trump Twitter Meltdown on Eve of Indictments ~ DO SOMETHING!

When the indictments are opened, democrats will swear that they prove that Russia and Trump were working together to get Trump elected. They will totally ignore the real indictments. They will continue to say that Trump will be arrested any day now. Any day.

There is no particular law against "collusion". Potential charges (and/or Grounds for Impeachment) against tRump are obvious:

Obstruction of justice as well as possible financial crimes.
Our President seems nervous

What does he have to worry about?
When the indictments are opened, democrats will swear that they prove that Russia and Trump were working together to get Trump elected. They will totally ignore the real indictments. They will continue to say that Trump will be arrested any day now. Any day.

There is no particular law against "collusion". Potential charges (and/or Grounds for Impeachment) against tRump are obvious:

Obstruction of justice as well as possible financial crimes.
When the indictment is unsealed and make no mention of Trump, will you accept that or insist on the same old Russian crapola?
Not fair! Not fair! Not fair!

Don't investigate me....investigate Hillary

When the indictment is unsealed and make no mention of Trump, will you accept that or insist on the same old Russian crapola?

I would be entirely surprised if the unsealed indictments DID make any mention of Trump.

Not the point - the point is that he is running scared now and is likely to be even more so tomorrow.

The noose tightens .. Tick Tock BayBee! :D
I'm a little confused, according to snowflakes, Trump acts like this all the time.
The Moonie Mushroom Base: Trump grows a special genetically altered strain called “The Moonie Strain”. They are naturally kept in the dark, like one would expect, and fed a special diet of Slanted Halfwit Ideology Transmissions (S.H.I.T.). Each mushroom is fed 40 pounds of S.H.I.T. per day to match its IQ. The Moonie Strain thrives on this special diet.

Trump loves using Twitter to feed his base.
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Not fair! Not fair! Not fair!

Don't investigate me....investigate Hillary


Donald and his interference puppet Little Devin Nunes:


Trump sucks!
DAMNIT....only legitimate Americans want him in office!

You're right - 10% of Americans are Nazis, Fascists & xenophobes for tRump. Another 20% are low information idiots who coddle sexist bullies.

But LEGIT Americans want him gone before he turns us into a Banana Republic.

Trump's approval rating drops to historic low in new poll

And there is the most recent Gallup:

Gallup 10/26 - 10/28 1500 A 35 60 -25

Just wait until Americans see their health care ripped out from under 'em because he stops paying subsidies.

Katy bar the door! :)
Trump sucks!
DAMNIT....only legitimate Americans want him in office!

You're right - 10% of Americans are Nazis, Fascists & xenophobes for tRump. Another 20% are low information idiots who coddle sexist bullies.

But LEGIT Americans want him gone before he turns us into a Banana Republic.

Trump's approval rating drops to historic low in new poll

And there is the most recent Gallup:

Gallup 10/26 - 10/28 1500 A 35 60 -25

Just wait until Americans see their health care ripped out from under 'em because he stops paying subsidies.

Katy bar the door! :)

Hahaha....Nothing's changed since January 20th bud.
Trump is still hated by many...including but not limited to, corrupt establishment politicians, the barely Americans of Loon York and Mexifornia, illegitimate classless filth, Feminazi's, low-life's and bottom feeders, weirdos, illegals, men in dresses, carpet munchers and pole puffers.
Meanwhile, hard working, positive contributing REAL Americans who matter are still smiling ear to ear.
View attachment 157172

trump is in full PANIC mode!

Mueller is about to strike. This is the end of the beginning!

It is too bad that Pres.Trump is a one man show. He's President and the honest media.He has to deliver the news himself just to get the truth out to us. What a guy...

Honest??? The Liar in Chief is the most dishonest player in the game. He has rarely been truthful about anything. From the thousands of Muslims he saw celebrating, to the phone call to the Gold Star widow, it's just one lie after the other.

That you think Trump is honest with you shows what an imbecile you truly are.
Hahaha....Nothing's changed since January 20th bud.
Trump is still hated by many...including but not limited to, corrupt establishment politicians, the barely Americans of Loon York and Mexifornia, illegitimate classless filth, Feminazi's, low-life's and bottom feeders, weirdos, illegals, men in dresses, carpet munchers and pole puffers.
Meanwhile, hard working, positive contributing REAL Americans who matter are still smiling ear to ear.

Clearly you didn't read the top link. He's down by double digits with independent voters, high singles with Republicans and over 10 overall since inauguration day.


If you're still on the Crazy Train, then you ain't a real conservative

*Poster's Note: Ozzy was kinda cool .. you're Donald is a FUCKING WRECK

Hahaha....Nothing's changed since January 20th bud.
Trump is still hated by many...including but not limited to, corrupt establishment politicians, the barely Americans of Loon York and Mexifornia, illegitimate classless filth, Feminazi's, low-life's and bottom feeders, weirdos, illegals, men in dresses, carpet munchers and pole puffers.
Meanwhile, hard working, positive contributing REAL Americans who matter are still smiling ear to ear.

Clearly you didn't read the top link. He's down by double digits with independent voters, high singles with Republicans and over 10 overall since inauguration day.


If you're still on the Crazy Train, then you ain't a real conservative

*Poster's Note: Ozzy was kinda cool .. you're Donald is a FUCKING WRECK

Nobody legit gives two shits about polls...polls said Hillary had a 96% chance at winning the presidency...haha
Here's what we have on Donny T's watch.
Consumer confidence / spending....UP
Real estate values...UP
Stock market....UP
Deportation of third world filth....UP
illegal immigration....DOWN
REAL American unity....way up
High quality REAL American's feel confident in government again while the piece of shits continue to piss their pants and feel like the piece of shits they actually are...(a priceless accomplishment)...haha...I could go on and on...this guy is absolutely KILLIN' IT and our whackos, criminals, illegals and bottom feeders can't stand it....hahaha

Remember, it's only been nine will take some time to undue years of corruption.
This admin will continue bitch-slapping the un-American filth among us for another 7 years....get yourself and your shit right or get ran over. Pretty simple.
Hahaha....Nothing's changed since January 20th bud.
Trump is still hated by many...including but not limited to, corrupt establishment politicians, the barely Americans of Loon York and Mexifornia, illegitimate classless filth, Feminazi's, low-life's and bottom feeders, weirdos, illegals, men in dresses, carpet munchers and pole puffers.
Meanwhile, hard working, positive contributing REAL Americans who matter are still smiling ear to ear.

Clearly you didn't read the top link. He's down by double digits with independent voters, high singles with Republicans and over 10 overall since inauguration day.


If you're still on the Crazy Train, then you ain't a real conservative

*Poster's Note: Ozzy was kinda cool .. you're Donald is a FUCKING WRECK

Nobody legit gives two shits about polls...polls said Hillary had a 96% chance at winning the presidency...haha
Here's what we have on Donny T's watch.
Consumer confidence / spending....UP
Real estate values...UP
Stock market....UP
Deportation of third world filth....UP
illegal immigration....DOWN
REAL American unity....way up
High quality REAL American's feel confident in government again while the piece of shits continue to piss their pants and feel like the piece of shits they actually are...(a priceless accomplishment)...haha...I could go on and on...this guy is absolutely KILLIN' IT and our whackos, criminals, illegals and bottom feeders can't stand it....hahaha

Remember, it's only been nine will take some time to undue years of corruption.
This admin will continue bitch-slapping the un-American filth among us for another 7 years....get yourself and your shit right or get ran over. Pretty simple.

Isn't it cute when they use REAL?

Cracks me up when parents let their children play on the interwebs

I also like RINO
Hahaha....Nothing's changed since January 20th bud.
Trump is still hated by many...including but not limited to, corrupt establishment politicians, the barely Americans of Loon York and Mexifornia, illegitimate classless filth, Feminazi's, low-life's and bottom feeders, weirdos, illegals, men in dresses, carpet munchers and pole puffers.
Meanwhile, hard working, positive contributing REAL Americans who matter are still smiling ear to ear.

Clearly you didn't read the top link. He's down by double digits with independent voters, high singles with Republicans and over 10 overall since inauguration day.


If you're still on the Crazy Train, then you ain't a real conservative

*Poster's Note: Ozzy was kinda cool .. you're Donald is a FUCKING WRECK

Nobody legit gives two shits about polls...polls said Hillary had a 96% chance at winning the presidency...haha
Here's what we have on Donny T's watch.
Consumer confidence / spending....UP
Real estate values...UP
Stock market....UP
Deportation of third world filth....UP
illegal immigration....DOWN
REAL American unity....way up
High quality REAL American's feel confident in government again while the piece of shits continue to piss their pants and feel like the piece of shits they actually are...(a priceless accomplishment)...haha...I could go on and on...this guy is absolutely KILLIN' IT and our whackos, criminals, illegals and bottom feeders can't stand it....hahaha

Remember, it's only been nine will take some time to undue years of corruption.
This admin will continue bitch-slapping the un-American filth among us for another 7 years....get yourself and your shit right or get ran over. Pretty simple.

Occam's Razor

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