Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump

And without never having worked a day in his life, and without the growing up in a Moslem country, and without the Marxist parents, and without terrorist friends, and without..........
"Without never having worked a day in his life"??

Canceling out the double negative, that can't mean what's left.

When did Donald Rump ever hold a job? Ever?
When he worked for his father? Of course creating your own business is a job. It is easy to work for another, not so easy to create your own way, even with the help of ones family.

Actually having done both --- the reverse is true.

Working for one's father is not a "job". Even less so having him hand you millions of dollars to play with, when you haven't done anything on your own.

Face it -- Rump is a spoiled egocentric asshole who's been handed everything his entire life and has never accomplished jack shit.
Right, If you work, for family you are not working, and if your family leaves you or gives you money and you turn that money into Billions providing jobs for thousands, you are still not doing a Job?

I get it, you do not like people who are rich and will not admit that the work they do, is a job.

When you have everything handed to you so that there's no possibility in the world of challenge, or failure, no matter how much you might fuck up ---- correct, that is in no way a "job".

Rump has never held a real job in his life. At age 70 it's probably not the time to fix that.
And without never having worked a day in his life, and without the growing up in a Moslem country, and without the Marxist parents, and without terrorist friends, and without..........
"Without never having worked a day in his life"??

Canceling out the double negative, that can't mean what's left.

When did Donald Rump ever hold a job? Ever?
When he worked for his father? Of course creating your own business is a job. It is easy to work for another, not so easy to create your own way, even with the help of ones family.

Actually having done both --- the reverse is true.

Working for one's father is not a "job". Even less so having him hand you millions of dollars to play with, when you haven't done anything on your own.

Face it -- Rump is a spoiled egocentric asshole who's been handed everything his entire life and has never accomplished jack shit.

The public that enjoys that skating rink in N.Y.C. would beg to differ with you as well as his very successful TV show on the air since 2004 that teaches people about real estate and about how to become a successful entrepreneur.

That skating rink was built by labor Rump swindled. They never got paid. Yet somehow Rump isn't shy about taking the credit.
Exploiting people for one's own insatiable self-aggrandizement ain't any definition of "successful" that I know of.

As for TV, the Vast Wasteland, the best "success" in that realm is to never be associated with it. Its only function is to hypnotize people into pliant zombies so that they're vulnerable to advertising shit that nobody needs. That's another exploitation scheme, and in Rump's case, for the same purpose as the skating rink , the political campaign, and indeed everything he does or ever has done, all for the same purpose: attracting attention to Numero Uno.

Face it, he's an incurably sick and hopelessly insecure narcissist whose emotional growth was stunted around age 12. That's probably the result of being handed everything and never having to work for it.

That would have built what we call "character". Rump completely missed out on it. He's a child, still looking for approval, validation and self-worth. And he doesn't get that the attention he draws to try to feed that is entirely artificial.
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And without never having worked a day in his life, and without the growing up in a Moslem country, and without the Marxist parents, and without terrorist friends, and without..........
"Without never having worked a day in his life"??

Canceling out the double negative, that can't mean what's left.

When did Donald Rump ever hold a job? Ever?
When he worked for his father? Of course creating your own business is a job. It is easy to work for another, not so easy to create your own way, even with the help of ones family.

Actually having done both --- the reverse is true.

Working for one's father is not a "job". Even less so having him hand you millions of dollars to play with, when you haven't done anything on your own.

Face it -- Rump is a spoiled egocentric asshole who's been handed everything his entire life and has never accomplished jack shit.

The public that enjoys that skating rink in N.Y.C. would beg to differ with you as well as his very successful TV show on the air since 2004 that teaches people about real estate and about how to become a successful entrepreneur.

That skating rink was built by labor Rump swindled. They never got paid. Yet somehow Rump isn't shy about taking the credit.
Exploiting people for one's own insatiable self-aggrandizement ain't any definition of "successful" that I know of.

As for TV, the Vast Wasteland, the best "success" in that realm is to never be associated with it. Its only function is to hypnotize people into pliant zombies so that they're vulnerable to advertising shit that nobody needs. That's another exploitation scheme, and in Rump's case, for the same purpose as the skating rink , the political campaign, and indeed everything he does or ever has done, all for the same purpose: attracting attention to Numero Uno.

Face it, he's an incurably sick and hopelessly insecure narcissist whose emotional growth was stunted around age 12. That's probably the result of being handed everything and never having to work for it.

That would have built what we call "character". Rump completely missed out on it. He's a child, still looking for approval, validation and self-worth. And he doesn't get that the attention he draws to try to feed that is entirely artificial.

Well I never heard that.
You think that the Canadians he was forced to hire because of our overbearing government regulations and overpaid hourly workers (because of our unions) would have kept quite about it?
Trump hired the Company, so look into why the owner did not pay them or why Trump did not pay the company if that is true.
If he did not pay the Company it would have been all over the news at the time and in the courts.
Yes, sadly the German people were broken and needed a leader, they rallied behind Hitler. But there is a huge difference, they were a country that had a history of Antisemitism, they preached, the Race, wrote laws that violated the rights of Jews, the same as the Democrat party in the USA.

Now it is the time for those who wish for the USA to survive and to be free, to join together and fight the Obama Brown Shirts.
Pictures or it never happened...
Pictures of which, the Obama Brown Shirts rioting or of Hitler?
The public that enjoys that skating rink in N.Y.C. would beg to differ with you as well as his very successful TV show on the air since 2004 that teaches people about real estate and about how to become a successful entrepreneur

That skating rink was built by labor Rump swindled. They never got paid. Yet somehow Rump isn't shy about taking the credit.
You must be thinking of another Skating Rink, The Wollman Rink was built in 1949, way before Trump's time. Trump never built a skating rink in NYC.
"Without never having worked a day in his life"??

Canceling out the double negative, that can't mean what's left.

When did Donald Rump ever hold a job? Ever?
When he worked for his father? Of course creating your own business is a job. It is easy to work for another, not so easy to create your own way, even with the help of ones family.

Actually having done both --- the reverse is true.

Working for one's father is not a "job". Even less so having him hand you millions of dollars to play with, when you haven't done anything on your own.

Face it -- Rump is a spoiled egocentric asshole who's been handed everything his entire life and has never accomplished jack shit.

The public that enjoys that skating rink in N.Y.C. would beg to differ with you as well as his very successful TV show on the air since 2004 that teaches people about real estate and about how to become a successful entrepreneur.

That skating rink was built by labor Rump swindled. They never got paid. Yet somehow Rump isn't shy about taking the credit.
Exploiting people for one's own insatiable self-aggrandizement ain't any definition of "successful" that I know of.

As for TV, the Vast Wasteland, the best "success" in that realm is to never be associated with it. Its only function is to hypnotize people into pliant zombies so that they're vulnerable to advertising shit that nobody needs. That's another exploitation scheme, and in Rump's case, for the same purpose as the skating rink , the political campaign, and indeed everything he does or ever has done, all for the same purpose: attracting attention to Numero Uno.

Face it, he's an incurably sick and hopelessly insecure narcissist whose emotional growth was stunted around age 12. That's probably the result of being handed everything and never having to work for it.

That would have built what we call "character". Rump completely missed out on it. He's a child, still looking for approval, validation and self-worth. And he doesn't get that the attention he draws to try to feed that is entirely artificial.

Well I never heard that.
You think that the Canadians he was forced to hire because of our overbearing government regulations and overpaid hourly workers (because of our unions) would have kept quite about it?
Trump hired the Company, so look into why the owner did not pay them or why Trump did not pay the company if that is true.
If he did not pay the Company it would have been all over the news at the time and in the courts.

It is. And they weren't "Canadians", they were New Yorkers, and it had nothing to do with "unions". He told them they would work pro bono and they didn't understand what that was. In 1980 I probably didn't either. Of course he could have said "for free" but that would have been too much like honesty. And no, they didn't keep quiet about it.

I was going to show you specifically in this film where they speak about it, but the video has mysteriously disappeared from YouTube. Wonder why. I've linked it before on this forum but I don't know where to find it...

I wish I'd had the foresight to download the film before it got expunged, but then I'd have to upload it all over again. Anyway you can apparently see it here, and although they charge money for viewing, it's worth it if you want to be informed.
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The public that enjoys that skating rink in N.Y.C. would beg to differ with you as well as his very successful TV show on the air since 2004 that teaches people about real estate and about how to become a successful entrepreneur

That skating rink was built by labor Rump swindled. They never got paid. Yet somehow Rump isn't shy about taking the credit.
You must be thinking of another Skating Rink, The Wollman Rink was built in 1949, way before Trump's time. Trump never built a skating rink in NYC.

Wollman Rink was built in 1950 and fell into disrepair. Rump whined to the city about it for his usual reason --- it was spoiling the view from his throne. So he finagled a deal with the city that he would rebuild the rink and lease it to the city. So he got free labor and then leeched off the city to keep the rink rinking and the cash tinkling.
Wollman Rink was built in 1950 and fell into disrepair. Rump whined to the city about it for his usual reason --- it was spoiling the view from his throne. So he finagled a deal with the city that he would rebuild the rink and lease it to the city. So he got free labor and then leeched off the city to keep the rink rinking and the cash tinkling.
Why do you leave out the part where the city had spent $13 million and had not finished the project in years? I guess that part of the story does no fit you narrative.

Trump does not make money on the rink, the city owns the rink, and profits from the rink, not Trump.
The public that enjoys that skating rink in N.Y.C. would beg to differ with you as well as his very successful TV show on the air since 2004 that teaches people about real estate and about how to become a successful entrepreneur

That skating rink was built by labor Rump swindled. They never got paid. Yet somehow Rump isn't shy about taking the credit.
You must be thinking of another Skating Rink, The Wollman Rink was built in 1949, way before Trump's time. Trump never built a skating rink in NYC.

Wollman Rink was built in 1950 and fell into disrepair. Rump whined to the city about it for his usual reason --- it was spoiling the view from his throne. So he finagled a deal with the city that he would rebuild the rink and lease it to the city. So he got free labor and then leeched off the city to keep the rink rinking and the cash tinkling.

So where is a link to the workers not getting paid?

He whined to the city because it was still not built after 6 years and 12 million over budget and no end in site as to when or if it would ever get done.
Wollman Rink was built in 1950 and fell into disrepair. Rump whined to the city about it for his usual reason --- it was spoiling the view from his throne. So he finagled a deal with the city that he would rebuild the rink and lease it to the city. So he got free labor and then leeched off the city to keep the rink rinking and the cash tinkling.
Why do you leave out the part where the city had spent $13 million and had not finished the project in years? I guess that part of the story does no fit you narrative.

Because that has nothing to do with Rump exploiting the workers to get it done for free, that's why. Me, I stay on point.
The public that enjoys that skating rink in N.Y.C. would beg to differ with you as well as his very successful TV show on the air since 2004 that teaches people about real estate and about how to become a successful entrepreneur

That skating rink was built by labor Rump swindled. They never got paid. Yet somehow Rump isn't shy about taking the credit.
You must be thinking of another Skating Rink, The Wollman Rink was built in 1949, way before Trump's time. Trump never built a skating rink in NYC.

Wollman Rink was built in 1950 and fell into disrepair. Rump whined to the city about it for his usual reason --- it was spoiling the view from his throne. So he finagled a deal with the city that he would rebuild the rink and lease it to the city. So he got free labor and then leeched off the city to keep the rink rinking and the cash tinkling.

So where is a link to the workers not getting paid?

He whined to the city because it was still not built after 6 years and 12 million over budget and no end in site as to when or if it would ever get done.

I just told you -- it's been pulled from YouTube.
I don't have the time it would take to look it up but I gave you a link to the documentary, and it's in there. I already saw it (and linked it on this board) before it mysteriously disappeared.

Did you know that if you have enough money, you can not only buy politicians -- we all know that -- but you can actually buy "exceptions" to the First Amendment? It's a little like the Catholic Church selling indulgences.

And Rump wants to "open up" that Amendment. His words.
Wollman Rink was built in 1950 and fell into disrepair. Rump whined to the city about it for his usual reason --- it was spoiling the view from his throne. So he finagled a deal with the city that he would rebuild the rink and lease it to the city. So he got free labor and then leeched off the city to keep the rink rinking and the cash tinkling.
Why do you leave out the part where the city had spent $13 million and had not finished the project in years? I guess that part of the story does no fit you narrative.

Because that has nothing to do with Rump exploiting the workers to get it done for free, that's why. Me, I stay on point.
On point? My thread is not about a skating rink in Central Park. Further, it was up to the city to pay for the Skating Rink, Trump did the work, but the city paid the bills. So where is your link to anything that indicates what you state is true? If the "evidence" got removed from Youtube, is there not a cached page or link at the least, on Google? If the "evidence" got removed, how did you manage to see it? Why did you not download it? So many questions and so little answers you provide.
And without never having worked a day in his life, and without the growing up in a Moslem country, and without the Marxist parents, and without terrorist friends, and without..........
"Without never having worked a day in his life"??

Canceling out the double negative, that can't mean what's left.

When did Donald Rump ever hold a job? Ever?
When he worked for his father? Of course creating your own business is a job. It is easy to work for another, not so easy to create your own way, even with the help of ones family.

Actually having done both --- the reverse is true.

Working for one's father is not a "job". Even less so having him hand you millions of dollars to play with, when you haven't done anything on your own.

Face it -- Rump is a spoiled egocentric asshole who's been handed everything his entire life and has never accomplished jack shit.

The public that enjoys that skating rink in N.Y.C. would beg to differ with you as well as his very successful TV show on the air since 2004 that teaches people about real estate and about how to become a successful entrepreneur.

To clear that up. The city could not find a way to make an ice rink operable. Trump stepped in and had private firms do what was necessary to make it available to the public. Without fanfare or asking for anything in return.
And without never having worked a day in his life, and without the growing up in a Moslem country, and without the Marxist parents, and without terrorist friends, and without..........
"Without never having worked a day in his life"??

Canceling out the double negative, that can't mean what's left.

When did Donald Rump ever hold a job? Ever?
When he worked for his father? Of course creating your own business is a job. It is easy to work for another, not so easy to create your own way, even with the help of ones family.

Actually having done both --- the reverse is true.

Working for one's father is not a "job". Even less so having him hand you millions of dollars to play with, when you haven't done anything on your own.

Face it -- Rump is a spoiled egocentric asshole who's been handed everything his entire life and has never accomplished jack shit.

The public that enjoys that skating rink in N.Y.C. would beg to differ with you as well as his very successful TV show on the air since 2004 that teaches people about real estate and about how to become a successful entrepreneur.

To clear that up. The city could not find a way to make an ice rink operable. Trump stepped in and had private firms do what was necessary to make it available to the public. Without fanfare or asking for anything in return.

And without paying the construction workers, telling them it was a "public service". And he did indeed ask for something in return, that being to lease and run it.
And without paying the construction workers, telling them it was a "public service". And he did indeed ask for something in return, that being to lease and run it.

So, where is the article, anything, where did you think you read this, do you need to lie down on the couch and talk about this?
This morning on CNN's show with the title that could be Canadian softcore porn (Nude, Eh?), host Chris Cuomo was interviewing presumptive GOP presidential nominee (pause to swallow vomit) Donald Trump. As per his usual way, Trump was on the phone, more than likely as a small Puerto Rican child combed his pubes in order to pluck out the gray ones. Cuomo started the interview, as one does, with a statement leading into a question. He brought up Trump's attacks on Hillary Clinton as an "enabler" of President Bill Clinton's affairs. "What's your thinking on this line of attack?" Cuomo asked.

Trump could have easily swatted this aside and moved on to his usual incomprehensible stream of dumb-consciousness about who is terrible, who he loves, and how great Trump is. But, see, Donald Trump is a ****, and, as a ****, any perceived slight must be dealt with immediately, otherwise what's the good in being a ****? So instead, Trump acted like a hurt 13 year-old who didn't get enough likes on her cute outfit she posted to Instagram. The candidate for president of one of the two major parties responded, "Well, this is a nice way to start off the interview. First of all, you should congratulate me for having won the race. I thought, you know, at least there would be a small congratulations, but I'm not surprised with CNN, because that's the way they treat Trump. It's the, you know, they call it the Clinton network and I believe that." Cuomo tried to defend himself, pointing out that he had congratulated Trump "the last time we spoke," but Trump continued, "You’re starting out with a question, we haven’t spoken, last week, towards the end, I was essentially the nominee of the party and you start off with this question which is not surprising, because, I understand CNN perhaps a lot better than you do."****.html#sthash.B8ZwZFGy.dpuf
I was against Trump, but with all the violence, hate, and vile insults of the left of the recent days, I am now going to join the simple Americans, and join the fight to stop the radical Leftists.

You aren't gonna do a damn thing. You're just gonna do the same thing you do every day, stuff your fat fucking face with twinkies while watching Fox news and hitting the refresh button on breitbart so you can be told what to think.

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