Trump trying to destroy Free Press?

Yo, maybe one day you Puppets will get it, but I doubt it!!!

“If the Creator stood before a million men with the light of a million lamps, only a few would truly see him because truth is already alive in their hearts. Truth can only be seen by those with truth in them. He who does not have Truth in his heart, will always be blind to it.”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

Actually the thread title should be "Is the Press trying to destroy Trump"? Why yes! Yes it is!
Donald Trump's Attempt to Destroy Press Freedom Is Reminiscent of 1930's Fascists
By Robert Reich, Robert Reich's Facebook Page

15 May 16

you republicans here think it's all well and good?

f Donald Trump’s many fascistic tendencies, his treatment of the media -- "disgusting reporters" he calls them – replicates the tactics of demagogues since the 1930s:

1. Banning not just reporters but even publications that have covered him negatively from covering at his public events, while giving campaign credentials to extremist outlets like “Political Cesspool,” a radio show that labels itself "pro-white.”

2. Inciting crowds against the media.Trump regularly whips his crowds into an anti-media frenzy and urges his fans to boo the press pen. Hostile rhetoric toward the press is a staple of his events. "I would never kill them, but I do hate them," he said of the press in December. "And some of them are such lying, disgusting people."

3. Throwing reporters out of Trump rallies. Last weekend, Michael Mayo, a columnist for Florida's Sun-Sentinel, was threatened with arrest if he didn’t leave a Trump rally in West Boca after he entered through the public line and tried to film protesters. The campaign has reportedly begun to intersperse plainclothes security officers amid the crowd to root out anyone who is not a true Trump fan.

4. Using violence against reporters. Two weeks ago, a Secret Service officer watching over the press section choked Time photographer Chris Morris and slammed him to the ground when he tried to venture out of the media pen.

5. Threatening the media with libel. Last month, Trump vowed to make libel laws more punitive against the media if he becomes president. "I'm going to open up our libel laws so when they write purposely negative and horrible and false articles, we can sue them and win lots of money," Trump said during a campaign event in Texas.

A free society depends on a free press. Which is why demagogues and fascists like Trump seek to destroy press freedom.

What do you think?
I'm still waiting for the negatives about giving the press a dose of their well deserved medicine.
I heard this morning the nyt did a hit piece, misquoting one of Trump's old gf's, and had promised her it was going to be a positive piece. She is very angry.
There was a time when there was such a thing as journalistic integrity. Now pointing out that the media is lying is called destroying the free press.

The press has a right to lie. They used to have an obligation to be truthful. Now they rely on a right to exercise the freedom to lie.

Everyone else also has the right to expose these untruths. That's not destroying the free press.
Any obligation to call for Trump showing his BS taxes ?The ones that "might" show he isn't as wealthy as he says he is ,,no charitable giving, paying less % than ever R money? etc etc Can the press mention that without you lol patriots wetting your pants? Drump doesn't like it when the press pins the tail on him

Trump fights back. I love it. There is no free press. And there's no such thing as journalistic integrity. That is why they are so despised. Look at the giant lie the press spun about Corey supposedly abusing that bitch reporter. It was a complete set up. A complete lie.

Rent a movie. Learn something. Absence of Malice. Fields and Newman are amazing in it.
Donald Trump's Attempt to Destroy Press Freedom Is Reminiscent of 1930's Fascists
By Robert Reich, Robert Reich's Facebook Page

15 May 16

you republicans here think it's all well and good?

f Donald Trump’s many fascistic tendencies, his treatment of the media -- "disgusting reporters" he calls them – replicates the tactics of demagogues since the 1930s:

1. Banning not just reporters but even publications that have covered him negatively from covering at his public events, while giving campaign credentials to extremist outlets like “Political Cesspool,” a radio show that labels itself "pro-white.”

2. Inciting crowds against the media.Trump regularly whips his crowds into an anti-media frenzy and urges his fans to boo the press pen. Hostile rhetoric toward the press is a staple of his events. "I would never kill them, but I do hate them," he said of the press in December. "And some of them are such lying, disgusting people."

3. Throwing reporters out of Trump rallies. Last weekend, Michael Mayo, a columnist for Florida's Sun-Sentinel, was threatened with arrest if he didn’t leave a Trump rally in West Boca after he entered through the public line and tried to film protesters. The campaign has reportedly begun to intersperse plainclothes security officers amid the crowd to root out anyone who is not a true Trump fan.

4. Using violence against reporters. Two weeks ago, a Secret Service officer watching over the press section choked Time photographer Chris Morris and slammed him to the ground when he tried to venture out of the media pen.

5. Threatening the media with libel. Last month, Trump vowed to make libel laws more punitive against the media if he becomes president. "I'm going to open up our libel laws so when they write purposely negative and horrible and false articles, we can sue them and win lots of money," Trump said during a campaign event in Texas.

A free society depends on a free press. Which is why demagogues and fascists like Trump seek to destroy press freedom.

What do you think?

I think the First Amendment is the cornerstone of the whole deal and that's why they made it Number One. An 18th century manifestation of State the Obvious.
Amusing coming from the left who support a candidate who calls any story critical of her part of the vast right wing conspiracy. Candidates have been trying to control how the media covers them long before Trump came along and they will continue to try long after he's gone.
How ironic a left winger chattering about threats to the "Freedom of the Press" when in fact the left only cares about a free press as long as said free press publishes content that supports their opinions, any "press" that disagrees with their world view is mocked and marginalized or outright suppressed.

A free society depends on a free press. Which is why demagogues and fascists like Trump seek to destroy press freedom.
Hilarious, given that Reich is one of those fascists that has been trying to destroy "press freedom", POT meet KETTLE.

"He does not believe that does not live according to his belief." -- Sigmund Freud
Donald Trump's Attempt to Destroy Press Freedom Is Reminiscent of 1930's Fascists
By Robert Reich, Robert Reich's Facebook Page

15 May 16

you republicans here think it's all well and good?

f Donald Trump’s many fascistic tendencies, his treatment of the media -- "disgusting reporters" he calls them – replicates the tactics of demagogues since the 1930s:

1. Banning not just reporters but even publications that have covered him negatively from covering at his public events, while giving campaign credentials to extremist outlets like “Political Cesspool,” a radio show that labels itself "pro-white.”

2. Inciting crowds against the media.Trump regularly whips his crowds into an anti-media frenzy and urges his fans to boo the press pen. Hostile rhetoric toward the press is a staple of his events. "I would never kill them, but I do hate them," he said of the press in December. "And some of them are such lying, disgusting people."

3. Throwing reporters out of Trump rallies. Last weekend, Michael Mayo, a columnist for Florida's Sun-Sentinel, was threatened with arrest if he didn’t leave a Trump rally in West Boca after he entered through the public line and tried to film protesters. The campaign has reportedly begun to intersperse plainclothes security officers amid the crowd to root out anyone who is not a true Trump fan.

4. Using violence against reporters. Two weeks ago, a Secret Service officer watching over the press section choked Time photographer Chris Morris and slammed him to the ground when he tried to venture out of the media pen.

5. Threatening the media with libel. Last month, Trump vowed to make libel laws more punitive against the media if he becomes president. "I'm going to open up our libel laws so when they write purposely negative and horrible and false articles, we can sue them and win lots of money," Trump said during a campaign event in Texas.

A free society depends on a free press. Which is why demagogues and fascists like Trump seek to destroy press freedom.

What do you think?

I think the First Amendment is the cornerstone of the whole deal and that's why they made it Number One. An 18th century manifestation of State the Obvious.
It wasn't number one, it was number three.

Try again.
There was a time when there was such a thing as journalistic integrity. Now pointing out that the media is lying is called destroying the free press.

The press has a right to lie. They used to have an obligation to be truthful. Now they rely on a right to exercise the freedom to lie.

Everyone else also has the right to expose these untruths. That's not destroying the free press.
Any obligation to call for Trump showing his BS taxes ?The ones that "might" show he isn't as wealthy as he says he is ,,no charitable giving, paying less % than ever R money? etc etc Can the press mention that without you lol patriots wetting your pants? Drump doesn't like it when the press pins the tail on him

Trump fights back. I love it. There is no free press. And there's no such thing as journalistic integrity. That is why they are so despised. Look at the giant lie the press spun about Corey supposedly abusing that bitch reporter. It was a complete set up. A complete lie.

Rent a movie. Learn something. Absence of Malice. Fields and Newman are amazing in it.
And keep watching FAUX
There was a time when there was such a thing as journalistic integrity. Now pointing out that the media is lying is called destroying the free press.

The press has a right to lie. They used to have an obligation to be truthful. Now they rely on a right to exercise the freedom to lie.

Everyone else also has the right to expose these untruths. That's not destroying the free press.
Any obligation to call for Trump showing his BS taxes ?The ones that "might" show he isn't as wealthy as he says he is ,,no charitable giving, paying less % than ever R money? etc etc Can the press mention that without you lol patriots wetting your pants? Drump doesn't like it when the press pins the tail on him

Trump fights back. I love it. There is no free press. And there's no such thing as journalistic integrity. That is why they are so despised. Look at the giant lie the press spun about Corey supposedly abusing that bitch reporter. It was a complete set up. A complete lie.

Rent a movie. Learn something. Absence of Malice. Fields and Newman are amazing in it.

There's some sterling logic right there -- "media sucks, therefore let's ban it".

You know what -- nobody on this message board makes sense, so let's ban it. "Open up the message board laws". Make America Ignorant Again.

Donald Trump's Attempt to Destroy Press Freedom Is Reminiscent of 1930's Fascists
By Robert Reich, Robert Reich's Facebook Page

15 May 16

you republicans here think it's all well and good?

f Donald Trump’s many fascistic tendencies, his treatment of the media -- "disgusting reporters" he calls them – replicates the tactics of demagogues since the 1930s:

1. Banning not just reporters but even publications that have covered him negatively from covering at his public events, while giving campaign credentials to extremist outlets like “Political Cesspool,” a radio show that labels itself "pro-white.”

2. Inciting crowds against the media.Trump regularly whips his crowds into an anti-media frenzy and urges his fans to boo the press pen. Hostile rhetoric toward the press is a staple of his events. "I would never kill them, but I do hate them," he said of the press in December. "And some of them are such lying, disgusting people."

3. Throwing reporters out of Trump rallies. Last weekend, Michael Mayo, a columnist for Florida's Sun-Sentinel, was threatened with arrest if he didn’t leave a Trump rally in West Boca after he entered through the public line and tried to film protesters. The campaign has reportedly begun to intersperse plainclothes security officers amid the crowd to root out anyone who is not a true Trump fan.

4. Using violence against reporters. Two weeks ago, a Secret Service officer watching over the press section choked Time photographer Chris Morris and slammed him to the ground when he tried to venture out of the media pen.

5. Threatening the media with libel. Last month, Trump vowed to make libel laws more punitive against the media if he becomes president. "I'm going to open up our libel laws so when they write purposely negative and horrible and false articles, we can sue them and win lots of money," Trump said during a campaign event in Texas.

A free society depends on a free press. Which is why demagogues and fascists like Trump seek to destroy press freedom.

What do you think?

I think the First Amendment is the cornerstone of the whole deal and that's why they made it Number One. An 18th century manifestation of State the Obvious.
It wasn't number one, it was number three.

Try again.

Really. You actually think the First Amendment is preceded by two others.

Not a math major I take it.
There was a time when there was such a thing as journalistic integrity. Now pointing out that the media is lying is called destroying the free press.

The press has a right to lie. They used to have an obligation to be truthful. Now they rely on a right to exercise the freedom to lie.

Everyone else also has the right to expose these untruths. That's not destroying the free press.
Any obligation to call for Trump showing his BS taxes ?The ones that "might" show he isn't as wealthy as he says he is ,,no charitable giving, paying less % than ever R money? etc etc Can the press mention that without you lol patriots wetting your pants? Drump doesn't like it when the press pins the tail on him

Trump fights back. I love it. There is no free press. And there's no such thing as journalistic integrity. That is why they are so despised. Look at the giant lie the press spun about Corey supposedly abusing that bitch reporter. It was a complete set up. A complete lie.

Rent a movie. Learn something. Absence of Malice. Fields and Newman are amazing in it.
And keep watching FAUX
Also no mention of BENGHAZI?? All that repub bullcrap and republicans were eating it up?
Donald Trump's Attempt to Destroy Press Freedom Is Reminiscent of 1930's Fascists
By Robert Reich, Robert Reich's Facebook Page

15 May 16

you republicans here think it's all well and good?

f Donald Trump’s many fascistic tendencies, his treatment of the media -- "disgusting reporters" he calls them – replicates the tactics of demagogues since the 1930s:

1. Banning not just reporters but even publications that have covered him negatively from covering at his public events, while giving campaign credentials to extremist outlets like “Political Cesspool,” a radio show that labels itself "pro-white.”

2. Inciting crowds against the media.Trump regularly whips his crowds into an anti-media frenzy and urges his fans to boo the press pen. Hostile rhetoric toward the press is a staple of his events. "I would never kill them, but I do hate them," he said of the press in December. "And some of them are such lying, disgusting people."

3. Throwing reporters out of Trump rallies. Last weekend, Michael Mayo, a columnist for Florida's Sun-Sentinel, was threatened with arrest if he didn’t leave a Trump rally in West Boca after he entered through the public line and tried to film protesters. The campaign has reportedly begun to intersperse plainclothes security officers amid the crowd to root out anyone who is not a true Trump fan.

4. Using violence against reporters. Two weeks ago, a Secret Service officer watching over the press section choked Time photographer Chris Morris and slammed him to the ground when he tried to venture out of the media pen.

5. Threatening the media with libel. Last month, Trump vowed to make libel laws more punitive against the media if he becomes president. "I'm going to open up our libel laws so when they write purposely negative and horrible and false articles, we can sue them and win lots of money," Trump said during a campaign event in Texas.

A free society depends on a free press. Which is why demagogues and fascists like Trump seek to destroy press freedom.

What do you think?

I think the First Amendment is the cornerstone of the whole deal and that's why they made it Number One. An 18th century manifestation of State the Obvious.
It wasn't number one, it was number three.

Try again.

Really. You actually think the First Amendment is preceded by two others.

Not a math major I take it.
It was the first to pass. Of the Bill of Rights, 12 were proposed, two before it. Not a History major I see.

James Madison's Failed Amendments |
Trump's OK. In fact, I hope Trump deports the OP with the first load of Illegals
Can they send me to the countries where Drump is making all his products?? It sure isn't the USA Made in America is not in his vocabulary
Really. You actually think the First Amendment is preceded by two others.

Not a math major I take it.
Uh-Huh, Amendment 1/3 and Amendment 1/2 preceded it but the founding fathers weren't good with fractions so they canned 'em and decided to stick with integers. :p
"The states ratified the last 10 of the 12 amendments. They became the first 10 amendments to the Constitution, and are now referred to as the Bill of Rights. Not enough states (10 were needed at the time) ratified the first two of Madison's original 12, however, and they did not become law."
James Madison's Failed Amendments |

If only Americans knew history.

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