Trump wants a Soviet Style MILITARY Parade through the streets of Washington DC

^ This. Ya'll on the left throw tantrums to allow illegals who suck /billions/ out of our government every single year, then you tantrum that Trump wants to celebrate our troops with a $23M bill, while calling him a dictator just for bringing it up.

You just come off as hateful and hypocritical in one fell swoop. It's hilarious that you keep letting the failed media lead you around like sheep to the slaughter... Whatever, ride the sinking ship down.

Find one post of mine throwing a tantrum to allow illegals to suck billions out of our gov't and I will resign from this board immediately.

The amount of bullshit being spewed in this thread is amazing. So many so-called conservatives calling me a "leftist" or a "libtard" for wanting the wasteful spending brought under control. That is what being a conservative meant, at one time. And so many of the same people scream bloody murder when money is spent that shouldn't be.

$23 million could solve some actual problems.

I didn't quote /you/ son... in fact the ^This wasn't even pointing at one of your posts, it was agreeing with MW's, so you're flat out making shit up like every other lying partisan hack "representing" the left on this board.

Anyway, it's all over the floor of the House, crying over wanting to keep illegals, can't even watch the news without hearing how "everyone in the country" wants to keep the illegals and shit and you're really going to sit there and pretend that because /you/, a single random anonymous person on a message board, don't support illegals using our social services that magically all these other lefties aren't supporting it? Get real.

My advice to you son: quit thinking you're so damned important.

As for your "idea" - $23 million in the hands of the government isn't going to do jack shit for anyone, they'll buy two fucking toilet seats for the transgender bathrooms and poof it's gone. You're apparently either too idealistic or too stupid to understand that our government is a bloated piece of shit system that can't even handle putting envelopes in a damned mailbox without fucking it up, repeatedly. Throwing a military parade /might/ be the one thing that our government /could/ do right, and that's only because the military would handle it lol
Trump is allegedly a billionaire, he can foot the bill and his Kool-aid drinkers can also pitch in.

I don't want any tax dollars going to this 3rd world nonsense.
You call HONORING our troops "3rd world nonsense" ? Is this yet another example of liberal lunacy ? Looks like it.

Holding military parades is something usually done in 3rd world nations. The likes of Kim Jung Un and Putin do it.
^ This. Ya'll on the left throw tantrums to allow illegals who suck /billions/ out of our government every single year, then you tantrum that Trump wants to celebrate our troops with a $23M bill, while calling him a dictator just for bringing it up.

You just come off as hateful and hypocritical in one fell swoop. It's hilarious that you keep letting the failed media lead you around like sheep to the slaughter... Whatever, ride the sinking ship down.

Find one post of mine throwing a tantrum to allow illegals to suck billions out of our gov't and I will resign from this board immediately.

The amount of bullshit being spewed in this thread is amazing. So many so-called conservatives calling me a "leftist" or a "libtard" for wanting the wasteful spending brought under control. That is what being a conservative meant, at one time. And so many of the same people scream bloody murder when money is spent that shouldn't be.

$23 million could solve some actual problems.

I didn't quote /you/ son... in fact the ^This wasn't even pointing at one of your posts, it was agreeing with MW's, so you're flat out making shit up like every other lying partisan hack "representing" the left on this board.

Anyway, it's all over the floor of the House, crying over wanting to keep illegals, can't even watch the news without hearing how "everyone in the country" wants to keep the illegals and shit and you're really going to sit there and pretend that because /you/, a single random anonymous person on a message board, don't support illegals using our social services that magically all these other lefties aren't supporting it? Get real.

My advice to you son: quit thinking you're so damned important.

As for your "idea" - $23 million in the hands of the government isn't going to do jack shit for anyone, they'll buy two fucking toilet seats for the transgender bathrooms and poof it's gone. You're apparently either too idealistic or too stupid to understand that our government is a bloated piece of shit system that can't even handle putting envelopes in a damned mailbox without fucking it up, repeatedly. Throwing a military parade /might/ be the one thing that our government /could/ do right, and that's only because the military would handle it lol

And this partisan bullshit is going to help trim our bloated bureacracy? Is your idea that, since we blow thru money already, why not blow some more?


Oh, and I am damned important to me. The rest of the world? Who gives a shit.
It seems as if Trump would like to use the military to enhance Trump. It would be Trump's parade and those that came to salute the troops would be saluting Trump.
I'll pass on the chance to salute Trump.
Local/hometown parades are so much better.
he doesn't want a parade for the military, he wants a north korean/France Bastille Day, SHOW OFF your Military Might day, with tanks and missile and everything we've got, on show, in the parade....

nothing wrong with a parade us civilians put on to honor Vets and military on Veterans day....but that is not what he's calling for....
Since when have you become such an expert ?
I guess I shouldn't have believed Trump himself, who was floored by the Military parade on Bastille Day while visiting the Leader in France, and him longing for one ever since?
^ This. Ya'll on the left throw tantrums to allow illegals who suck /billions/ out of our government every single year, then you tantrum that Trump wants to celebrate our troops with a $23M bill, while calling him a dictator just for bringing it up.

You just come off as hateful and hypocritical in one fell swoop. It's hilarious that you keep letting the failed media lead you around like sheep to the slaughter... Whatever, ride the sinking ship down.

Find one post of mine throwing a tantrum to allow illegals to suck billions out of our gov't and I will resign from this board immediately.

The amount of bullshit being spewed in this thread is amazing. So many so-called conservatives calling me a "leftist" or a "libtard" for wanting the wasteful spending brought under control. That is what being a conservative meant, at one time. And so many of the same people scream bloody murder when money is spent that shouldn't be.

$23 million could solve some actual problems.

I didn't quote /you/ son... in fact the ^This wasn't even pointing at one of your posts, it was agreeing with MW's, so you're flat out making shit up like every other lying partisan hack "representing" the left on this board.

Anyway, it's all over the floor of the House, crying over wanting to keep illegals, can't even watch the news without hearing how "everyone in the country" wants to keep the illegals and shit and you're really going to sit there and pretend that because /you/, a single random anonymous person on a message board, don't support illegals using our social services that magically all these other lefties aren't supporting it? Get real.

My advice to you son: quit thinking you're so damned important.

As for your "idea" - $23 million in the hands of the government isn't going to do jack shit for anyone, they'll buy two fucking toilet seats for the transgender bathrooms and poof it's gone. You're apparently either too idealistic or too stupid to understand that our government is a bloated piece of shit system that can't even handle putting envelopes in a damned mailbox without fucking it up, repeatedly. Throwing a military parade /might/ be the one thing that our government /could/ do right, and that's only because the military would handle it lol

And this partisan bullshit is going to help trim our bloated bureacracy? Is your idea that, since we blow thru money already, why not blow some more?


Oh, and I am damned important to me. The rest of the world? Who gives a shit.

Partisan shit?

Since when did celebrating our military become "partisan"? The asshats on the left hate the military, hate Christians, hate white people, and every day they hammer it home - while crying out the other side of their face about microagressions and "verbal violence" offending people.

The right meanwhile is sick and tired of biting their tongues and just taking the abuse that the left has been dishing out.

I'm in the middle, so I'm actually for /all/ American's, not just the right, not just the left. This parade is about the only attempt Trump can make to help unite American's. Damn straight I'm okay with blowing a few million to give it a shot, because if we /don't/ work to reunite then America will fail.
Show’s how many Republicans have been in the military.
Republicans think treating soldiers like dogs and making them do tricks is honoring them.

How about job training for veterans and healthcare for their families?

Too novel?

Ten times as many of us have served as your weakling bookworms.....and yeah, Barry did a bang-up job with the well that Trump is trying to privatize it to stop the suicides.....fuck you.
Last edited:
Show’s how many Republicans have been in the military.
Republicans think treating soldiers like dogs and making them do tricks is honoring them.

How about job training for veterans and healthcare for their families?

Too novel?

Ten times as many of us have served as your weakling bookworms.....and yeah, Barry did a bang-up job with the well that Trump is trying to privatize it to stop the suicides.....fuck you, punk.
Privitize it? Oh yeah...that'll work....there just needs to be more doctors and nurses per hospital.
^ This. Ya'll on the left throw tantrums to allow illegals who suck /billions/ out of our government every single year, then you tantrum that Trump wants to celebrate our troops with a $23M bill, while calling him a dictator just for bringing it up.

You just come off as hateful and hypocritical in one fell swoop. It's hilarious that you keep letting the failed media lead you around like sheep to the slaughter... Whatever, ride the sinking ship down.

Find one post of mine throwing a tantrum to allow illegals to suck billions out of our gov't and I will resign from this board immediately.

The amount of bullshit being spewed in this thread is amazing. So many so-called conservatives calling me a "leftist" or a "libtard" for wanting the wasteful spending brought under control. That is what being a conservative meant, at one time. And so many of the same people scream bloody murder when money is spent that shouldn't be.

$23 million could solve some actual problems.

I didn't quote /you/ son... in fact the ^This wasn't even pointing at one of your posts, it was agreeing with MW's, so you're flat out making shit up like every other lying partisan hack "representing" the left on this board.

Anyway, it's all over the floor of the House, crying over wanting to keep illegals, can't even watch the news without hearing how "everyone in the country" wants to keep the illegals and shit and you're really going to sit there and pretend that because /you/, a single random anonymous person on a message board, don't support illegals using our social services that magically all these other lefties aren't supporting it? Get real.

My advice to you son: quit thinking you're so damned important.

As for your "idea" - $23 million in the hands of the government isn't going to do jack shit for anyone, they'll buy two fucking toilet seats for the transgender bathrooms and poof it's gone. You're apparently either too idealistic or too stupid to understand that our government is a bloated piece of shit system that can't even handle putting envelopes in a damned mailbox without fucking it up, repeatedly. Throwing a military parade /might/ be the one thing that our government /could/ do right, and that's only because the military would handle it lol

And this partisan bullshit is going to help trim our bloated bureacracy? Is your idea that, since we blow thru money already, why not blow some more?


Oh, and I am damned important to me. The rest of the world? Who gives a shit.

Partisan shit?

Since when did celebrating our military become "partisan"? The asshats on the left hate the military, hate Christians, hate white people, and every day they hammer it home - while crying out the other side of their face about microagressions and "verbal violence" offending people.

The right meanwhile is sick and tired of biting their tongues and just taking the abuse that the left has been dishing out.

I'm in the middle, so I'm actually for /all/ American's, not just the right, not just the left. This parade is about the only attempt Trump can make to help unite American's. Damn straight I'm okay with blowing a few million to give it a shot, because if we /don't/ work to reunite then America will fail.

Celebrating the military? By filling the street with hardware? This was not planned as a celebration of the military. This was planned as bragging and showing off.
Holding military parades is something usually done in 3rd world nations. The likes of Kim Jung Un and Putin do it.
Trump got the idea from French president Emmanuel macron, while visiting France, and witnessing the military French parade. I don't think France exactly falls into the classification of "3rd world" :rolleyes:


Trump wants a big military parade in Washington like the one he saw in France
^ This. Ya'll on the left throw tantrums to allow illegals who suck /billions/ out of our government every single year, then you tantrum that Trump wants to celebrate our troops with a $23M bill, while calling him a dictator just for bringing it up.

You just come off as hateful and hypocritical in one fell swoop. It's hilarious that you keep letting the failed media lead you around like sheep to the slaughter... Whatever, ride the sinking ship down.

Find one post of mine throwing a tantrum to allow illegals to suck billions out of our gov't and I will resign from this board immediately.

The amount of bullshit being spewed in this thread is amazing. So many so-called conservatives calling me a "leftist" or a "libtard" for wanting the wasteful spending brought under control. That is what being a conservative meant, at one time. And so many of the same people scream bloody murder when money is spent that shouldn't be.

$23 million could solve some actual problems.

I didn't quote /you/ son... in fact the ^This wasn't even pointing at one of your posts, it was agreeing with MW's, so you're flat out making shit up like every other lying partisan hack "representing" the left on this board.

Anyway, it's all over the floor of the House, crying over wanting to keep illegals, can't even watch the news without hearing how "everyone in the country" wants to keep the illegals and shit and you're really going to sit there and pretend that because /you/, a single random anonymous person on a message board, don't support illegals using our social services that magically all these other lefties aren't supporting it? Get real.

My advice to you son: quit thinking you're so damned important.

As for your "idea" - $23 million in the hands of the government isn't going to do jack shit for anyone, they'll buy two fucking toilet seats for the transgender bathrooms and poof it's gone. You're apparently either too idealistic or too stupid to understand that our government is a bloated piece of shit system that can't even handle putting envelopes in a damned mailbox without fucking it up, repeatedly. Throwing a military parade /might/ be the one thing that our government /could/ do right, and that's only because the military would handle it lol

And this partisan bullshit is going to help trim our bloated bureacracy? Is your idea that, since we blow thru money already, why not blow some more?


Oh, and I am damned important to me. The rest of the world? Who gives a shit.

Partisan shit?

Since when did celebrating our military become "partisan"? The asshats on the left hate the military, hate Christians, hate white people, and every day they hammer it home - while crying out the other side of their face about microagressions and "verbal violence" offending people.

The right meanwhile is sick and tired of biting their tongues and just taking the abuse that the left has been dishing out.

I'm in the middle, so I'm actually for /all/ American's, not just the right, not just the left. This parade is about the only attempt Trump can make to help unite American's. Damn straight I'm okay with blowing a few million to give it a shot, because if we /don't/ work to reunite then America will fail.

Celebrating the military? By filling the street with hardware? This was not planned as a celebration of the military. This was planned as bragging and showing off.

When you got it, flaunt it

^ This. Ya'll on the left throw tantrums to allow illegals who suck /billions/ out of our government every single year, then you tantrum that Trump wants to celebrate our troops with a $23M bill, while calling him a dictator just for bringing it up.

You just come off as hateful and hypocritical in one fell swoop. It's hilarious that you keep letting the failed media lead you around like sheep to the slaughter... Whatever, ride the sinking ship down.

Find one post of mine throwing a tantrum to allow illegals to suck billions out of our gov't and I will resign from this board immediately.

The amount of bullshit being spewed in this thread is amazing. So many so-called conservatives calling me a "leftist" or a "libtard" for wanting the wasteful spending brought under control. That is what being a conservative meant, at one time. And so many of the same people scream bloody murder when money is spent that shouldn't be.

$23 million could solve some actual problems.

I didn't quote /you/ son... in fact the ^This wasn't even pointing at one of your posts, it was agreeing with MW's, so you're flat out making shit up like every other lying partisan hack "representing" the left on this board.

Anyway, it's all over the floor of the House, crying over wanting to keep illegals, can't even watch the news without hearing how "everyone in the country" wants to keep the illegals and shit and you're really going to sit there and pretend that because /you/, a single random anonymous person on a message board, don't support illegals using our social services that magically all these other lefties aren't supporting it? Get real.

My advice to you son: quit thinking you're so damned important.

As for your "idea" - $23 million in the hands of the government isn't going to do jack shit for anyone, they'll buy two fucking toilet seats for the transgender bathrooms and poof it's gone. You're apparently either too idealistic or too stupid to understand that our government is a bloated piece of shit system that can't even handle putting envelopes in a damned mailbox without fucking it up, repeatedly. Throwing a military parade /might/ be the one thing that our government /could/ do right, and that's only because the military would handle it lol

And this partisan bullshit is going to help trim our bloated bureacracy? Is your idea that, since we blow thru money already, why not blow some more?


Oh, and I am damned important to me. The rest of the world? Who gives a shit.

Partisan shit?

Since when did celebrating our military become "partisan"? The asshats on the left hate the military, hate Christians, hate white people, and every day they hammer it home - while crying out the other side of their face about microagressions and "verbal violence" offending people.

The right meanwhile is sick and tired of biting their tongues and just taking the abuse that the left has been dishing out.

I'm in the middle, so I'm actually for /all/ American's, not just the right, not just the left. This parade is about the only attempt Trump can make to help unite American's. Damn straight I'm okay with blowing a few million to give it a shot, because if we /don't/ work to reunite then America will fail.

Celebrating the military? By filling the street with hardware? This was not planned as a celebration of the military. This was planned as bragging and showing off.
Are you gay or a simple snowflake? Serious question.
Find one post of mine throwing a tantrum to allow illegals to suck billions out of our gov't and I will resign from this board immediately.

The amount of bullshit being spewed in this thread is amazing. So many so-called conservatives calling me a "leftist" or a "libtard" for wanting the wasteful spending brought under control. That is what being a conservative meant, at one time. And so many of the same people scream bloody murder when money is spent that shouldn't be.

$23 million could solve some actual problems.

I didn't quote /you/ son... in fact the ^This wasn't even pointing at one of your posts, it was agreeing with MW's, so you're flat out making shit up like every other lying partisan hack "representing" the left on this board.

Anyway, it's all over the floor of the House, crying over wanting to keep illegals, can't even watch the news without hearing how "everyone in the country" wants to keep the illegals and shit and you're really going to sit there and pretend that because /you/, a single random anonymous person on a message board, don't support illegals using our social services that magically all these other lefties aren't supporting it? Get real.

My advice to you son: quit thinking you're so damned important.

As for your "idea" - $23 million in the hands of the government isn't going to do jack shit for anyone, they'll buy two fucking toilet seats for the transgender bathrooms and poof it's gone. You're apparently either too idealistic or too stupid to understand that our government is a bloated piece of shit system that can't even handle putting envelopes in a damned mailbox without fucking it up, repeatedly. Throwing a military parade /might/ be the one thing that our government /could/ do right, and that's only because the military would handle it lol

And this partisan bullshit is going to help trim our bloated bureacracy? Is your idea that, since we blow thru money already, why not blow some more?


Oh, and I am damned important to me. The rest of the world? Who gives a shit.

Partisan shit?

Since when did celebrating our military become "partisan"? The asshats on the left hate the military, hate Christians, hate white people, and every day they hammer it home - while crying out the other side of their face about microagressions and "verbal violence" offending people.

The right meanwhile is sick and tired of biting their tongues and just taking the abuse that the left has been dishing out.

I'm in the middle, so I'm actually for /all/ American's, not just the right, not just the left. This parade is about the only attempt Trump can make to help unite American's. Damn straight I'm okay with blowing a few million to give it a shot, because if we /don't/ work to reunite then America will fail.

Celebrating the military? By filling the street with hardware? This was not planned as a celebration of the military. This was planned as bragging and showing off.
Are you gay or a simple snowflake? Serious question.
Watch out, Winterborn! He's cruising.
Trump is allegedly a billionaire, he can foot the bill and his Kool-aid drinkers can also pitch in.

I don't want any tax dollars going to this 3rd world nonsense.
You call HONORING our troops "3rd world nonsense" ? Is this yet another example of liberal lunacy ? Looks like it.

Holding military parades is something usually done in 3rd world nations. The likes of Kim Jung Un and Putin do it.
if you hate America so much why don't you go to one those 3rd world countries
not that you mention it--you--by calling them 3rd world--- are a racist/bigot/hater/etc just like they called Trump one for supposedly saying ''shithole countries''
..they are not as good as you--are they?? you think you are superior--supremacist
Find one post of mine throwing a tantrum to allow illegals to suck billions out of our gov't and I will resign from this board immediately.

The amount of bullshit being spewed in this thread is amazing. So many so-called conservatives calling me a "leftist" or a "libtard" for wanting the wasteful spending brought under control. That is what being a conservative meant, at one time. And so many of the same people scream bloody murder when money is spent that shouldn't be.

$23 million could solve some actual problems.

I didn't quote /you/ son... in fact the ^This wasn't even pointing at one of your posts, it was agreeing with MW's, so you're flat out making shit up like every other lying partisan hack "representing" the left on this board.

Anyway, it's all over the floor of the House, crying over wanting to keep illegals, can't even watch the news without hearing how "everyone in the country" wants to keep the illegals and shit and you're really going to sit there and pretend that because /you/, a single random anonymous person on a message board, don't support illegals using our social services that magically all these other lefties aren't supporting it? Get real.

My advice to you son: quit thinking you're so damned important.

As for your "idea" - $23 million in the hands of the government isn't going to do jack shit for anyone, they'll buy two fucking toilet seats for the transgender bathrooms and poof it's gone. You're apparently either too idealistic or too stupid to understand that our government is a bloated piece of shit system that can't even handle putting envelopes in a damned mailbox without fucking it up, repeatedly. Throwing a military parade /might/ be the one thing that our government /could/ do right, and that's only because the military would handle it lol

And this partisan bullshit is going to help trim our bloated bureacracy? Is your idea that, since we blow thru money already, why not blow some more?


Oh, and I am damned important to me. The rest of the world? Who gives a shit.

Partisan shit?

Since when did celebrating our military become "partisan"? The asshats on the left hate the military, hate Christians, hate white people, and every day they hammer it home - while crying out the other side of their face about microagressions and "verbal violence" offending people.

The right meanwhile is sick and tired of biting their tongues and just taking the abuse that the left has been dishing out.

I'm in the middle, so I'm actually for /all/ American's, not just the right, not just the left. This parade is about the only attempt Trump can make to help unite American's. Damn straight I'm okay with blowing a few million to give it a shot, because if we /don't/ work to reunite then America will fail.

Celebrating the military? By filling the street with hardware? This was not planned as a celebration of the military. This was planned as bragging and showing off.
Are you gay or a simple snowflake? Serious question.

I am a fiscal conservative who knows spending $23 million on a parade, when we are trillions of dollars in debt, is insanity.

How about you? Gay or a simple snowflake?

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