the right has devolved into neanderthals..
Proud that their POTUS spends his time watching watching CNN and trolling online!
The very same thing you fucking idiots used to accuse the liberals of!

You seem upset....need a fresh tampon?
Since I'm from the town and monitor local media, this is from the Cleveland Plain Dealer, a well known leftist rag, and I thought I would bring some insight to the discussion. In keeping with the TOS, I'll only paste relevant parts. You can follow the link to read the entire thing:

Who's paying for LeBron James' new I Promise school? LeBron or Akron Public Schools?

He's paying for part of it. A good part of it.

But it's also a public school within the Akron school district, which means that taxpayers will pay for the bulk of the costs.

The exact breakdown of expenses for the new I Promise School is unclear, since the district and the LeBron James Family Foundation are still sorting out final details of their contract. But the district will pay more than half the costs - perhaps around 75 percent - once it is fully running.

On the other hand, I Promise is a district school. It's not a private school or even a charter school, a form of public schools that are funded with tax dollars but are privately-run.

It's a district-owned building. The district will hire and pay the teachers and administration. Kids will ride district buses to school. And they will all eat the free breakfast and lunch the district gives all students.

I Promise will eventually cost about $8 million a year to run out of the district's regular budget, covered mostly by shifting students, teachers and money from other schools, the district says.

Who's paying for LeBron James' new I Promise school? LeBron or Akron Public Schools?
Since I'm from the town and monitor local media, this is from the Cleveland Plain Dealer, a well known leftist rag, and I thought I would bring some insight to the discussion. In keeping with the TOS, I'll only paste relevant parts. You can follow the link to read the entire thing:

Who's paying for LeBron James' new I Promise school? LeBron or Akron Public Schools?

He's paying for part of it. A good part of it.

But it's also a public school within the Akron school district, which means that taxpayers will pay for the bulk of the costs.

The exact breakdown of expenses for the new I Promise School is unclear, since the district and the LeBron James Family Foundation are still sorting out final details of their contract. But the district will pay more than half the costs - perhaps around 75 percent - once it is fully running.

On the other hand, I Promise is a district school. It's not a private school or even a charter school, a form of public schools that are funded with tax dollars but are privately-run.

It's a district-owned building. The district will hire and pay the teachers and administration. Kids will ride district buses to school. And they will all eat the free breakfast and lunch the district gives all students.

I Promise will eventually cost about $8 million a year to run out of the district's regular budget, covered mostly by shifting students, teachers and money from other schools, the district says.

Who's paying for LeBron James' new I Promise school? LeBron or Akron Public Schools?

Tax deduction dreamed up by his Jewish accountant to make him look like he gives a shit...If he did he wouldn't have broken their hearts by leaving Cleveland TWICE.
Since I'm from the town and monitor local media, this is from the Cleveland Plain Dealer, a well known leftist rag, and I thought I would bring some insight to the discussion. In keeping with the TOS, I'll only paste relevant parts. You can follow the link to read the entire thing:

Who's paying for LeBron James' new I Promise school? LeBron or Akron Public Schools?

He's paying for part of it. A good part of it.

But it's also a public school within the Akron school district, which means that taxpayers will pay for the bulk of the costs.

The exact breakdown of expenses for the new I Promise School is unclear, since the district and the LeBron James Family Foundation are still sorting out final details of their contract. But the district will pay more than half the costs - perhaps around 75 percent - once it is fully running.

On the other hand, I Promise is a district school. It's not a private school or even a charter school, a form of public schools that are funded with tax dollars but are privately-run.

It's a district-owned building. The district will hire and pay the teachers and administration. Kids will ride district buses to school. And they will all eat the free breakfast and lunch the district gives all students.

I Promise will eventually cost about $8 million a year to run out of the district's regular budget, covered mostly by shifting students, teachers and money from other schools, the district says.

Who's paying for LeBron James' new I Promise school? LeBron or Akron Public Schools?

Tax deduction dreamed up by his Jewish accountant to make him look like he gives a shit...If he did he wouldn't have broken their hearts by leaving Cleveland TWICE.

I don't know about that. Remember the James Foundation is a charity that is funded by donors. It's not necessarily LeBron cash that's paying the up front bills. The foundation is funded due to LeBron's popularity, but in ten years from now, he will be out of the limelight and his charity may suffer. Then who pays the bills his foundation was giving every year?

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