Trump uses the DOJ as Auto Makers don't lower their mpg standards

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President Trump fighting for Americans again, refuses to allow creepy California to dictate to the rest of the country. Good job Trump. Rot in hell Dem's.

What a shock you would favor the government forcing companies to comply to their demands.

Once a big government statist, always a big government statist.
He's doing exactly the opposite, dumbfuck. California is trying to impose their air quality standards on the entire country. Is allowing them to do that actually your idea of reducing the size of government?
Go around them and give them the finger lol

I go around them when I can. I don't give them the finger.
I own a Prius.

I put Chevron gas in it so I get a higher mileage than those who put cheap gas in their cars. The cheap gas clogs my fuel injectors. I stopped buying cheap gas in the early 90s when the fuel injectors of my Subaru were clogged. The mechanic who fixed it recommended Chevron gas to never have that problem again. I've not had that problem since.

In the summer I get between 56 and 60 mpg. In the winter I get between 50 and 55 mpg.

I made the decision in 2001 to never buy another regular gas car again. And I haven't. This Prius is the 3rd one. I've had a Honda Civic hybrid too but wasn't impressed. I like the Prius much better.
Cool story....:hyper:

People can drive whatever they want, most of us don’t give two shits. But no one should ever tell anyone else what to drive. I found Prius drivers are assholes like that woman I just posted....

Is this her

I think fatty was upset because the store was out of brownie mix.

Or Chuck E Cheese was closed

More like the buffet was closed!

Pizza the hut
Fat Democrat needed to be punched in her mouth.

I'm stunned a Prius could move her lard ass.
All they had to do was throw a Snickers bar in the bushes and she would have gone after it.

I live in truck country so we have Prius owners outnumbered 10 to 1. Now we do have our douchebag truck owners. And don't even get me started on BMW drivers.
Agreed. Me too.
Prius drivers really get pissed off at these...

This is my toy since 1969, '66 GOAT.

I'm stunned a Prius could move her lard ass.
All they had to do was throw a Snickers bar in the bushes and she would have gone after it.

I live in truck country so we have Prius owners outnumbered 10 to 1. Now we do have our douchebag truck owners. And don't even get me started on BMW drivers.
Agreed. Me too.
Prius drivers really get pissed off at these...

This is my toy since 1969, '66 GOAT.



I’m getting one of these next week.... 12,000 original miles
President Trump fighting for Americans again, refuses to allow creepy California to dictate to the rest of the country. Good job Trump. Rot in hell Dem's.

What a shock you would favor the government forcing companies to comply to their demands.

Once a big government statist, always a big government statist.
He's doing exactly the opposite, dumbfuck. California is trying to impose their air quality standards on the entire country. Is allowing them to do that actually your idea of reducing the size of government?
Take a deep breath ,,take another
He's doing exactly the opposite, dumbfuck. California is trying to impose their air quality standards on the entire country. Is allowing them to do that actually your idea of reducing the size of government?

No, he is not. He is pissed because they choose not to follow his new rules and as such is trying to punish them.
All they had to do was throw a Snickers bar in the bushes and she would have gone after it.

I live in truck country so we have Prius owners outnumbered 10 to 1. Now we do have our douchebag truck owners. And don't even get me started on BMW drivers.
Agreed. Me too.
Prius drivers really get pissed off at these...

This is my toy since 1969, '66 GOAT.



I’m getting one of these next week.... 12,000 original miles

Sorry to hear that
Automakers built me a giant 4x4 truck with giant a 6.7L DIESEL engine and a whopping 48 gallon fuel tank. Good job automakers!
Another trumpette who hates their own children just to be an ignorant smartass.

I love it when I pull up the gas pump & see you at the diesel pump. I get a 400 mile range for $25.00 while you fork out $80 for the same. I laugh at you assfucks every day. Look, I understand you need to make p for your tiny limp dicks but really.

I can't agree more.

I fill my tank for around 27 dollars. It's a 10 gallon tank. I usually put around 8 gallons in it when I fill it.

That's after I've driven over 400 miles on that around 8 gallons.

I have to laugh at such people who are proud of the fact that they waste fuel and money with their penis extender vehicles.

I just wish they would get out of the far left lane on the freeway and stop holding up traffic. They have they engine to move. Instead they passively aggressively sit in that lane going slow forcing everyone else in that lane to go slow.
What vehicle do you own?

I own a Prius.

I put Chevron gas in it so I get a higher mileage than those who put cheap gas in their cars. The cheap gas clogs my fuel injectors. I stopped buying cheap gas in the early 90s when the fuel injectors of my Subaru were clogged. The mechanic who fixed it recommended Chevron gas to never have that problem again. I've not had that problem since.

In the summer I get between 56 and 60 mpg. In the winter I get between 50 and 55 mpg.

I made the decision in 2001 to never buy another regular gas car again. And I haven't. This Prius is the 3rd one. I've had a Honda Civic hybrid too but wasn't impressed. I like the Prius much better.
Cool story....:hyper:

People can drive whatever they want, most of us don’t give two shits. But no one should ever tell anyone else what to drive. I found Prius drivers are assholes like that woman I just posted....

Well that's one of the many ways conservatives and liberals differ. If I think Big Mac's are bad for you, I just won't eat them. If a liberal thinks Big Mac's are bad for you, they want to stop everybody from eating them.
Four automakers bucked Trump policy on emissions. Now they are under antitrust investigation - CNN

Trump will send the DOJ to investigate auto makers who made agreements with California and won't lower their MPGs like the crybaby-in-chief ordered.

Will Trump EVER move beyond an 8th grade mentality?
Will you ever be President?


Cry on
so let me get this right
you are actually complaining about Trump trying to enforce regulations for auto manufacturers to abide by standards to help reduce global warming?

do you want help to reduce global warming or not you fucking idiot or is it more important to you to be able to bash Trump
First of all the Earth has been warming for 20000 years straight, and it is NOT warming faster now then when the glaciers that extended South into NJ melted 900 miles from 20000bc to 10000bc. Next fact for the imbecilic fool, the USA produces a total of 15 percent of the Worlds emissions and only a fraction of that comes from automobiles, and only another fraction of the total would be in the removal of stricter emissions that Trump is eliminating.

So if you do the math it's a non issue certainly since humans are not warming the earth even one little bit and there is no evidence that they are.

So tell me if sea levels are going to rise 10 feet in the next 10 years, why isn't Florida being evacuated?

Huh, and why are banks issuing new 30 year mortgages...…………

You play with yourself some more and believe the fake news
A Trump-hating climate change denier didn't think they existed
you are one fucked-up individual
you must be shunned by both sides of the aisle
liberals won't have you because you are a global warming denier and conservatives won't have you because of your Trump derangement
must be a rather lonely existence

I voted for Trump doofus, there is no evidence that humans are changing the climate. If there were no bank would loan money on a beachfront home in Florida

Or on Martha's Vineyard?
I live in truck country so we have Prius owners outnumbered 10 to 1. Now we do have our douchebag truck owners. And don't even get me started on BMW drivers.
Agreed. Me too.
Prius drivers really get pissed off at these...

This is my toy since 1969, '66 GOAT.



I’m getting one of these next week.... 12,000 original miles

Sorry to hear that
I know.... lol
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