Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump

Wake up folks----------

The only reason Trump is siding up to Putin is because Trump knows Putin got him elected in 2017 and Trump is hoping Putin will do the same in 2020.

in my view of things
Wake up folks----------

The only reason Trump is siding up to Putin is because Trump knows Putin got him elected in 2017 and Trump is hoping Putin will do the same in 2020.

in my view of things
How did he get him elected. Be specific.

Watch the non answer or double talk.
How did he get him elected. Be specific.

Unlike you, I watch the real news (MSNBC) and not a tabloid like FOX. And, most Senators in Congress have come out and publicly stated that Russia got trump elected.
Now, setting all that aside you are free to believe whatever you choose.
The people trump has fired so far----
How did he get him elected. Be specific.

Unlike you, I watch the real news (MSNBC) and not a tabloid like FOX. And, most Senators in Congress have come out and publicly stated that Russia got trump elected.
Now, setting all that aside you are free to believe whatever you choose.

MSNBC is about as far away from real news as you can get apart from maybe The New York Times and CNN.
In my view the only reason Trump refuses to admit that Russia helped him win the Presidency is because he hopes they will do the same thing in 2020.
In my view the only reason Trump refuses to admit that Russia helped him win the Presidency is because he hopes they will do the same thing in 2020.
You have no fucking proof you stupid pathetic fucking loser.

How does that fucking feel?
Wake up folks----------

The only reason Trump is siding up to Putin is because Trump knows Putin got him elected in 2017 and Trump is hoping Putin will do the same in 2020.

in my view of things
How did he get him elected. Be specific.

Watch the non answer or double talk.

Read the reports and indictments. Everything is set out in requisite detail.

Republicans won’t admit it but even the Freedom Causcus voted in favour of the law that stripped Trump of his right to lift sanctions against Russia. The first such unanimous bipartisan vote in my memory.

The second declared that the press in not the “enemy of the people.

I’m waiting to see what the House and Senate do about the partisan stripping of security clearances. I don’t think attacks on people’s freedom of speech will go unchecked.
I was against Trump, but with all the violence, hate, and vile insults of the left of the recent days, I am now going to join the simple Americans, and join the fight to stop the radical Leftists.

Liberty must at all hazards be supported. We have a right to it, derived from our Maker. But if we had not, our fathers have earned and bought it for us, at the expense of their ease, their estates, their pleasure, and their blood.

John Adams, A Dissertation on the Canon and Feudal Law, 1765
Your vile president condones and even encourages violence at his hillbilly Nuremberg rallies.
The only side that committed murder in Charlottesville was YOUR side.
You’re full of shit.
I think the biggest indication that Trump will be a great president is Trump values his name.
And here's another good example of why you follow a cowardly draft dodging dilettante.........because you're dumb as a fence post.
And you are exactly why I have changed my mind about Trump. You and all the Leftists are on the attack and must be defeated, if not destroyed.

You can not stop Trump, that is why I joined, because of you. Thank you for making it clear.
I like posting links to this forum on Donald Trump's Facebook page just so he can see how stupid some of his followers are.
45 counts on their stupidity. He saw a way to the presidency by catering and exploiting their racism and stupidity.
Someone who knows 45 much much better than any of you, Tony Schwartz, the real author of The Art of the Deal, said last week:
“Trump despises his base. He’s using them for a means to an end. His whole life he looked down on people like them, unsuccessful and powerless.”

Now he’s using them again by daily lying to them in order to garner their support when criminal charges are lodged against him.

He’s made no bones about it that he’s only prez of 39% of the people. He couldn’t care less that he’s divided this country like no president in 100 years. Everything he does is for his own self interest. If you haven’t realized this yet, you haven’t been paying attention or only watch Faux News.
I think the biggest indication that Trump will be a great president is Trump values his name.
And here's another good example of why you follow a cowardly draft dodging dilettante.........because you're dumb as a fence post.
And you are exactly why I have changed my mind about Trump. You and all the Leftists are on the attack and must be defeated, if not destroyed.

You can not stop Trump, that is why I joined, because of you. Thank you for making it clear.
I like posting links to this forum on Donald Trump's Facebook page just so he can see how stupid some of his followers are.
45 counts on their stupidity. He saw a way to the presidency by catering and exploiting their racism and stupidity.

What was the point of the whole “birtherism” campaign if not to provide market research on the stupidity and gullibility of the American people?

They took an easily provable lie, sold the heck out of it, and then did public opinion polls to see how many Americans would fall for it. They saw that 1/3 of Republicans believed them and Trump said “These are my people. They’ll believe anything I tell them.”
Someone who knows 45 much much better than any of you, Tony Schwartz, the real author of The Art of the Deal, said last week:
“Trump despises his base. He’s using them for a means to an end. His whole life he looked down on people like them, unsuccessful and powerless.”

Now he’s using them again by daily lying to them in order to garner their support when criminal charges are lodged against him.

He’s made no bones about it that he’s only prez of 39% of the people. He couldn’t care less that he’s divided this country like no president in 100 years. Everything he does is for his own self interest. If you haven’t realized this yet, you haven’t been paying attention or only watch Faux News.

I used to say to my kids “When you tell to someone a lie, you're telling them right to their face that you think they’re too stupid to know you’re lying”. In the case of Trump voters, he’s correct in that assumption.

Trump told his voters exactly what he thought of them with his “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue the shoot someone, and I wouldn’t lose any voters”.

What makes Trump voters truly stupid is that they believe Trump’s lies, and scream “fake news” at the media who are exposing those lies.

But the most pathetically stupid Trump voters are the overweight, middle aged and older women, the kind Trump refers to in the most unflattering terms possible, wearing T-shirts that read “Trump can grab my pussy anytime”.
Not all the Trump supporters are simple. Some of them have high school educations. The wit and IQ of a person are irrelevant to the right to have a political opinion anyhow.

It's the Trump supporters that are paying taxes so you Liberals can collect free shit.

I'm now a Trump supporter and I have a Bachelor's. Looks li
Not all the Trump supporters are simple. Some of them have high school educations. The wit and IQ of a person are irrelevant to the right to have a political opinion anyhow.

It's the Trump supporters that are paying taxes so you Liberals can collect free shit.

And on the other hand, Trump almighty, filed bankruptcy multiple times not to pay taxes :lmao:

Just out of curiosity - when did it become a crime to declare bankruptcy?

It is not, I like the idea of buying shit and not paying for it actually.
You can bet your last dollar 44 and Hillary had the IRS go through Trumps tax returns with a fine tooth comb. If there had been even one decimal out of place they would have shouted it from the roof tops, CNN would have been running the story 24/7 for weeks.

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