Trump vows revenge when elected

You took that out of context.
Trump loved Hillary after she conceded the 2016 election for a smooth transition of power. She even attended Trump's inaugaration as a show of support of the US elections and rule of law.
Trump did not concede defeat even after many legal cases that said the election was fair. Trump tried to stop the transition of power. He continues to not support our system. That is why he is facing legal issues.
That's laughable, Elmer! Hillary to this day is still trying to blame "Russian Collusion" for her defeat! Claiming that she EVER supported Trump in any way is bullshit of the highest order!
That's laughable, Elmer! Hillary to this day is still trying to blame "Russian Collusion" for her defeat! Claiming that she EVER supported Trump in any way is bullshit of the highest order!
She concededed the election. She attended Trump's innaugaration.
What the hell are you talking about.
Please show me any Hillary proof she is still contesting the election.
Listen to you whiner in charge of crying about the 2020 election. He will cry about the 2024 election if he loses. If he wins he will not complain.
She concededed the election. She attended Trump's innaugaration.
What the hell are you talking about.
Please show me any Hillary proof she is still contesting the election.
Listen to you whiner in charge of crying about the 2020 election. He will cry about the 2024 election if he loses. If he wins he will not complain.
Hillary attended because it's tradition for former Presidents and their First Ladies to attend. She really had no choice.
Claiming that her going was some kind of endorsement of the validity of the election is laughable. She has spent years since that election claiming that Trump only won because he was helped by Russia!
Hillary attended because it's tradition for former Presidents and their First Ladies to attend. She really had no choice.
Claiming that her going was some kind of endorsement of the validity of the election is laughable. She has spent years since that election claiming that Trump only won because he was helped by Russia!
PLEASE, you are making my point. Hillary went because she thought it was the right thing to do for the country. She didn't want to be there.

But is there is no choice, where in the hell were Donny and Melania?
They elected them. Nazis won the 1933 election. Who won the last election here?
You are showing you do not know history. It does not surprise me.
The NAZIs were never elected. In fact they were in two real elections and lost them bot.
In 1932 Hitler lost to Hindenburg through the political process. Hindenburg died and Hitler was appointed
You can thank me for straightening you out.

PLEASE, you are making my point. Hillary went because she thought it was the right thing to do for the country. She didn't want to be there.

But is there is no choice, where in the hell were Donny and Melania?
Hillary went because Bill went. Melania didn't go because Donald didn't go. Those were both choices. Why would you attend the swearing in of someone you thought stole an election? You do that if you're a politician trying to look don't if you're NOT a politician and could care less about playing the game! The Clinton's are the very definition of politicians...a couple who will do or say anything to remain in power. The Trumps are not.
You are showing you do not know history. It does not surprise me.
The NAZIs were never elected. In fact they were in two real elections and lost them bot.
In 1932 Hitler lost to Hindenburg through the political process. Hindenburg died and Hitler was appointed
You can thank me for straightening you out.

Didn't the Nazis take control of the Reichstag in '29? If memory serves me? Hitler never won an election but the Nazis as a Party certainly did.
And it's your side. And you support it.

All the people sporting swastikas swear allegiance to your side, and you lovingly tongue their rectums.

It's not a question of whether Trump cultists are similar to Nazis. They are. The only issue is whether they hold any positions of any sort that aren't identical to the positions held by the Nazis. Across the board, they seem to emulate the Nazis on every issue.

See you in November, Trump cult losers. Americans hate Nazis, and you're about to find that out.
Ya know, I bet you made a lot of Nazi comments when vaccines were being pushed. I bet you treated those that

didn't want to take it like Nazis did the Jews in Germany.
The easiest way for Trump to get even is to expose the NordStream terror attack and the involvement of Biden, Blinken, Sullivan, Nuland and the CIA. It’s a crime in any jurisdiction.
Get arrest warrants, lock them up and watch them turn against each other in exchange for a deal.
The easiest way for Trump to get even is to expose the NordStream terror attack and the involvement of Biden, Blinken, Sullivan, Nuland and the CIA. It’s a crime in any jurisdiction.
Get arrest warrants, lock them up and watch them turn against each other in exchange for a deal.
Actually the easiest way for Trump to get "even" is to do the same job he did for his first three years in office! Get the economy cranking again. Get wages up. Get inflation down. Make us energy independent. Secure the border. Get crime under control. Make the Middle East calm again. In other words do everything that Democrats have failed to do.

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