Trump tweets Al Sharpton "is a con man, a troublemaker..." "hates White cops"

I simply love it! About time somebody calls that racist Sharpton out. YES! sharpton is the king of the race grievance industry. CEO’s are afraid of him. Politicians tremble at the thought of being called racist by Sharpton. But not Trump.

Agreed, dotard Don is all the things that Sharoton is as well.
Allow your imagination to run wild for a moment. Imagine if Trump had tweeted:

"Fuck Sharpton. Sharpton is a fucking asshole. Fuck him. He can shove his fucking complaints up his fucking ass and eat shit, too".

How do you think Trumpsters would react to that? Is there any doubt?
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They've poured millions of dollars into Cummings district. What has he done with that money? After Freddy Grey Baltimore was given tons of cash. Where did all of that cash end up?

More than likely in the pockets of Special Interests. Same as what happened to the trillions under Obama.
At least with Trump we've got some military assets and border improvements to show for it.
What's happening in Baltimore is that in the same district, the 7th District, Cummings district, in the predominantly white areas they're building and improving infrastructure, and in the predominantly black and minority areas they don't even have proper places to buy food. It's rundown and rodent infested. You would think that Cummings would make sure that the money was spread around more evenly. Instead, the rich are living high on the hog and the poor are eating shit.

I simply love it! About time somebody calls that racist Sharpton out. YES! sharpton is the king of the race grievance industry. CEO’s are afraid of him. Politicians tremble at the thought of being called racist by Sharpton. But not Trump.

Agreed, dotard Don is all the things that Sharoton is as well.
Allow your imagination to run wild for a moment. Imagine if Trump had tweeted:

"Fuck Sharpton. Sharpton is a fucking asshole. Fuck him. He can shove his fucking complaints up his fucking ass and eat shit, too".

How do you think Trumpsters would react to that? Is there any doubt?

Lol, do I really have to imagine that one
here's what Trump should tell Al:

"get your stinkin' James Brown haircut out of my world! GO BACK!"
And he's 100% correct. Al Sharpton is the ultimate black crybaby who spent his life publicly spewing violent hatred against whites, while committing every white collar crime in the book. The ultimate white-hating racist Obamaggot appointed him as his "race advisor" and we all know how they deliberately made Ferguson into the violent explosion it became.
True! Blacks are the most racist race on this entire planet and they're encouraged to hate whites by the democratic party. Trump is 100% right about Sharptons hatred of white people.

As a white person, let me be the first to tell you not to speak on behalf of white people. You're a fucking idiot.
Sharpton was a civil rights advocate since the age of 4. what was Trump doing at 4 years old?
Sharpton's lifelong enemy was Charlie Rangel. he once persuaded Rev Adam Clayton Powell to run against Rangell. now he's enemies of Trump. not a guy who gets along with people!
And he's 100% correct. Al Sharpton is the ultimate black crybaby who spent his life publicly spewing violent hatred against whites, while committing every white collar crime in the book. The ultimate white-hating racist Obamaggot appointed him as his "race advisor" and we all know how they deliberately made Ferguson into the violent explosion it became.
True! Blacks are the most racist race on this entire planet and they're encouraged to hate whites by the democratic party. Trump is 100% right about Sharptons hatred of white people.

As a white person, let me be the first to tell you not to speak on behalf of white people. You're a fucking idiot.
To not accept my post as the truth exploits your White guilt. You need to become racially aware and awakened. I suggest you read this.

Calling the race baiters racist......maybe it's a strategy who's time has come?
After all, hasn't the Right tried civility and grace long enough with zero to show for it?

Why is it that only Conservatives and non-Leftists can be deemed "racist" in this excessively PC society?
Because, insofar as the media are concerned, only people who drink the LibTard Kool-Aid are worthy of accommodation...
Every single day is another media freak out over Trump.

He should have laid low and let the Mueller testimony marinate.
And he's 100% correct. Al Sharpton is the ultimate black crybaby who spent his life publicly spewing violent hatred against whites, while committing every white collar crime in the book. The ultimate white-hating racist Obamaggot appointed him as his "race advisor" and we all know how they deliberately made Ferguson into the violent explosion it became.
True! Blacks are the most racist race on this entire planet and they're encouraged to hate whites by the democratic party. Trump is 100% right about Sharptons hatred of white people.

As a white person, let me be the first to tell you not to speak on behalf of white people. You're a fucking idiot.
To not accept my post as the truth exploits your White guilt. You need to become racially aware and awakened. I suggest you read this.


I don't listen to anything, especially recommendations from Cult45 bobble heads. Hope you can understand.

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