Trump Voter Claims He Is Still President, But Can't Articulate How

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His personality is abrasive. But he sure did a good job as President.

Trump did a pretty good job as president, far better than the dementia ridden

If this is what you consider good

From 2017 to 2021, he ran up the national debt more than any president in American history (and no, it wasn't due to COVID)

He handed out millions of checks of "free money" to the American populace directly resulting in our current inflation cycle

He presided over an illegal and unconstitutional rent moratorium in which tenants were excused from paying rent to their landlords for about 18 months

He rushed through the COVID vaccines, which you all colloquially named the "Clot Shot" and continues to take credit for this as one of his greatest accomplishments

Which president signed off on a bump stock ban and told Dianne Feinstein he was open to her assault weapons legislation?

He turned the country over to Anthony Fauci and told all 50 governors to shut their states down and criticized those who refused or went back to business as normal after only a couple of weeks

He handed out welfare payments to farmers after his tariffs against foreign countries sunk their exports

He refuses to answer the question as to whether or not a man can become a woman

He constantly made a spectacle of himself on the national stage, distracting from his agenda and costing support from Congress.

You have a very low bar if this is what you consider good.
And yet it is you who runs to defend him in every single thread that criticizes him.

Sounds like he owns you.
Trump did a pretty good job as president, far better than the dementia ridden
person who is stooging for the shadow government.
Sad that the pandemic from China created an economic shutdown.
Trump did a pretty good job as president, far better than the dementia ridden
person who is stooging for the shadow government.
Sad that the pandemic from China created an economic shutdown.
Trump stunk as president. Those like you gave him vcredit for an economy he did not create. He inherited a growing economy from Obama. And he mishandled the pandemic whereas other countries were not in struggle near as long as we were. The economy began to stall before the pandemic.
Enjoying every day since losing the last election? That's good.

I don't know. Do you plan to throw another hissy fit and storm the Capitol if you lose again?
Are you going to loot, burn and assault Your fellow citizens all across the country because some thug died resisting arrest? Your team did real damage. We just scared some bureaucrats. Shows where your priorities are.
Trump did a pretty good job as president, far better than the dementia ridden
person who is stooging for the shadow government.
Sad that the pandemic from China created an economic shutdown.
That's nice.

Now let's talk about the delusional orange slob telling people he is still President.
Trump stunk as president. Those like you gave him vcredit for an economy he did not create. He inherited a growing economy from Obama. And he mishandled the pandemic whereas other countries were not in struggle near as long as we were. The economy began to stall before the pandemic.
Bullshit, stud. You couldn't be more wrong. Trump eased the stifling regulations that Obama
put in place. Lowered corporate and individual taxes which created more revenue.
No new wars, and was promoting peace in the middle east. Wages were out pacing inflation.
You need to stick to your ilk with your liberal bias.
Are you going to loot, burn and assault Your fellow citizens all across the country because some thug died resisting arrest? Your team did real damage. We just scared some bureaucrats. Shows where your priorities are.
See my signature. I’ve been very clear on where I stand regarding that kind of behavior.

How about you? Do you support riots by sore loser crybabies?
Tater’s voters claim he isn’t a vegetable, but they can’t articulate how.
Are you gonna be there?
No. How about you?

Also, please be careful about trying to breach a barricaded part of the building with a violent mob behind you, directly in front of an officer pointing a gun at you. Last time I checked, that’s not a very smart thing to do. :)

Yeah, it's funny, but it's also sad and alarming because as the person who posted this interview on X pointed out she is hardly alone. My first real foray into politics was when Mitt Romney ran for governor in 2002. I had voted for the first time in 2000 for Al Gore because in Boston everyone was pretty much a Democrat and I never paid much attention, but a friend of mine got me involved in the Romney campaign and then after 9-11 I gravitated over to the Republicans during the Bush administration. This was when the Republicans were the adults in the room and it was the Democrats who used to throw fits and make a spectacle of themselves in the media and on the floor of Congress. Bush got reelected because the party won the debate on policy and treated people, even the media who beat him up daily, with respect. Reagan had a successful eight years because he too, won the debate on policy and treated people with kindness and respect. He won 49 states on his reelection and only lost the 50th state by half a point. Reagan welcomed a big tent party. Today this is what the GOP is catering to:

Today's party is night and day from just 20 years ago. Now, the Republican Party is being led by an egocentric narcissist who does nothing but sew division throughout our country. They want to make his daughter-in-law a fixture in the RNC and are already touting his son for 2028. The party platform is now rife with paranoid warnings of conspiracies around every corner. A majority of Republican primary voters still believe the 2020 election was stolen despite that theory being thoroughly debunked, even by Trump's own appointed judges and former staff. It is now the Democrats, even with their share of extremists, who are taking on the role of "Dad." They are coming across as more reasonable and palatable to the electorate which is why they have been largely successful in the last three election cycles. The Republicans will not survive as a party if these people continue to make up their base.

Yet another TDS thread, how many does this make? If this were anyone else or about anyone else, we all know where this would go. :rolleyes:

The guy that is asking the questions is an idiot, he thinks he has some kind of 'gotchya' moment, while taking her comment out of context. So smart. 🤡
No. How about you?

Also, please be careful about trying to breach a barricaded part of the building with a violent mob behind you, directly in front of an officer pointing a gun at you. Last time I checked, that’s not a very smart thing to do. :)
If you're not gonna be there then neither am I. I was planning on going out for a beer with you afterwards and I was gonna buy.
Yet another TDS thread, how many does this make? If this were anyone else or about anyone else, we all know where this would go. :rolleyes:

The guy that is asking the questions is an idiot, he thinks he has some kind of 'gotchya' moment, while taking her comment out of context. So smart. 🤡
The delusional orange slob is telling people and implying that he is still president.

And it's not the first time. He has done it in his fundraising and on his website.
If you're not gonna be there then neither am I. I was planning on going out for a beer with you afterwards and I was gonna buy.
I don’t support rioting. You do.

You don’t want to face the consequences of rioting yourself but you support your fellow Trump supporters making really bad life choices.

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