Trump Walked into Room with Pelosi and Schumer, BLASTED THEM, Cancelled Mtg And Walked Out!

The OP failed to mention that Trump also refused to do anything about lowering the price of prescription drugs unless the democrats stop investigating him. In most circles, this would be referred to as holding the American public hostage for his own purposes. The sadness of it is that the president of the country would punish his own constituency. The ironic part of it is that almost 50 percent of the voters are republicans, and they will continue to pay high drug prices as well. Oh well. They can join the Midwest farmers in drinking the Kool-Aid.
Voting for democrats so that they can in turn try to oust the winner.
Makes sense in emotional derangement land.
If you have a problem with oversight and accountibility, go campaign for an amendment giving the President absolute power.
Problem is there is nothing to “oversight”, your boy Mueller said so and you can’t accept that so you keep making up fake scenarios that are in need of “investigation”
There is plenty to oversight. That’s why Trump is trying to silence everyone and keep information hidden.
The old “prove it” is from childhood and “prove yourself innocent” is from the sinister adulthood you are proposing and we are thwarting.
Trump’s behavior and obstruction brought us to this. He is burying an investigation that his own AG initiated, that was left open ended, and now we must close it.
It was closed for you by Mueller and Barr. Liberal posters on the internet aren't the party to initiate, further abd reopen investigations.
I’m cool with it, whatever keeps the chaos going and the government tied up in knots
President Trump spoke with reporters on Wednesday morning following his meeting with Democrats Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.

This was also after Pelosi told reporters earlier that President Trump was involved in a “cover-up.”

President Trump left the meetings and held an impromptu press conference with the liberal White House press corps.

President Trump told reporters, “I don’t do cover-ups.”

Trump again told reporters there was “no collusion” and “obstruction.”

According to the Number 2 Democrat in the US Senate, Dick Durbin, the president walked into the room with Pelosi and Schumer, blasted them, cancelled the meeting on the spot and walked out!

It was a short meeting!

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Why would anyone stand for these pieces of shit who want to impeach him....GO TRUMP!

He makes such a great 2 year old.

If you walked into a meeting with person or people who made a public baseless accusation against you within the past hour, how can you seriously sit down and meet with them?

There is more evidence that the Democrats spied on Trump. Either the Democrats move on from these bullshit accusations and specious threats of Impeachment, or its time for Trump to go after them for spying.
Are poor Chuckles The Clown and Pisslosi mad because the can't push this President around? Good. About time this two goofs got what they deserved. No Chuck, jaws wouldn't drop at what you and your hag were called. We'd be CHEERING and saying you deserve it.
Trump today:

Smart of Pelosi to throw down the “you’re covering up” one hour before a supposedly cooperative meeting. That sort of stuff works every time in fostering participation and cooperation.
The Left will be getting their heads handed to them in 2020.

The Political momentum is all with Trump and against The Left Tard Horde of Incompetent and Unaccomplished Idiots all wanting to be President.

Super Majority 2020!

This post will come back to haunt you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Only if Trump loses and a troll digs it up. Just like if your response is dug up after a Trump win.
Wow Trump is a lot dumber than I thought.

He is now saying to all of America that will hold American economy hostage to get himself personally out of the Congressional investigation.

Pelosi and Schummer probably can't belive this chump folds over this easily.


Is that the giffy you will use to explain to America why Trump is putting our economy secondary to his personal interests?

Did Trump put illegal wetbacks ahead of our economy or was that the Party Of Wetbacks And Filth?
President Trump spoke with reporters on Wednesday morning following his meeting with Democrats Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.

This was also after Pelosi told reporters earlier that President Trump was involved in a “cover-up.”

President Trump left the meetings and held an impromptu press conference with the liberal White House press corps.

President Trump told reporters, “I don’t do cover-ups.”

Trump again told reporters there was “no collusion” and “obstruction.”

According to the Number 2 Democrat in the US Senate, Dick Durbin, the president walked into the room with Pelosi and Schumer, blasted them, cancelled the meeting on the spot and walked out!

It was a short meeting!

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Why would anyone stand for these pieces of shit who want to impeach him....GO TRUMP!

He makes such a great 2 year old.

If you walked into a meeting with person or people who made a public baseless accusation against you within the past hour, how can you seriously sit down and meet with them?

There is more evidence that the Democrats spied on Trump. Either the Democrats move on from these bullshit accusations and specious threats of Impeachment, or its time for Trump to go after them for spying.

so why even schedule it then?

then there is always the idea of being the better man.
Wow Trump is a lot dumber than I thought.

He is now saying to all of America that will hold American economy hostage to get himself personally out of the Congressional investigation.

Pelosi and Schummer probably can't belive this chump folds over this easily.


Is that the giffy you will use to explain to America why Trump is putting our economy secondary to his personal interests?

Did Trump put illegal wetbacks ahead of our economy or was that the Party Of Wetbacks And Filth?

Trump put politics ahead of getting rid of them
President Trump spoke with reporters on Wednesday morning following his meeting with Democrats Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.

This was also after Pelosi told reporters earlier that President Trump was involved in a “cover-up.”

President Trump left the meetings and held an impromptu press conference with the liberal White House press corps.

President Trump told reporters, “I don’t do cover-ups.”

Trump again told reporters there was “no collusion” and “obstruction.”

According to the Number 2 Democrat in the US Senate, Dick Durbin, the president walked into the room with Pelosi and Schumer, blasted them, cancelled the meeting on the spot and walked out!

It was a short meeting!

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Why would anyone stand for these pieces of shit who want to impeach him....GO TRUMP!

He makes such a great 2 year old.

If you walked into a meeting with person or people who made a public baseless accusation against you within the past hour, how can you seriously sit down and meet with them?

There is more evidence that the Democrats spied on Trump. Either the Democrats move on from these bullshit accusations and specious threats of Impeachment, or its time for Trump to go after them for spying.

so why even schedule it then?

then there is always the idea of being the better man.

Meeting aside, it’s time to put up or shut up. At this point, Impeachment is nothing but a fetish for the Trump haters.
President Trump spoke with reporters on Wednesday morning following his meeting with Democrats Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.

This was also after Pelosi told reporters earlier that President Trump was involved in a “cover-up.”

President Trump left the meetings and held an impromptu press conference with the liberal White House press corps.

President Trump told reporters, “I don’t do cover-ups.”

Trump again told reporters there was “no collusion” and “obstruction.”

According to the Number 2 Democrat in the US Senate, Dick Durbin, the president walked into the room with Pelosi and Schumer, blasted them, cancelled the meeting on the spot and walked out!

It was a short meeting!

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Why would anyone stand for these pieces of shit who want to impeach him....GO TRUMP!

He makes such a great 2 year old.

If you walked into a meeting with person or people who made a public baseless accusation against you within the past hour, how can you seriously sit down and meet with them?

There is more evidence that the Democrats spied on Trump. Either the Democrats move on from these bullshit accusations and specious threats of Impeachment, or its time for Trump to go after them for spying.

so why even schedule it then?

then there is always the idea of being the better man.

Meeting aside, it’s time to put up or shut up. At this point, Impeachment is nothing but a fetish for the Trump haters.

That is all it has ever been. Red meat for the faithful. Not unlike the chants of "lock her up" remember those, don't you?
Pelosi needs to come up with specifics. Otherwise, she’s a child making shit up for attention.
So throw out a big “f**k you” and an hour later blame him for not graciously receiving it. I know it’s foreign territory for the pajama boy, basement dwelling, on the dole , cuckolded”males” but men don’t respond well to pussy pushed attacks like that.
The OP failed to mention that Trump also refused to do anything about lowering the price of prescription drugs unless the democrats stop investigating him. In most circles, this would be referred to as holding the American public hostage for his own purposes. The sadness of it is that the president of the country would punish his own constituency. The ironic part of it is that almost 50 percent of the voters are republicans, and they will continue to pay high drug prices as well. Oh well. They can join the Midwest farmers in drinking the Kool-Aid.

Everything about the orange penis is about him he could give a rat's ass about his base nor the American public he is the original "I'll take my ball and go home if you don't play by my made up rules".
It bears repeating. If you are paying too much for RX, then you are S.o.L., because Trump is not going to do anything about it, unless the mean old democrats stop investigating him. It is all a part of his making America great again. If that doesn't work, he is going to hold his breath until he turns blue.
If Trump doesn't work with them on anything, it puts them in a huge bind. They have big donors and party loyalists who want certain big ticket items completed, many in infrastructure, and now they will be quite angry it isn't being done due to their insistence on impeachment and constant abuse of the President.

I said this before, he signs every Bill. He can get it all done, full funding of wall, immigration reform, the USMCA signed, the whole works, if he just holds his ground and says "you aren't giving me anything, disrespecting the Will of the American voter, now, YOU get nothing in return. Enjoy your campaign against me".

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