Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump

I was against Trump, but with all the violence, hate, and vile insults of the left of the recent days, I am now going to join the simple Americans, and join the fight to stop the radical Leftists.

Liberty must at all hazards be supported. We have a right to it, derived from our Maker. But if we had not, our fathers have earned and bought it for us, at the expense of their ease, their estates, their pleasure, and their blood.

John Adams, A Dissertation on the Canon and Feudal Law, 1765
I've been attacked as a supporter by democrats and GOP'ers starting the first week he announced.....we coulda used the help.....
Yeah, i think the relentless Democrat attacks on his 10yr old son especially, have caused a lot of good decent folks to consider turning against the Democrats. They don't wanna be associated with that awful stuff. If you do believe in 'Karmic Justice', you gotta believe the Democrats have a whole lot of it headed their way.
You americans are so selfish. Think about us in the rest of the world. No NATO. No struggle against global warming. The world is terrified. You can clearly see that here . All over the world people shake their heads at the US election.
it's time for all you lazy douche bags to start paying your own way and stop depending on American welfare. I hope you are terrified. Perhaps that will motivate you to to get off your asses. Americans are tired of covering for you.
"Without never having worked a day in his life"??

Canceling out the double negative, that can't mean what's left.

When did Donald Rump ever hold a job? Ever?
When he worked for his father? Of course creating your own business is a job. It is easy to work for another, not so easy to create your own way, even with the help of ones family.

Actually having done both --- the reverse is true.

Working for one's father is not a "job". Even less so having him hand you millions of dollars to play with, when you haven't done anything on your own.

Face it -- Rump is a spoiled egocentric asshole who's been handed everything his entire life and has never accomplished jack shit.

The public that enjoys that skating rink in N.Y.C. would beg to differ with you as well as his very successful TV show on the air since 2004 that teaches people about real estate and about how to become a successful entrepreneur.

To clear that up. The city could not find a way to make an ice rink operable. Trump stepped in and had private firms do what was necessary to make it available to the public. Without fanfare or asking for anything in return.

And without paying the construction workers, telling them it was a "public service". And he did indeed ask for something in return, that being to lease and run it.

You have a cite showing he didn't pay the construction workers? Do you douche bags ever stop lying about Trump?
Is this guy a "leftist"? .

Shameful "leftist" assaults patriot by hitting him in the hand with his face....


I think you'd have to run the mirror image, 'cause that looks like a right cross.

How 'bout this?

Now you got it. The left hand leads.

No word about whether Corey Lewandowski's left or right hand made these....


It's hard to tell --- this one could go either way.

Doublethink lives.

He did that mouthy lib a favor punching him in the face. Seconds later the cops slammed the fool to the ground and slapped the cuffs on him.
”First they came for the Latinos, Muslims, women, gays, poor people, intellectuals and scientists and then it was Wednesday,” wrote Jonathan Katz.

Here are 9 atrocities from week one of the Trumpocalypse
Technically, there are no such thing as "Latinos". You can't call a Brazilian a Latino, that is an insult. Certainly the native Indians of Mexico are not Latinos, they are mostly the poor who are forced to migrate north by the Spanish Heritage "Mexicans" that rule the land they conquered. Latinos in Cuba? Certainly there are no Native Indians of Cuba that survived the Spanish invasion! Latinos? Nope, there is no such thing, that is a stereotype, a political label? And there have been no mass deportations, false premise is this your comment.

Muslims? I say Moslems, those who oppress women, those who rape women, those who sell 7 year old girls into sexual slavery, no mass deportations of them, a false premise again. Gays? Nobody gives a shit what Gays do in their private lives, of course you make them a political issue and now teach or children at the age of 7 what homosexuality is, in our schools against our will. Again, a false premise but nice of you to mention Gays so we can speak of the wrong you do to our children, by planting seeds in their minds, that need not be there a 7 years old. Poor people? How is there poor people after decades of rule by the Democrats? I know how, they are pawns, you are now here to save that which you created, the poor. Intellectuals and Scientists? Bullshit, it is the Democrats who insist on being anti-science. Every hear of the Particle Accelerator, the democrats shutdown? Is it not Obama that shutdown the space shuttle program and turned NASA into an outreach mission to Arabia?

Yes, atrocities committed by Democrats against Science, against the People, against the Nation, and the World.
Yes, atrocities committed by Democrats against Science, against the People, against the Nation, and the World.
Orange Julius Numb Nuts

New York Times

Judge Blocks Trump Order on Refugees Amid Chaos and Outcry Worldwide

WASHINGTON - A federal judge in Brooklyn came to the aid of scores of refugees and others who were trapped at airports across the United States on Saturday after an executive order signed by President Trump, which sought to keep many foreigners from ...
Yes, sadly the German people were broken and needed a leader, they rallied behind Hitler. But there is a huge difference, they were a country that had a history of Antisemitism, they preached, the Race, wrote laws that violated the rights of Jews, the same as the Democrat party in the USA.

Now it is the time for those who wish for the USA to survive and to be free, to join together and fight the Obama Brown Shirts.

Trump and his advisers have a history of antisemitism.
Good, now we will see a judge removed the bench for violating the laws of the United States of America.
Judges can not order laws be broken.

Your fake conversion to trump supporter is duly noted.

You were previously a paid anti-green energy poster. Anyone who reviews your posting history can see this.
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I was against Trump, but with all the violence, hate, and vile insults of the left of the recent days, I am now going to join the simple Americans, and join the fight to stop the radical Leftists.

Liberty must at all hazards be supported. We have a right to it, derived from our Maker. But if we had not, our fathers have earned and bought it for us, at the expense of their ease, their estates, their pleasure, and their blood.

John Adams, A Dissertation on the Canon and Feudal Law, 1765

Captain Trump will sink the USA-Endeavor into insignificance. Good luck, USA.

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I was against Trump, but with all the violence, hate, and vile insults of the left of the recent days, I am now going to join the simple Americans, and join the fight to stop the radical Leftists.
To be honest, I initially thought Trump was a joke…

You was right. He is a joke. But for a seven years old boy he's not doing the worst job he's able to do, isn't he?

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Like this photo, I have often seen/heard leftists refer to conservatives as facists. Leftists should THINK a bit more about what they say.

Facism is something which is noted by a very big, strong government, with lots of strict CONTROL and regulation over the people. Traits that are exactly those of the Democratic Party.

Do you know what had happened before this picture was made? This people were really very very happy when they saw the soldiers of the German army. And the reason why they were happy was the wrong politics of the winners of world war 1. The economy of the USA grew 100% after word war 1 - and this people were some of the people who had to pay the price for the wealth of the USA. They were indeed 100% convinced Adolf Hitler was right. I'm able to imagine that the ancestors of some of this people lived since more than 10,000 years where they had lived once.

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