Trump vs Open borders Democrat?

Do you prefer President Trump vs Open borders Democrat?

  • Open borders Democrat

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Is there a Democrat who is actually for open borders?

I guess I would have to know that first.
Is this a trick question? Why would anyone choose being an open border traitor to the American people?
Is there a Democrat who is actually for open borders?

I guess I would have to know that first.

They are ALL heading in that direction. Sanders and Warren REFUSE to even answer ANY questions about border security!! The far left of the Democratic party is an open borders party and you know the far left is driving the party now especially after Hillary lost!
Is there a Democrat who is actually for open borders?

I guess I would have to know that first.

They are ALL heading in that direction. Sanders and Warren REFUSE to even answer ANY questions about border security!! The far left of the Democratic party is an open borders party and you know the far left is driving the party now especially after Hillary lost!

Please post a link to where Dems, including Sanders and Warren refuse to answer questions about border security. I've seen them continuing to discuss it so I want to see them refuse.


Is there a Democrat who is actually for open borders?

I guess I would have to know that first.

They are ALL heading in that direction. Sanders and Warren REFUSE to even answer ANY questions about border security!! The far left of the Democratic party is an open borders party and you know the far left is driving the party now especially after Hillary lost!

Please name these "open borders party". I've never heard of them.


Is there a Democrat who is actually for open borders?

I guess I would have to know that first.

They are ALL heading in that direction. Sanders and Warren REFUSE to even answer ANY questions about border security!! The far left of the Democratic party is an open borders party and you know the far left is driving the party now especially after Hillary lost!

Please post a link to where Dems, including Sanders and Warren refuse to answer questions about border security. I've seen them continuing to discuss it so I want to see them refuse.



I saw them both interviewed during the campaign where they either dodged or REFUSED to answer questions about border security because they know it upsets their ILLEGAL alien loving open borders base!!
Please answer poll question.

Please name "open border Democrats".


------------------------------------------ Hilary and mrobama plus some and many 'dems' plus many rinos like 'jebito bush' and others are close enough to open border advocates for ME and many other Americans Luddley !!
------------------------------------------------------------------- REPEAT -------- there , right above is my answer Luddley . I said that 'hilary' and mrobama are close enough to being open border advocates for ME and many other Americans . Plus there are many rino type open border advocates Luddley !! :afro:
Is there a Democrat who is actually for open borders?

I guess I would have to know that first.

They are ALL heading in that direction. Sanders and Warren REFUSE to even answer ANY questions about border security!! The far left of the Democratic party is an open borders party and you know the far left is driving the party now especially after Hillary lost!
Sanders ....REFUSE to even answer ANY questions about border security!!

I suspect you believe what you wrote, but I know for sure you do not know what you are talking about, not with regard to what Sanders has had to say about open borders and not about his refusal to answer questions pertaining to open borders:
  • Bernie Sanders criticizes ‘open borders’ at Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
    • "What right-wing people in this country would love is an open-border policy. Bring in all kinds of people, work for $2 or $3 an hour, that would be great for them. I don't believe in that."

    • When reporters were invited to ask questions, all but one asked about immigration. CNN's Dan Merica read back some of Sanders's quotes about the 2007 immigration bill and invited the senator to respond.

      My concern about the bill that I voted against,” said Sanders, “was that there was too much emphasis on bringing low-wage workers into this country. What I want to see, and what is better about the recent bill, is a pathway toward citizenship, which is absolutely essential.”

    • In another answer, to Huffington Post reporter Elise Foley, Sanders insisted that he could support the 2013 immigration bill without favoring the surge in visas that Wall Street wanted. "There is a great difference in saying that we welcome immigrants, that we're going to provide a path toward citizenship to those immigrants that are in this country today, and saying: Oh, we're not going to have any borders at all," said Sanders.
  • Bernie Sanders: The Vox conversation
    • Interviewer: "I think if you take global poverty that seriously, it leads you to conclusions that in the US are considered out of political bounds. Things like sharply raising the level of immigration we permit, even up to a level of open borders."

      Sanders: "Open borders? No"
I don't pay much attention to what Sen. Warren says, so haven't much that I'm aware of off the top of my head about what she has or hasn't had to say about open borders. I can see that her website says,
"[Comprehensive immigration reform] must uphold existing laws, protecting our borders and enforcing our laws against recruiting, hiring, and exploiting undocumented workers."​
Based on that along with your utter ignorance about Sanders has had to say, both unbidden and in response to questions from interviewers/reporters, I suspect you also haven't any idea of what you're talking about with regard to her.
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Please answer poll question.
Who the hell is "Open Borders Democrat?"

I asked the same thing and look at the answers.

Both USApatriotz and pismoe

Just the usual twist and shout lies and not one bit of fact in sight.

They decide what they want to believe and then they lie around it.
I asked the same thing and look at the answers.

Both USApatriotz and pismoe

I saw the response from USApatriotz and responded to it.
well , what do you think of my asserting that 'illary' and mrobama and some rinos like 'jebito bush' are close enough to being open borders advocates that they essentially are open border advocates . The 3 that i mention , and many more are dangerous to the future of the USA and dangerous to existing Americans , especially young Americans because of their open border advocacy Xelor !!
Please answer poll question.
Who the hell is "Open Borders Democrat?"

Basically EVERY Democrat running for President now that Hillary's gone! Go ask Sanders or Warren about border security and see them give you a blank stare since they're scared to DEATH to offend their OPEN borders far left!!
Basically EVERY Democrat running for President now that Hillary's gone!

Well, that would be 22 individuals (see attachment) whose names I don't recognize and of whose positions I'm not aware. Have you found "open border" statements from each of them?


  • Democrats running for POTUS 2020.pdf
    209.1 KB · Views: 247
They are for very LAX border security in order to allow as many illegals as possible so it's analogous to open borders!

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