Trump Vows To ‘Destroy’ The Law That Bans Churches From Endorsing Candidates

and while IM at it, since its mostly churches that are pushing the democrat candidate, I fail to see how the libs can be upset with this. I mean, other than the fact that the honorable President Trump did it.

They already engage in politics in any democrat candidate in a black church or a left wing church.........the problem for them is that conservative churches do not engage in politics for fear of losing their tax exempt churches never have to fear this....if the law is ended, then the democrats will have to face conservative churches actually engaging in the political process......and that is a lot of power....
maybe, but to be honest, I cant see any of the churches that Ive gone to since the 60s trying to steer people in one political way over the other. Church is not about politics, its about God, Jesus, how to live your life etc.. the message is the same regardless of your political affiliation.
Or maybe Im looking at religion wrong.

We have father pfleger....he constantly pushes politics from the pulpit, but because he is a democrat, in chicago, and runs a church in a black has been hands off with his bullshit....
I think it would be a bad idea for MY CHURCH to start endorsing candidates, because we are about equally divided between Republicans and Democrats, and if some priest gets up on the podium and tells me to vote Democrat, I'm going to walk out of Mass.
The president wants to help churches become the new super PACs.

President Donald Trump has pledged to repeal a 50-year-old tax law that prohibits churches and other tax-exempt organizations from participating in political campaigns. If successful, the repeal could deal a major blow to the separation of church and state.

In an address to politicians and religious leaders gathered for the National Prayer Breakfast on Thursday, Trump declared: “I will get rid of and totally destroy the Johnson Amendment.”

The Johnson Amendment is a provision in the U.S. tax code named for Lyndon B. Johnson, who introduced it in Congress while he was still a senator. Congresspassed the amendment in 1954, banning 501(c)(3) organizations ― which includes churches and charities ― from engaging in political campaign activity. Such activity includes publicly endorsing and opposing candidates, contributing to campaign funds and distributing materials in favor or opposition of any candidate.

The Internal Revenue Service upholds the prohibition accordingly, investigating churches and faith leaders who use their tax-exempt platforms to engage in political organizing of this nature.

The amendment aims to preserve an already precarious church-state divide by limiting religious organizations’ ability to sway elections. But for Trump, repealing the amendment appears to be an issue of religious freedom. At Thursday’s event, the president claimed the law undermines Americans’ “right to worship according to our own beliefs,” thus conflating political campaigning and religious worship.

Trump could propose changes to the current tax code, but only Congress has the power to officially repeal the amendment. But the president could effectively nullify the law by directing the IRS not to enforce it, tax law professor David Herzig told The Washington Post. The GOP currently holds a majority in Congress.

More: Trump Vows To 'Destroy' The Law That Bans Churches From Endorsing Candidates

As the article states: This "could deal a major blow to the separation of church and state." We already have way too much religion in politics. We need less - not more. Take away their tax-exempt status.
Separation of church and state is not in the constitution. Jack weed
Washington Redskin
You ever get sick of drinking yourself to stupidity?
Religion is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated upon humankind. It's a plague.
Religion is man-made, not to be confused with faith.

Washington Redskin, you drink entirely too much…
I think it would be a bad idea for MY CHURCH to start endorsing candidates, because we are about equally divided between Republicans and Democrats, and if some priest gets up on the podium and tells me to vote Democrat, I'm going to walk out of Mass.

It's not just about endorsing politicians....the church could actually advocate against voting for candidates that support abortion or any number of anti-human laws......that is why the left loves the johnson amendment....they preach politics and issues from the pulpit...and then the democrats use the government to keep the other side from doing the same...
"An amendment, pushed by Lyndon Johnson many years ago, threatens religious institutions with a loss of their tax-exempt status if they openly advocate their political views."
Donald Trump on Thursday, July 21st, 2016 in a speech at the Republican convention

I lived in Salt Lake City for a short time during the 70's. The Mormon Church was threatened by the government that they would lose their tax exempt status if they didn't stop discriminating against blacks.


In June 1978, after “spending many hours in the Upper Room of the [Salt Lake] Temple supplicating the Lord for divine guidance,” Church President Spencer W. Kimball, his counselors in the First Presidency, and members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles received a revelation. “He has heard our prayers, and by revelation has confirmed that the long-promised day has come,” the First Presidency announced on June 8. The First Presidency stated that they were “aware of the promises made by the prophets and presidents of the Church who have preceded us” that “all of our brethren who are worthy may receive the priesthood.”21

Race and the Priesthood


Funny how they describe it. Like I said, I was living in Salt Lake City in the 70's when that happened. The government had given the Mormon Church a deadline. They would be losing their tax exempt status. Considering everyone in the church pledges a portion of their income, that amounts to many billions of dollars. A hefty tax bill looming. Their leader had a "vision from God" just in time. Suddenly blacks could join the church priesthood. The could always join the church. They were barred from being missionaries or entering the inner sanctum of the church. Then they could and they kept their tax exempt status.

Lucky God cared about their taxes, wouldn't you say?

Trump wants to get rid of that tax exempt status. Not just for churches. But charities and any tax exempt organization would now be free to discriminate without any drawback.

What the GOP has dreamed of doing since the 60's.
"An amendment, pushed by Lyndon Johnson many years ago, threatens religious institutions with a loss of their tax-exempt status if they openly advocate their political views."
Donald Trump on Thursday, July 21st, 2016 in a speech at the Republican convention

I lived in Salt Lake City for a short time during the 70's. The Mormon Church was threatened by the government that they would lose their tax exempt status if they didn't stop discriminating against blacks.


In June 1978, after “spending many hours in the Upper Room of the [Salt Lake] Temple supplicating the Lord for divine guidance,” Church President Spencer W. Kimball, his counselors in the First Presidency, and members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles received a revelation. “He has heard our prayers, and by revelation has confirmed that the long-promised day has come,” the First Presidency announced on June 8. The First Presidency stated that they were “aware of the promises made by the prophets and presidents of the Church who have preceded us” that “all of our brethren who are worthy may receive the priesthood.”21

Race and the Priesthood


Funny how they describe it. Like I said, I was living in Salt Lake City in the 70's when that happened. The government had given the Mormon Church a deadline. They would be losing their tax exempt status. Considering everyone in the church pledges a portion of their income, that amounts to many billions of dollars. A hefty tax bill looming. Their leader had a "vision from God" just in time. Suddenly blacks could join the church priesthood. The could always join the church. They were barred from being missionaries or entering the inner sanctum of the church. Then they could and they kept their tax exempt status.

Lucky God cared about their taxes, wouldn't you say?

Trump wants to get rid of that tax exempt status. Not just for churches. But charities and any tax exempt organization would now be free to discriminate without any drawback.

What the GOP has dreamed of doing since the 60's.
Go ahead. Do it. No tax exempt charities. None.
"An amendment, pushed by Lyndon Johnson many years ago, threatens religious institutions with a loss of their tax-exempt status if they openly advocate their political views."
Donald Trump on Thursday, July 21st, 2016 in a speech at the Republican convention

I lived in Salt Lake City for a short time during the 70's. The Mormon Church was threatened by the government that they would lose their tax exempt status if they didn't stop discriminating against blacks.


In June 1978, after “spending many hours in the Upper Room of the [Salt Lake] Temple supplicating the Lord for divine guidance,” Church President Spencer W. Kimball, his counselors in the First Presidency, and members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles received a revelation. “He has heard our prayers, and by revelation has confirmed that the long-promised day has come,” the First Presidency announced on June 8. The First Presidency stated that they were “aware of the promises made by the prophets and presidents of the Church who have preceded us” that “all of our brethren who are worthy may receive the priesthood.”21

Race and the Priesthood


Funny how they describe it. Like I said, I was living in Salt Lake City in the 70's when that happened. The government had given the Mormon Church a deadline. They would be losing their tax exempt status. Considering everyone in the church pledges a portion of their income, that amounts to many billions of dollars. A hefty tax bill looming. Their leader had a "vision from God" just in time. Suddenly blacks could join the church priesthood. The could always join the church. They were barred from being missionaries or entering the inner sanctum of the church. Then they could and they kept their tax exempt status.

Lucky God cared about their taxes, wouldn't you say?

Trump wants to get rid of that tax exempt status. Not just for churches. But charities and any tax exempt organization would now be free to discriminate without any drawback.

What the GOP has dreamed of doing since the 60's.
Go ahead. Do it. No tax exempt charities. None.
If that's what it takes to avoid becoming a theocracy, so be it.
Trump is desperate for the approval of others and always wants to look cool. The far right is his club now. He'll say anything to please them, and since they're a bunch of dumb fucking rubes, it doesn't even have to be true.
So you you are allegedly under the influence of coke and Russian hookers. Silly rant.
Trump wants to get rid of that tax exempt status. Not just for churches. But charities and any tax exempt organization would now be free to discriminate without any drawback.

What the GOP has dreamed of doing since the 60's.

Find a subject you know a little about to post. ANOTHER LIBERAL LIE.
"An amendment, pushed by Lyndon Johnson many years ago, threatens religious institutions with a loss of their tax-exempt status if they openly advocate their political views."
Donald Trump on Thursday, July 21st, 2016 in a speech at the Republican convention

I lived in Salt Lake City for a short time during the 70's. The Mormon Church was threatened by the government that they would lose their tax exempt status if they didn't stop discriminating against blacks.


In June 1978, after “spending many hours in the Upper Room of the [Salt Lake] Temple supplicating the Lord for divine guidance,” Church President Spencer W. Kimball, his counselors in the First Presidency, and members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles received a revelation. “He has heard our prayers, and by revelation has confirmed that the long-promised day has come,” the First Presidency announced on June 8. The First Presidency stated that they were “aware of the promises made by the prophets and presidents of the Church who have preceded us” that “all of our brethren who are worthy may receive the priesthood.”21

Race and the Priesthood


Funny how they describe it. Like I said, I was living in Salt Lake City in the 70's when that happened. The government had given the Mormon Church a deadline. They would be losing their tax exempt status. Considering everyone in the church pledges a portion of their income, that amounts to many billions of dollars. A hefty tax bill looming. Their leader had a "vision from God" just in time. Suddenly blacks could join the church priesthood. The could always join the church. They were barred from being missionaries or entering the inner sanctum of the church. Then they could and they kept their tax exempt status.

Lucky God cared about their taxes, wouldn't you say?

Trump wants to get rid of that tax exempt status. Not just for churches. But charities and any tax exempt organization would now be free to discriminate without any drawback.

What the GOP has dreamed of doing since the 60's.

Why did the Comrade ask for a prayer for Arnold Schwarzenegger because the celebrity apprentice T.V. reality show ratings have dropped? Is there any sense that he makes?

Since we have separation of church and state in this country, I doubt the U.S. Supreme court would look upon the church as a political action committee and allow them to accept donations, especially when they're tax exempt. If they did, heck next it would be schools and other public institutions that could do it also.
Trump is desperate for the approval of others and always wants to look cool. The far right is his club now. He'll say anything to please them, and since they're a bunch of dumb fucking rubes, it doesn't even have to be true.
So you you are allegedly under the influence of coke and Russian hookers. Silly rant.
True rant.
Don't be a whore. I am predicting you will be unable to control yourself. Throw up some more crap.
"An amendment, pushed by Lyndon Johnson many years ago, threatens religious institutions with a loss of their tax-exempt status if they openly advocate their political views."
Donald Trump on Thursday, July 21st, 2016 in a speech at the Republican convention

I lived in Salt Lake City for a short time during the 70's. The Mormon Church was threatened by the government that they would lose their tax exempt status if they didn't stop discriminating against blacks.


In June 1978, after “spending many hours in the Upper Room of the [Salt Lake] Temple supplicating the Lord for divine guidance,” Church President Spencer W. Kimball, his counselors in the First Presidency, and members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles received a revelation. “He has heard our prayers, and by revelation has confirmed that the long-promised day has come,” the First Presidency announced on June 8. The First Presidency stated that they were “aware of the promises made by the prophets and presidents of the Church who have preceded us” that “all of our brethren who are worthy may receive the priesthood.”21

Race and the Priesthood


Funny how they describe it. Like I said, I was living in Salt Lake City in the 70's when that happened. The government had given the Mormon Church a deadline. They would be losing their tax exempt status. Considering everyone in the church pledges a portion of their income, that amounts to many billions of dollars. A hefty tax bill looming. Their leader had a "vision from God" just in time. Suddenly blacks could join the church priesthood. The could always join the church. They were barred from being missionaries or entering the inner sanctum of the church. Then they could and they kept their tax exempt status.

Lucky God cared about their taxes, wouldn't you say?

Trump wants to get rid of that tax exempt status. Not just for churches. But charities and any tax exempt organization would now be free to discriminate without any drawback.

What the GOP has dreamed of doing since the 60's.

Why did the Comrade ask for a prayer for Arnold Schwarzenegger because the celebrity apprentice T.V. reality show ratings have dropped? Is there any sense that he makes?

Since we have separation of church and state in this country, I doubt the U.S. Supreme court would look upon the church as a political action committee and allow them to accept donations, especially when they're tax exempt. If they did, heck next it would be schools and other public institutions that could do it also.
It all comes down to how you define separation of church and state. I've heard Republicans say you have freedom OF religion but not freedom FROM religion.
The current status requires that religious organizations not participate in the political process.

However, the same rule doesn't apply for those attacking those same religious organizations.

Thus, you have the current secular-heavy government focus, with government-permitted attacks on Christianity.

Leveling the playing field would seem fair.
The current status requires that religious organizations not participate in the political process.

However, the same rule doesn't apply for those attacking those same religious organizations.

Thus, you have the current secular-heavy government focus, with government-permitted attacks on Christianity.

Leveling the playing field would seem fair.

Who's attacking religion and why?

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