Trump Trolls Red Hen....Their END Is Near

Say liberals, explain why Sanders was told to leave and why it's justified.
I'm a Conservative and believe the owner of the establishment had every right to refuse service.
she does. no one said she didn't. we all just know we're not going there now. And I would bet many many others won't be either. It's her cake to bake.

When I get my new car, i shall take my family and friends on a special outing to the Red Hen.

The right-wingers invented refusal of service. Now they must experience the consequences of what they did. One must treat others the way that they wish to be treated.

Ah, you mean the gay cake. Say, if I go into a bakery and request a cake themed in bestiality, the baker should do the right thing and comply. Same applies to a satanic theme, S/M too. After all, one must treat others the way that they wish to be treated. This is fun.
Not true. You rubes get so confused when talking about that issue.

This English? Which part is untrue?
Say liberals, explain why Sanders was told to leave and why it's justified.
The same reason the baker’s decision was justified — their business; their decision. If that was good enough for the baker; it’s good enough for the Red Hen.

I disagree. Political views is a different thing than making a mockery of marriage, heterosexuality and nature itself.

What you're condoning is if your political opinion isn't in accord with services, then expect to be denied the service. YOU REALLY WANT TO GO HERE PEOPLE? WHOLLY FUCK.

Who ever made a mockery of "marriage, heterosexuality and nature itself'?

Gay marriage and "their" off-spring
I'm a Conservative and believe the owner of the establishment had every right to refuse service.
she does. no one said she didn't. we all just know we're not going there now. And I would bet many many others won't be either. It's her cake to bake.

When I get my new car, i shall take my family and friends on a special outing to the Red Hen.

The right-wingers invented refusal of service. Now they must experience the consequences of what they did. One must treat others the way that they wish to be treated.

Ah, you mean the gay cake. Say, if I go into a bakery and request a cake themed in bestiality, the baker should do the right thing and comply. Same applies to a satanic theme, S/M too. After all, one must treat others the way that they wish to be treated. This is fun.
Not true. You rubes get so confused when talking about that issue.

This English? Which part is untrue?
Did the baker offer cakes themed in bestiality or satanism or S/M? Nope. So they would never have to.
But but but Obama....He did not attack and try to ruin a private business. What dies that have to do with a oresident attacking private business?

You are always so well informed. Trump makes a few WORDS about the condition of the outside of a tiny restaurant. Obama used his fascist goon squads to physically go after opponent after opponent and you remain clueless:

The true villains behind the Gibson Guitar raid are revealed | Human Events

BTW, not long ago, Gibson had to file for bankruptcy after 116 years in business.

Wow, your stupidity & ignorance has no bounds.

Trump attacks a private business because Trump made Sanders into a lying POS like him. Maybe if Sanders did not have to lie every fucking day to cover Trump's ass, she would not have been thrown out?

Yes, Obama's Press Secretaries certainly never lied to or disagreed with the Press.

One of the most notable moments in Gibbs' tenure as Obama's press secretary came before the 2010 midterm elections, when he lashed out at liberals who were dissatisfied with Obama's first year and a half as president. Gibbs described those liberals as the "professional left".

One of Carney's toughest jobs was defending the Obama administration in the face of intense criticism over how it handled the 2012 terrorist attack on an American consulate. Carney was also accused of becoming combative with the White House press corps toward the end of his tenure, mocking some and belittling others.

9 Top Lies of Outgoing WH Press Secretary Jay Carney
Obama Press Secretary Forced to Admit President Lied » Sons of Liberty Media
Jay Carney's 6 Worst Moments As White House Press Secretary - NRCC

How many times were any of these people thrown out of a restaurant by a republican?
Sanders was not thrown out because she was white.

She was thrown out for being a lying bitch who supports Trump's bigotry & racism. Her actions. Not her race, sex., creed, religion, color, etc
Yeah, I'm gonna have to go ahead and disagree with you on that.

That's EXACTLY why she was thrown out.

And, I am not arguing against Red Hen's right to throw her out, but let's be real.

The hypocrisy is scorching.

This is the free market at work.
Sanders was not thrown out because she was white.


She was thrown out for being a lying bitch who supports Trump's bigotry & racism. Her actions. Not her race, sex., creed, religion, color, etc

Let me guess, you watch fake news MSNBC, fake news CNN, and read fake news HuffPo and fake news WaPo. :p Folks, evidence TDS is real. :cuckoo:
The President of the United States should never take sides in such matters, he is supposed to represent us all. But Trump is a child and does not give a rats ass about the people.


No, YOU STFU. Gator is right. Trump is such a childish immature idiot he can't let anything go.

commie bitches get no say.

Oh good, another uneducated dumbass, that is totally clueless about what a Communist is?
Why don’t you finish your GED and then maybe you can add something to the conversation.
This is America, everyone their “say”. I think you have the US confused with Putin’s Russia.
Say liberals, explain why Sanders was told to leave and why it's justified.

I'm not a lib, but Sanders was thrown out of the joint because her political views didn't jibe with the Red Hen's political code.

The problem I have is that nothing on the website told the public about the policy, they didn't mention it when Sanders people called for the reservation, and there is not even a "Liberals Only" sign on the door.

All that has happened since is that people are spreading the word that conservatives need to be eating elsewhere.
You can't put a "Liberals only" sign on the door, because according to the dumb anti-discriminatory policies the left has forced into law, that would be discriminatory.

Hoist on their own petard. Always.

allies a huge fan of petard.

eats one or two a day
Fries and a diet pepsi, please.
When I get my new car, i shall take my family and friends on a special outing to the Red Hen.

The right-wingers invented refusal of service. Now they must experience the consequences of what they did.

Actually, you are incorrect - in my lifetime, as recent as the early 60's it was the Democrats of the south who refused service to blacks. Democrats behind the nozzles of the hoses, Democrats holding the leashes of snarling dogs, Democrats donning white hoods...get your facts straight.

If you're referring to the baker in 2013 - he didn't refuse to sell a cake - he refused to decorate a wedding cake - nor did he kick them out of his bakery like the gay owner of a coffee shop did to pro-life folks recently.

So react in any legal way you choose - just don't blame someone else for your actions.

One must treat others the way that they wish to be treated.

Does that advice include yourself...or does it only apply to 'other' people?
When I get my new car, i shall take my family and friends on a special outing to the Red Hen.
And, you have every right to do so. The free market works.

The right-wingers invented refusal of service. Now they must experience the consequences of what they did. One must treat others the way that they wish to be treated.
This is the best example of irony I have seen in a very long time. Congratulations.
Wait a couple weeks. It's going to be packed if you go anytime soon.

"packed" with our sidewalk commandos claiming they'd been bitten by spiders, had hot coffee spilled on them, found shards of glass in their scrambled eggs, and saw a dead rat sizzling in the deep fryer.....yeah, maybe you'd want to wait a couple weeks, folks.
Sad that a sitting President so often uses his position to personally attack Americans and their businesses.

They attacked him. Quid pro quo.
He is the POTUS. Not a child.

He is a man who takes no shit.

No, he’s a bully. Trump is President of the US. But he’s such a bully that takes on a small family owned business, instead of being President doing his job running the country.
And you small minded losers ejaculate all over yourself because he’s such a tough guy in your dull little world.
Exactly, how old are you?

You mean he's a leader.

People who lead from a superior moral and law-abiding stance are decried as *racists* and *bullies* by the criminals of the left.

Whereas a gaggle of faggots in a restaurant who *take a vote* and then chase a family off the premises are heralded as *brave* and *diverse* and just darned awesome.

You people really need to get over your faggot worship. It's not doing you any favors.

Real “leaders” don’t bully small family businesses, they are too busy managing what really matters to the majority of people.
Also, real leaders don’t divide, they unite.
Trump only leads his base, that’s all he cares about, after himself, of course
Sad that a sitting President so often uses his position to personally attack Americans and their businesses.

Yeah. A few more times and he'll be up to as bad as Obama.
That's just bullshit

Yes, it was BULLSHIT when Obama went after James Rosen just for trying to do his job.
It was pure BULLSHIT when Obama weaponized the IRS to block numerous pro-Romney organizations from operating to throw the 2012 election his way.
And it was pure BULLSHIT the way he weaponized the EPA against businesses like Gibson (now out of business) and other agencies.

Obama spent his entire 8 years doing nothing but making personal attacks against Americans and businesses. Even threatened to close the entire coal industry.
Yeah 75 straight months of 6 digit job gains really put a knife in the back of Americans And trying to get rid of the filthy coal industry???A bad thing ? DOW gained almost a triple Too bad you must've been short,,, and unemployment sank into the 4'%'s ..Trump takes over and pats himself on the back for what Obama started DOW off 378 NAS 183 Want to blame Obama or maybe even Hillary?
Say liberals, explain why Sanders was told to leave and why it's justified.
I'm a Conservative and believe the owner of the establishment had every right to refuse service.
she does. no one said she didn't. we all just know we're not going there now. And I would bet many many others won't be either. It's her cake to bake.

When I get my new car, i shall take my family and friends on a special outing to the Red Hen.

The right-wingers invented refusal of service. Now they must experience the consequences of what they did. One must treat others the way that they wish to be treated.
Wait a couple weeks. It's going to be packed if you go anytime soon.

LOL...packed? You mean packed up to close the doors.
They attacked him. Quid pro quo.
He is the POTUS. Not a child.

He is a man who takes no shit.

No, he’s a bully. Trump is President of the US. But he’s such a bully that takes on a small family owned business, instead of being President doing his job running the country.
And you small minded losers ejaculate all over yourself because he’s such a tough guy in your dull little world.
Exactly, how old are you?

You mean he's a leader.

People who lead from a superior moral and law-abiding stance are decried as *racists* and *bullies* by the criminals of the left.

Whereas a gaggle of faggots in a restaurant who *take a vote* and then chase a family off the premises are heralded as *brave* and *diverse* and just darned awesome.

You people really need to get over your faggot worship. It's not doing you any favors.

Real “leaders” don’t bully small family businesses, they are too busy managing what really matters to the majority of people.
Also, real leaders don’t divide, they unite.
Trump only leads his base, that’s all he cares about, after himself, of course
real family businesses don't refuse service to half the population of the country and expect to stay in business long.
They attacked him. Quid pro quo.
He is the POTUS. Not a child.

He is a man who takes no shit.

No, he’s a bully. Trump is President of the US. But he’s such a bully that takes on a small family owned business, instead of being President doing his job running the country.
And you small minded losers ejaculate all over yourself because he’s such a tough guy in your dull little world.
Exactly, how old are you?

You mean he's a leader.

People who lead from a superior moral and law-abiding stance are decried as *racists* and *bullies* by the criminals of the left.

Whereas a gaggle of faggots in a restaurant who *take a vote* and then chase a family off the premises are heralded as *brave* and *diverse* and just darned awesome.

You people really need to get over your faggot worship. It's not doing you any favors.

Real “leaders” don’t bully small family businesses, they are too busy managing what really matters to the majority of people.
Also, real leaders don’t divide, they unite.
Trump only leads his base, that’s all he cares about, after himself, of course

Yeah, "real leaders" get the IRS to do the dirty work....dumbass.
Say liberals, explain why Sanders was told to leave and why it's justified.
The same reason the baker’s decision was justified — their business; their decision. If that was good enough for the baker; it’s good enough for the Red Hen.

I disagree. Political views is a different thing than making a mockery of marriage, heterosexuality and nature itself.

What you're condoning is if your political opinion isn't in accord with services, then expect to be denied the service. YOU REALLY WANT TO GO HERE PEOPLE? WHOLLY FUCK.
If YOU want to go there with sexual orientation, then yes, let’s go there with political views. You can’t have it both ways. Be careful what you wish for, asshole.
Say liberals, explain why Sanders was told to leave and why it's justified.
I'm a Conservative and believe the owner of the establishment had every right to refuse service.

Sure he has the right. I'm asking why and is it justified?

The owner is a woman. She was called by her manager to come quick because 7 folks in Sarah's group had sat down to dinner....which BTW would probably have resulted in a several hundred dollar profit for the place. Faced with an open revolt from her lunatic staff, she asked them to leave, which they did without complaint or incident. NOW she's paying the price for that decision as will the workers who sabotaged her business.
Cat food is not very expensive.

The employees will survive.

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