Trump Voter Claims He Is Still President, But Can't Articulate How

The delusional orange slob is telling people and implying that he is still president.

And it's not the first time. He has done it in his fundraising and on his website.

Okay. :rolleyes:

For those of us with common sense, it's a claim that the election was fraudulent and that a corrupt and fraudulent asshole is holding the office due to that. Not that Trump is the active POTUS and running the show, since clearly he is not, if he were we wouldn't be in the shit show we are right now. The geriatric brain dead boob who does hold the title isn't running the show either. But yeah, you keep running with the notion that they all believe Trump is POTUS. 🤡
Okay. :rolleyes:

For those of us with common sense, it's a claim that the election was fraudulent and that a corrupt and fraudulent asshole is holding the office due to that. Not that Trump is the active POTUS and running the show, since clearly he is not, if he were we wouldn't be in the shit show we are right now. The geriatric brain dead boob who does hold the title isn't running the show either. But yeah, you keep running with the notion that they all believe Trump is POTUS. 🤡
And yet still the pattern remains.

Remember when he told his supporters he would be giving his "presidential speech" in June of 2021?

What he is doing is pandering to your delusion that the election was stolen. I didn't think I would have to explain that to any functioning adult.
I don’t support rioting. You do.

You don’t want to face the consequences of rioting yourself but you support your fellow Trump supporters making really bad life choices.
They're good choices for America. I love the idea of a secure border and using our money for infrastructure instead of funding other people's wars.
And yet still the pattern remains.

Remember when he told his supporters he would be giving his "presidential speech" in June of 2021?

What he is doing is pandering to your delusion that the election was stolen. I didn't think I would have to explain that to any functioning adult.
Old news. It's 2024. Get up to speed.
They're good choices for America. I love the idea of a secure border and using our money for infrastructure instead of funding other people's wars.
It’s a good choice to riot when your candidate loses yet you don’t want to do it yourself? LoL
The guy that is asking the questions is an idiot, he thinks he has some kind of 'gotchya' moment, while taking her comment out of context. So smart. 🤡

In what context was her statement?
And yet still the pattern remains.

Remember when he told his supporters he would be giving his "presidential speech" in June of 2021?

What he is doing is pandering to your delusion that the election was stolen. I didn't think I would have to explain that to any functioning adult.

I don't need Trump to tell me that, all I need is to look at the facts. which have been detailed here many times over. I agree there was not widespread fraud, the fraud was perpetuated in 5 districts, that's all it took.
In what context was her statement?

If you don't know, I can't help you.

Tell me, do you think she actually thought that Trump was acting POTUS when he was questioning her? Cause that's what the rest of his questions implied. How could Obama be running the show behind Biden if Biden isn't actually president? Really? :cuckoo:
If you don't know, I can't help you.

LOL. Of course.

Tell me, do you think she actually thought that Trump was acting POTUS when he was questioning her? Cause that's what the rest of his questions implied. How could Obama be running the show behind Biden if Biden isn't actually president? Really? :cuckoo:

Doesn't really make a lot of sense does it. Because she's a nut bag, but unfortunately she's hardly alone in MAGA world. Again, this woman was only rattling off the same nonsense you guys say here almost every day.
LOL. Of course.

Doesn't really make a lot of sense does it. Because she's a nut bag, but unfortunately she's hardly alone in MAGA world. Again, this woman was only rattling off the same nonsense you guys say here almost every day.

I guess you really are that stupid, and so was the asshole asking the stupid question.

Do you think she actually thought that Trump was acting POTUS when he was questioning her? You must think she did actually think that, thanks for the laugh. :cool:

Btw, this thread sucks and hardly belong in Politics. :rolleyes: What it is is flaming, why do you get to do that but no one else does?
I guess you really are that stupid, and so was the asshole asking the stupid question.

Do you think she actually thought that Trump was acting POTUS when he was questioning her? You must think she did actually think that, thanks for the laugh. :cool:

He's an asshole for exposing the fact that people within the MAGA movement are paranoid conspiracy loons with an IQ of a tomato? You do realize the majority of Republican Primary voters think Biden is an illegitimate president, right? This has been confirmed through polling over and over. Members on this forum claim Trump is the real president all the time. Those same members will also claim Obama is really pulling the strings while Biden is a puppet. Again, you guys say ALL of this stuff all the time. There are countless threads and posts here making these same claims. The only thing you're irked about is you've seen someone on video do it and it makes you realize how retarded you people actually sound to rest of the world.
He's an asshole for exposing the fact that people within the MAGA movement are paranoid conspiracy loons with an IQ of a tomato? You do realize the majority of Republican Primary voters think Biden is an illegitimate president, right? This has been confirmed through polling over and over. Members on this forum claim Trump is the real president all the time. Those same members will also claim Obama is really pulling the strings while Biden is a puppet. Again, you guys say ALL of this stuff all the time. There are countless threads and posts here making these same claims. The only thing you're irked about is you've seen someone on video do it and it makes you realize how retarded you people actually sound to rest of the world.

You're a lost cause, at first I thought you were being facetious and sarcastic, now I see that you really believe what you're saying. :cuckoo:

All you're doing is flaming because you're a TDS tard, this thread doesn't belong here.
His personality is abrasive. But he sure did a good job as President.
Not going to argue how good or bad a job the former president did.
MY main beef is how he has divided Americans to such extremes that people wish other Americans dead, or losers
BECAUSE they belong to a different political party.
If this is what you consider good

From 2017 to 2021, he ran up the national debt more than any president in American history (and no, it wasn't due to COVID)

He handed out millions of checks of "free money" to the American populace directly resulting in our current inflation cycle

He presided over an illegal and unconstitutional rent moratorium in which tenants were excused from paying rent to their landlords for about 18 months

He rushed through the COVID vaccines, which you all colloquially named the "Clot Shot" and continues to take credit for this as one of his greatest accomplishments

Which president signed off on a bump stock ban and told Dianne Feinstein he was open to her assault weapons legislation?

He turned the country over to Anthony Fauci and told all 50 governors to shut their states down and criticized those who refused or went back to business as normal after only a couple of weeks

He handed out welfare payments to farmers after his tariffs against foreign countries sunk their exports

He refuses to answer the question as to whether or not a man can become a woman

He constantly made a spectacle of himself on the national stage, distracting from his agenda and costing support from Congress.

You have a very low bar if this is what you consider good.
He lowered TAX. The Economy was great. Except DURING COVID. He crushed ISIS while starting no NEW wars. Energy cost was LOW. Gas was LOW. Food prices were LOW. He got us out of that "Paris Accord". He nixed the "Iran Deal". And all this while the Dems and RINOS were stabbing him in the back. Not to mention the filthy MEDIA.
Not going to argue how good or bad a job the former president did.
MY main beef is how he has divided Americans to such extremes that people wish other Americans dead, or losers
BECAUSE they belong to a different political party.
President Trump didn't divide the nation. Democrats have. People who disagreed with Obama were called "racist". People who disagreed with Hillary were called "deplorable". Biden promised to bring us together, then called Trump supporters all kinds of hateful names.

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