Trump Voter Claims He Is Still President, But Can't Articulate How

Doesn't bother me a bit...Orange Man owns you.....Get a fucking life.
Like NOT posting here on USMB every woken moment of your life.

Look in the mirror to see who needs to Get a fucking Life.
And they don't sound all that different from a lot of the people who post here.

Like you? Options are like aholes, everyone has them.

For some odd reason you think your opinion matters and to hell with anyone else's and if you don't like someone else's opinion? Look out
There are people who SHOULD things to death. They think something SHOULD be that, so it is that way for them. That's why we do reality checks.

Yeah, it's funny, but it's also sad and alarming because as the person who posted this interview on X pointed out she is hardly alone. My first real foray into politics was when Mitt Romney ran for governor in 2002. I had voted for the first time in 2000 for Al Gore because in Boston everyone was pretty much a Democrat and I never paid much attention, but a friend of mine got me involved in the Romney campaign and then after 9-11 I gravitated over to the Republicans during the Bush administration. This was when the Republicans were the adults in the room and it was the Democrats who used to throw fits and make a spectacle of themselves in the media and on the floor of Congress. Bush got reelected because the party won the debate on policy and treated people, even the media who beat him up daily, with respect. Reagan had a successful eight years because he too, won the debate on policy and treated people with kindness and respect. He won 49 states on his reelection and only lost the 50th state by half a point. Reagan welcomed a big tent party. Today this is what the GOP is catering to:

Today's party is night and day from just 20 years ago. Now, the Republican Party is being led by an egocentric narcissist who does nothing but sew division throughout our country. They want to make his daughter-in-law a fixture in the RNC and are already touting his son for 2028. The party platform is now rife with paranoid warnings of conspiracies around every corner. A majority of Republican primary voters still believe the 2020 election was stolen despite that theory being thoroughly debunked, even by Trump's own appointed judges and former staff. It is now the Democrats, even with their share of extremists, who are taking on the role of "Dad." They are coming across as more reasonable and palatable to the electorate which is why they have been largely successful in the last three election cycles. The Republicans will not survive as a party if these people continue to make up their base.

Aw, so you’re upset that Republicans don’t treat you with “kindness, or respect” as you shit all over them? Poor baby. Suck it.

Yeah, it's funny, but it's also sad and alarming because as the person who posted this interview on X pointed out she is hardly alone. My first real foray into politics was when Mitt Romney ran for governor in 2002. I had voted for the first time in 2000 for Al Gore because in Boston everyone was pretty much a Democrat and I never paid much attention, but a friend of mine got me involved in the Romney campaign and then after 9-11 I gravitated over to the Republicans during the Bush administration. This was when the Republicans were the adults in the room and it was the Democrats who used to throw fits and make a spectacle of themselves in the media and on the floor of Congress. Bush got reelected because the party won the debate on policy and treated people, even the media who beat him up daily, with respect. Reagan had a successful eight years because he too, won the debate on policy and treated people with kindness and respect. He won 49 states on his reelection and only lost the 50th state by half a point. Reagan welcomed a big tent party. Today this is what the GOP is catering to:

Today's party is night and day from just 20 years ago. Now, the Republican Party is being led by an egocentric narcissist who does nothing but sew division throughout our country. They want to make his daughter-in-law a fixture in the RNC and are already touting his son for 2028. The party platform is now rife with paranoid warnings of conspiracies around every corner. A majority of Republican primary voters still believe the 2020 election was stolen despite that theory being thoroughly debunked, even by Trump's own appointed judges and former staff. It is now the Democrats, even with their share of extremists, who are taking on the role of "Dad." They are coming across as more reasonable and palatable to the electorate which is why they have been largely successful in the last three election cycles. The Republicans will not survive as a party if these people continue to make up their base.

I tried watching the videos, but I couldn't comprehend what I was hearing. I didn't comprehend that part about still voting for a president even if he murdered someone, I must not have heard that right. Sounds like the words from someone who is hospitalized in a mental institution.

And they don't sound all that different from a lot of the people who post here.

They don’t sound any different than most of you here. That’s what’s really bothering you.
Do you find it odd that these dumb rednecks always seem to out-earn those uber intelligent Libs?

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