trump Twitter Meltdown on Eve of Indictments ~ DO SOMETHING!

View attachment 157172

trump is in full PANIC mode!

Mueller is about to strike. This is the end of the beginning!


If you think anything comes out of this, there is only one explanation, you are a full blown retard.

I would believe Trump is a demon from the 3rd level of hell before any of the propaganda that the DNC keeps spewing out. The fact is of course, he is merely a human with God-Emperor like powers.

In a few days, you will have to sensationalize the fact that Trump ate two scoops of ice cream yet again. At least there may be something to that.
The fact is of course, he is merely a human with God-Emperor like powers.

trump does suffer from this delusion. America is about to remind him just how false that is.

Pucker up, child

America told you about a year ago the shit is going to stop. We all know progressives have globalists, Communists, and Islamics on their side. That means you talk shit with out the actual numbers to back it up.

At best the progressive and emasculated are about 15%, mostly wealthy and extremely naive. The other votes bought with government dependence. They have no idea how tyrannical the Left can be. Maybe the massacre of the Chinese by Mao will refresh their memory. Nah, he on T_shirts too.
I admit I would love to see Mueller throw in something on trump's taxes tomorrow. A clean shot across trump's bow to make him go screaming to twitter and breaking even more pottery.
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View attachment 157172

trump is in full PANIC mode!

Mueller is about to strike. This is the end of the beginning!


If you think anything comes out of this, there is only one explanation, you are a full blown retard.

I would believe Trump is a demon from the 3rd level of hell before any of the propaganda that the DNC keeps spewing out. The fact is of course, he is merely a human with God-Emperor like powers.

In a few days, you will have to sensationalize the fact that Trump ate two scoops of ice cream yet again. At least there may be something to that.
The fact is of course, he is merely a human with God-Emperor like powers.

trump does suffer from this delusion. America is about to remind him just how false that is.

Pucker up, child

America told you about a year ago the shit is going to stop. We all know progressives have globalists, Communists, and Islamics on their side. That means you talk shit with out the actual numbers to back it up.

At best the progressive and emasculated are about 15%, mostly wealthy and extremely naive. The other votes bought with government dependence. They have no idea how tyrannical the Left can be. Maybe the massacre of the Chinese by Mao will refresh their memory. Nah, he on T_shirts too.
America told you about a year ago the shit is going to stop


That is so funny. trump is the biggest swamp creature ever to infest the White House. Criminal and traitor also.

Folks, it is gonna take a bit longer before the conned admit the error of their evil ways
Trump is the typical conservative: nothing but red herring fallacies and failed attempts to deflect.
Except for the fact he has been proven right time after time!

Where? When? There's not one instance where Trump has gotten anything right other than winning the election.

No legislation passed. Health insurance in a shambles. No jobs coming back. Trading partners walking away. Revolving door for White House staff. Hundreds of executive level vacancies. Muslim ban blocked by courts. Championship athletic teams refuse to visit White House.

Trump's approval ratings at an all time low and falling.

Trump doesn't pass legislation, Congress does.

The ACA is still Obama's.

Rest of it is crap complaining.

I don't like Trump, but you're just whining.

The ACA is now Trumps, he has made enough changes to take full credit.
View attachment 157172

trump is in full PANIC mode!

Mueller is about to strike. This is the end of the beginning!


If you think anything comes out of this, there is only one explanation, you are a full blown retard.

I would believe Trump is a demon from the 3rd level of hell before any of the propaganda that the DNC keeps spewing out. The fact is of course, he is merely a human with God-Emperor like powers.

In a few days, you will have to sensationalize the fact that Trump ate two scoops of ice cream yet again. At least there may be something to that.
The fact is of course, he is merely a human with God-Emperor like powers.

trump does suffer from this delusion. America is about to remind him just how false that is.

Pucker up, child

America told you about a year ago the shit is going to stop. We all know progressives have globalists, Communists, and Islamics on their side. That means you talk shit with out the actual numbers to back it up.

At best the progressive and emasculated are about 15%, mostly wealthy and extremely naive. The other votes bought with government dependence. They have no idea how tyrannical the Left can be. Maybe the massacre of the Chinese by Mao will refresh their memory. Nah, he on T_shirts too.
America told you about a year ago the shit is going to stop


That is so funny. trump is the biggest swamp creature ever to infest the White House. Criminal and traitor also.

Folks, it is gonna take a bit longer before the conned admit the error of their evil ways

A bit longer to give up more freedom to a machine government? Sorry we are tired of that.
They can't prosecute Trump without prosecuting Clinton. That means either will face charges.

Why? Because that is what you wish for?

Because of the facts surrounding the investigation. Comey is guilty of acquitting Hillary before an investigation. And there is no doubt the Uranium 1 deal was a payoff for the Clintons.

So you must have in your possession concrete evidence. Comey didn't acquit anyone. I suggest you turn over all your evidence to Jeff Sessions so he can bring charges.
Trump is the typical conservative: nothing but red herring fallacies and failed attempts to deflect.
Except for the fact he has been proven right time after time!

Where? When? There's not one instance where Trump has gotten anything right other than winning the election.

No legislation passed. Health insurance in a shambles. No jobs coming back. Trading partners walking away. Revolving door for White House staff. Hundreds of executive level vacancies. Muslim ban blocked by courts. Championship athletic teams refuse to visit White House.

Trump's approval ratings at an all time low and falling.

Trump doesn't pass legislation, Congress does.

The ACA is still Obama's.

Rest of it is crap complaining.

I don't like Trump, but you're just whining.

The ACA is now Trumps, he has made enough changes to take full credit.
They can't prosecute Trump without prosecuting Clinton. That means either will face charges.

Why? Because that is what you wish for?

Because of the facts surrounding the investigation. Comey is guilty of acquitting Hillary before an investigation. And there is no doubt the Uranium 1 deal was a payoff for the Clintons.

So you must have in your possession concrete evidence. Comey didn't acquit anyone. I suggest you turn over all your evidence to Jeff Sessions so he can bring charges.

The establishment, so far, has refused to prosecute Clinton. The establishment still has a lot of power.Trump probably has compromised, so far.
There's no evidence against Holder et al except what you've manufavmctured at the Russian troll farm, Evgeny. Only fools buy into it.

You're not just a LIAR, you're a DESPERATE liar.

The evidence has already been released how, before the Uranium One sale was allowed to go through, Mueller, Holder, and Obama knew about the Russian Bribery, Intimidation, Extortion, and Influence peddling Scandal - in an attempt to acquire US uranium. They also knew Hillary had received over $100 million from the Russian Uranium One team leader.

Holder knew all of this as US AG AND as a member of the committee responsible for approving or denying the sale of 20% of the US supply of uranium AND HE NEVER MENTIONED IT...UNTIL AFTER THE URANIUM DEAL WENT THROUGH.

Hillary, as well, did not think taking $100+ million from the Russian Uranium One team lead was worth mentioning while sitting on the committee, too..nor was mentioning Bill being paid a half a million dollars per speech by Putin's ex-KGB buddies.

again, you snowflakes are like a bunch of immature children throwing a tantrum because you want something (to be so) for no other reason than you want it...all else to be damned. If denying reality is what it takes to get what you want then so be it.
Trump is in a new environment. Let's see if he can bully his way out of this mess - that he made.
The Clinton's are the bullies here. The MSM wants to make sure we think differently. It will not work anymore.
Are you for real?



I am no longer in shock how easy it it was for trump to con America, but seriously, don't brag about it

View attachment 157223

That's seriously funny.
How are they a "conflict of interest"?
Oh look, another snowflake playing the 'dumb' card...

- Mueller was the Director of the FBI, the Director - who along with Holder and Obama - who hid the Russians' Bribery, Intimidation, Extortion, and Influence Purchasing scandal ... until the Uranium One deal went through.

- Mueller also ignored Hillary, sitting on the Committee responsible for either approving or deying the sale, accepted over $100 million from the Russian team leader in charge of acquiring US Uranium.

- Mueller is also Comey's Mentor - Comey has already been proven to have written Hillary's exoneration letter before the investigation was any where bear complete.

- Mueller build a super-partisan Counsel consisting of DNC and Hillary donors.

- He also appointed the Hillary Foundation Lawyer, the lawyer / Foundation that received over $100 million from the Russian Uranium One Team Lead...

You and your fellow USMB snowflakes' continuous repetitive questions, asking the same thing over and over again as we have never discussed this before, is infantile and tiresome.

You're not stupid.

You haven't forgotten this has been discussed before more than a dozen times.

You're like a child throwing a tantrum because you want something your way.

Mueller has been exposed for hiding crimes and facilitating the sale of US Uranium to the Russians.

Mueller compromised the integrity of the Counsel, not only through his own actions and relationship with Comey - which should have caused him to recuse himself, but also by the individuals he chose to be part of his team, members who also should have recused themselves.
Get lots of rest tonight and drink plenty of water before bed, trump conned

Crying and whining uses lots of energy and tears.
Thank you for that childish post that contributed NOTHING to the discussion...
I admit I would love to see Mueller throw in something on trump's taxes tomorrow. A clean shot across trump's bow to make him go screaming to twitter and breaking even more pottery.
I don't really care

I just want Mueller to give Trump a clean bill of health
If not, make Trump answerable to the people

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