Trump wants a Soviet Style MILITARY Parade through the streets of Washington DC

I didn't quote /you/ son... in fact the ^This wasn't even pointing at one of your posts, it was agreeing with MW's, so you're flat out making shit up like every other lying partisan hack "representing" the left on this board.

Anyway, it's all over the floor of the House, crying over wanting to keep illegals, can't even watch the news without hearing how "everyone in the country" wants to keep the illegals and shit and you're really going to sit there and pretend that because /you/, a single random anonymous person on a message board, don't support illegals using our social services that magically all these other lefties aren't supporting it? Get real.

My advice to you son: quit thinking you're so damned important.

As for your "idea" - $23 million in the hands of the government isn't going to do jack shit for anyone, they'll buy two fucking toilet seats for the transgender bathrooms and poof it's gone. You're apparently either too idealistic or too stupid to understand that our government is a bloated piece of shit system that can't even handle putting envelopes in a damned mailbox without fucking it up, repeatedly. Throwing a military parade /might/ be the one thing that our government /could/ do right, and that's only because the military would handle it lol

And this partisan bullshit is going to help trim our bloated bureacracy? Is your idea that, since we blow thru money already, why not blow some more?


Oh, and I am damned important to me. The rest of the world? Who gives a shit.

Partisan shit?

Since when did celebrating our military become "partisan"? The asshats on the left hate the military, hate Christians, hate white people, and every day they hammer it home - while crying out the other side of their face about microagressions and "verbal violence" offending people.

The right meanwhile is sick and tired of biting their tongues and just taking the abuse that the left has been dishing out.

I'm in the middle, so I'm actually for /all/ American's, not just the right, not just the left. This parade is about the only attempt Trump can make to help unite American's. Damn straight I'm okay with blowing a few million to give it a shot, because if we /don't/ work to reunite then America will fail.

Celebrating the military? By filling the street with hardware? This was not planned as a celebration of the military. This was planned as bragging and showing off.
Are you gay or a simple snowflake? Serious question.
Watch out, Winterborn! He's cruising.

Not my type. But I am still flattered.
And this partisan bullshit is going to help trim our bloated bureacracy? Is your idea that, since we blow thru money already, why not blow some more?


Oh, and I am damned important to me. The rest of the world? Who gives a shit.

Partisan shit?

Since when did celebrating our military become "partisan"? The asshats on the left hate the military, hate Christians, hate white people, and every day they hammer it home - while crying out the other side of their face about microagressions and "verbal violence" offending people.

The right meanwhile is sick and tired of biting their tongues and just taking the abuse that the left has been dishing out.

I'm in the middle, so I'm actually for /all/ American's, not just the right, not just the left. This parade is about the only attempt Trump can make to help unite American's. Damn straight I'm okay with blowing a few million to give it a shot, because if we /don't/ work to reunite then America will fail.

Celebrating the military? By filling the street with hardware? This was not planned as a celebration of the military. This was planned as bragging and showing off.
Are you gay or a simple snowflake? Serious question.
Watch out, Winterborn! He's cruising.

Not my type. But I am still flattered.
Sorry. I still think you're a gay or at least a snowflake, and while your disingenuousness in these matters is understandable. Since you are a person who would probably proudly march in a gay-pride parade but yet whine about the cost or humiliation of soldiers marching and honoring the services, I would still respect those who are honest more.

My call, and there's fuck-all you can do about it.
I took part in two parades when I was in the Army. They were not a big deal. We held two practices and then did the real thing.
The troops HATE parades. All the practicing, standing in the cold or hot sun every day for weeks carrying their unloaded rifles isn't fun.

Most parades are held at about 2:00 in the afternoon . This is about the warmest hour of the day. In Washington DC in November (Veterans Day), the average high is 58 degrees. That's not really cold, and certainly not hot. And nobody stands around for "weeks" practicing for parades.
Veteran's day parades are not the same as having an entire battalion or division marching. in step complete with armaments, standards and regalia. If Trump wants a show of force he is just foolhardy enough to want every branch of service represented. Can you imagine the size of such a project? And yes...there may be weeks of preparation, not only to get the troops in lockstep but also planning and coordination between different elements, federal and local, would be a nightmare.
It sucks to be in a parade. Long sleeves, polyester or wool uniforms, hauling a rifle around, marching in shoes not meant for walking in.

It's another good idea that was not thought through.

I'm sure it would be cool for the people watching and the color guards love to show off.
It would br perfect for a terrorist attack...most of the troops in parades don't have ammo.
not really, since the level of security will still be as high as for a normal parade.

Plus people would really want every terrorist dead if they even tried.
Well, a parade is not a good idea. The reasons the progressives give for why he wants a parade is just so much partisan bullshit.

However, Trump would do better to just encourage the citizenry to go to their nearest military base during an open house. Our armed forces are not above displaying our military hardware and world-class training.

You're right. The military DOES like to show off their stuff when they can. I know that every time I pulled into a port and met people out in town, if they asked me for a tour of the ship, I was only more than happy to oblige. On occasion, it got me invited to dinners and barbecues after we finished the tour, so yeah, there was a bit of self interest in it as well.

I remember one time we pulled into Ft. Lauderdale on the shakedown cruise of the USS GEORGE WASHINGTON (CVN-73), and there were people lining up for tours. Well, as we were walking down the pier, there was a group of civilians standing in line who were a bit sad they were going to miss a tour because they had a barbecue to get to. My friends and I told them that we'd be happy to give them a quick tour, so they jumped out of line and were signed on as our guests. Afterwards, they said thanks, and then asked us if we'd like to join them. A whole afternoon of brisket, steak and free beer. That was followed by a woman that I'd met there taking me out to a movie afterwards.

Yes, if anyone wanted a tour of the ship I was stationed on, all they had to do was ask.
I took part in two parades when I was in the Army. They were not a big deal. We held two practices and then did the real thing.

But, you Army guys are used to marching. You guys do it your whole time while you're in.

In the Navy? Marching is pretty much a thing of the past when you leave A school. Not much of a requirement for it on ships.
It sucks to be in a parade. Long sleeves, polyester or wool uniforms, hauling a rifle around, marching in shoes not meant for walking in.

It's another good idea that was not thought through.

I'm sure it would be cool for the people watching and the color guards love to show off.
It would br perfect for a terrorist attack...most of the troops in parades don't have ammo.
not really, since the level of security will still be as high as for a normal parade.

Plus people would really want every terrorist dead if they even tried.
How do you protect throngs of bystanders?
Trump somehow thinks the military will protect him from Mueller. Not happening

Yes, it will. Mueller has no authority when it comes to a sitting President. No one could touch Andrew Johnson or Clinton because neither was removed from office after impeachment. Only after removal from office can anyone do anything regarding the President.

Maybe if you stayed awake in high school civics you would know that. .

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