Trump tweets Al Sharpton "is a con man, a troublemaker..." "hates White cops"

where is cummings since it didn't work? why isn't he working with the police? I can tell you why, but you'll call me a racist.

BTW, the rep from Chicago ain't no different. I live here, nothing positive ever happening in the south shore.

What's actually sad, is you have no skin in the game and you back a dog that slimmed the guy about immigration and children sitting in feces, well jack that happens daily in his district and he doesn't do shit about it. There's the true slime bucket.

So, either you lick his ass or you don't care about the children in his district.

I n another thread on this very same subject (there seems to be a lot of repetition here) I said that Trump may have been able to have made a decent argument about the failures of Cummings. What he did though was a child like comment. Rather than a decent argument, he made a mindless rant. Even another Trump supporter noted he speaks before he thinks. I'm not sure he ever thinks but..........
why does it bother you? Trump called him out, it was time.

Cummings more concerned with children illegally here getting better treatment then their own home town, and letting his constituents live with vermin.

Why? I believe a president should act and speak on a level above 7th grade.
cause that's worked so well in the past. no more PC politics, it's why Trump is in there, live with it. do you have a choice? you don't need to vote for him, you can vote for someone who ignores their constituents instead. Mr. Trump is concerned for his fellow americans and isn't afraid to say it.

He could do that above a 7th grade level. That he doesn't leads one to believe he is incapable.
....most humans do not like the truth--it hurts them
..Trump is just telling the truth
I n another thread on this very same subject (there seems to be a lot of repetition here) I said that Trump may have been able to have made a decent argument about the failures of Cummings. What he did though was a child like comment. Rather than a decent argument, he made a mindless rant. Even another Trump supporter noted he speaks before he thinks. I'm not sure he ever thinks but..........
why does it bother you? Trump called him out, it was time.

Cummings more concerned with children illegally here getting better treatment then their own home town, and letting his constituents live with vermin.

Why? I believe a president should act and speak on a level above 7th grade.
cause that's worked so well in the past. no more PC politics, it's why Trump is in there, live with it. do you have a choice? you don't need to vote for him, you can vote for someone who ignores their constituents instead. Mr. Trump is concerned for his fellow americans and isn't afraid to say it.

He could do that above a 7th grade level. That he doesn't leads one to believe he is incapable.
look at the attention he got. it worked.

He's done nothing that will last. EO's are tossed aside with the next president.And yes, I made the same complaint about Obama. Trump has accomplished very little because like Obama he feels it is below him to put out the effort.

Danielle Bregoli got attention also.
Yea ... white cops are the worst!

Starsky and Hutch used to rough up the bad guys
also TJ Hooker
I simply love it! About time somebody calls that racist Sharpton out. YES! sharpton is the king of the race grievance industry. CEO’s are afraid of him. Politicians tremble at the thought of being called racist by Sharpton. But not Trump.

The irony involved in tRump, of all people, calling someone else a con man is almost incomprehensible.
why does it bother you? Trump called him out, it was time.

Cummings more concerned with children illegally here getting better treatment then their own home town, and letting his constituents live with vermin.

Why? I believe a president should act and speak on a level above 7th grade.
cause that's worked so well in the past. no more PC politics, it's why Trump is in there, live with it. do you have a choice? you don't need to vote for him, you can vote for someone who ignores their constituents instead. Mr. Trump is concerned for his fellow americans and isn't afraid to say it.

He could do that above a 7th grade level. That he doesn't leads one to believe he is incapable.
look at the attention he got. it worked.

He's done nothing that will last. EO's are tossed aside with the next president.And yes, I made the same complaint about Obama. Trump has accomplished very little because like Obama he feels it is below him to put out the effort.

Danielle Bregoli got attention also.
wow dude, not sure you're actually following the trump train. lowest unemployment in 60 years and the lowest black unemployment in recorded history. and he's done nothing. I love fact finders like you. way to hide your head in the can.
Why? I believe a president should act and speak on a level above 7th grade.
cause that's worked so well in the past. no more PC politics, it's why Trump is in there, live with it. do you have a choice? you don't need to vote for him, you can vote for someone who ignores their constituents instead. Mr. Trump is concerned for his fellow americans and isn't afraid to say it.

He could do that above a 7th grade level. That he doesn't leads one to believe he is incapable.
look at the attention he got. it worked.

He's done nothing that will last. EO's are tossed aside with the next president.And yes, I made the same complaint about Obama. Trump has accomplished very little because like Obama he feels it is below him to put out the effort.

Danielle Bregoli got attention also.
wow dude, not sure you're actually following the trump train. lowest unemployment in 60 years and the lowest black unemployment in recorded history. and he's done nothing. I love fact finders like you. way to hide your head in the can.

It's been noted over and over that all that is happening is that the economy is following the trajectory it was on even before Trump was elected.

I completely disagree with how we have done this but that is another topic. Wall Street is not the economy no matter how much people want to believe it is.
cause that's worked so well in the past. no more PC politics, it's why Trump is in there, live with it. do you have a choice? you don't need to vote for him, you can vote for someone who ignores their constituents instead. Mr. Trump is concerned for his fellow americans and isn't afraid to say it.

He could do that above a 7th grade level. That he doesn't leads one to believe he is incapable.
look at the attention he got. it worked.

He's done nothing that will last. EO's are tossed aside with the next president.And yes, I made the same complaint about Obama. Trump has accomplished very little because like Obama he feels it is below him to put out the effort.

Danielle Bregoli got attention also.
wow dude, not sure you're actually following the trump train. lowest unemployment in 60 years and the lowest black unemployment in recorded history. and he's done nothing. I love fact finders like you. way to hide your head in the can.

It's been noted over and over that all that is happening is that the economy is following the trajectory it was on even before Trump was elected.

I completely disagree with how we have done this but that is another topic. Wall Street is not the economy no matter how much people want to believe it is.
and you're telling people you aren't a leftist. too funny. that response alone exposes you. I can't teach stupid. And if you're convinced that after eight years, that now obammy's shit is working is truly biased leftist talk.
He could do that above a 7th grade level. That he doesn't leads one to believe he is incapable.
look at the attention he got. it worked.

He's done nothing that will last. EO's are tossed aside with the next president.And yes, I made the same complaint about Obama. Trump has accomplished very little because like Obama he feels it is below him to put out the effort.

Danielle Bregoli got attention also.
wow dude, not sure you're actually following the trump train. lowest unemployment in 60 years and the lowest black unemployment in recorded history. and he's done nothing. I love fact finders like you. way to hide your head in the can.

It's been noted over and over that all that is happening is that the economy is following the trajectory it was on even before Trump was elected.

I completely disagree with how we have done this but that is another topic. Wall Street is not the economy no matter how much people want to believe it is.
and you're telling people you aren't a leftist. too funny. that response alone exposes you. I can't teach stupid. And if you're convinced that after eight years, that now obammy's shit is working is truly biased leftist talk.

That is where you are wrong. I never said it was working. I do not believe it is. I said the economy is on the same trajectory Obama had it in. I disagree completely with what Obama did.
And he's 100% correct. Al Sharpton is the ultimate black crybaby who spent his life publicly spewing violent hatred against whites, while committing every white collar crime in the book. The ultimate white-hating racist Obamaggot appointed him as his "race advisor" and we all know how they deliberately made Ferguson into the violent explosion it became.
"i believe in offing the pigs. well they got pigs out here" - Sharpton

"david dinkins was to be the only N on TV? the only N in the newspapers?" - Sharpton

"we built pyramids long before Trump ever knew anything about architecture" - Sharpton
"as an American, i'm offended whenever someone takes Al Sharpton seriously or pretends to!" - Thomas Sowell
And he's 100% correct. Al Sharpton is the ultimate black crybaby who spent his life publicly spewing violent hatred against whites, while committing every white collar crime in the book. The ultimate white-hating racist Obamaggot appointed him as his "race advisor" and we all know how they deliberately made Ferguson into the violent explosion it became.
True! Blacks are the most racist race on this entire planet and they're encouraged to hate whites by the democratic party. Trump is 100% right about Sharptons hatred of white people.
I simply love it! About time somebody calls that racist Sharpton out. YES! sharpton is the king of the race grievance industry. CEO’s are afraid of him. Politicians tremble at the thought of being called racist by Sharpton. But not Trump.

The only thing that confuses me about Al Sharpton is between him and Jessie Jackson which is the bigger asshole and which one victimizes their own race for their own gain more.
Years ago Sharpton ran to the side of a young black girl who claimed she had been raped by several policemen. Sharpton manipulated emotions, fanned the flames of hatred. He even publicly announced he had evidence proving the police did it...right before the girl admitted she had lied, that she had had sex with a boyfriend. Sharpton fled before charges could be filed against him for creating false claims / evidence. To keep the peace the police chief let Sharpton go without risking further anger...

The TRUTH is 'Racism' is a multi-billion dollar industry - not to all but definitely to those like Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. (Jackson & his 'Rainbow Coalition' blackmailed businesses by threatening to label them as 'racist' in order to pay for his illegitimate child.)

Funny how minority unemployment is the lowest in recorded history - Trump has done more for blacks in less than 1 term than the 1st black President did in 8 years....but Trump is a 'racist'...?

Interesting how Trump won the Ellis Island Award along side Muhammed Ali and Rosa Parks while the man who dragged the US into 2 wars to help terrorists (in Libya and Syria) won a Nobel Peace Prize, but it is Trump who is / was the 'imposter'...?

And he's 100% correct. Al Sharpton is the ultimate black crybaby who spent his life publicly spewing violent hatred against whites, while committing every white collar crime in the book. The ultimate white-hating racist Obamaggot appointed him as his "race advisor" and we all know how they deliberately made Ferguson into the violent explosion it became.
The did the same thing with Baltimore, and caused the unnecessary uproar over the Zimmerman shooting.
A lot of money has went into investigating and prosecuting their corrupt police force.
HA HA. You mean the ones who had to tolerate rocks and bottles thrown at them, when Sharpton told Mayor Stephanie Rawling ("give them space to destroy") to have the cops stand down ? THAT police force ? :rolleyes:

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