Trump wants a much bigger Navy

A hundred thousand people will show up to see this ...


Only the parents will show up for this ... and only because they have to.


Well, that is why we need "fields"(STEM) that are useful and can lead to success of our young people. We also live in the computer age and should have more online classes.
This has led to the success of millions of young people ...

"Say NO to small idiotic government and YES to accountable government!!"

America said no to you and your socialist nightmare.
Trump wants a much bigger Navy
President-elect Donald Trump has vowed to maintain a naval fleet of 350 ships as part of an historic buildup of the U.S. military, but his ambitions come with a stiff price tag.

“Our Navy is the smallest it's been since World War I,” he said during a campaign stop last October in the Philadelphia Navy Yard. “My plan will build the 350 ship Navy we need. This will be the largest effort at rebuilding our military since Ronald Reagan, and it will require a truly national effort.”

The Navy on average has spent $15.9 billion annually on ship building over the past three decades, according to a new report by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). In order to meet the Republican president-elect’s goal, the navy shipbuilding account would have to be boosted to $25 billion a year, 60 percent higher than the historical average.

That will mean having to find a way to lift the budget cap on defense spending by about $9 billion a year.
Trump is far from alone in his ambitions for expanding the U.S. fleet to counter Russia, China, Iran and other global adversaries. Last month, the Navy released a new force structure assessment – a blueprint for the future -- which calls for building a fleet of 355 ships. That is in sharp contrast to a previous long-term goal of 308 ships.

Trump wants a much bigger Navy: Here's how much it'll cost

I'll agree to this only if one or two of them can be planetary space ships to expand humanity's sphere of power throughout our solar system. Otherwise, forget it.
We would do better forgetting you. The navy is weaker than it has been since before WW2.
People are saying Trump will bring back Battle Ships and they will have uuuge speakers that play AC/DC songs and especially "Thunderstruck" when he visits them.
'Big' is a target. Geographic dispersal and rapid assembly in time is the key to modern victory. Small, deadly and numerous beats Goliath every time.
Seriously, what kind of ships would Trump add to the Navy. We have enough submarines to launch enough ballistic missiles to destroy every major city and military installation in Russia and China combined several times over. We have enough aircraft carriers with task forces to defeat and annihalate most countries in the world. The last big criticism seen here at USMB was about the Navy version of the Coast Guard Cutter not being an ocean-going battle wagon. Guaranteed, if Trump were asked what kind of ships he would add to the current Navy his answer would be a stupid and uninformed one.
Seriously, what kind of ships would Trump add to the Navy. We have enough submarines to launch enough ballistic missiles to destroy every major city and military installation in Russia and China combined several times over. We have enough aircraft carriers with task forces to defeat and annihalate most countries in the world. The last big criticism seen here at USMB was about the Navy version of the Coast Guard Cutter not being an ocean-going battle wagon. Guaranteed, if Trump were asked what kind of ships he would add to the current Navy his answer would be a stupid and uninformed one.
It is not his job to know what ships to add silly boy. Do you think Big Ears knows anything about ships...or for that matter, which end of the gun the round comes out?

However, what Trump should do is bring all our military and government personnel HOME...and guard the homeland instead of instigating terrible all over the world. If he did, he likely would be murdered by the Deep State...though.

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