trump Twitter Meltdown on Eve of Indictments ~ DO SOMETHING!

They can't prosecute Trump without prosecuting Clinton. That means either will face charges.

Why? Because that is what you wish for?

Because of the facts surrounding the investigation. Comey is guilty of acquitting Hillary before an investigation. And there is no doubt the Uranium 1 deal was a payoff for the Clintons.
Comey didn't acquit anyone. The word you are looking for is exonerate.

Comey wrote draft exoneration of Clinton months before July 2016 announcement - CNNPolitics
Yeah those tweets are dumb. If he wants something done get Jeff sessions off his ass and get it done.
Everyone and their second cousin has been pissing and leaking all over the indictment. It's Paul Manafort. It's actions taken in 2012 and 2013 when he was working with the Podesta Group.

Mueller will NOT enter into the Podesta stew. He will close his investigation first. He brought charges, case closed, no Russian connection. Democrats will NOW have something to scream helplessly at the sky over.
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trump is in full PANIC mode!

Mueller is about to strike. This is the end of the beginning!

He'll never win the 2016 election, never.
Good grief. Are you going to brag about his inauguration attendance next? Fuckin’ a, a year in and you sheep can’t claim anything new.
Good gosh man read for comprehension. I was MOCKING you liberal leftist that like to say what you want to believe to be true as if fact. Just like you all did, Obama included, during the run up to 2016. The left wing still hasn't learned their lesson, I am thinking there is no hope, and you proved it.
Mueller not finding anything against Trump might be the drop that broke the dam. Democrats might become uncontrollable tomorrow. Dare say, "dangerous".
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trump is in full PANIC mode!

Mueller is about to strike. This is the end of the beginning!


It's going to be so damn funny when we find out how reality has bitch slapped you morons yet again.
and how exactly is that gonna happen?

When you find out that the subpoenas aren't what you think or go the way you want. But hey, keep up the celebrations.
Subpoenas? You mean Indictments?

Doesn't subpoenas come next?

They can't prosecute Trump without prosecuting Clinton. That means either will face charges.

Why? Because that is what you wish for?

Because of the facts surrounding the investigation. Comey is guilty of acquitting Hillary before an investigation. And there is no doubt the Uranium 1 deal was a payoff for the Clintons.
Oh? "acquitting"? Do you even know what that word means?
Do you know what unethical behavior is? Comey does.

A female cyclist overtaken by Donald Trump’s motorcade as the president was leaving his Virginia golf club Saturday flipped the president a middle finger salute, and it was captured by a photographer.

The lone cyclist amid the line of dark government cars, her finger held defiantly aloft, captivated fans on social media.

And when the cars slowed at one point, the cyclist caught up to the motorcade again, her finger still raised.

A woman walking nearby when the motorcade passed joined in and gave Trump a thumbs-down, according to a pool report.

Another quiet protester held a sign aloft which read “impeach” as Trump arrived at the Trump National Golf Club.

According to the press pool report on Saturday provided by the Guardian: “POTUS’s motorcade departed the Trump National Golf Club at 3:12, passing two pedestrians, one of whom gave a thumbs-down sign. Then it overtook a female cyclist, wearing a white top and cycling helmet, who responded by giving the middle finger.

“The motorcade had to slow and the cyclist caught up, still offering the finger, before turning off in a different direction.”

Cheeky Cyclist Flips Trump Motorcade The Middle Finger Salute

Bless the cyclist.
It's going to be so damn funny when we find out how reality has bitch slapped you morons yet again.
and how exactly is that gonna happen?

When you find out that the subpoenas aren't what you think or go the way you want. But hey, keep up the celebrations.
Subpoenas? You mean Indictments?

Doesn't subpoenas come next?


Actually a “dope” is someone like you who doesn’t know shit, pretends he does and refuses to learn. I don’t know everything and I don’t pretend to. The difference between you and I is that I’m willing to learn and I am mature enough to admit when I don’t know something.

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