Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump

I just watched the movie "fifth element" and one character in the movie reminded me so much of Trump that I should note it here--

This character fits Trump to a tee—

dark side.gif
Trump is merely a place holder, and hedge against the far Left. We’re a long way from victory; and further still from the comforts of complacency...
Trump is merely a place holder, and hedge against the far Left.

I don’t believe Trump views the world like normal people do. I don’t believe trump sees himself as an “American”. His world view is me, myself and I against anyone and everyone.

Trump is merely a place holder, and hedge against the far Left.

I don’t believe Trump views the world like normal people do. I don’t believe trump sees himself as an “American”. His world view is me, myself and I against anyone and everyone.

When you demonstrate that you can read minds, let us know. Until then, no one cares what you think.
Yes, sadly the German people were broken and needed a leader, they rallied behind Hitler. But there is a huge difference, they were a country that had a history of Antisemitism, they preached, the Race, wrote laws that violated the rights of Jews, the same as the Democrat party in the USA.

Now it is the time for those who wish for the USA to survive and to be free, to join together and fight the Obama Brown Shirts.

Wow, You now support a racist & bigot in Trump. Trumps speaks of minorities & Muslims as his buddy Adolf did with Jews.

But hey, you keep hugging that fat assed demented POS Trump.
Trump is merely a place holder, and hedge against the far Left.

I don’t believe Trump views the world like normal people do. I don’t believe trump sees himself as an “American”. His world view is me, myself and I against anyone and everyone.

When you demonstrate that you can read minds, let us know. Until then, no one cares what you think.
You just have to open your ears & listen, open your eyes & see. You can tell what a person thinks by listening & seeing.

For example, I know you are a stupid person with no logic. Just from reading your posts.
For example, I know you are a stupid person with no logic. Just from reading your posts.

I don't think you know which hand to wipe your own asss with so my guess is you pull your assss along the carpet in your living room; then again I could be wrong, you might not even wipe your ass at all?

no animosity intended or implied
btw: what comes around goes around
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I was against Trump, but with all the violence, hate, and vile insults of the left of the recent days, I am now going to join the simple Americans, and join the fight to stop the radical Leftists.

Liberty must at all hazards be supported. We have a right to it, derived from our Maker. But if we had not, our fathers have earned and bought it for us, at the expense of their ease, their estates, their pleasure, and their blood.

John Adams, A Dissertation on the Canon and Feudal Law, 1765

You've made a giant leap from being liberal and compassionate to neo-fascism?

Not likely. You're and have been a trump supporter ever since his speech when he called Mexican's rapists, murderers and drug dealers and never supported President Obama, since his skin color was not of your liking.
Trump is merely a place holder, and hedge against the far Left.

I don’t believe Trump views the world like normal people do. I don’t believe trump sees himself as an “American”. His world view is me, myself and I against anyone and everyone.

When you demonstrate that you can read minds, let us know. Until then, no one cares what you think.
You just have to open your ears & listen, open your eyes & see. You can tell what a person thinks by listening & seeing.

For example, I know you are a stupid person with no logic. Just from reading your posts.
You just proved yourself wrong.

A good one. I'm sure god laughs a lot now. What about of a picture of the porphyr Donaldo Trumpo, where he tears the red reed sea into little pieces and sells it everywhere as one of the best god given ideas he ever had? Had this ego-centralized man in his whole life said anything, what made any sense? Had this darwinist done anything in his life, what had helped others? What are praying for the people in the trump tower churches and all other houses of the USA ? "Lord, give Donaldo Trumpo my money!" ?

Oh by the way: Donald Trump likes to be on the moon within the next 5 years. We could help you to send him to the moon earlier, if we don't have to bring him back.

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A good one. I'm sure god laughs a lot now. What about of a picture of the porphyr Donaldo Trumpo, where he tears the red reed sea into little pieces and sells it everywhere as one of the best god given ideas he ever had? Had this ego-centralized man in his whole life said anything, what made any sense? Had this darwinist done anything in his life, what had helped others? What are praying for the people in the trump tower churches and all other houses of the USA ? "Lord, give Donaldo Trumpo my money!" ?

Oh by the way: Donald Trump likes to be on the moon within the next 5 years. We could help you to send him to the moon earlier, if we don't have to bring him back.

I hope I had a hand in the exit of zaanng from his forum.

A good one. I'm sure god laughs a lot now. What about of a picture of the porphyr Donaldo Trumpo, where he tears the red reed sea into little pieces and sells it everywhere as one of the best god given ideas he ever had? Had this ego-centralized man in his whole life said anything, what made any sense? Had this darwinist done anything in his life, what had helped others? What are praying for the people in the trump tower churches and all other houses of the USA ? "Lord, give Donaldo Trumpo my money!" ?

Oh by the way: Donald Trump likes to be on the moon within the next 5 years. We could help you to send him to the moon earlier, if we don't have to bring him back.

I hope I had a hand in the exit of zaanng from his forum.

No. Oh by the way - Trump said once his father was born in Sweden - in later times of his life he said his father was born in Germany. Indeed it looks like it could be his father was born quite simple in the USA. So why was he once ashamed about this? And where comes Donald Trump on his own really from? His politics looks very extraterrestian. So why not to bring him back to the moon in much less time than 5 years?

PS: You are a good example what more and more people understand under "freedom of opinion". First they attack god with their deeds and/or words and afterwards they don't like to live with the response.
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I believe trump believes the only sure way to stay in office in 2020 is for the USA to be at war since no President has ever lost an election during war time.

Believe me, if Trump believes he can stay in office if we are at war, he will get us in a war; does Iran come to mind?

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