Trump voters will not except losing in November

Just like the confederates never excepted losing the Civil War, which created the Ku Klux Klan.

There are many nazis even in this country today that haven't excepted losing WWII.

Both of these remnants make up the Trump voters, along with the Aryan nation and skin heads, and hundreds of other hate monger groups.

Fear mongers, like the NRA put out propaganda to convince these ignorant simpletons that the government is out to take away 300 million guns from the American people. Anyone with any common sense, knows it is impossible. But it really works to incite hate of the American government.

Everything Trump says is about hate. Hate of Muslims, hate of Mexicans, hate of government. There is no positive message in anything he says, unless you're a hater.

When he loses in November it will only infuriate his followers. This will be the end of the republican party.

"Accept," retard.
Just like the confederates never excepted losing the Civil War, which created the Ku Klux Klan.

There are many nazis even in this country today that haven't excepted losing WWII.

Both of these remnants make up the Trump voters, along with the Aryan nation and skin heads, and hundreds of other hate monger groups.

Fear mongers, like the NRA put out propaganda to convince these ignorant simpletons that the government is out to take away 300 million guns from the American people. Anyone with any common sense, knows it is impossible. But it really works to incite hate of the American government.

Everything Trump says is about hate. Hate of Muslims, hate of Mexicans, hate of government. There is no positive message in anything he says, unless you're a hater.

When he loses in November it will only infuriate his followers. This will be the end of the republican party.
Your extreme ignorance is showing.

Try again after you pass the second grade.
What would you know about the second grade? Your kind blows up schools.
Just like the confederates never excepted losing the Civil War, which created the Ku Klux Klan.

There are many nazis even in this country today that haven't excepted losing WWII.

Both of these remnants make up the Trump voters, along with the Aryan nation and skin heads, and hundreds of other hate monger groups.

Fear mongers, like the NRA put out propaganda to convince these ignorant simpletons that the government is out to take away 300 million guns from the American people. Anyone with any common sense, knows it is impossible. But it really works to incite hate of the American government.

Everything Trump says is about hate. Hate of Muslims, hate of Mexicans, hate of government. There is no positive message in anything he says, unless you're a hater.

When he loses in November it will only infuriate his followers. This will be the end of the republican party.

So in the same post the lefty suggests that Trump supporters will "not accept losing", smears them with comparisons to Nazis, claims they are all about hate,

And complains about the NRA "fearmongering".

Liberals: All the self awareness of a turnip.
When he loses in November it will only infuriate his followers. This will be the end of the republican party.

It won't be the end of the Republican party, though it might be our rebirth. I hope and pray that Trump supporters refuse to accept his defeat in November. I hope they gather on a remote island, declare themselves independent, and set up an exile government never to return.
If you don't give a fuck what my point is why are you quoting me?

Fucking retard

No the retards are the idiots like you bringing up Al Gore in 2016 because you can not stand the damn reality that Donald John Trump is the biggest fucking mistake the GOP has made since Barry Goldwater or following McCarthy and his red scare nonsense!

You're the fucking retard you worthless twat and please write about Johnson pot usage while ignoring you were once in jail you stupid twat, and you have the nerve to judge anyone!?!
Ahhh so you're quoting me because you're butthurt about something I said in another thread. A maturity level to be expected on this board i suppose. Go smoke a bong and relax my young padiwan

Who the hell are you?

That's right no one but a pathetic joke of human waste!

You get what you deserve and should be laughed off every board you're on!

You brought up Al Gore and then get offended when someone tell you that you're as retarded as those you are calling retarded.

So I will put you down as one of those that will write daily about how Donald John Trump was cheated and then watch you claim you never voted for the worthless kunt when you vote for Jerry Springer in 2020!

The biggest joke is the so-call Conservative RINO's voting for Trump and their nonsense about how Johnson smoke dope and yet I will bet you have smoked far worse shit than pot!
More butthurt stupidity. I'm opposed to Trump dummy. Let the butthurt flow

That is what you are claiming now but next week you will be writing you have no damn choice but to vote for the twat ( Trump ) because you fear Hillary will take something from you.
Hillary will be seen holding a fucking 'walker' within a month.
I predicted she'd quit do to 'health reasons' a few months ago.
The old grifter can't stand up anymore without holding onto something.
She'll NEVER subject herself to the specter of being helped to the debating stage. NEVER!
"Better Call Saul' AKA Biden.
Just like the confederates never excepted losing the Civil War, which created the Ku Klux Klan.

There are many nazis even in this country today that haven't excepted losing WWII.

Both of these remnants make up the Trump voters, along with the Aryan nation and skin heads, and hundreds of other hate monger groups.

Fear mongers, like the NRA put out propaganda to convince these ignorant simpletons that the government is out to take away 300 million guns from the American people. Anyone with any common sense, knows it is impossible. But it really works to incite hate of the American government.

Everything Trump says is about hate. Hate of Muslims, hate of Mexicans, hate of government. There is no positive message in anything he says, unless you're a hater.

When he loses in November it will only infuriate his followers. This will be the end of the republican party.
Your extreme ignorance is showing.

Try again after you pass the second grade.
Your kind blows up schools.
Could you explain the reasoning that you used to come to that ridiculous conclusion? Or are you too stupid to do that?

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