Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump

I can sort of relate to the opinion posted by OP. I'm not a big supporter of this (nor last) administration. The bellyaching by the opposition has (did) cause me to be more vocal in my support on those matters in which I'm in agreement.
Have ANY liberals read any of President Trump's books?


The few who completed their indoctrination in public schools might be able but are not allowed to lest they lose their party accreditation and union memberships.
I was against Trump, but with all the violence, hate, and vile insults of the left of the recent days, I am now going to join the simple Americans, and join the fight to stop the radical Leftists.

What a bunch of B.S.
I was against Trump, but with all the violence, hate, and vile insults of the left of the recent days, I am now going to join the simple Americans, and join the fight to stop the radical Leftists.
To be honest, I initially thought Trump was a joke...

But when you listen to him speak, and watch the desperation of the left...

Go Trump!!!!!

Time after time, Trump makes some really stupid statements, really dumb decisions, and he spends hours coming up with moronic, infantile, vindictive tweets that feed his many obsessions. It does no good for the media to focus on these. Actually, it does a great deal of harm.

How many times have we heard the media say Trump has "doubled down" on some foolish decision, some foolish tweet? That's because, if he has something that really pisses off the media, he will "double down" making it even more foolish. He does this because all the media attention feeds his monster super ego and he is enjoying it.

You can tell he is enjoying himself because of his facial expressions and his demeanor. He loves the attention.

It is incomprehensible that a President would offer his opinion of an ongoing trial. What does Trump do? He tells a national television audience that Manafort is a really nice guy and his trial is a disgrace. Trump loves the attention that one got.

He got a tremendous amount of attention when he revoked Brennan's security clearance, nearly all of it negative. What does Trump do? He says he will probably do the same with nine other critics of his administration. Trump absolutely loves all the attention he got with that announcement.

Mueller really does not care if Trump refuses to present his side of the Russian probe, and no way will he get involved in litigation concerning a subpoena that will last until Christmas, Christmas of '19. Trump and his lawyer, Giuliani, have been making hay of this non-controversy for months. They argue against themselves and change their stories much to the delight of an American audience. And much to the delight of an audience of one in the Oval Office. Trump absolutely loves it.

I could go on all day, but the reader gets my point. When Trump issues a statement, makes a decision, writes a tweet, the more un-Presidential it is, the more controversial it is, the more anal-retentive it is, the more ill-advised it is the better. The longer the controversy goes on the better.

That is because, if the media is talking about something he did or said that was incomprehensibly stupid, then they are not talking about his collaboration with Russia during the 2016 election.
Not all the Trump supporters are simple. Some of them have high school educations. The wit and IQ of a person are irrelevant to the right to have a political opinion anyhow.

It's the Trump supporters that are paying taxes so you Liberals can collect free shit.

I'm now a Trump supporter and I have a Bachelor's. Looks li
Not all the Trump supporters are simple. Some of them have high school educations. The wit and IQ of a person are irrelevant to the right to have a political opinion anyhow.

It's the Trump supporters that are paying taxes so you Liberals can collect free shit.

And on the other hand, Trump almighty, filed bankruptcy multiple times not to pay taxes :lmao:

Just out of curiosity - when did it become a crime to declare bankruptcy?

It is not, I like the idea of buying shit and not paying for it actually.
You can bet your last dollar 44 and Hillary had the IRS go through Trumps tax returns with a fine tooth comb. If there had been even one decimal out of place they would have shouted it from the roof tops, CNN would have been running the story 24/7 for weeks.

You stupid Trumpbot. People aren’t wanting to see Trumps tax returns because they think he’s cheating on his taxes. They wouldn’t be able to tell if he was anyway unless they’re an accountant or a tax attorney.

They want to see his tax returns to find out where his income comes from. Who and what are his sources of income? Up until that late 90’s, Trump was the King of Debt, but starting shortly after the turn of the century, he started paying cash for everything. Where did he get that kind of cash?

There have been many suggestions over the years that Trump is laundering money for Russian crime lords. He sells a lot of real estate to Russians and some of the deals just make you scratch your head.

Deutsche Bank in Germany has been his primary banker, since American banks stopped lending to him, and they recently paid fines totalling $1 billion after being involved in a $10 billion money laundering scheme.

Just as important as his income sources are the sources of his financing. Again, Russia seems to figure prominently as Trump has been involved with a number of Russians in his construction business.

He sold his Toronto property to a Russian investor when he ran short of funds building his Toronto Hotel and continued to operate the business on behalf of the owner until the hotel filed for bankruptcy.

Russians and Saudis have been funding his projects for years. A sub contractor friend who worked on the Toronto hotel said that the Trump Corporation signed their contract but the Saudis signed the cheques.

The Chinese government recently loaned Trump’s Indonesian resort $500 million. The next day Trump lifted sanctions on that Chinese electronics company which was spying on US customers. What a coincidence?

No President should owe money to foreign governments, interests or banks. No President should hold property in foreign countries. Or have businesses in foreign countries. It leaves them vulnerable to both coercion and bribery. Trump does all of these things. That’s why we need to see his taxes.
Last edited:
Not all the Trump supporters are simple. Some of them have high school educations. The wit and IQ of a person are irrelevant to the right to have a political opinion anyhow.

It's the Trump supporters that are paying taxes so you Liberals can collect free shit.

I'm now a Trump supporter and I have a Bachelor's. Looks li
It's the Trump supporters that are paying taxes so you Liberals can collect free shit.

And on the other hand, Trump almighty, filed bankruptcy multiple times not to pay taxes :lmao:

Just out of curiosity - when did it become a crime to declare bankruptcy?

It is not, I like the idea of buying shit and not paying for it actually.
You can bet your last dollar 44 and Hillary had the IRS go through Trumps tax returns with a fine tooth comb. If there had been even one decimal out of place they would have shouted it from the roof tops, CNN would have been running the story 24/7 for weeks.

You stupid Trumpbot. People aren’t wanting to see Trumps tax returns because they think he’s cheating on his taxes. They wouldn’t be able to tell if he was anyway unless they’re an accountant or a tax attorney.

They want to see his tax returns to find out where his income comes from. Who and what are his sources of income? Up until that late 90’s, Trump was the King of Debt, but starting shortly after the turn of the century, he started paying cash for everything. Where did he get that kind of cash?

There have been many suggestions over the years that Trump is laundering money for Russian crime lords. He sells a lot of real estate to Russians and some of the deals just make you scratch your head.

Deutsche Bank in Germany has been his primary banker, since American banks stopped lending to him, and they recently paid fines totalling $1 billion after being involved in a $10 billion money laundering scheme.

Just as important as his income sources are the sources of his financing. Again, Russia seems to figure prominently as Trump has been involved with a number of Russians in his construction business.

He sold his Toronto property to a Russian investor when he ran short of funds building his Toronto Hotel and continued to operate the business on behalf of the owner until the hotel filed for bankruptcy.

Russians and Saudis have been funding his projects for years. A sub contractor friend who worked on the Toronto hotel said that the Trump Corporation signed their contract but the Saudis signed the cheques.

The Chinese government recently loaned Trump’s Indonesian resort $500 million. The next day Trump lifted sanctions on that Chinese electronics company which was spying on US customers. What a coincidence?

No President should owe money to foreign governments, interests or banks. No President should hold property in foreign countries. Or have businesses in foreign countries. It leaves them vulnerable to both coercion and bribery. Trump does all of these things. That’s why we need to see his taxes.
You really can't be that stupid that you think that Russians or China has something on him. He has done more to set back Chinese relations then the last idiot. Perhaps you have not been paying attention to CNN and others there is a tariff war going on, we have been coming too close to the islands they claim, there is even talk that they are even doing bombing runs that look as if they are targeting America.

He killed off Russians, he bombed a base supported by Russians, he has placed more sanctions on them and he has been talking about Germany being too cozy with Russia and even wanting those in NATO to do more towards mutual protection . Compared to those that posed with the Russians pushing a reset button.

If they have anything on him that is hard to believe that they would be working against themselves in that way. Anyone but a half wit would expect them to be wanting less sanctions, no tariff war and possibly no war.

Funny how for many years from our founding until recently all of our presidents were either war heroes or business men. Now suddenly some want to only believe that career politions are to be trusted.
Have ANY liberals read any of President Trump's books?


The few who completed their indoctrination in public schools might be able but are not allowed to lest they lose their party accreditation and union memberships.

I decided back when he was going bankrupt in Atlantic City that the guy was an asshole and a con artist. Why would I waste my time reading books written by a lying loser like Trump when there are much better books written by smart successful men?
Sound familiar, cultists?
How’d that saga end up?


Bob Woodward, Carl Bernstein and John Dean all have said,” This is worst than Watergate.”
But what do they know, right?
Last edited:
Have ANY liberals read any of President Trump's books?


The few who completed their indoctrination in public schools might be able but are not allowed to lest they lose their party accreditation and union memberships.
That’s so cute you thinking Trump actually can write a book. As Tony Schwartz, the real writer of The Art of the Deal, said last week, “ Trump can’t even read a book, none the less write one.”
Have ANY liberals read any of President Trump's books?


The few who completed their indoctrination in public schools might be able but are not allowed to lest they lose their party accreditation and union memberships.
That’s so cute you thinking Trump actually can write a book. As Tony Schwartz, the real writer of The Art of the Deal, said last week, “ Trump can’t even read a book, none the less write one.”

I remember when those books came out. People laughed and laughed that this clown thought he was a businessman.
I was against Trump, but with all the violence, hate, and vile insults of the left of the recent days, I am now going to join the simple Americans, and join the fight to stop the radical Leftists.

Liberty must at all hazards be supported. We have a right to it, derived from our Maker. But if we had not, our fathers have earned and bought it for us, at the expense of their ease, their estates, their pleasure, and their blood.

John Adams, A Dissertation on the Canon and Feudal Law, 1765

I don't believe that :bsflag: you've been a Trump tard since day one--.


So we'll go through it again.

So what happened in the Oval office with the Russians and classifed information that was given to them. click this link.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

For the evidence of collusion. Here you can read one article that was confirmed under sworn testimony by James Clapper over a year ago, watch 2 FOX NEWS video's and another of Trump admitting to Obstruction of Justice on National T.V. click this link.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election


And for how Vladimir Putin actually did change the outcome of the election, click this link.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

(3 different links to 3 different posts on this board)

After going through those links you'll understand why it's TRUMP, TRUMP, TRUMP, TRUMP. and there's going to be a lot more TRUMP, TRUMP, TRUMP here shortly.
Not all the Trump supporters are simple. Some of them have high school educations. The wit and IQ of a person are irrelevant to the right to have a political opinion anyhow.

It's the Trump supporters that are paying taxes so you Liberals can collect free shit.

I'm now a Trump supporter and I have a Bachelor's. Looks li
It's the Trump supporters that are paying taxes so you Liberals can collect free shit.

And on the other hand, Trump almighty, filed bankruptcy multiple times not to pay taxes :lmao:

Just out of curiosity - when did it become a crime to declare bankruptcy?

It is not, I like the idea of buying shit and not paying for it actually.
You can bet your last dollar 44 and Hillary had the IRS go through Trumps tax returns with a fine tooth comb. If there had been even one decimal out of place they would have shouted it from the roof tops, CNN would have been running the story 24/7 for weeks.

You stupid Trumpbot. People aren’t wanting to see Trumps tax returns because they think he’s cheating on his taxes. They wouldn’t be able to tell if he was anyway unless they’re an accountant or a tax attorney.

They want to see his tax returns to find out where his income comes from. Who and what are his sources of income? Up until that late 90’s, Trump was the King of Debt, but starting shortly after the turn of the century, he started paying cash for everything. Where did he get that kind of cash?

There have been many suggestions over the years that Trump is laundering money for Russian crime lords. He sells a lot of real estate to Russians and some of the deals just make you scratch your head.

Deutsche Bank in Germany has been his primary banker, since American banks stopped lending to him, and they recently paid fines totalling $1 billion after being involved in a $10 billion money laundering scheme.

Just as important as his income sources are the sources of his financing. Again, Russia seems to figure prominently as Trump has been involved with a number of Russians in his construction business.

He sold his Toronto property to a Russian investor when he ran short of funds building his Toronto Hotel and continued to operate the business on behalf of the owner until the hotel filed for bankruptcy.

Russians and Saudis have been funding his projects for years. A sub contractor friend who worked on the Toronto hotel said that the Trump Corporation signed their contract but the Saudis signed the cheques.

The Chinese government recently loaned Trump’s Indonesian resort $500 million. The next day Trump lifted sanctions on that Chinese electronics company which was spying on US customers. What a coincidence?

No President should owe money to foreign governments, interests or banks. No President should hold property in foreign countries. Or have businesses in foreign countries. It leaves them vulnerable to both coercion and bribery. Trump does all of these things. That’s why we need to see his taxes.

That was an excellent analysis. I have researched some of the same material you have.

One thing is for certain. Putin has something over Trump. It could be money laundering. It could be connections to the Russian mafia. It could be both, and that is most likely.

One thing it is not. It is not a sexual scandal. Trump has already proven to be amoral. There are countless examples, including infidelity to the First Lady. According to Republicans, that is all okay with them.
~~~~~~~~Trump’s Republican Party~~~~~~~~

Let this be a warning in spades, Trump is dragging your party through the pig farm slug pit. Please hold your nose, don’t breathe or open your eyes because you be in the disgusted land of ooze.

If you don’t save your party from this pathological liar you will not only lose what integrity you have but every seat in Congress.

Trump is single handily destroying the republican Party

Trump has told more lies in his first year in office than all the previous Presidents put together

T r u m p ’ s L i e s

Many Americans have become accustomed to President Trump’s lies. But as regular as they have become, the country should not allow itself to become numb to them. So we have catalogued nearly every outright lie he has told publicly since taking the oath of office. Updated: The president is still lying, so we've added to this list, taking it through Nov. 11, and provided links to the facts in each case.

Trump Told Public Lies or Falsehoods Every Day for His First 40 Days than all previous Presidents combined
Opinion | President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List

Trump must be removed from office before he can do more harm. Our founding fathers gave us the tools we needed and now is the time to use them.

Impeach Trump NOW!!!
It's the Trump supporters that are paying taxes so you Liberals can collect free shit.

I'm now a Trump supporter and I have a Bachelor's. Looks li
And on the other hand, Trump almighty, filed bankruptcy multiple times not to pay taxes :lmao:

Just out of curiosity - when did it become a crime to declare bankruptcy?

It is not, I like the idea of buying shit and not paying for it actually.
You can bet your last dollar 44 and Hillary had the IRS go through Trumps tax returns with a fine tooth comb. If there had been even one decimal out of place they would have shouted it from the roof tops, CNN would have been running the story 24/7 for weeks.

You stupid Trumpbot. People aren’t wanting to see Trumps tax returns because they think he’s cheating on his taxes. They wouldn’t be able to tell if he was anyway unless they’re an accountant or a tax attorney.

They want to see his tax returns to find out where his income comes from. Who and what are his sources of income? Up until that late 90’s, Trump was the King of Debt, but starting shortly after the turn of the century, he started paying cash for everything. Where did he get that kind of cash?

There have been many suggestions over the years that Trump is laundering money for Russian crime lords. He sells a lot of real estate to Russians and some of the deals just make you scratch your head.

Deutsche Bank in Germany has been his primary banker, since American banks stopped lending to him, and they recently paid fines totalling $1 billion after being involved in a $10 billion money laundering scheme.

Just as important as his income sources are the sources of his financing. Again, Russia seems to figure prominently as Trump has been involved with a number of Russians in his construction business.

He sold his Toronto property to a Russian investor when he ran short of funds building his Toronto Hotel and continued to operate the business on behalf of the owner until the hotel filed for bankruptcy.

Russians and Saudis have been funding his projects for years. A sub contractor friend who worked on the Toronto hotel said that the Trump Corporation signed their contract but the Saudis signed the cheques.

The Chinese government recently loaned Trump’s Indonesian resort $500 million. The next day Trump lifted sanctions on that Chinese electronics company which was spying on US customers. What a coincidence?

No President should owe money to foreign governments, interests or banks. No President should hold property in foreign countries. Or have businesses in foreign countries. It leaves them vulnerable to both coercion and bribery. Trump does all of these things. That’s why we need to see his taxes.
You really can't be that stupid that you think that Russians or China has something on him. He has done more to set back Chinese relations then the last idiot. Perhaps you have not been paying attention to CNN and others there is a tariff war going on, we have been coming too close to the islands they claim, there is even talk that they are even doing bombing runs that look as if they are targeting America.

He killed off Russians, he bombed a base supported by Russians, he has placed more sanctions on them and he has been talking about Germany being too cozy with Russia and even wanting those in NATO to do more towards mutual protection . Compared to those that posed with the Russians pushing a reset button.

If they have anything on him that is hard to believe that they would be working against themselves in that way. Anyone but a half wit would expect them to be wanting less sanctions, no tariff war and possibly no war.

Funny how for many years from our founding until recently all of our presidents were either war heroes or business men. Now suddenly some want to only believe that career politions are to be trusted.

No I don’t think the Chinese have anything on him but I strongly believe the Pee Tape exists because Trump took such pains to deny it that he used the “liar’s tell”. More on that later.

Trump didn’t “kill Russians”. American military forces in Syria were attacked by Russian mercenaries. They defended themselves and killed 200 of them. Do your think the Americans would sit here and these guys overrun them? Or that Trump would tell them not to shoot back?

Please note these were not members of the Russian military but rather a private mercenary group so Putin has plausible deniability about it all.

Yes he bombed a Syrian Air Force base after giving Russia 24 hours warning sobtgey could get their men and equipment out of harm’s way. The only think destroyed were a runway and some old broken down aircraft. They were running bombing missions out of that airport the next day. You don’t give prior notice of a bombing raid on a military target.

Yes Trump has turned on China. Many think that’s in punishment for Xi’s loosening of sanctions on NK after Kim reneged on his denuclearization promises.

And also Trump needs an enemy. A dragon to slay. Someone to insult and threaten via Twitter every morning. Going after Mueller, Sessions and the “witch hunt” just strengthens the obstruction of justice case against him.

The kids in cages didn’t go over well with anyone - even the evangelicals, who never say “boo” about any of his scandals, even spoke out against it. If he pisses of Kim, there goes his claim that he saved the world.

So he’s onto the Chinese. Everyone’s out to take advantage of the USA. They’re ripping you off on trade deals, on defence costs. Immigrants want free stuff. But Trump’s the hero stops these attacks and saves America from its enemies. If there’s no enemy, there’s no danger save you from, your attention will return tobthe very real problems he’s either not dealing with or screwing up badly.

As for the Russians, they have the Pee Tape. I’d bet real money on it. Trump told you so himself. At the last debate, he talked about the Pee Tape. He said that he’s germaphobic and that he would never be involved in anything like that and then he said “It never happened. Believe me.”

Every time Trump says “Believe me”, he’s not just lying, it’s a whopper. Trump used to say “Believe me” all the time. He’s stopped saying since people started publically noting that he only says it when he’s lying.

Psychologists tell us that the only people who use the expression “Believe me” are liars. Honest truthful people don’t try to sell you on the idea that they’re being truthful because they’re never anything but truthful, but liars are always trying to convince their marks of the veracity of their lies.

As for Trump’s germaphobia, Stormy Daniels said he refused to use a condom. The Playboy Playmate he had the affair with said the same thing. If I were germaphobic I would not be having unprotected sex with porn stars. Trumps germaphobia seems to exclude sex acts with sex trade workers.

Trump isn’t a successful businessman but he plays one on TV. He developed a very lucrative and borderline legal bankruptcy scam in Atlantic City and has been used it enrich himself while leaving his investors and subtrades to take the hit. He bragged about walking away from his first bankruptcy with $40 million in his pocket. He’s run the same scam 6 more times. This is the true “Art of the Deal” for Trump.

I’m not a fan of career politicians. But I’m not convinced a businessman is the right way to go either. Government is too large and complex, and the rules it operates are far different than a “fobusiness.

This is where Trump really struggles and just doesn’t get it, and that’s because he’s never been an employee before. He’s always worked in a closely held family owned business where he answered to no one. In government, There is oversight, criticism, rules, regulations and limitations on his power and he rails against it, refusing to accept those limitations or the criticism that come with the job.

This is what will ultimately bring him down.
I was against Trump, but with all the violence, hate, and vile insults of the left of the recent days, I am now going to join the simple Americans, and join the fight to stop the radical Leftists.

Liberty must at all hazards be supported. We have a right to it, derived from our Maker. But if we had not, our fathers have earned and bought it for us, at the expense of their ease, their estates, their pleasure, and their blood.

John Adams, A Dissertation on the Canon and Feudal Law, 1765

Well played E -- waste your summer supporting a piece of human shit who will never be Prez.

Have ANY liberals read any of President Trump's books?


The few who completed their indoctrination in public schools might be able but are not allowed to lest they lose their party accreditation and union memberships.
That’s so cute you thinking Trump actually can write a book. As Tony Schwartz, the real writer of The Art of the Deal, said last week, “ Trump can’t even read a book, none the less write one.”

I remember when those books came out. People laughed and laughed that this clown thought he was a businessman.
Imbeciles often laugh at what they don't understand.
I was against Trump, but with all the violence, hate, and vile insults of the left of the recent days, I am now going to join the simple Americans, and join the fight to stop the radical Leftists.

Liberty must at all hazards be supported. We have a right to it, derived from our Maker. But if we had not, our fathers have earned and bought it for us, at the expense of their ease, their estates, their pleasure, and their blood.

John Adams, A Dissertation on the Canon and Feudal Law, 1765

You mean simpleton a Mericans.
Not all the Trump supporters are simple. Some of them have high school educations. The wit and IQ of a person are irrelevant to the right to have a political opinion anyhow.
Says a control freak

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