Trump vs Clinton Debate.. Who wins?

I think Hillary will win the debates and if she doesn't win, you will be told repeatedly by all major news outlets that she DID win. It matters not how she performs... if she doesn't stroke out on stage, she wins... even if she strokes out... they will claim she won and the stroke was Trump's fault for beating up on her like a bully. You see what I'm getting at here? Trump cannot win the debate. Hillary's hopes rely on this debate and everyone knows that. She will simply not be allowed to lose by her supporters and sycophants.

There will be such a sales job done on how well Hillary did and how poorly Trump did, that even those of you on the right who actually thought Trump won, will start to question it. You will start to think, well, maybe he didn't do as well as I thought? So all of you who are hoping for Trump to mop the floor with her... get used to the idea because we can write the headlines already. Hillary wins the debates... because anything else means her campaign is done.

A liberal news source said yesterday that Hillary is cramming for the Debate and Trump is relaxing. The same news source said that 100 million people will watch the Debate, the same number who watch the Super Bowl. Even I know it is better to relax before a big test.
I think Hillary will win the debates and if she doesn't win, you will be told repeatedly by all major news outlets that she DID win. It matters not how she performs... if she doesn't stroke out on stage, she wins... even if she strokes out... they will claim she won and the stroke was Trump's fault for beating up on her like a bully. You see what I'm getting at here? Trump cannot win the debate. Hillary's hopes rely on this debate and everyone knows that. She will simply not be allowed to lose by her supporters and sycophants.

There will be such a sales job done on how well Hillary did and how poorly Trump did, that even those of you on the right who actually thought Trump won, will start to question it. You will start to think, well, maybe he didn't do as well as I thought? So all of you who are hoping for Trump to mop the floor with her... get used to the idea because we can write the headlines already. Hillary wins the debates... because anything else means her campaign is done.
Although neither will actually win the debate both sides will claim victory. The debates, if you want to call them that are just spectacles in which the voters have a chance to see both candidates on the same stage given the same questions to answer, or deflect. It's interesting watching how people determine the winner. Some score the candidates on how well and how factual they answer questions. Others based their opinion on who scored the most punches, and still other judge the candidates based on which candidate was the most entertaining.

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