Trump Wanted to Order Justice Dept. to Prosecute Comey and Clinton

If what Hillary did isn't, at minimum, "negligent", then nothing is.
To the standard of criminal prosecution? It wasn't. The investigation found this. And you don't like that, because you hate Hillary. Period. Not much else to say.

My feelings on Hillary are irrelevant. What is relevant is the law on the topic, which is quite clear and specific and which Hillary broke and then skated.
FBI Director Comey testified to Congress that Hillary DID transmit and receive classified materials to and from her private server. Each transmission is at least one felony.
Wrong. 100% wrong. Intent or criminal negligence must be proven in a court. Comey specifically said no evidence of either was found. How can you not be in possession of the most basic of facts regarding this?

Before any investigation. :rolleyes:
Nah,that's just Trumpkin sour grapes. You guys always throw the same little baby fit whenever something doesn't go exactly the way you want it.

That's why Comey's fired, dumbass.

GOP senators: Comey drafted statement clearing Clinton before her interview
FBI Director Comey testified to Congress that Hillary DID transmit and receive classified materials to and from her private server. Each transmission is at least one felony.
Wrong. 100% wrong. Intent or criminal negligence must be proven in a court. Comey specifically said no evidence of either was found. How can you not be in possession of the most basic of facts regarding this?

Before any investigation. :rolleyes:
Nah,that's just Trumpkin sour grapes. You guys always throw the same little baby fit whenever something doesn't go exactly the way you want it.

That's why Comey's fired, dumbass.

GOP senators: Comey drafted statement clearing Clinton before her interview

Trumps said he fired Comey because of the "Rusher thing"...
FBI Director Comey testified to Congress that Hillary DID transmit and receive classified materials to and from her private server. Each transmission is at least one felony.
Wrong. 100% wrong. Intent or criminal negligence must be proven in a court. Comey specifically said no evidence of either was found. How can you not be in possession of the most basic of facts regarding this?

100% wrong. Comey had tons of evidence, including the destruction thereof. Comey made the call that there was no "intent" instead of letting the DOJ indict her or let a grand jury examine the evidence. Who paid for the Steele Dossier? Who authorized the spying on US citizens and the Trump campaign? Who lied to the FISA coourt? Etc.
Why No Investigation Into FBI, Justice Dept. Collusion With Democrats To Spy On Trump? Turns Out, There Is One | Investor's Business Daily

Had Comey recommended an indictment, Lynch would NOT have sent it to a Grand Jury, at least I don't believe she would have done so. She obviously expected Hillary to win and was looking forward to staying on as AG.
FBI Director Comey testified to Congress that Hillary DID transmit and receive classified materials to and from her private server. Each transmission is at least one felony.
Wrong. 100% wrong. Intent or criminal negligence must be proven in a court. Comey specifically said no evidence of either was found. How can you not be in possession of the most basic of facts regarding this?

Before any investigation. :rolleyes:
Nah,that's just Trumpkin sour grapes. You guys always throw the same little baby fit whenever something doesn't go exactly the way you want it.

That's why Comey's fired, dumbass.

GOP senators: Comey drafted statement clearing Clinton before her interview

Trumps said he fired Comey because of the "Rusher thing"...

He severely damaged the integrity of the FBI.
Comey had no authority to decide on Hillary's "intent"
Sure he did, that is part of exactly what he was asked to do. You are ill informed. The DOJ makes the final decision. And they did. And Trump tried to abuse his power in the opposite direction. Again, i don't think the trump cultists realize how serious this is.

Ok. So what did Comey say was Hillary's "intent"?
FBI Director Comey testified to Congress that Hillary DID transmit and receive classified materials to and from her private server. Each transmission is at least one felony.
Wrong. 100% wrong. Intent or criminal negligence must be proven in a court. Comey specifically said no evidence of either was found. How can you not be in possession of the most basic of facts regarding this?

100% wrong. Comey had tons of evidence, including the destruction thereof. Comey made the call that there was no "intent" instead of letting the DOJ indict her or let a grand jury examine the evidence. Who paid for the Steele Dossier? Who authorized the spying on US citizens and the Trump campaign? Who lied to the FISA coourt? Etc.
Why No Investigation Into FBI, Justice Dept. Collusion With Democrats To Spy On Trump? Turns Out, There Is One | Investor's Business Daily

Had Comey recommended an indictment, Lynch would NOT have sent it to a Grand Jury, at least I don't believe she would have done so. She obviously expected Hillary to win and was looking forward to staying on as AG.

That's probably what Bubba told Lynch on the tarmac, which meeting by itself was incriminating. Yet Trump is investigated for 2-years with zero evidence and Hillary and her Russian paid for Steele Dossier was used by the FBI to get a FISA warrant against a US citizen in the Trump campaign. You just can't make this shit up...
FBI Director Comey testified to Congress that Hillary DID transmit and receive classified materials to and from her private server. Each transmission is at least one felony.
Wrong. 100% wrong. Intent or criminal negligence must be proven in a court. Comey specifically said no evidence of either was found. How can you not be in possession of the most basic of facts regarding this?

100% wrong. Comey had tons of evidence, including the destruction thereof. Comey made the call that there was no "intent" instead of letting the DOJ indict her or let a grand jury examine the evidence. Who paid for the Steele Dossier? Who authorized the spying on US citizens and the Trump campaign? Who lied to the FISA coourt? Etc.
Why No Investigation Into FBI, Justice Dept. Collusion With Democrats To Spy On Trump? Turns Out, There Is One | Investor's Business Daily
Hell when it was found out that Anthony(Carlos Danger) Weiner had his wife's laptop, the DNC went into full, deny, deny, deny mode yet it couldn't be scrubbed and this was how James(asshole) Comey decided that Hillary did send and receive classified emails, just that HE wasn't competent enough to convict the bitch.. Both need to be shot for treason against this country, and anyone else who defends them need to be shot for culpability....
Emails in Anthony Weiner Inquiry Jolt Hillary Clinton’s Campaign
he presidential campaign was rocked on Friday after federal law enforcement officials said that emails pertinent to the closed investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server were discovered on a computer belonging to Anthony D. Weiner, the estranged husband of a top Clinton aide.
I remember all the liberal howling how Jimmie fucked Hillary and caused her to lose the election, and many wanted Jimbo to end like others who cross the Clintons..Oh you forgot about this, too bad, it wasn't Russian collusion that beat the sick bitch, it was her best friend James(traitor) Comey...Bwaaaaahhhaaaaaaa
Wrong. 100% wrong. Intent or criminal negligence must be proven in a court. Comey specifically said no evidence of either was found. How can you not be in possession of the most basic of facts regarding this?

Before any investigation. :rolleyes:
Nah,that's just Trumpkin sour grapes. You guys always throw the same little baby fit whenever something doesn't go exactly the way you want it.

That's why Comey's fired, dumbass.

GOP senators: Comey drafted statement clearing Clinton before her interview

Trumps said he fired Comey because of the "Rusher thing"...

He severely damaged the integrity of the FBI.
He helped, but all those mass shootings, Fort Hood, Tennessee, Orlando, Broward County, San Bernardino, and so on and so forth, and 9/11 failures , only a stupid liberal(redundant statement) would trust the FBI....
FBI Director Comey testified to Congress that Hillary DID transmit and receive classified materials to and from her private server. Each transmission is at least one felony.
Wrong. 100% wrong. Intent or criminal negligence must be proven in a court. Comey specifically said no evidence of either was found. How can you not be in possession of the most basic of facts regarding this?

100% wrong. Comey had tons of evidence, including the destruction thereof. Comey made the call that there was no "intent" instead of letting the DOJ indict her or let a grand jury examine the evidence. Who paid for the Steele Dossier? Who authorized the spying on US citizens and the Trump campaign? Who lied to the FISA coourt? Etc.
Why No Investigation Into FBI, Justice Dept. Collusion With Democrats To Spy On Trump? Turns Out, There Is One | Investor's Business Daily

Had Comey recommended an indictment, Lynch would NOT have sent it to a Grand Jury, at least I don't believe she would have done so. She obviously expected Hillary to win and was looking forward to staying on as AG.

That's probably what Bubba told Lynch on the tarmac, which meeting by itself was incriminating. Yet Trump is investigated for 2-years with zero evidence and Hillary and her Russian paid for Steele Dossier was used by the FBI to get a FISA warrant against a US citizen in the Trump campaign. You just can't make this shit up...

The corruption that emanated from the Obama Administration, Hillary, the DOJ, CIA, FBI, IRS, etc. was staggering. It's amazing and inconceivable to me that Jeff Sessions apparently didn't feel the need to investigate any of it. I can only wonder what skeletons exist in Sessions' closet. I cannot think of any good reason for not conducting a very aggressive, thorough and transparent investigation into the Hillary email scandal and all of the actors associated with the so-called "investigation".
That's probably what Bubba told Lynch on the tarmac,
That can't be. AG Lynch, a member of the most transparent administration in history, said they spoke about golf and grandkids.

There's a saying that, where there's smoke, there's fire. With regard to Hillary, there were plumes and plumes of smoke and liberals always told us there were no crimes. And even when Hillary was caught, red-handed, engaged in innumerable felonies, liberals still maintained that there was no crime and the corrupt FBI and DOJ literally ignored statute and let Hillary skate. And then they voted for Hillary to be president. I can only imagine the monolithic amounts of money that would have been rolling into the Clinton Foundation had Hillary won, and liberals would have been perfectly fine with that too, yet they bitch about Saudis staying at a Trump hotel.
Can America, and the world, survive Trump until 2020? We are living in dangerous and scary times.


Building a wall, to keep invaders out, is not what Hitler is remember for, you, godwinning fool.

Hitler took the guns, got Jesus out of the schools, and took over the healthcare system.

Whose guns

WASHINGTON — President Trump told the White House counsel in the spring that he wanted to order the Justice Department to prosecute two of his political adversaries: his 2016 challenger, Hillary Clinton, and the former F.B.I. director James B. Comey, according to two people familiar with the conversation.

The lawyer, Donald F. McGahn II, rebuffed the president, saying that he had no authority to order a prosecution. Mr. McGahn said that while he could request an investigation, that too could prompt accusations of abuse of power. To underscore his point, Mr. McGahn had White House lawyers write a memo for Mr. Trump warning that if he asked law enforcement to investigate his rivals, he could face a range of consequences, including possible impeachment.

The encounter was one of the most blatant examples yet of how Mr. Trump views the typically independent Justice Department as a tool to be wielded against his political enemies. It took on additional significance in recent weeks when Mr. McGahn left the White House and Mr. Trump appointed a relatively inexperienced political loyalist, Matthew G. Whitaker, as the acting attorney general.

More: Trump Wanted to Order Justice Dept. to Prosecute Comey and Clinton

This is what third-world dictators do. Is that where we are? What do you think?

You people will try to impeach Trump for farting in bed. Trump told the truth that he would like to grab pussy, you excoriated him over it while Clinton lied under oath - the impeachable offense - about actually grabbing pussy, and you celebrate him.

When did Hillary lie under oath? Credible proof?

“At this point, what difference does it make?”

Taking a quote out of context like this ^^^ is a damn lie of Omission.

Stop pretending like you people get to define Context. Since you feel so entitled, back it up with empirical data.
FBI Director Comey testified to Congress that Hillary DID transmit and receive classified materials to and from her private server. Each transmission is at least one felony.
Wrong. 100% wrong. Intent or criminal negligence must be proven in a court. Comey specifically said no evidence of either was found. How can you not be in possession of the most basic of facts regarding this?

100% wrong. Comey had tons of evidence, including the destruction thereof. Comey made the call that there was no "intent" instead of letting the DOJ indict her or let a grand jury examine the evidence. Who paid for the Steele Dossier? Who authorized the spying on US citizens and the Trump campaign? Who lied to the FISA coourt? Etc.
Why No Investigation Into FBI, Justice Dept. Collusion With Democrats To Spy On Trump? Turns Out, There Is One | Investor's Business Daily

Had Comey recommended an indictment, Lynch would NOT have sent it to a Grand Jury, at least I don't believe she would have done so. She obviously expected Hillary to win and was looking forward to staying on as AG.

That's probably what Bubba told Lynch on the tarmac, which meeting by itself was incriminating. Yet Trump is investigated for 2-years with zero evidence and Hillary and her Russian paid for Steele Dossier was used by the FBI to get a FISA warrant against a US citizen in the Trump campaign. You just can't make this shit up...

The corruption that emanated from the Obama Administration, Hillary, the DOJ, CIA, FBI, IRS, etc. was staggering. It's amazing and inconceivable to me that Jeff Sessions apparently didn't feel the need to investigate any of it. I can only wonder what skeletons exist in Sessions' closet. I cannot think of any good reason for not conducting a very aggressive, thorough and transparent investigation into the Hillary email scandal and all of the actors associated with the so-called "investigation".
Jeff Sessions is one of those establishment Republicans. He along with many other swamp rats, have shit on them that every other member of the senate swamp knows. I remember one time that Charlies Rangel was going to be censured by Congress, yet he told them that if anyone wants to step up, he would gladly take them all along with him in ethics.. Just thank Obama and his shit economy that had Crazy Charlie retire before he wanted to.

Charlie Rangel To Retire: Perhaps The Most Corrupt Man In Congress
Rangel claimed he wants to leave office at the same time as the first black president. However, based on his Congressional tenure the most likely reason for Charlie Rangel to retire is thanks to Obama the economy is so bad there’s no graft money left for him to make.

Charlie Rangel has a more “impressive” list of ethics violations than anyone else in Congress.
My feelings on Hillary are irrelevant.
Oh, I think not. From where did you get your law degree? How many years did you serve as a prosecutor?

No, you are rejecting the results of the investigation and the words of the experts because of your political fetishes.
Building a wall, to keep invaders out, is not what Hitler is remember for, you, godwinning fool.

Hitler took the guns, got Jesus out of the schools, and took over the healthcare system.

Whose guns

WASHINGTON — President Trump told the White House counsel in the spring that he wanted to order the Justice Department to prosecute two of his political adversaries: his 2016 challenger, Hillary Clinton, and the former F.B.I. director James B. Comey, according to two people familiar with the conversation.

The lawyer, Donald F. McGahn II, rebuffed the president, saying that he had no authority to order a prosecution. Mr. McGahn said that while he could request an investigation, that too could prompt accusations of abuse of power. To underscore his point, Mr. McGahn had White House lawyers write a memo for Mr. Trump warning that if he asked law enforcement to investigate his rivals, he could face a range of consequences, including possible impeachment.

The encounter was one of the most blatant examples yet of how Mr. Trump views the typically independent Justice Department as a tool to be wielded against his political enemies. It took on additional significance in recent weeks when Mr. McGahn left the White House and Mr. Trump appointed a relatively inexperienced political loyalist, Matthew G. Whitaker, as the acting attorney general.

More: Trump Wanted to Order Justice Dept. to Prosecute Comey and Clinton

This is what third-world dictators do. Is that where we are? What do you think?

You people will try to impeach Trump for farting in bed. Trump told the truth that he would like to grab pussy, you excoriated him over it while Clinton lied under oath - the impeachable offense - about actually grabbing pussy, and you celebrate him.

When did Hillary lie under oath? Credible proof?

“At this point, what difference does it make?”

Taking a quote out of context like this ^^^ is a damn lie of Omission.

Stop pretending like you people get to define Context. Since you feel so entitled, back it up with empirical data.

This ^^^ is nonsensical. Taking a phrase or sentence and posting it by itself is taking the phrase or sentence out of context. It's really that simple. Why do you not understand that?

Example: "Stop pretending you get to define Context"

You're welcome.
My feelings on Hillary are irrelevant.
Oh, I think not. From where did you get your law degree? How many years did you serve as a prosecutor?

No, you are rejecting the results of the investigation and the words of the experts because of your political fetishes.

You seem to be getting emotional. In any event, congratulations on Hillary skating for her crimes. I know you were elated when she got off.
My feelings on Hillary are irrelevant.
Oh, I think not. From where did you get your law degree? How many years did you serve as a prosecutor?

No, you are rejecting the results of the investigation and the words of the experts because of your political fetishes.
You barely made it past 6th grade, you cant be much smarter than a 5th grader because you voted for the sick bitch, while most 5th graders saw her as a crook.


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