Trump vs. the Deep State.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
If the United States is going to survive as the only remaining place on earth where a vibrant middle class along with life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are the core values that drive its existence then individual citizens must recognize that the single greatest threat to our way of life is the US government, its corrupt political establishment bolstered by the Deep State and the confiscatory taxation that supports them. It’s essentially a failed centrally-planned society.

Most of the societal problems plaguing American society today can be traced back to 1964-1965 and a revealing piece of work issued by Daniel Patrick Moynihan, then assistant Secretary of Labor under John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson.

Its title was The Negro Family, a Case for National Action. In it Moynihan, a trained sociologist, argued that even in the face of diminishing unemployment in the society at large, welfare rolls were exploding as fathers disappeared from the family structure while single motherhood was growing by leaps and bounds. His warning was that this practice would create a permanent underclass.

Moynihan, the only real expert, was attacked by academics and politicians alike as blaming the black Americans that had been made helpless and dependent because of slavery. The fact that young healthy, able-bodied males were invited to impregnate as many females as they could and then walk away from any responsibility was apparently overlooked by Moynihan’s critics.

Today we have permanent underclass consisting not just of blacks but of every demographic imaginable and single-motherhood is as ubiquitous as cell phones. About forty percent of the US population is being paid not to work and this has become problematic because central planning must be supported by the taxation of citizens who are actually employed.

Central planners never abandon the plan so today they are in the process of importing foreign labor to actually do the work that so many Americans are being paid to avoid. This is leading to the destruction of our culture but the Deep State is so invested in the plan that it sees the disappearance of American Exceptionalism as the greater good to preserve the plan.

Go to your back yard and scrape a line in the dirt with your foot. Stand on the line and spit. See how far it goes. That’s how far you should trust the US government. Even Trump can’t fix this mess.
Yes!! DEEP STATE!:420::woohoo:
Do you have something substantial to contribute or just trolling?

Maybe you are not aware of forum rules since you started recently. "Politics" is Zone 2 forum so your trolling is against the rules. You like to play by the rules, don't you?
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Yes!! DEEP STATE!:420::woohoo:
Do you have something substantial to contribute or just trolling?

Maybe you are not aware of forum rules since you started recently. "Politics" is Zone 2 forum so your trolling is against the rules. You like to play by the rules, don't you?

The Deep State cannot finance itself. It's been running out of money for a long time. It needs new revenue because the underclass contributes nothing. It's the classic case of the evil leading the stupid. The Deep State will take America down if it can.
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Trump is not fighting the deep state lol

Trump is treading water and will swim to ANYONE willing to throw him a dingy.

The man is as wishy washy as they come.
Yes!! DEEP STATE!:420::woohoo:
Do you have something substantial to contribute or just trolling?

Maybe you are not aware of forum rules since you started recently. "Politics" is Zone 2 forum so your trolling is against the rules. You like to play by the rules, don't you?

The Deep State cannot finance itself.
My reply was to "Aldo Raine" as the quote box clearly indicates it.
I understand your post about Deep State. You are good.
Yes!! DEEP STATE!:420::woohoo:
Do you have something substantial to contribute or just trolling?

Maybe you are not aware of forum rules since you started recently. "Politics" is Zone 2 forum so your trolling is against the rules. You like to play by the rules, don't you?
Calm down inspector clueso lol
I am calm Gramps. Ppposing opinions are not trolling but that imbecile posted nothing substantial clearly a stupid remark with childish smileys.
Interesting how conservatives place the most blame for their personal failures on the results of the Civil War and the Civil Right's movement.
Yes!! DEEP STATE!:420::woohoo:
Do you have something substantial to contribute or just trolling?

Maybe you are not aware of forum rules since you started recently. "Politics" is Zone 2 forum so your trolling is against the rules. You like to play by the rules, don't you?

The Deep State cannot finance itself.
My reply was to "Aldo Raine" as the quote box clearly indicates it.
I understand your post about Deep State. You are good.

Sorry, the quote feature on this forum is a little more confusing than most.
Yes!! DEEP STATE!:420::woohoo:
Do you have something substantial to contribute or just trolling?

Maybe you are not aware of forum rules since you started recently. "Politics" is Zone 2 forum so your trolling is against the rules. You like to play by the rules, don't you?
Calm down inspector clueso lol
I am calm Gramps. Ppposing opinions are not trolling but that imbecile posted nothing substantial clearly a stupid remark with childish smileys.
He did but we all do it from time to time. Some more than others. I won't mention any name but keep that damn mirror away from me.
Yes!! DEEP STATE!:420::woohoo:
Do you have something substantial to contribute or just trolling?

Maybe you are not aware of forum rules since you started recently. "Politics" is Zone 2 forum so your trolling is against the rules. You like to play by the rules, don't you?

Wht don't you call ir something real cool like shadow government!

Hello New Troll,

Why don't you post something On Topic with regard to the OP instead of posting Troll Post # 2....or are you working on subsequent Troll posts?

You need to read the rules of this forum, it's Zone 2 Politics.

Yes!! DEEP STATE!:420::woohoo:
Do you have something substantial to contribute or just trolling?

Maybe you are not aware of forum rules since you started recently. "Politics" is Zone 2 forum so your trolling is against the rules. You like to play by the rules, don't you?

Wht don't you call ir something real cool like shadow government!

Hello New Troll,

Why don't you post something On Topic with regard to the OP instead of posting Troll Post # 2....or are you working on subsequent Troll posts?

You need to read the rules of this forum, it's Zone 2 Politics.

View attachment 149247

Where is this University located?
If the United States is going to survive as the only remaining place on earth where a vibrant middle class along with life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are the core values that drive its existence then individual citizens must recognize that the single greatest threat to our way of life is the US government, its corrupt political establishment bolstered by the Deep State and the confiscatory taxation that supports them. It’s essentially a failed centrally-planned society.

Most of the societal problems plaguing American society today can be traced back to 1964-1965 and a revealing piece of work issued by Daniel Patrick Moynihan, then assistant Secretary of Labor under John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson.

Its title was The Negro Family, a Case for National Action. In it Moynihan, a trained sociologist, argued that even in the face of diminishing unemployment in the society at large, welfare rolls were exploding as fathers disappeared from the family structure while single motherhood was growing by leaps and bounds. His warning was that this practice would create a permanent underclass.

Moynihan, the only real expert, was attacked by academics and politicians alike as blaming the black Americans that had been made helpless and dependent because of slavery. The fact that young healthy, able-bodied males were invited to impregnate as many females as they could and then walk away from any responsibility was apparently overlooked by Moynihan’s critics.

Today we have permanent underclass consisting not just of blacks but of every demographic imaginable and single-motherhood is as ubiquitous as cell phones. About forty percent of the US population is being paid not to work and this has become problematic because central planning must be supported by the taxation of citizens who are actually employed.

Central planners never abandon the plan so today they are in the process of importing foreign labor to actually do the work that so many Americans are being paid to avoid. This is leading to the destruction of our culture but the Deep State is so invested in the plan that it sees the disappearance of American Exceptionalism as the greater good to preserve the plan.

Go to your back yard and scrape a line in the dirt with your foot. Stand on the line and spit. See how far it goes. That’s how far you should trust the US government. Even Trump can’t fix this mess.

"John F. Kennedy"

I don't think the American nation would have experienced so many of the problems it has if President John F. Kennedy would have been allowed to remain on this earth.

He knew and spoke out about who America's Black Hats are....and that's why they murdered him.



^^^^ The relevant portion of the speech, the video duration is five minutes and twenty three seconds.

John F. Kennedy WASN'T talking about Communism or the Communists, he was talking about what we now refer to as International Globalists, they murdered JFK and if they can they'll murder Donald Trump who is a danger to them as JFK was.

R. I. P. John F. Kennedy.

If the United States is going to survive as a place where a vibrant middle class endowed with life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are the core values that drive its existence then individual citizens must recognize that the single greatest threat to our way of life is an ever expanding government, its corrupt political establishment housing a the Deep State bureaucracy and the confiscatory taxation that supports it all. It’s essentially a failed centrally-planned society.

Most of the societal problems plaguing America today can be traced back to 1964-1965 and a revealing piece of work issued by Daniel Patrick Moynihan, then Assistant Secretary of Labor under John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson.

The Moynihan Report was critical of the War on Poverty and its platform that heralded the insulting conclusion that slavery had made Black Americans culturally inferior and unable to fend for themselves without government intervention.

Moynihan, a trained sociologist, argued that even in the face of diminishing unemployment in the society at large, welfare rolls were exploding as fathers disappeared from families while single motherhood was growing by leaps and bounds. His warning was that this practice would create a permanent underclass.

Moynihan was attacked by academics and politicians alike for daring to suggest that African Americans were in control of their own destinies but were reacting to government interference encouraging them to forego the traditional family structure and embark on a strategy of out-of-wedlock births guaranteed to sustain and perpetuate the dependency of abandoned children and single mothers.

Today we have permanent underclass consisting not just of blacks but of every demographic imaginable and single-motherhood is as ubiquitous as cell phones. About forty percent of the US population has been lured out of the workforce and this has become problematic because central planning and the Deep State must be supported by the extracted taxation of citizens who are actually employed.

This is what DACA or the Dream Act is all about. Central planning has failed here just like it did in the Soviet Union because the math just doesn’t add up. The Deep State here is in the process of importing new taxpayers to preserve the same old plan that has failed us and of course they will destroy our culture while they’re at it.

The government and the political establishment cannot be trusted. That’s why we elected Trump.
This is what DACA or the Dream Act is all about. Central planning has failed here just like it did in the Soviet Union because the math just doesn’t add up. The Deep State here is in the process of importing new taxpayers to preserve the same old plan that has failed us and of course they will destroy our culture while they’re at it.
It is about more than just taxes.
Yes!! DEEP STATE!:420::woohoo:
Do you have something substantial to contribute or just trolling?

Maybe you are not aware of forum rules since you started recently. "Politics" is Zone 2 forum so your trolling is against the rules. You like to play by the rules, don't you?

The Deep State cannot finance itself. It's been running out of money for a long time. It needs new revenue because the underclass contributes nothing. It's the classic case of the evil leading the stupid. The Deep State will take America down if it can.

What is your solution?
This is what DACA or the Dream Act is all about. Central planning has failed here just like it did in the Soviet Union because the math just doesn’t add up. The Deep State here is in the process of importing new taxpayers to preserve the same old plan that has failed us and of course they will destroy our culture while they’re at it.
It is about more than just taxes.

Absolutely so I wrote it again:

If the United States is going to survive as a place where a vibrant middle class endowed with life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are the core values that drive its existence then individual citizens must recognize that the single greatest threat to our way of life is an ever expanding government, its corrupt political establishment housing a the Deep State bureaucracy and the confiscatory taxation that supports it all.

Most of the societal problems plaguing America today can be traced back to 1964-1965 and a revealing piece of work issued by Daniel Patrick Moynihan, then Assistant Secretary of Labor under John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson.

The Moynihan Report was critical of the War on Poverty and its platform that heralded the insulting conclusion that slavery had made Black Americans culturally inferior and unable to fend for themselves without government intervention.

Moynihan, a trained sociologist, argued that even in the face of diminishing unemployment in the society at large, welfare rolls were exploding as fathers disappeared from families while single motherhood was growing by leaps and bounds. His warning was that this practice would create a permanent underclass.

Moynihan was attacked by academics and politicians alike for daring to suggest that African Americans were in control of their own destinies but were reacting to government interference encouraging them to forego the traditional family structure and embark on a strategy of out-of-wedlock births guaranteed to sustain and perpetuate the dependency of abandoned children and single mothers. It was a Deep-State dry run for the great globalist betrayal underway as we speak.

Today we have a permanent underclass consisting of every demographic imaginable and single-motherhood is ubiquitous. About forty percent of the US population has been lured out of the workforce to make way for the coming introduction of globalist refugees to process the sellout of our way of life.

This is what DACA or the Dream Act is all about. Central planning has failed here just like it did in the Soviet Union because the math just doesn’t add up. But it was never meant to succeed. American society has to be destroyed in order to facilitate a new world order and our political establishment is in it up to their necks.

The government and the political establishment cannot be trusted. That’s why we elected Trump. Build that wall!

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