Trump Walked into Room with Pelosi and Schumer, BLASTED THEM, Cancelled Mtg And Walked Out!

Smart of Pelosi to throw down the “you’re covering up” one hour before a supposedly cooperative meeting. That sort of stuff works every time in fostering participation and cooperation.
Enough time for trump to muster up that "impromptu" sign that read "No Collusion" /huh?

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Smart of Pelosi to throw down the “you’re covering up” one hour before a supposedly cooperative meeting. That sort of stuff works every time in fostering participation and cooperation.
Enough time for trump to muster up that "impromptu" sign that read "No Collusion" /huh?

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Clinton and Nixon had no problem negotiating deals and passing bills in the midst of their impeachment proceedings, because they knew Americans have a soft spot for politicians getting things done.

...Trump seems to have a very different theory of governing.
I don't concern mysel.f with approval ratings unless it is a continued move in one direction for weeks or months.

You could take a hit once in a while, but memories are not quite THAT short, it adds up and if Democrats can convince the public that Trump is out for himself first and foremost his goose is cooked.
Any type of deal progressives would come up with would be one-sided… Their side. So why bother?

Thats not what Trump is saying though - he is saying that he will not do ANY deals, even if they are good for American economy, untill investigations into his misconduct are dropped.

That is a clear statement to America that he puts his own problems above the problems of the country.

Meanwhile Democrats can now say - see, we can walk and chew gum at the same time, but the guy int he White House doesn't want to work with us to improve American economy.
Rural America does not need infrastructure, It was always planned to be one-sided… The progressive side.
30% of rural America doesnt have decent internet access, fool.

And? There's always satellite internet.

Mueller released a very damning report and left it up to congress to pursue further. And so they will, despite Trump and Barr’s obstruction. Didn’t Nixon’s AG go to prison? Barr better watch himself.
The dems should pursue all avenues to impeach and remove Trump and put Barr in jail. They should do nothing but focus on those efforts.

I support the dems' undeterred effort to remove Trump and jail Barr. The outcome of such action would be great for our country.


I second that motion. And when they are throwing that lard ass Barr in jail they need to drag his ass out of bed, roughing him up in the process and literally fling his ass in that cell.

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Got to love the wet dreams of you commies.

It does seem like a parent scolding and sending the kids to their room after they said something nasty. Are we going to get 18 more months of this?
It does seem like a parent scolding and sending the kids to their room after they said something nasty. Are we going to get 18 more months of this?
You mean the President running away from conducting the country's business and pouting about it?


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Pelosi poisoned the meeting with her "cover-up" remark and the President did the right thing. Who do you think the media will blame?
It does seem like a parent scolding and sending the kids to their room after they said something nasty. Are we going to get 18 more months of this?
You mean the President running away from conducting the country's business and pouting about it?


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And judges are allowing his finances to be shown Trump is a dead man walking Stop investigating me or I'll shut down Gov't?? And the republican scum in the senate remain silent??
The Left will be getting their heads handed to them in 2020.

The Political momentum is all with Trump and against The Left Tard Horde of Incompetent and Unaccomplished Idiots all wanting to be President.

Super Majority 2020!

This post will come back to haunt you.

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Sorry Left Tard, but it won't

I can give you a million reasons why.

But let me give you a quote from your dear lying leader Nazi Pelosi.

'We need to take back Control of Congress so we can make Trump Accountable"

And then of course everyone was told to STFU about Impeachment while they were trying to get elected.

Then Now

"We have to keep Control of Congress so we should not go after President Trump to hold him accountable"

Instead of trying to impeach him....they can't...they are just going to try to harass him.....and get NOTHING DONE.

And they will be voted out for accomplishing absolutely nothing

Super Majority 2020!

you said the same thing before the 2018 elections about the Repubs
Republicans don't have enough retards in their party to keep winning elections.

Democrats are synonymous with the word "retard".
Time for the Democrats in government to govern and do something for the Peoples of the USA(legal citizens only) instead of entertaining themselves only by pushing and perpetuating the witch hunt
They are. We voted for them to do exactly what they are doing. :thup:
Voting for democrats so that they can in turn try to oust the winner.
Makes sense in emotional derangement land.
If you have a problem with oversight and accountibility, go campaign for an amendment giving the President absolute power.
Problem is there is nothing to “oversight”, your boy Mueller said so and you can’t accept that so you keep making up fake scenarios that are in need of “investigation”
If Trump is so innocent why does he keep stepping on his own dick whenever the subject comes up?
That’s an interpretation or emotion. No fact. No fact=fake
First it was the Russians then Stormy now taxes. You liberals never run out of fantasy scenarios.
The Left will be getting their heads handed to them in 2020.

The Political momentum is all with Trump and against The Left Tard Horde of Incompetent and Unaccomplished Idiots all wanting to be President.

Super Majority 2020!

This post will come back to haunt you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Sorry Left Tard, but it won't

I can give you a million reasons why.

But let me give you a quote from your dear lying leader Nazi Pelosi.

'We need to take back Control of Congress so we can make Trump Accountable"

And then of course everyone was told to STFU about Impeachment while they were trying to get elected.

Then Now

"We have to keep Control of Congress so we should not go after President Trump to hold him accountable"

Instead of trying to impeach him....they can't...they are just going to try to harass him.....and get NOTHING DONE.

And they will be voted out for accomplishing absolutely nothing

Super Majority 2020!

you said the same thing before the 2018 elections about the Repubs
Republicans don't have enough retards in their party to keep winning elections.

Democrats are synonymous with the word "retard".
The retards just getting hold of your AH's bank records Speaking of retards Trump is going to do nothing until investigations stop??lol Trump is wetting his pants
Mueller released a very damning report and left it up to congress to pursue further. And so they will, despite Trump and Barr’s obstruction. Didn’t Nixon’s AG go to prison? Barr better watch himself.
The dems should pursue all avenues to impeach and remove Trump and put Barr in jail. They should do nothing but focus on those efforts.

I support the dems' undeterred effort to remove Trump and jail Barr. The outcome of such action would be great for our country.


I second that motion. And when they are throwing that lard ass Barr in jail they need to drag his ass out of bed, roughing him up in the process and literally fling his ass in that cell.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Violent little one aren’t we.
First it was the Russians then Stormy now taxes. You liberals never run out of fantasy scenarios.
You seem to be suggesting that the Russians didn't wage a sabotage campaign against our election, and that Trump never fucked Stormy and paid her off while Melania had the help nurse little baby Barron back home. Is that what you're saying?
First it was the Russians then Stormy now taxes. You liberals never run out of fantasy scenarios.
You seem to be suggesting that the Russians didn't wage a sabotage campaign against our election, and that Trump never fucked Stormy and paid her off while Melania had the help nurse little baby Barron back home. Is that what you're saying?
Your attemp at some form of interpretation failed.
Smart of Pelosi to throw down the “you’re covering up” one hour before a supposedly cooperative meeting. That sort of stuff works every time in fostering participation and cooperation.
Enough time for trump to muster up that "impromptu" sign that read "No Collusion" /huh?

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Yeah..wasn't that the cutest thing? :71:
First it was the Russians then Stormy now taxes. You liberals never run out of fantasy scenarios.
You seem to be suggesting that the Russians didn't wage a sabotage campaign against our election, and that Trump never fucked Stormy and paid her off while Melania had the help nurse little baby Barron back home. Is that what you're saying?
Your attemp at some form of interpretation failed.
Did Trump pay the whore money for fucking her or not? (by whore in this case I mean Stormy, not the one who is his wife right now)
First it was the Russians then Stormy now taxes. You liberals never run out of fantasy scenarios.
You seem to be suggesting that the Russians didn't wage a sabotage campaign against our election, and that Trump never fucked Stormy and paid her off while Melania had the help nurse little baby Barron back home. Is that what you're saying?
Your attemp at some form of interpretation failed.
Did Trump pay the whore money for fucking her or not? (by whore in this case I mean Stormy, not the one who is his wife right now)
You mean tiny mushroom boi?

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