Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump

Oh - you are funny. I heard about this US-American invention called "humor". A very interesting thing. Did not know that you combine this with suicidal tendencies too. We should send some culture anthropologists to your sub-continent to study this, so the future generations may learn from your mistakes.

Oh by the way: Culture anthropology and politics. Have so called "pentecostal churches" anything to do with the christian religion? After your churches had invaded Brazil the result is now a fight against humanity and education and for security and violence in a kind of dictatorship of an insane deadly form of super-capitalism. Have US-American security services, US-american think-tanks and/or other US-Americans to do with the propagandistic manipulations in Brazil? I heard they like to destroy the lung of our planet there.

And do you really think China is the bad guy of world history?

Bad guy of world history >> Mohammed >> Muslims have killed 270 million people around the globe over 1400 years.

I never heard this nonsense. Where are your facts from? Eridani IV?

No entity of any kind even comes close to that horrific number. (and they're still at it)

Ponder that, while you sit feeling sorry for yourself


in whatever squalid hellhole of the world you're in,

I don't live in the USA.

while you envy American greatness,

US-American what? Everyone whose feet are reaching down to the ground is great enough.

and admire its part in saving your worthless asses, in World War II.

"You" saved "me" in world war 2? Was world war 2 not the war, where you threw bombs at innocent civilists and sold not only the complete East of Europe to your ally Stalin and his criminals?

"Oh by the way".....never mind, you're already pitiful enough.


So the USA seems to be a country where shitholes like to meet shitholes. Hmm ... Perhaps I should sell nose clips in the USA?

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I never heard this nonsense. Where are your facts from? Eridani IV?
Everyday ignorant, information-deprived victims of liberal OMISSION media post the word "I never heard this". Of course not. that's because your media won't tell you what's going on. Nor will your liberal, university MISeducators.

As a result you run around never knowing how much you don't know. I cured a few lost liberals by exposing them to my Islamization Quiz. They suddenly get confronted with a mountain of information they "never heard", and finally realize they've been had.

Tears of Jihad - Political Islam

The Greatest Murder Machine in History

Jihad, Jizya, and Just War Theory - Christian Research Institute
"You" saved "me" in world war 2?
Yeah, America saved you in World War 2. That's correct. Without the over 400,000 American deaths in that war, and all the fierce fighting US military engaged in, you now would be a slave of German Nazis.

And you're too ignorant to even know it.
"You" saved "me" in world war 2?
Yeah, America saved you in World War 2. That's correct.

That's not correct - specially also because nor you or I were a part of world war 2.

Without the over 400,000 American deaths in that war, and all the fierce fighting US military engaged in, you now would be a slave of German Nazis.

I am a German, idiot.

And you're too ignorant to even know it.

What do you think will history remember in 100 years about the USA?

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I was against Trump, but with all the violence, hate, and vile insults of the left of the recent days, I am now going to join the simple Americans, and join the fight to stop the radical Leftists.

Liberty must at all hazards be supported. We have a right to it, derived from our Maker. But if we had not, our fathers have earned and bought it for us, at the expense of their ease, their estates, their pleasure, and their blood.

John Adams, A Dissertation on the Canon and Feudal Law, 1765
I think this is who Trump is... he makes the news, he loves being the center of attention and brings it on DAILY.

Don't feel sorry for him... this is what he wants.

He may be a lousy business man, and ignorant in so many ways, but one thing he is really good at, and understands thoroughly, is Marketing.

If he did not want the attention and the press after him, then he would change his tactics of chaos and mayhem and tantrums and divisiveness....

He is directing what the press hounds on... don't think for a nano second, otherwise....

there is a method to his madness, when it comes to marketing... he's usually directing the press away from something else he does not want them to discuss! :lol:
That's not correct - specially also because nor you or I were a part of world war 2.

I am a German, idiot.

What do you think will history remember in 100 years about the USA?
1. You are a part of World War II, by not being a victim of what would have been the consequences if Hitler would have won. Put your thinking cap on.

2. You are the idiot. Makes no difference what your nationality is. A Hitler victory would have created world domination by Hitler facism (Germany no exception)- This needs to be explained ? :rolleyes:

3. What history will remember about the USA, 100 years from now all depends on WHO is doing the remembering. Those who are objective, and knowledgable, will remember all the attributes, good and bad. America hater clowns like you, will point out anything that can be construed as negative, much like US leftist loons do right now. Ho hum.
That's not correct - specially also because nor you or I were a part of world war 2.

I am a German, idiot.

What do you think will history remember in 100 years about the USA?
1. You are a part of World War II, by not being a victim of what would have been the consequences if Hitler would have won. Put your thinking cap on.

2. You are the idiot. Makes no difference what your nationality is. A Hitler victory would have created world domination by Hitler facism (Germany no exception)- This needs to be explained ? :rolleyes:

3. What history will remember about the USA, 100 years from now all depends on WHO is doing the remembering. Those who are objective, and knowledgable, will remember all the attributes, good and bad. America hater clowns like you, will point out anything that can be construed as negative, much like US leftist loons do right now. Ho hum.

Good grief! What a flat nonsense.

Good grief! What a flat nonsense.

You're hopeless,


but then being immersed in today's Germany, one couldn't really expect too much. :rolleyes:

Oh by the way: What did you say when your soldiers will leave Germany yesterday - including your nukes? I guess the most Germans see in the USA the greatest threat for the world peace in the current moment of history.

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I was against Trump, but with all the violence, hate, and vile insults of the left of the recent days, I am now going to join the simple Americans, and join the fight to stop the radical Leftists.

Liberty must at all hazards be supported. We have a right to it, derived from our Maker. But if we had not, our fathers have earned and bought it for us, at the expense of their ease, their estates, their pleasure, and their blood.

John Adams, A Dissertation on the Canon and Feudal Law, 1765

so you are going to help the radical right wing against the radical liberals AND decent and rational people.

so the violence and hate from the left bothers you but the violence and hate from the right doesn't.
I was against Trump, but with all the violence, hate, and vile insults of the left of the recent days, I am now going to join the simple Americans, and join the fight to stop the radical Leftists.
To be honest, I initially thought Trump was a joke...

But when you listen to him speak, and watch the desperation of the left...

Go Trump!!!!!

When I listen to him speak I hear an imbecile who mocks, insults and ridicules decent people.
Not all the Trump supporters are simple. Some of them have high school educations. The wit and IQ of a person are irrelevant to the right to have a political opinion anyhow.
/——/ And Some of us have BS degrees in business, masters in education and chemical engineering degrees like my wife, brother and me.

That's here now what's you and your nation is in the moment. An artificial stupid problem without any answer on nothing - specially not on the real problems of the planet Earth and the sufferings of the nature of our panet. Sure you are able to kill every sherpa and every mountaineer and cry "I am the greatest" - but also a 2 1/2 years old nation with a stupid, criminal and aggressive behavior is not endless under "Welpenschutz". No one like to ask questions like: "Is the USA a serios threat for the world peace and the survival of all mankind?" - and specially hates everyone some of the possible answers. So what about the idea to try become alive again, undead?

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That's here now what's you and your nation is in the moment. An artificial stupid problem without any answer on nothing - specially not on the real problems of the planet Earth and the sufferings of the nature of our panet. Sure you are able to kill every sherpa and every mountaineer and cry "I am the greatest" - but also a 2 1/2 years old nation with a stupid, criminal and aggressive behavior is not endless under "Welpenschutz". No one like to ask questions like: "Is the USA a serios threat for the world peace and the survival of all mankind?" - and specially hates everyone some of the possible answers. So what about the idea to try become alive again, undead?

The last NATIONs that had a "stupid, criminal and aggressive behavior" that I recall were Germany/Japan in World War II, US in Vietnam, and Mexico presently.

Over recent years, US had has protected your worthless asses from ISIS, for which Germany did little or nothing to help (main contributors were France, Jordan, Russia, Iraqi Kurds, Turkey, UK, Netherlands, Canada, Australia, Morroco) You're welcome.

Maybe that's because your looney leftist Germans actually welcome these Muslim lunatics into your midst. Country gone mad.

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