Trump wants a much bigger Navy

With Russia and China ramping up expansion we need our Navy to be back up to strength......and Trump will do it under budget and ahead of schedule......and the ships will be the best too....
Trump wants a much bigger Navy
President-elect Donald Trump has vowed to maintain a naval fleet of 350 ships as part of an historic buildup of the U.S. military, but his ambitions come with a stiff price tag.

“Our Navy is the smallest it's been since World War I,” he said during a campaign stop last October in the Philadelphia Navy Yard. “My plan will build the 350 ship Navy we need. This will be the largest effort at rebuilding our military since Ronald Reagan, and it will require a truly national effort.”

The Navy on average has spent $15.9 billion annually on ship building over the past three decades, according to a new report by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). In order to meet the Republican president-elect’s goal, the navy shipbuilding account would have to be boosted to $25 billion a year, 60 percent higher than the historical average.

That will mean having to find a way to lift the budget cap on defense spending by about $9 billion a year.
Trump is far from alone in his ambitions for expanding the U.S. fleet to counter Russia, China, Iran and other global adversaries. Last month, the Navy released a new force structure assessment – a blueprint for the future -- which calls for building a fleet of 355 ships. That is in sharp contrast to a previous long-term goal of 308 ships.

Trump wants a much bigger Navy: Here's how much it'll cost

I'll agree to this only if one or two of them can be planetary space ships to expand humanity's sphere of power throughout our solar system. Otherwise, forget it.
We would do better forgetting you. The navy is weaker than it has been since before WW2.
Prior to WWII we had the fifth strongest Navy in the world. Today, we are stronger than all the Navy's in the world combined

How can we be weaker?

Because we have let the navy fall apart under obama.......
So who among you are willing to have your taxes raised to pay for this military buildup?

I guess the answer is no one.

Then how do you plan to pay for it?
Im not willing to pay more for your illegal pets either, or the bullshit ACA, or the welfare or food stamps. So, how do you plan to pay for that?
Oh thats right, you just figure you can take it by force because there is nothing I can do about it.
Enjoy paying your share of the new ships because you live here so it has no bearing on what you want to pay, you just open your wallet and give what you are told to give. Its the cost of living in a once free society.

What in the name of the baby Jesus are you babbling about?

Are you willing to have your taxes raised to pay for all of Trump's military spending plans or not?
yep. because it will piss off the liberals.
maybe make them see how much all of their bull shit social giveaways piss off working people.
Of course I think it would be better to raid the welfare fund to pay for the ships. The ships serve a purpose, welfare recipients do not.
Trump wants a much bigger Navy
President-elect Donald Trump has vowed to maintain a naval fleet of 350 ships as part of an historic buildup of the U.S. military, but his ambitions come with a stiff price tag.

“Our Navy is the smallest it's been since World War I,” he said during a campaign stop last October in the Philadelphia Navy Yard. “My plan will build the 350 ship Navy we need. This will be the largest effort at rebuilding our military since Ronald Reagan, and it will require a truly national effort.”

The Navy on average has spent $15.9 billion annually on ship building over the past three decades, according to a new report by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). In order to meet the Republican president-elect’s goal, the navy shipbuilding account would have to be boosted to $25 billion a year, 60 percent higher than the historical average.

That will mean having to find a way to lift the budget cap on defense spending by about $9 billion a year.
Trump is far from alone in his ambitions for expanding the U.S. fleet to counter Russia, China, Iran and other global adversaries. Last month, the Navy released a new force structure assessment – a blueprint for the future -- which calls for building a fleet of 355 ships. That is in sharp contrast to a previous long-term goal of 308 ships.

Trump wants a much bigger Navy: Here's how much it'll cost

I'll agree to this only if one or two of them can be planetary space ships to expand humanity's sphere of power throughout our solar system. Otherwise, forget it.
We would do better forgetting you. The navy is weaker than it has been since before WW2.
Prior to WWII we had the fifth strongest Navy in the world. Today, we are stronger than all the Navy's in the world combined

How can we be weaker?

This is why...
Here's Why the U.S. Military is in Trouble

  1. “In 2015 the Navy had a backlog of 11 planes in depot, next year in [20]17 they are going to have a backlog of 278.” Readiness levels for the entire fleet have fallen as the Navy’s maintenance crews are being asked to work longer hours with less funding. More planes in maintenance mean fewer are available to meet mission requirements.
Why the U.S. Navy Could Be in Big Trouble: China Plans 351 Ships by 2020

While Chinese naval technology may still be substantially behind current U.S. platforms, the equation could change dramatically over the next several decades because the Chinese are reportedly working on a handful of high-tech next-generation ships, weapons and naval systems.

China has plans to grow its navy to 351 ships by 2020 as the Chinese continue to develop their military’s ability to strike global targets, according to a recent Congressional report.

The Navy’s Hidden Crisis

The Obama administration’s failure to stem the Navy’s decline comes amid recent reports that China’s PLA Navy will surpass the U.S. Navy in the total number of warships by 2020—a troubling imbalance since the Chinese navy is concentrated heavily in the South China Sea, whereas ours is spread around the entire globe. Russia has also embarked on a naval modernization program focusing on new submarines and destroyers. It is also expanding or building new naval bases in the Arctic, Pacific and Black Sea. Russia and China have both invested heavily in asymmetrical anti-access/area denial (A2/AD) capabilities to deter the United States Navy from approaching waters near their shores. As the Navy gets smaller, the world’s oceans are becoming more dangerous.

The Secretary of the Navy’s “Report to Congress on the Annual Long-Range Plan for Construction of Naval Vessels for FY2015,” documented a requirement of 306 ships for the Navy based on the Pentagon’s 2012 Force Structure Analysis. That number is certainly too low and—as the Congressional Budget Office has found—is at any rate unachievable under the current budget trend lines. No one in Washington would bet their own money that the Navy will grow in the decades ahead. In fact, given current budgetary trends, the Navy will shrink to around 240-250 ships, and America will no longer be the global naval power it is today.
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With Russia and China ramping up expansion we need our Navy to be back up to strength......and Trump will do it under budget and ahead of schedule......and the ships will be the best too....
We need to re prioritize our mission.
The U.S. Has eleven super carrier task forces while Russia and China are working on their first.
Doesn't mean we have to increase our force of carriers, we might just need more attack submarines
With Russia and China ramping up expansion we need our Navy to be back up to strength......and Trump will do it under budget and ahead of schedule......and the ships will be the best too....
We need to re prioritize our mission.
The U.S. Has eleven super carrier task forces while Russia and China are working on their first.
Doesn't mean we have to increase our force of carriers, we might just need more attack submarines
Being ignorant is an attribute.
Trump wants a much bigger Navy
President-elect Donald Trump has vowed to maintain a naval fleet of 350 ships as part of an historic buildup of the U.S. military, but his ambitions come with a stiff price tag.

“Our Navy is the smallest it's been since World War I,” he said during a campaign stop last October in the Philadelphia Navy Yard. “My plan will build the 350 ship Navy we need. This will be the largest effort at rebuilding our military since Ronald Reagan, and it will require a truly national effort.”

The Navy on average has spent $15.9 billion annually on ship building over the past three decades, according to a new report by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). In order to meet the Republican president-elect’s goal, the navy shipbuilding account would have to be boosted to $25 billion a year, 60 percent higher than the historical average.

That will mean having to find a way to lift the budget cap on defense spending by about $9 billion a year.
Trump is far from alone in his ambitions for expanding the U.S. fleet to counter Russia, China, Iran and other global adversaries. Last month, the Navy released a new force structure assessment – a blueprint for the future -- which calls for building a fleet of 355 ships. That is in sharp contrast to a previous long-term goal of 308 ships.

Trump wants a much bigger Navy: Here's how much it'll cost

I'll agree to this only if one or two of them can be planetary space ships to expand humanity's sphere of power throughout our solar system. Otherwise, forget it.
We would do better forgetting you. The navy is weaker than it has been since before WW2.
Prior to WWII we had the fifth strongest Navy in the world. Today, we are stronger than all the Navy's in the world combined

How can we be weaker?

This is why...
Here's Why the U.S. Military is in Trouble

  1. “In 2015 the Navy had a backlog of 11 planes in depot, next year in [20]17 they are going to have a backlog of 278.” Readiness levels for the entire fleet have fallen as the Navy’s maintenance crews are being asked to work longer hours with less funding. More planes in maintenance mean fewer are available to meet mission requirements.
Why the U.S. Navy Could Be in Big Trouble: China Plans 351 Ships by 2020

While Chinese naval technology may still be substantially behind current U.S. platforms, the equation could change dramatically over the next several decades because the Chinese are reportedly working on a handful of high-tech next-generation ships, weapons and naval systems.

China has plans to grow its navy to 351 ships by 2020 as the Chinese continue to develop their military’s ability to strike global targets, according to a recent Congressional report.

The Navy’s Hidden Crisis

The Obama administration’s failure to stem the Navy’s decline comes amid recent reports that China’s PLA Navy will surpass the U.S. Navy in the total number of warships by 2020—a troubling imbalance since the Chinese navy is concentrated heavily in the South China Sea, whereas ours is spread around the entire globe. Russia has also embarked on a naval modernization program focusing on new submarines and destroyers. It is also expanding or building new naval bases in the Arctic, Pacific and Black Sea. Russia and China have both invested heavily in asymmetrical anti-access/area denial (A2/AD) capabilities to deter the United States Navy from approaching waters near their shores. As the Navy gets smaller, the world’s oceans are becoming more dangerous.

The Secretary of the Navy’s “Report to Congress on the Annual Long-Range Plan for Construction of Naval Vessels for FY2015,” documented a requirement of 306 ships for the Navy based on the Pentagon’s 2012 Force Structure Analysis. That number is certainly too low and—as the Congressional Budget Office has found—is at any rate unachievable under the current budget trend lines. No one in Washington would bet their own money that the Navy will grow in the decades ahead. In fact, given current budgetary trends, the Navy will shrink to around 240-250 ships, and America will no longer be the global naval power it is today.
First off...I fully support increasing military readiness. That means modernizing our supply and maintenance capability. But both the Pentagon and Congress would rather spend money on the newest toys

You are again resorting to apples and oranges in counting ships. China's 351 ships have a primary mission of coastal defense

Yes, China wants to be able to project Naval power, mostly in the South China Sea.......much like we project power in the Gulf of Mexico
But they lack the resources to project power around the globe like we do
With Russia and China ramping up expansion we need our Navy to be back up to strength......and Trump will do it under budget and ahead of schedule......and the ships will be the best too....
We need to re prioritize our mission.
The U.S. Has eleven super carrier task forces while Russia and China are working on their first.
Doesn't mean we have to increase our force of carriers, we might just need more attack submarines
Being ignorant is an attribute.
Please explain exactly what you disagree with or go back to playing with your toys
With Russia and China ramping up expansion we need our Navy to be back up to strength......and Trump will do it under budget and ahead of schedule......and the ships will be the best too....
We need to re prioritize our mission.
The U.S. Has eleven super carrier task forces while Russia and China are working on their first.
Doesn't mean we have to increase our force of carriers, we might just need more attack submarines
Being ignorant is an attribute.
Please explain exactly what you disagree with or go back to playing with your toys
Everything you post.
With Russia and China ramping up expansion we need our Navy to be back up to strength......and Trump will do it under budget and ahead of schedule......and the ships will be the best too....
We need to re prioritize our mission.
The U.S. Has eleven super carrier task forces while Russia and China are working on their first.
Doesn't mean we have to increase our force of carriers, we might just need more attack submarines
Being ignorant is an attribute.
Please explain exactly what you disagree with or go back to playing with your toys
Everything you post.
Like I thought

Playing with your toys
$25 billion or about half the public school budget, maybe we should privatize the military?

Better idea to privatize public school ....

same principle

Keep our public schools but reform them! Bring back severe punishments for assholes that work to destroy the learning environment.

Every American deserves 12 years of education.
slave masters dont want their slaves too learn how to read

The democrats don't directly own blacks they just use them for votes every two years...but yes, they don't want to educate them which is why inner city public schools are so horrible.....
In reality, not much has changed. Then as now, the D Party prevents most blacks from getting a good education and forces them into poverty and government dependence.
Trump wants a much bigger Navy
President-elect Donald Trump has vowed to maintain a naval fleet of 350 ships as part of an historic buildup of the U.S. military, but his ambitions come with a stiff price tag.

“Our Navy is the smallest it's been since World War I,” he said during a campaign stop last October in the Philadelphia Navy Yard. “My plan will build the 350 ship Navy we need. This will be the largest effort at rebuilding our military since Ronald Reagan, and it will require a truly national effort.”

The Navy on average has spent $15.9 billion annually on ship building over the past three decades, according to a new report by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). In order to meet the Republican president-elect’s goal, the navy shipbuilding account would have to be boosted to $25 billion a year, 60 percent higher than the historical average.

That will mean having to find a way to lift the budget cap on defense spending by about $9 billion a year.
Trump is far from alone in his ambitions for expanding the U.S. fleet to counter Russia, China, Iran and other global adversaries. Last month, the Navy released a new force structure assessment – a blueprint for the future -- which calls for building a fleet of 355 ships. That is in sharp contrast to a previous long-term goal of 308 ships.

Trump wants a much bigger Navy: Here's how much it'll cost

I'll agree to this only if one or two of them can be planetary space ships to expand humanity's sphere of power throughout our solar system. Otherwise, forget it.
Should we convince our new chief magistrate of the Union and the one percent, that we merely need, the finest Navy money can buy for our Republic?
Trump wants a much bigger Navy
President-elect Donald Trump has vowed to maintain a naval fleet of 350 ships as part of an historic buildup of the U.S. military, but his ambitions come with a stiff price tag.

“Our Navy is the smallest it's been since World War I,” he said during a campaign stop last October in the Philadelphia Navy Yard. “My plan will build the 350 ship Navy we need. This will be the largest effort at rebuilding our military since Ronald Reagan, and it will require a truly national effort.”

The Navy on average has spent $15.9 billion annually on ship building over the past three decades, according to a new report by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). In order to meet the Republican president-elect’s goal, the navy shipbuilding account would have to be boosted to $25 billion a year, 60 percent higher than the historical average.

That will mean having to find a way to lift the budget cap on defense spending by about $9 billion a year.
Trump is far from alone in his ambitions for expanding the U.S. fleet to counter Russia, China, Iran and other global adversaries. Last month, the Navy released a new force structure assessment – a blueprint for the future -- which calls for building a fleet of 355 ships. That is in sharp contrast to a previous long-term goal of 308 ships.

Trump wants a much bigger Navy: Here's how much it'll cost

I'll agree to this only if one or two of them can be planetary space ships to expand humanity's sphere of power throughout our solar system. Otherwise, forget it.
Should we convince our new chief magistrate of the Union and the one percent, that we merely need, the finest Navy money can buy for our Republic?
We already have the most powerful navy in the history of mankind
Trump wants a much bigger Navy
President-elect Donald Trump has vowed to maintain a naval fleet of 350 ships as part of an historic buildup of the U.S. military, but his ambitions come with a stiff price tag.

“Our Navy is the smallest it's been since World War I,” he said during a campaign stop last October in the Philadelphia Navy Yard. “My plan will build the 350 ship Navy we need. This will be the largest effort at rebuilding our military since Ronald Reagan, and it will require a truly national effort.”

The Navy on average has spent $15.9 billion annually on ship building over the past three decades, according to a new report by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). In order to meet the Republican president-elect’s goal, the navy shipbuilding account would have to be boosted to $25 billion a year, 60 percent higher than the historical average.

That will mean having to find a way to lift the budget cap on defense spending by about $9 billion a year.
Trump is far from alone in his ambitions for expanding the U.S. fleet to counter Russia, China, Iran and other global adversaries. Last month, the Navy released a new force structure assessment – a blueprint for the future -- which calls for building a fleet of 355 ships. That is in sharp contrast to a previous long-term goal of 308 ships.

Trump wants a much bigger Navy: Here's how much it'll cost

I'll agree to this only if one or two of them can be planetary space ships to expand humanity's sphere of power throughout our solar system. Otherwise, forget it.
Should we convince our new chief magistrate of the Union and the one percent, that we merely need, the finest Navy money can buy for our Republic?
We already have the most powerful navy in the history of mankind
How about infrastructure; our Republic deserves, the finest infrastructure money can buy.
Trump wants a much bigger Navy
President-elect Donald Trump has vowed to maintain a naval fleet of 350 ships as part of an historic buildup of the U.S. military, but his ambitions come with a stiff price tag.

“Our Navy is the smallest it's been since World War I,” he said during a campaign stop last October in the Philadelphia Navy Yard. “My plan will build the 350 ship Navy we need. This will be the largest effort at rebuilding our military since Ronald Reagan, and it will require a truly national effort.”

The Navy on average has spent $15.9 billion annually on ship building over the past three decades, according to a new report by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). In order to meet the Republican president-elect’s goal, the navy shipbuilding account would have to be boosted to $25 billion a year, 60 percent higher than the historical average.

That will mean having to find a way to lift the budget cap on defense spending by about $9 billion a year.
Trump is far from alone in his ambitions for expanding the U.S. fleet to counter Russia, China, Iran and other global adversaries. Last month, the Navy released a new force structure assessment – a blueprint for the future -- which calls for building a fleet of 355 ships. That is in sharp contrast to a previous long-term goal of 308 ships.

Trump wants a much bigger Navy: Here's how much it'll cost

I'll agree to this only if one or two of them can be planetary space ships to expand humanity's sphere of power throughout our solar system. Otherwise, forget it.
Should we convince our new chief magistrate of the Union and the one percent, that we merely need, the finest Navy money can buy for our Republic?
We already have the most powerful navy in the history of mankind
How about infrastructure; our Republic deserves, the finest infrastructure money can buy.
Not to mention healthcare and education
$25 billion or about half the public school budget, maybe we should privatize the military?

Better idea to privatize public school ....

same principle

Keep our public schools but reform them! Bring back severe punishments for assholes that work to destroy the learning environment.

Every American deserves 12 years of education.

Not every kid wants to be in school for 12 years. Maybe if we told kids that after age 14 they could start training for a trade if they mastered the basics of math and english first.... they might try harder in their earlier years. My great grandfather, who was born in 1870, apprenticed out to a master carpenter around that age and by the time he was 18, he was well on the path to making a good living all his life.
Trump wants a much bigger Navy
President-elect Donald Trump has vowed to maintain a naval fleet of 350 ships as part of an historic buildup of the U.S. military, but his ambitions come with a stiff price tag.

“Our Navy is the smallest it's been since World War I,” he said during a campaign stop last October in the Philadelphia Navy Yard. “My plan will build the 350 ship Navy we need. This will be the largest effort at rebuilding our military since Ronald Reagan, and it will require a truly national effort.”

The Navy on average has spent $15.9 billion annually on ship building over the past three decades, according to a new report by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). In order to meet the Republican president-elect’s goal, the navy shipbuilding account would have to be boosted to $25 billion a year, 60 percent higher than the historical average.

That will mean having to find a way to lift the budget cap on defense spending by about $9 billion a year.
Trump is far from alone in his ambitions for expanding the U.S. fleet to counter Russia, China, Iran and other global adversaries. Last month, the Navy released a new force structure assessment – a blueprint for the future -- which calls for building a fleet of 355 ships. That is in sharp contrast to a previous long-term goal of 308 ships.

Trump wants a much bigger Navy: Here's how much it'll cost

I'll agree to this only if one or two of them can be planetary space ships to expand humanity's sphere of power throughout our solar system. Otherwise, forget it.
Should we convince our new chief magistrate of the Union and the one percent, that we merely need, the finest Navy money can buy for our Republic?
We already have the most powerful navy in the history of mankind
How about infrastructure; our Republic deserves, the finest infrastructure money can buy.
Not to mention healthcare and education
i tend to consider it a part of infrastructure.
Trump wants a much bigger Navy
Trump wants a much bigger Navy: Here's how much it'll cost

I'll agree to this only if one or two of them can be planetary space ships to expand humanity's sphere of power throughout our solar system. Otherwise, forget it.
Should we convince our new chief magistrate of the Union and the one percent, that we merely need, the finest Navy money can buy for our Republic?
We already have the most powerful navy in the history of mankind
How about infrastructure; our Republic deserves, the finest infrastructure money can buy.
Not to mention healthcare and education
i tend to consider it a part of infrastructure.
We need a major investment in infrastructure more than ramping up our military

Not just roads and bridges but our power grid, water, sewer system and especially our communications infrastructure

Our internet and cell phone networks really suck
$25 billion or about half the public school budget, maybe we should privatize the military?

Better idea to privatize public school ....

same principle

Keep our public schools but reform them! Bring back severe punishments for assholes that work to destroy the learning environment.

Every American deserves 12 years of education.

Not every kid wants to be in school for 12 years. Maybe if we told kids that after age 14 they could start training for a trade if they mastered the basics of math and english first.... they might try harder in their earlier years. My great grandfather, who was born in 1870, apprenticed out to a master carpenter around that age and by the time he was 18, he was well on the path to making a good living all his life.
I live in a state that still offers the option of a trade oriented high school where students study and prepare for trades.

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