Trump vs Science


Gold Member
Sep 28, 2016
Trump ran boasting that Global Warming was a hoax.

His feeble minded supporters agreed.

Here are some real facts unlike Trump's alternative facts.

Believe the science & scientist not the politicians. Vote in November with this in mind. The clock is ticking.

Undeniable climate change facts - CNN Video
Well it was sunny earlier and I be damn if it isn’t cloudy now. Oh my gawd we’re all gonna die.
Sadly, a lot of people have been conned into believing that climate change is a huge conspiracy by the scientific community, to ensure continued funding for their research.
Seems this site is a magnet for conspiracy nutters, and climate denialism is fundamental to their belief systems.
This study spells out the disaster that is happening right now, the rapid destruction of the coral reefs, particularly Australia's iconic Great Barrier Reef.
But I don't expect the conspiracy nutters to waste their time actually learning anything that might throw doubt on their dearly held misconceptions.
Just a tiny part of this one study:
Sea temperatures in the tropics have increased by almost 1°C over the past 100 years and are
currently increasing at the rate of approximately 1-2°C per century. Reef-building corals, which
are central to healthy coral reefs, are currently living close to their thermal maxima......
Corals may also adapt in evolutionary time, but such changes are expected to take hundreds of years, suggesting that the quality of the world’s reefs will decline at rates that are faster than expected. Every coral reef examined in Southeast Asia, the Pacific and Caribbean show the same trend.
Trump ran boasting that Global Warming was a hoax.

His feeble minded supporters agreed.

Here are some real facts unlike Trump's alternative facts.

Believe the science & scientist not the politicians. Vote in November with this in mind. The clock is ticking.

Undeniable climate change facts - CNN Video
CNN is real facts.

Sadly, a lot of people have been conned into believing that climate change is a huge conspiracy by the scientific community, to ensure continued funding for their research.
Seems this site is a magnet for conspiracy nutters, and climate denialism is fundamental to their belief systems.
This study spells out the disaster that is happening right now, the rapid destruction of the coral reefs, particularly Australia's iconic Great Barrier Reef.
But I don't expect the conspiracy nutters to waste their time actually learning anything that might throw doubt on their dearly held misconceptions.
Just a tiny part of this one study:
Sea temperatures in the tropics have increased by almost 1°C over the past 100 years and are
currently increasing at the rate of approximately 1-2°C per century. Reef-building corals, which
are central to healthy coral reefs, are currently living close to their thermal maxima......
Corals may also adapt in evolutionary time, but such changes are expected to take hundreds of years, suggesting that the quality of the world’s reefs will decline at rates that are faster than expected. Every coral reef examined in Southeast Asia, the Pacific and Caribbean show the same trend.
Providing ZERO evidence that any anthropogenic source is the cause.
Trump ran boasting that Global Warming was a hoax

Climate change is real. Co2 in the atmosphere has nothing to do with it.

Your fudgebaking heroes won't even allow these questions to be asked by the media... including Fox...

1. WHY does one Earth polar circle have 9 times the ice of the other?

2. During the past million years, Greenland froze while North American thawed, all at the same time on the same planet with the same atmosphere with the same amount of Co2 in the atmosphere, so what did Co2 have to do with either event?

Science is about truth and facts, which is why the LEFT never gets it right.

PARROTING left wing lies is not SCIENCE
feeble minded
who the F cares?? don't you have an air conditioner ?
tough shit for those living near the coast
no one can stop climate change!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1. WHY does one Earth polar circle have 9 times the ice of the other?
Pretty simple, really:
The South Pole is in the middle of a continent, the North Pole is in the middle of an ocean.

2. During the past million years, Greenland froze while North American thawed, all at the same time on the same planet with the same atmosphere with the same amount of Co2 in the atmosphere, so what did Co2 have to do with either event?
Greenland was frozen when N America was frozen, and Greenland is way North of N America, and has (until recently) remained frozen, just as Antarctica is.
And the warming and cooling of the planet has been driven by variations in the Earth's orbit, the so-called Milankovitch Cycles
Trump ran boasting that Global Warming was a hoax.

His feeble minded supporters agreed.

Here are some real facts unlike Trump's alternative facts.

Believe the science & scientist not the politicians. Vote in November with this in mind. The clock is ticking.

Undeniable climate change facts - CNN Video

The climate changes... color me shocked.

Wow,.What a brilliant response. The climate changes.,

This is like the 2 pack a day smoker ignoring the cancer warnings & saying " People die"

But be the stupid fuck you are & ingore that it is man that is changing it & it is not changing for the good.

You people are dumber than shit. Your offspring will suffer for you gross stupidity.
Trump ran boasting that Global Warming was a hoax

Climate change is real. Co2 in the atmosphere has nothing to do with it.

Your fudgebaking heroes won't even allow these questions to be asked by the media... including Fox...

1. WHY does one Earth polar circle have 9 times the ice of the other?

2. During the past million years, Greenland froze while North American thawed, all at the same time on the same planet with the same atmosphere with the same amount of Co2 in the atmosphere, so what did Co2 have to do with either event?

Science is about truth and facts, which is why the LEFT never gets it right.

PARROTING left wing lies is not SCIENCE
Sorry but increased CO2 => Increased greenhouse effect => warmer temps.

Proven science.,

There are lots of factors the determine the climate. Increased carbon is one.
1. WHY does one Earth polar circle have 9 times the ice of the other?
Pretty simple, really:
The South Pole is in the middle of a continent, the North Pole is in the middle of an ocean.

2. During the past million years, Greenland froze while North American thawed, all at the same time on the same planet with the same atmosphere with the same amount of Co2 in the atmosphere, so what did Co2 have to do with either event?
Greenland was frozen when N America was frozen, and Greenland is way North of N America, and has (until recently) remained frozen, just as Antarctica is.
And the warming and cooling of the planet has been driven by variations in the Earth's orbit, the so-called Milankovitch Cycles
Woe, better send that to NASA because they never ever thought of that.

Trump ran boasting that Global Warming was a hoax.

His feeble minded supporters agreed.

Here are some real facts unlike Trump's alternative facts.

Believe the science & scientist not the politicians. Vote in November with this in mind. The clock is ticking.

Undeniable climate change facts - CNN Video

Global Warming, as in “caused by human activity” is in fact a hoax.
Sadly, a lot of people have been conned into believing that climate change is a huge conspiracy by the scientific community, to ensure continued funding for their research.
Seems this site is a magnet for conspiracy nutters, and climate denialism is fundamental to their belief systems.
This study spells out the disaster that is happening right now, the rapid destruction of the coral reefs, particularly Australia's iconic Great Barrier Reef.
But I don't expect the conspiracy nutters to waste their time actually learning anything that might throw doubt on their dearly held misconceptions.
Just a tiny part of this one study:
Sea temperatures in the tropics have increased by almost 1°C over the past 100 years and are
currently increasing at the rate of approximately 1-2°C per century. Reef-building corals, which
are central to healthy coral reefs, are currently living close to their thermal maxima......
Corals may also adapt in evolutionary time, but such changes are expected to take hundreds of years, suggesting that the quality of the world’s reefs will decline at rates that are faster than expected. Every coral reef examined in Southeast Asia, the Pacific and Caribbean show the same trend.
Providing ZERO evidence that any anthropogenic source is the cause.

Keep your head up Trump's ass. Ignore the science.

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